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St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

Growing together on a journey with Jesus


Year 6

Bishop Roche Netball Champions!


Corpus Christi Procession 2024

St Anthony's Catholic Primary School Ofsted 2024

It is with great delight that we are now able to share the news that our recent visits from OFSTED have resulted in St. Anthony's receiving an OUTSTANDING judgement.  All the children have received a paper copy of the report and it can now be found on the website. Some of our favourite phrases from include...


Pupils love coming to St Anthony’s Catholic Primary School. They feel safe and happy here.


Pupils’ behaviour is exemplary. Pupils demonstrate high levels of respect for each other. They help one another in lessons. Pupils are very keen to learn.


Leaders have implemented a strong curriculum which is broad and ambitious. Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), learn well in this inclusive school.


Parents, pupils and staff are particularly positive about the school. They feel an integral part of a school family which sits at the heart of their local community.


We could go on so please read the final report! We all wanted to say a HUGE thank you for all the support you give to your children and for helping to make the year 6 class so very special.  We are lucky to have a class full of wonderful children and they rose to the challenge of leading our school in our long awaited inspection after 14 years! I am so proud of you all. 

Many thanks once again!!

Y5/6 Premier League Primary Stars Final @ Leeds United Training Ground (Thorp Arch)

After successfully qualifying from the South Leeds heat in October, our Y5/6 football team competed against the best teams from across the north/east/west of Leeds at the Leeds United Training Ground on Monday morning. 

The boys competed magnificently, going through to the semi finals and losing 2-0 to the eventual winners of the tournament. We are so proud of their achievements in reaching the final 4 schools from a total of over 80 schools that initially entered. 

The boys had a wonderful day which was made even sweeter when they met one or two familiar faces (Dan James, Archie Gray and Cryscensio Summerville of Leeds United took time out of their day to speak to the boys and sign shirts and memorabilia). Well done to all involved. 

The Sound of Africa 18.01.2024

On Thursday 18th January 2024, Year 6 took part in a unique and exceptional music morning of learning around African music. A visiting teacher worked with the children to perform a range of ostinatoes, as well as learn a number of traditional African chants and songs. Year 6 performed in unison and learnt many new teachniques, rhythms and traditional songs linked to the country of Africa. We hope you enjoy our video of one of our call and resonse songs performed together.

A School of Faith 18.01.2024

January 2024: Focus Class Texts

School Ambassadors 2023-2024

Here are our two School Ambassadors. This is a privileged role in school, created this September! The School Ambassadors will be supporting Miss Leonard at high profile events eg visits by Headteachers, Parents, tours of school, attending School Council Events and key events. They will also be attending important meetings with Miss Leonard and representing our school and the views of our children across school. Well done to our School Ambassadors. 

Year 6: School Council 2023-2024

Here are our Year 6 School Council representatives. These members have been elected by their peers, using a democratic process in line with our British Values. These children attend special meetings weekly and conduct roles around school. They represent the views of our Year 6 pupils. Congratulations on this special role during this academic year. We are very proud of you! 

This half term we have jumped straight in to our Light topic in Science. Year 6 have made their own periscopes to investigate how light can be reflected. To create our periscopes, we used a 3D net of a cuboid and two mirrors. The light reflects off one mirror, down the middle of the periscope, off the second mirror and into our eyes - this is how we see! Periscopes can be used for really exciting reasons, like on the top of a submarine! There is a periscope on our Science display, come and have a look!

As part of our Geography topic this term, Year 6 put their compass and map reading skills to the test. Using a map of the continent of Africa, a few clues and the eight compass points, Year 6 were able to locate and name all 54 countries in Africa. We have been using the eight compass points to follow and give directions, too! 

PE: Year 6 Carnival Dance (January 2024)

As part of our Dance curriculum, in January 2024, our Year 6 class have choreographed, planned, and performed their own Carvival Dances. They worked in groups to perform the final dance recording which they eagerly share with you all. We hope you enjoy their performance!

Music: Young Voices Choir (January 2024)

On 9th January 2024, Our Young Voices Choir visited Sheffield Arena to perform as part of a choir of over 4,000 children for the Young Voices concert. What an exciting evening! The children experienced performing in a life-size arena, to an audience of over 10,000 people! They experienced live performances of singing, music and dance performed live! There was a huge buzz and the children were absolutely awesome! Well done to our Young Voices Choir 2024!

Data and information – Flat-file databases (Spring 1 2024) Year 6

Year 6 have looked at how a flat-file database can be used to organise data in records and they compared paper and computer-based databases. Using a computer-based database the children used tools within it to order and answer questions about data. They developed their search techniques to answer questions about the data and used advanced techniques to search for more than one field.

Our Year 6 class have been putting their artistic skills into action making their line prints. After careful study of a variety of famous line prints, Year 6 designed their  own with a Christmas theme. Using carboard and string, they created their line prints and then carefully formed their repeated prints with colourful paint. How fantastic! Well done!

Christmas at St Anthonys 2023

RE: Advent Wreaths

Year 6 visited the Leeds City Museum and explored all it had to offer. What a fantastic day! Our specific focus of the day was to learn all about the journey of hip-hop through the museums special exhibition '50 Years of Kulture'. We learnt all about the five pillars of hip-hop: Emceeing, DeeJaying, B-Boy and B-Girl, Aerosol Art and Knowledge. These fundamentals were the foundation of hip-hop and are the reason why hip-hip continues to be so prominent today. We listened to different music, we read poetry and we were immersed in a fantastic graffiti-filled subway carriage from New York. 

Music: St Anthonys Chamber Choir Leeds Music Education Partnership Singing Performance at Leeds Cathedral

St Anthony's: You're in safe hands

History: Strong Suffragettes!

Our History topic has covered the campaign of three British Heroes on their plight for reform. Our final British Hero was Emmeline Pankhurst, the founder and leader of the Women's Social and Political Union. Year 6 research greatly the radical actions of the Suffragettes (members of the WSPU) and continually reflected on why they were so determined to campaign for reform. Year 6 used this understanding of the societal view of women at the time to write an essay answering: 'Were the radical actions of the Suffragettes justified?'. This is an outstanding piece of work that was written with great care and attention to historical detail. Well done, Year 6!

This week, Year 5 and 6 were lucky to hear some folk music! These outstanding musicians took on a journey around the world explaining the history of folk music. We were taught about lots of different instruments, we were taught how to dance with the music as accompaniment and we were even taught how to sing some famous folk songs as a call and response. The children were outstanding and showed a real passion for a variety of music!

Computing systems and networks- Systems and searching (Autumn 1 2023) Year 6

Year 6 have been developing their understanding of computer systems and how information is transferred between systems and devices. We looked at the input, output, and process aspects of a variety of different real-world systems. The children discovered how information is found on the World Wide Web, through learning how search engines work and through comparing different search engines.

Music - Our Key Stage 2 Chamber Choir


Each week, Mr Leach visits our school to teach our Key Stage 2 Chamber Choir a range of delightful songs.


Our pupils begin with vocal warm-ups before moving on to the focus songs. They also practise a range of singing techniques such as singing in rounds and using a variety of dynamics in each song. Each song recounts a tale or Bible story to further our understanding of some of the messages of Christianity.


We love taking part in these sessions and cannot wait to continue!

Faith in Action: Our Visit to Leeds Grand Mosque

RE - Year 5 and 6's Trip to Leeds Grand Mosque (Autumn 1)


Today, Year 5 and 6 visited Leeds Grand Mosque to support our understanding of other cultures and faiths. As part of our RE learning, we were introduced to the Mosque and how it is used, including some of it's customs and traditions such as taking our shoes off and washing our hands before we enter.


We were then taught about Islam and some of the similarities the faith shares with Christianity and Judaism. What an enlightening opportunity for our school, we have thoroughly enjoyed our visit!

KS2 Girl's Football Competition 18.10.2023

PE: Tri-golf session at Robin Hood Primary School (16.10.23)

PSHE: Year 6 Bikeability Safety Training 13.10.2023

Our Year 6 class took part in Leeds City Council Level 2 Bikeability Training in the week beginning 9th October 2023 to 13th October 2023. All the children rode to an exceptional standard and made huge progress in their cycling ability and knowledge of risks. The trainers sent a follow up e-mail to comment on their exceptional behaviour and attitude: 

Dear Miss Leonard,

I just wanted to drop you a note to reiterate my passing comments when I left your wonderful school at lunchtime today. As a former deputy headteacher and class teacher for many years, and now Cycle North Bikeability Instructor, I have worked in and visited numerous schools.  What you and your wonderful team of staff at St. Anthony's have created is something quite special. From the first contact at reception on Monday morning, to leaving the school at lunchtime today (Friday), every link of the chain has been fantastic.  The staff are welcoming and friendly and the pupils are a credit to both themselves and the school they represent.  Thank you for a lovely week with fabulous, respectful, happy, cheerful children who have a true passion for learning. What an exceptional school.  It's been great - despite the rain!
Kind regards,
Steve Fox

Year 6 Reading Area! We love to read at the heart of our Year 6 curriculum! 16.10.2023

Our Reading Corner in Year 6 is up and running with a new makeover! Our Year 6 children have the chance to cosy up and lose themselves in a variety of books: non-fiction, fiction, adventure, mystery, suspense and educational. We are really passionate about fostering a love of reading in Year 6. Enjoy reading for pleasure, Year 6! 

On Monday, Mount St. Mary's High School welcomed us for our annual high school visit afternoon. We were treated to an afternoon of fun activities. First was rock-climbing, everyone was challenged to push their boundaries while climbing and reach for just one hand-hold more! Next, we went to Science to learn all about electro-magnets. We even created our own using wire and a nail. This tested our scientific knowledge of circuits! Finally, we learned all about human rights in a Humanities lesson (and even finished with a game of bench ball). Thank you, Mount St. Mary's! 

Music - body percussion! 22.09.2023

In Music, Year 6 have been exploring the concepts of rhythm and beat through the medium of body percussion. We examined a set piece, focusing of the beats of a bar and syncopation. This influenced our own compositions. This children found it challenging to find movements that could keep up with the tempo but they thoroughly enjoyed it! Well done!

September's Mathlete of the Month

Congratulations Alice - Our Mathlete of the Month.  She has achieved 5130 points during September by completing additional work at home! A huge well done Alice - keep up the good work!

PE: Cross Country 30.09.2023

On Saturday 30th September 2023, our Year 6 Cross Country Team took part in their first Saturday race of the season. They met at Middleton Woods to take part in a Cross Country Race against all other schools in Leeds. The children showed their determination and resilience and are looking forward to Race 2 at Cardinal Heenan High School on Saturday 14th October. Well done Year 6! 

To start our first topic in Science - Classification of Living Things and their Habitats - Year 6 had a fantastic lesson classifying sweets! We focused on the features of each sweet (colour, shape, texture and flavour) and the children thought of a variety of ways to classify them. We will be taking these classification skills and applying them to animals, plants and micro-organisms. 

French Lessons at St Anthony's

Welcome back to your final year at St Anthony’s, Year 6! I am very excited to be welcoming you all through the cloakroom door very shortly and sharing an action-packed year with you!


I hope that you all have had a brilliant holiday with lots of fun and rest, and I hope you are excited about the wonderful year we are going to share together. I am really looking forward to getting to know you all and helping you shine brightly every single day!


During our time in Year 6, we will enjoy exploring lots of wonderful topics - beginning with a focus on British Heroes, this is one of my favourite History Topics to study! Our class novel ‘The Boy at the Back of the Class’ will be the inspiration for our first piece of writing. 


Throughout the year we will be using Google Classroom to complete our homework, but it is also a place to share what other wonderful and interesting things you have been getting up to at home! We are going to have lots of rewards and prizes for the children in Year 6 that are being kind, patient and trying their best – what should our whole class prize be? 


As we all get ready for our first day together in Year 6, please remember to:

  • Come into school every day excited and ready to learn
  • Remember that every day is a new challenge, and we are all here to help each other succeed
  • Read every night and make sure an adult signs your planner - reading is the key to success in Year 6!
  • Spellings are to be completed every week and submitted on Google Classroom
  • Times tables practise is essential
  • PE days will be Monday and Friday for the first half term
  • Ensure you come to school in the correct uniform every day - you are now at the top of the school and, therefore, must lead the rest of the school by example
  • Grow in maturity and independence – you are now entering your final year at St. Anthony’s and one of my main jobs is to ensure you are well prepared for high school. I will set you lots of challenges in school to help you develop your independence but try to do the same at home. For example: make your own pack lunch; get your uniform and school bag packed the night before; set your own alarm clock to wake up on time
  • Always be positive! 


I know that you are all such hard workers and will try your best in everything that we do together in Year 6. I am looking forward to seeing you all very soon!


Miss Staunton Sykes

End of term

Year 6 Leavers Assembly

End of Year Celebration Mass

Year 6 Robin Hood

Chamber Choir Concert 2023

PE: Bishop Roche Netball Championship Winners 2023 (Wednesday 21st June 2023)

Girls Premier League Primary Stars Final @ Elland Road

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A collection of photos of our wonderful Y6 Girls' Football Team from the Premier League Primary Stars Final day at Elland Road. The girls had to successfully navigate through 4 separate qualifying events to reach this stage and they competed valiantly on the day whilst thoroughly enjoying the experience of playing at Elland Road. What a day!

Exploring History at St Anthony's

Congratulations Emily! Centenary Shield Winner Summer 1 2023

Huge congratulations to Emily Baillie-Comstive (Year 6), the worthy winner of our St Anthony’s Centenary Shield in our final assembly at the end of last half term. Emily demonstrates unending virtuous conduct, an attitude of true perseverance and determination and this makes Emily a true St Anthony’s child! God bless you Emily and a huge well done for getting your name forever engraved in the history of our school. 


Good Shepherd Fundraising - St Anne's Cathedral 24.05.2023

French Retention of Knowledge with Mademoiselle Mattias

We are blessed to have French lessons taught weekly in Key Stage 2 by our native French speaking expert subject specialist teacher, Mademoiselle Mattias. She has raised the standard of our French teaching, using fun techniques to ensure retention of French knowledge and vocabulary. The Year 6 pupils have been playing games and using puppets for French conversation to further consolidate their learning. They could demonstrate that they are able to speak in French fluently using topics linked to body parts, clothes, places to go, activities, names, age, place they live, as well as everyday routines eg getting up, getting dressed. 


Catenian Cup Football Success - Tuesday 23rd May 2023

Netball success!

On Wednesday 24th May 2023, our Netball Team played in The Well School's "Bee Netball" Tournament at Roundhay School, Leeds. We were delighted to be successful and win our way to the grand final, which will be played on Tuesday 4th July 2023. Well done girls!

During Summer 1 2023, Year 6 have designed, made and evaluated their "Steady Hand Games" using their DT and Science skills to the maximum. We are so proud of you Year 6. 

Year 6 have designed, made and evaluated periscopes as part of their Science focus on light. We are very proud of how well they have worked together and the learning in Science that has been undertaken. Congratulations Year 6!

Good Shepherd Mass - Leeds Cathedral 2023

May Procession - Monday 22nd May 2023

Congratulations Year 6 - SATs week 2023 is now complete!

Year 6 have been fascinated whilst studying a topic on Africa in their Geography. They have most recently been learning more and remembering more about Africa, its physical and human features, as well as key information linked to our carefully crafted knowledge organisers. When interviewed by Miss Leonard (Geography Leader) in May 2023, Grace (Year 6) stated "Geography inspires me to find out about different countries and extend my learning to new levels." Daniel (Year 6) added "Geography lessons are immersive and interesting. They keep you focussed and we love to learn even more about our Geography topics." We are so proud to have such enquiring Geographers in our midst in Year 6. Look at some of our work from our Geography books in Year 6, as well as some of the extended curriculum enrichment opportunities linking to this topic. We are very proud of our learning and are getting excited about our final Geography topic of Coasts in Summer 2!

Year 6 Girl's Football

On Friday 5th May 2023, our U11 Girl's Football Team returned victorious following a series of games against Shakespeare Primary School, Leeds. Mr Kearney was so proud of the girl's team who work as a team, applying true resilience and perseverance and rose to the challenge. Well done girls! 

Year 6 - Macbeth

St Anthony's - Curriculum of Excellence

On Thursday 23rd March, Year 6 participated in ‘Macbeth – A Play in a Day’ which was led by a visiting drama teacher from Splats Entertainment. What a day we all had! The children we split into four different groups and all led a different act from Macbeth with the help from another group too. The children enhanced their teamwork, co-operation, listening, communication and acting skills and were simply superb throughout the day. The day ended by all Year 6 performing the tragedy of Macbeth to Year 5 – what an achievement in one day!

St Anthony's Girl's Football Team represent Leeds United at Sheffield - 24.03.2023 winning place at Elland Road in Semi-Finals!!

Huge Congratulations:

Leeds United will be represented by St Anthony’s Primary School in the Yorkshire regional event of the Premier League Primary Stars Under-11 (U11) National Girls Football Tournament, in a bid to claim their place at the 2023 finals. Ten regional events will be staged at community facilities across the country, with hundreds of young people representing Premier League, English Football League and National League clubs hoping to win the opportunity to play at our very own Elland Road, in the playing kit of their respective professional football club. The U11 National Girls Football Tournament is one of the competition elements of the Premier League Primary Stars programme. We are so delighted that our girls can represent their local team and enjoy a day out in Sheffield tomorrow accompanied by Miss Staunton Sykes. The girls were brilliantly trained by both Miss Staunton Sykes and Mr Kearney (who is sad to miss this event due to his paternity leave but wishes the girls every success). The girls returned victorious as runners up, earning their place in the semi-finals to be played on our hallowed local grounds of Elland Road. What an honour for our girls!!!! 


Kelly Jackson-Powell, Primary Stars Team Leader, added:

“This is a fantastic opportunity for the girls from St Anthony’s Primary School in Beeston, Leeds. This team progressed from the local competition which had over 60 primary schools taking part to the girls Finals Day held at West Riding County FA where they finished in the top two meaning they qualified for the Yorkshire Regional Finals to representing Leeds United.”




Our love of St Anthony's continues, even in the snow! 17.03.2023

World Book Day 2023 - St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

Masked Reader 2023

Year 6 have had a wonderful week planning, plotting, writing, rehearsing and performing their very own play scripts. Each group worked together extremely well and showed true creativity when thinking of their story line; every play have three scenes, the actors portrayed each character so well and suspense was built throughout leaving the audience wanting more at the end. Each play was very different and was very amusing to watch. The children brought in props from home to help bring their performance to life! We definitely have some future playwrites in Year 6, and some performers that were born for the stage! 

Our History Curriculum ...

African Landscapes

Our Year 6 class have been using their research of Africa to create their own African landscapes in Art. Look at their stunning artwork on display in our KS2 shared area. 

Young Voices 2023

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Young Voices: On Wednesday 8th February 2023, Miss Leonard and Miss Taylor had the opportunity to take a group of children to Sheffield Arena to once again enjoy the experience of performing live as an audience of over 4,000 children. This is the first time we have returned since Covid, so it was truly wonderful to experience this joy of singing together once again. The children were an absolute credit to themselves, school and their families.

To further immerse ourselves into learning about the continent of Africa, Year 6 experienced an African drumming and mask-making workshop in which we learnt all about the Ore tribe and their traditions. We learnt about how colours are used to represent different elements of life that are extremely important to them (elders, water, faith etc.), we learnt the history and traditional use of the djembe drum, and we finished the day by playing music together, practising call and response techniques, and learning some traditional African songs. It was a lot of fun and it certainly helped us to further learn about amazing Africa. 

Year 6 Brazil Inspired Dance Project

Dance in Year 6 (Spring Term 2023):

Our Year 6 pupils are incredibly proud of their own choreography in their group inspired dances. Inspired by Brazil, its sights, sounds and geographical features, their dances represent great progress building sequentially over the half term to the final polished performance. We hope you enjoy their dances! 

PE: Getting Active at St Anthony's

We are very proud of our PE curriculum in Year 6. It comprises a rich tapestry of provision, both during school time, across lunchtimes as well as extra-curricular provision. Year 6 receive two hours of PE weekly and take part in residentials and wider sporting opportunities. See our video to find out more.

Geography: Tanzania Research Lesson (Africa Topic Spring Term 2023)

During Spring 1 2023, our Year 6 class have been extending their knowledge of a key location in Africa, comparing this to the UK. They are using enquiry skills to ask and answer questions about the locations they study, in order to find out what the country is like, its main human and physical geographical features as well as key facts from each country. Superb work Year 6. 

The Sound of Music at St Anthony's

Our Year 6 children have a rich diet of Music provision through our curriculum. They have a curriculum underpinned by Music Express which is the spine to our long term plan. In addition, our Year 6 children have the opportunity to take part in weekly Chamber Choir led by our Choral Director, Mr Tom Leach, from Leeds Diocese. Additionally, we have provision for piano playing in 1:1 sessions, again provided by expert piano teachers from The Diocese of Leeds Piano Project. What a rich diet of provision. Well done Year 6.

Girls' Football Success: Leeds United Primary League Competition (Spring Term 2023)

Our Year 6 Girl's Football Team have been representing the school on Monday 23rd January 2023 as part of the Leeds United Primary League Competition. Our girls returned as winners of their heat, moving into the finals later in the term. We are so proud of you girls! Such teamwork, resilience, skill and excellence. First class result! 

On Tuesday 24th January 2023, Year 6 were so incredibly lucky to experience Africa through a virtual reality workshop provided by Miss Leonard! Expertly linking to the key knowledge within our Geography topic this half term, we went on safari! We found ourselves, suddenly surrounded by hippopotamuses, mongoose, arctic foxes and chimpanzees in the middle of the Serengeti! We were even submerged in the Indian Ocean to swim alongside turtles! What an amazing way to bring the animals of Africa to life! This learning will expand our key knowledge of key countries within Africa. Well done Year 6. 

The children in Year 6 have completed a range of pieces of writing so far this year. The pictures above show examples of diary entries linked to our class text 'The Boy at the Back of the Class', setting descriptions and examples of a balanced argument on 'whether National Service should be re-introduced or not!' 

Christmas 2022 at St Anthony's

Celebrating Christmas in Year 6

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From Christmas-hat making, creating Christmas cards for our community and a big, hearty Christmas dinner. Smiles all round!

English - Alex Rider: Stormbreaker gadgets

Inspired by our fantastic class novel this half-term (Alex Rider: Stormbreaker), our Year 6 class have had the most enjoyable week thinking of their own gadget that Alex Rider could use during his spy assignments. The class then had to create an advert for their gadget to persuade spies to buy it. From multifunction pens, night-vision goggles and a rucksack that can hold just about anything - look out MI5, Year 6 are ready for the any mission!

Mathematics: Exploring Fractions

In Year 6, we have been exploring how fractions relate to decimals and percentages. To test our understanding, we challenged ourselves to complete a domino pyramid! This required great teamwork and good conversation. Ask us what we know! 

English: Should National Service be reintroduced? Balanced arguments in Year 6.

Year 6 have spent the last few weeks carefully writing a detailed balanced argument discussing whether National Service should be reintroduced. To begin this writing journey, we learnt about the National Service that was in place from 1947 - 1963 in the UK by researching the reasons why it was introduced originally and hearing stories from those who served in the various roles. Year 6 were fantastic at thinking of the positive and negative impacts the National Service could have if reintroduced today. When writing, the class put extra effort into using a range of cohesive devices in order to produce one of their best pieces of writing. Well done Year 6, a class of superstar writers! 

Advent: Making Advent Wreaths

Some of our Year 6 girls took part in a Netball Skills Event at Cockburn School. This was a great opportunity to learn some new skills and even put them into practice in some mini-games. As always, the whole team were engaged and so excited to be representing St Anthony's!

Over the past few weeks, Year 6 have been working hard to learn all about fractions. With true perseverance and determination, Year 6 have learnt how to simplify, compare, order, add and subtract, multiply and divide fractions! We spent a lesson practising and testing the application of the methods we have learnt, in a time pressured situation too! I could not be more proud of how you all stepped up to the challenge of fractions, well done! We are now focusing on applying this knowledge to reasoning problems, this will really test our understanding. 

Personal Development: Road Safety!

Last week, Year 6 had a special visitor from the Local Council who taught us all about the importance of staying safe on the road. This does not just mean on when driving, it could be when we are cycling, walking on footpaths or when crossing roads as a pedestrian. As part of our in depth discussion, we also explored a local council's budget which is allocated to them by the government. We learnt how much it costs to introduce speed cameras, cycle lanes, road signs and zebra crossings. It was tough to decide how to spend the budget in order to keep everyone safe! 

Victorian Workhouse non-chronological reports

Tied in with our History topic this half-term, Year 6 have researched, written, edited and published their own non-chronological reports on Victorian workhouses. As a class we discussed the reason why workhouses were originally set-up, how and why people would have ended up there, and what the conditions were like inside. They have all worked incredibly hard, and have learnt so much. Well done! 

St Anthony's: You're in safe hands

Safeguarding is our top priority at St Anthony's. Please view our video to see some of the many ways we keep our Year 6 children safe. We hope you enjoying viewing our video and reading our safeguarding policies below. Our designated safeguarding staff are: Miss Leonard (Designated Safeguarding Lead), Mr Whittle (Deputy Safeguarding Lead), Miss Taylor and Mrs Doherty. Please make an appointment to see us if you have any concerns using
God bless and keep safe

Personal Development: Leeds Voice and Influence Conference at Leeds Civic Hall

On Tuesday 8th November 2022, our Year 6 school council members were very lucky to be invited to represent the voice of children within Leeds at the Leeds Summit at Leeds Civic Hall in the presence of all the Leeds Councillors. They had the opportunity to share their views, interests, ideas and speak with decision makers in the city. I was so proud of all our children. 

Teddy Bear Waistcoats - Design and Technology

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This week we have been designing and creating our own waistcoats! The children brought their own materials from home to make these waistcoats, they then used a stencil as a guide to cut the correct shape for the garment. Once the shapes were cut, the children then used a running stitch to join the materials together at a seem. Once the waistcoat was formed, the children decorated them with various pockets, buttons and shapes. The children showed great patience and precision when completing this project, threading the needle was not always the easiest! It was so lovely to see some great teamwork between our class too, it was a joint effort all round. We even had some teddy bear models to show off the children's creations!

This week in Year 6, we have been tackling some debates! 

After looking at the features of a good debate, each group in our class thought of in depth arguments for and against their point. When performing their debates to the class, everyone showed great passion and expression in their deliverance! We will use this knowledge to help form our foundation for our next writing journey, a balanced argument on whether National Service should be reintroduced. 

Art inspired by Wadsworth Jarrell

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As part of our Black History Week, Year 5 and 6 joined forces to complete some art inspired by Wadsworth Jarrell. It was a morning full of colour, culture and music. Wadsworth Jarrell is an American painter, sculptor and printmaker. Born in Georgia, but Chicago was where he trained and found his artistic flare. He was one of the five founders of the Black arts collective AFRICOBRA, formed on the South Side of Chicago in 1967. He uses colour enormously to represent the vibrancy of Caribbean culture. He also embeds relevant vocabulary to Black History discretely within his art. At the centre of our artwork, the children chose to sketch an influential person they have researched this week. This artwork is up on display in our school hall, come and have a look!

A Taste of Judo

On Thursday 3rd November 2022, Mr Kearney had organised a wonderful opportunity to widen experience and participation in our Year 6 PE curriculum. All classes received age-appropriate Judo Lessons over the day, all focussed around learning new skills and experience this sport. We thank the expert teacher who provided such a high quality PE experience for our children. Our children thoroughly enjoyed the day. We hope they might go on to take part in Judo in the near future. Well done everyone!

Music in Year 6

In Year 6 this half term, we have been exploring pitch and rhythm. By listening and analysing different songs, the children created actions to match the different pitches within the melodies. This made it easy to compare the pitches between notes. The children then showed fantastic musical ability and understanding of musical notation, and were able to play along with the melodies using out tuned bells. 

We then used cups to help us to understand rhythm! We were able to play a call and response game before learning 'The Cup Song'! Always remember 'R(hythm) H(as) Y(our) T(wo) H(ips) M(oving)'!

Year 6 - Bikeability Week

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What an amazing week of cycling we had had in Year 6 - each child accomplished their own goals and should be so proud of themselves. We were lucky enough to be guided by amazing coaches every step of the way, teaching us how to cycle safely on the roads and what to do if we were ever to find our selves in a dangerous situation. Year 6 showed great camaraderie and teamwork to help their friends achieve their goals! Every child is now confident riding a bike; an important life skill to have. It is a great way to keep active in the future!

Science: Dissection of the heart

On Monday 17th October 2022, Mount St. Mary’s Science Department visited Year 6 and completed a heart dissection with them to consolidate their learning about the Circulatory System. Year 6 were able to name all the different parts of the heart and explain their functions. Furthermore, they learnt that the left side of the heart is thicker than the right due to the fact that it has to pump blood around the whole body, unlike the right side which just has to pump blood to the lungs. All the children were incredibly sensible throughout the lesson and, I think, we may have some future surgeons! Mr Deacon, Science Leader from Mount St Mary's High School stated: "I just wanted to say what a privilege it was to come in and work with your Year 6 today. They were impeccably well behaved and had a fantastic knowledge of the heart - enough to tackle some GCSE level questions!” I am so proud of the retention of knowledge from this topic for our Year 6 pupils. Keep up the great Science learning Year 6. 

Harvest: A time for giving

On Friday 14th October 2022 we held our whole school Harvest Festival. Our Mini-Vinnies from Year 6 have been collecting Harvest Gifts for our Harvest Table. These will be donated to our local food bank and SVP. We thank you all so much for your generosity. In the words of St Anthony: Let your actions speak. St Anthony's acts with service and goodness and may God bless each and everyone of you. 

Cross Country Event at Middleton Park Saturday 1st October 2022

Our St Anthony's Cross Country Team made their first appearance at the first run of the season at Middleton Park on Saturday 1st October 2022. The weather was a little unpredictable, however it did not stop our Year 6 team running their hearts out! There were some very impressive running performances and we look forward to more races later in the season. Mr Kearney, Miss Staunton-Sykes and Mr Easton (Chair of Governors) were all there to watch, along with our dedicated parents. Thank you everyone who attended. 

Macmillan Coffee Morning Friday 30th September 2022

On Friday 30th September 2022, our whole school held their Macmillan Coffee Morning to raise money from the charity Macmillan. Our Mini-Vinnies organised, led and served during the morning, raising an astonishing £510.00 for this charity, close to all our hearts. We thank all our Year 6 pupils, parents and the wider community who came together as a community to raise these funds. I am so proud of you all. 

RESPECT Acrostic Poems

Inspired by Aretha Franklin's song Respect, Year 6 discussed the different ways that we can respect others, ourselves and our environment to make our classroom a safe and positive learning environment. The class then wrote an acrostic poem to reflect what respect means to them. 

Year 6 Chamber Choir Perform at Leeds Cathedral 15th September 2022

Our Year 6 pupils are part of our well renowned St Anthony's Chamber Choir. This is a highly talented group of individuals who sing in unison and perform at school and across our Diocese. We were invited to perform for Bishop Marcus at the Annual Headteacher's Mass at Leeds Cathedral on Thursday 15th September 2022. The headteachers in the congregation noted our exceptional singing and we were praised by Bishop Marcus. We sung a range of secular songs to link to the mass for the day. I am so proud of our chamber choir members. Well done St Anthony's. 

Welcome to Year 6! 


Welcome back to your final year at St Anthony’s, Year 6! I am very excited to be welcoming you all through the cloakroom door very shortly and sharing an action-packed year with you all!


I hope that you all have had a brilliant holiday with lots of fun and rest, and I hope you are excited about the wonderful year we are going to share together. I am really looking forward to getting to know you all and helping you shine brightly every single day!


During our time in Year 6, we will enjoy exploring lots of wonderful topics - beginning with a focus on the Victorians, this is one of my favourite historical periods to study and you will all learn how revolutionary the Victorians really were! Our class novel ‘Street Child’ also links to this time period and we will be writing a story opening using this as inspiration as well as creating a non-chronological report about Victorian Workhouses later in the term.


Throughout the year we will be using Google Classroom to complete our homework, but it is also a place to share what other wonderful and interesting things you have been getting up to at home! We are going to have lots of rewards and prizes for the children in Year 6 that are being kind, patient and trying their best – what should our whole class prize be? 


As we all get ready for our first day together in Year 6, please remember to:

  • Come into school every day excited and ready to learn
  • Remember that every day is a new challenge, and we are all here to help each other succeed
  • Read every night and make sure an adult signs your planner
  • Spellings are to be completed every week and submitted on Google Classroom
  • Times tables practise is essential
  • PE days will be Wednesday and Friday
  • Ensure you come to school in the correct uniform every day - you are now at the top of the school and, therefore, must lead the rest of the school by example
  • Growing in maturity and independence – you are now entering your final year at St. Anthony’s and one of my main jobs is to ensure you are well prepared for high school. I will set you lots of challenges in school to help you develop your independence but try to do the same at home. For example: make your own pack lunch; get your uniform and school bag packed the night before; set your own alarm clock to wake up on time
  • Always be positive! 


I know that you are all such hard workers and will try your best in everything that we do together in Year 6. I am looking forward to seeing you all very soon!


Miss Staunton Sykes

Finale 2022

To my incredible Year Six class,
As your time at St Anthony's come to its close, I want to wish you every good health, happiness and success as you journey on to your respective high schools. As you watch this Finale of your final year at St Anthony's remember the words, we will always be together. Continue to grow together on your journey with Jesus and continue to make me immensely proud of each one of you. Continue to be true St Anthony's children and shine brightly.
God bless,
Miss Leonard

Dear Year 6, On behalf of myself and the governing body we would like to thank you all for being part of the St Anthony's family. As you leave on Friday, you will take a small piece of this school on your journey and please know that we are all immensely proud of what you have achieved while with us. Your time in primary school has been challenging and you have met it head on with resilience and determination and any high school is lucky to have you. We will miss seeing you all in and around school but am sure we will see you again soon. St Anthony’s is a bit of a magnet, drawing people back year on year. As as school we are proud to have teaching assistants, teachers and senior leaders all who started and now continue their journey here. Have a fantastic summer and a great time at high school. Regards Adam Easton, Chair of Governors

Goodbye and Good Luck Year 6 - You'll always be St. Anthony's Children!!

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On Friday, we celebrated the end of a 7 year journey of excellence for our Year 6 class. It was a very emotional day full of happy memories. Year 6 are a class full of amazing children who have worked tirelessly to be the best that they can be. It has been my privilege to teach them all for the last few months and I wish every single one of them all the very best for the future and in their new schools. Their new teachers are very lucky to be welcoming them into their classrooms and I know they will continue to make us proud. Remember you are always children of St. Anthony's and we look forward to hearing about all your successes in the future.

Year 6 Leavers Celebration Day - South Shields

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On Monday 18th June, Year 6 visited South Shields to celebrate coming to the end of their 7 year journey of excellence at St. Anthony's. After their wonderful results, a brilliant performance of Shrek and for just been a delight to teach they deserved a day to remember and hopefully this is what today proved to be. Each and everyone of them were a credit to their parents and the school - working together throughout the day and making the most of every single minute. We hope you enjoy the photo story - unfortunately it doesn't capture the ice-creams and milkshakes we all shared as we had to eat them quickly before they melted!! They were delicious!! Thank you to all who made this visit such a memorable one including Mr Whittle, Mrs Leatham and Miss Taylor. A huge thanks also to Mrs Doherty and Mrs Normington who arranged our tea for when we returned - you are all very much appreciated.

Year 6's Final Sport's Day

Year 6 support Reception Sports Day

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Year 6 were fantastic Sports Leaders during Reception's sports day last week. Everyone was impressed with how they guided and supported our youngest children through the different events. Well done and thank you Year 6!

St Anthony's Chamber Choir Concert 2022

Our Year 6 pupils have taken part in their annual Chamber Choir performance this week. They have lessons each Tuesday, as part of the Diocese of Leeds Schools Singing Programme. These are delivered by an expert Choral Director from the Diocese, Mr Leech, focusing on positive engagement with singing and supporting the Catholic life of the school through sacred music. The sessions offer practical and incremental coverage of areas of the music curriculum - including notation - in a two-year curriculum framework developed by the Diocese, the National Schools Singing Programme and the National Youth Choir of Scotland. Pupils also have the opportunity to join one of the Diocese's acclaimed after-school choirs. You can find online resources that support this work on the Schools Singing Programme's YouTube channel ( Our local Diocese choir is Leeds Cathedral Choir - please contact for more information about joining. We hope you enjoy our singing. We invited our parents too and they were very impressed. We hope you are too. Happy listening.

Year 6 - Shrek - The Musical

Our Year 6 class performed "Shrek" The Musical to our whole school and community. What a stunning performance it was. I am so proud of all our Year 6 class for their confidence, acting, singing and enjoyment in presenting this final play to us all. What a stunning class of performers. God bless. We hope you all enjoying watching our Shrek production too.

Ace Club Sports Gala

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Many thanks to Ace Club who provided a wonderful day of sport for the whole school on Friday. It was amazing to see the children enjoying such a wide range of sports led brilliantly by the Ace Club Leaders.

We are the Netball Champions! Wow!!

Well done to our Year 5 and Year 6 Netball Team! Today (21.6.22) they played in their first ever tournament and won EVERY SINGLE match - returning to school as the CHAMPIONS! We are so proud of all you have achieved and the excellent way in which you represented St. Anthony's - you are all super stars! Thank you and well done to Miss Staunton Sykes who has coached them excellently!

St Anthony's Marian Procession 2022

St. Benedict's Buddies - Friendship at St. Anthony's

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This half term, Year 6's RE topic is Faith in Action. One way they are doing this is by supporting our Key Stage 1 children during lunch time play. As part of our St. Anthony's Day celebrations they teamed up with Reception to help to nurture and support them on their first visit to Church. Both Year 6 and Reception were amazing and it was wonderful to see friendship blossom! Watch our photo story to see the smiles! Well done everyone.

St. Anthony's Day Celebrations

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13th June is the Feast day of our Patron Saint Anthony. We had a wonderful day starting with a whole school Mass and then opening our doors for a coffee afternoon. Year 6 were an absolute credit to all their parents and were delighted to receive their traditional St. Anthony's Hoodies! Thank you to Myles for the super photographs you will now see in our photostory!

Year 6 - Liturgical Dance - Fix My Eyes

On Tuesday 17th May, our Year Six class were incredibly lucky to take part in a very special workshop with More Than Dance. Their focus involved fixing their eyes on their faith and living it in their thoughts, words and actions as true beacons of their faith. They performed a special dance as a class and are very proud to share this with you on their class page for you to enjoy. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did!

Religious Education: Year 6 Kindness Day!

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On Wednesday 18th May, during Key Stage Collective Worship, we were all given a secret challenge: we had to do something kind for the class we pulled out of the bag. Our class was Reception so we decided it would be a lovely idea to help to clean and tidy their outside area. All of year 6 (who weren't at the football competition) spent the afternoon of Thursday 19th May 2022, cleaning, organising and gardening. It was a fantastic afternoon that was full of smiles and brought back lots of memories of the children's own journey of faith, love and joy through St Anthony's and they reflected on all the kindness they have been shown and have shown in return.
The Mini-Vinnies followed the example of Jesus by giving up some of their PE time to plan and resource some new prayer-based activities for the garden. All the ideas you will see in the prayer garden were independently organised and created by these amazing children! Well done Year 6 and thank you for your outstanding work - you really did follow the example of Jesus and are amazing role models for the children throughout school.

Congratulations Max, Lacey and Phoebe on making your First Holy Communion - God Bless you all!

RE: More Than Dance

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Year 6 have really enjoyed working with More Than Dance this week as they have learnt a liturgical dance based on Faith. We hope you enjoy our photo story.

More Than Dance: Fix Your Eyes!

DT: Researching and Analysing Children's Toys!

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Today the children explored what is meant by fit for purpose design and applied this to their own research of children's toys when evaluating their form and function. They consider the skills that children would use when playing each of the games and gave some very thoughtful and honest evaluations! We certainly have some 'toy critics' in Year 6!

PE: U11 Football Success at the Leeds and Holbeck Cup - We Are the Champions!!

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On Friday 13th May, our U11 Football Team were incredibly lucky to reach the finals of the Leeds and Holbeck Cup Competition 2022. After a season of success against many Leeds schools, they met St Joseph's Wetherby in the cup final. With a stunning performance and a 1:0 win, St Anthony's were victorious and secured the Cup Win! Our team played with true sportsmanship, skill and determination and I am so incredibly proud of them. Watch our wonderful photostory below to show our joy and success as a school community. Thank you to our army of supporters who have supported us all season. The whole of Beeston came out so support us! Thank you also to Mr Whittle for his loyal and talented leadership of our team.

A Pilgrimage of Faith

Our Year Six children have led as true servants and examples of their faith during our pilgrimage through Lent. Watch our video to learn more about out prayer, reflections, dance and learning.

Exploring Faith: Years 5 and 6 visit The Mosque

Mini Vinnies/School Council Visit the Gateway Church

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On Tuesday 29th March the Mini Vinnies and some School Council Representatives visited the Gateway Church in Leeds as part of our World Faith Week. Mr Frost (the pastor) gave us a guided tour and discussed how they serve the local community. We were amazed by the beauty of the building and are very grateful for the opportunity to learn about the Church.

Year 6's visit to the local mosque

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On Thursday 31st March, Year 6 visited the Jamia Masjid Abu Huraira Mosque in Beeston to further their understanding of the Islamic faith. The children were immaculately behaved and listened intently to the informative speeches we were given.

Easter Fundraising

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Well done to everyone who entered our Easter Competitions this year. Watch our photo story to see the amazing bonnets, decorated eggs and Easter gardens - we were amazed by all your entries.

Year 6 - Macbeth

Wow year 6! What a powerful video of your drama on Macbeth. What an incredible set of readers, actors and performers. Watch our video to find out more about our learning on Macbeth or ask our Year 6 children to explain more!

I am so proud of you all Year 6. We hope you enjoy watching!

Macbeth - A Play in a Day!

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On Wednesday 16th March, Year 6 participated in ‘Macbeth – A Play in a Day’ which was led by Leigh, from Splats Entertainment. What a day we all had! The children we split into four different groups and all led a different act from Macbeth with the help from another group too. The children enhanced their teamwork, co-operation, listening, communication and acting skills and were simply superb throughout the day. The day ended by all Year 6 performing the tragedy of Macbeth to Year 5 – what an achievement in one day!

Standing in Solidarity with the People of Ukraine - March 2022

World Book Day in Year 6

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On Friday 4th March, Year 6 celebrated World Book Day. We all came dressed up to school with a range from Macbeth and Lady Macbeth (based on our class text) to Lord of the Rings and Percy Jackson characters. We had a wonderful day selecting our own book from the Little Book Hut, solving a mystery using statistics in maths and creating freeze frames from the scene in Macbeth where King Duncan is murdered. Take a look at the videos above and below to see it all....

Macbeth Freeze Frames

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World Book Day 2022

Our whole school celebrated our love for reading on Friday 4th March 2022. We celebrated the 25th anniversary of World Book Day.
Our theme this year was "cooking up a story!". All our children came dressed as chefs, fairy tale characters or a character from their class novel for this half term. Year 6 focussed on Macbeth. We launched our new "Reading Hut" and all our children were able to take home a new free book to share at home.
We continue to read, read, read and enjoy the passion for vocabulary and language. What an amazing day we had. Watch our video to find our more. Happy reading!

Leeds United Spotlight Session

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On Monday 28th February, Vicky (from Leeds United) visited Year 6 and led the Primary Spotlight workshop. During this session, the children thought carefully about the positive and negative choices they can make in life, especially as they think about transitioning up to high school. It was great to see Tyler Roberts (striker) and Liam Cooper (Captain) via video spreading this message too. After listening intently, the children were given the chance to act out different scenarios about positive and negative choices; it was wonderful to see their maturity and teamwork during this time. Well done, Year 6!

African Masks

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As part of our African Wonder Day, on Tuesday 15th February, we all designed, created and evaluated our own African masks. Take a look at our incredible masterpieces...

African Drumming

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On Tuesday 15th February, Rebecca (from the Education Group) delivered an African drumming lesson to Year 6. Throughout the session, we explored the different sounds, tempos and textures which could be made on a djembe drum. We even had the chance to create our own composition in groups and two children were given the opportunity to be a conductor.

During our Science topic 'The Nature Library', Year 6 have been learning about the difference between vascular and non-vascular plants as well as classifying them in a number of different ways. Our favourite lesson was when we had to create our own garden centre floor plan and write a commentary for visiting customers. They all definitely look like places I would like to visit - well done, Year 6! You all showed super teamwork and communication skills during this activity. 

Exploring the Mass Artwork

Throughout Spring 1, in Year 6's RE lessons, we have been using Elizabeth Wang's artwork to explore the different sections within Mass. After commenting upon our favourite pieces of art, we all created our own pieces of artwork using pastels to represent different parts of the Mass. Take a look at our wonderful creations...

Year 6 Mini Vinnies Lead Collective Worship

This morning (5th January) our Year 6 Mini Vinnies led Collective Worship for Key Stage 1 and then for Lower Key Stage 2.  Miss Taylor was so proud of all the girls who led the worship in a very mature and respectful manner.  They spoke to the children about the meaning of Epiphany and how we can all use our gifts to make others happy and feel welcome.  Well done girls - you are amazing!



On Monday 13th December, Year 6 went on their 3 day residential to Robinwood in Alston, Cumbria. It was certainly an action-packed three days during which all the children showed lots of determination, resilience and perseverance. The activities they completed included a range of teambuilding tasks as well as individual challenges. Watch the videos below to see what a wonderful time we all had…

Robinwood - Rapid

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Robinwood - Lake

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Robinwood - River

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Elf Day

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After an action packed and exhausting residential, Year 6 returned to Elf Day! It was a lovely day full of happy memories of the fun shared in Robin Wood and some Elf Day tasks! Our final Christmas dinner at St. Anthony's was absolutely beautiful as you will see from our very happy faces!

Festive Fun at St Anthony's - 2021

St Anthony's Christmas Carol Service 2021

DT - Waistcoat Wonder Day!

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On Friday 12th November, Year 6 had an amazing ‘Waistcoat Wonder Day!’ Previously, the children had explored different waistcoat designs and commented upon their favourite designs, shapes, fabrics and colours. Their aim was to design and produce a waistcoat for a Victorian teddy bear being displayed in a Victorian museum. To begin with on our Wonder Day, the children designed their waistcoats using the fabric they had brought in from home as well as selecting buttons which complemented their fabrics. Once the design had been created, we used the templates and drew around them using chalk – it was rather tricky so we used lots of teamwork to stretch and hold our fabric. Next, we carefully cut around the template to create the back and front of our waistcoats. After lunch, we selected a thread that would also complement our fabric and used the straight stitch to sew the front and back together. Finally, we added buttons and some extra details. Look at our incredible creations...

Should Honeysuckle Triangle be developed into a leisure complex?

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On Thursday 11th November, our two Year 6 English groups held a debate to determine whether or not Honeysuckle Triangle should be developed into a leisure complex. At the beginning of the half term, the children were introduced to Honeysuckle Triangle: an idyllic country park with a beautiful lake filled with wildlife – perfect for dog walkers, bird watchers, school trips and playing sports. However, we soon found out that a local property developer had proposed plans to transform the land into a leisure complex which would include: a new housing estate, a new supermarket, petrol station, cinema and bowling alley. Firstly, the children discussed and wrote down all the different for and against points with explanations. They were all then given a character: either a panel member or a local resident who would be attending the debate. The children took on the role of their character and wrote a speech from their point of view as well as questions they would like to direct at different panel members to gain more information. On Thursday, we held our debate – all the children were fantastic and, at times, the chairmen did have to intervene before things got too heated! Finally, both groups voted for or against the development:
Group 1: 4 votes for and 9 votes against
Group 2: 7 votes for and 7 votes against
Therefore, overall, Honeysuckle Triangle will remain!

Remembrance 2021

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Remembrance day was marked beautifully in Year 6 with quiet prayer and reflection as well as the opportunity to create some beautiful art work on the remembrance theme. We hope you enjoy our Photo story and are as impressed by our art work as Mrs Nicholson and Miss Taylor were.

The Kingdom of God at St. Anthony's

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During our first half term, Year 6 have completed the ‘Kingdom of God’ topic in all their RE lessons. In one of our final lessons, we thought carefully about all the different ways the Kingdom is present within our school community and in pairs we created posters to show this. What a wonderful school community we all belong to!

Creative Maths

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To end our half term, Year 6 took part in Maths Wonder afternoons. We focused on learning key elements of shape from our maths curriculum. Take a look at all our super learning...

Number Fun in Year 5 and 6

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On Wednesday 20th October, Year 5 and 6 enjoyed a morning of Number Fun with Mr Godfrey. Firstly, we all had lots of fun learning a song to help us to remember some of the quadrilaterals and their properties. Afterwards, we became soldiers and learnt our squared numbers. Finally, we used the four operations in one song! The children participated so well and showed us all the power of song in maths!

Marvellous Maths

In our English lessons this half term, Year 6 have written their own non-chronological reports about Victorian Workhouses. Within our class text (Street Child by Berlie Doherty) the main character is sent to a workhouse and this helped us to gain our background information. Furthermore, we used the internet and information books to add to our knowledge of these institutions.  Once we had collated our information, we completed our plans by organising the facts into subheadings and fact boxes. Next, we completed a first draft of our non-chronological report and focused upon making our writing cohesive by using fronted adverbials and using a range of punctuation like parenthesis and semi-colons. Finally, we edited and improved our first drafts with a focus on extending our sentences and improving vocabulary. We are all extremely proud of our writing!

Year 5 and 6 Organ Workshop

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Year 5 and 6 were fortunate to see and hear one of the largest and most versatile organs in Europe! Our workshop enabled us to actively learn how pipes of different lengths are used to create sound whilst using them to perform together. Through an interactive workshop with the Wooden One-Octave Organ For Young Technologists, Year 5 and 6 learnt about the organ and how it works, whilst embedding cross-curricular links with Science and Technology. The day concluded with an inspiring concert, showcasing the huge variety of music the organ can play with large-screen illustrations and video projection of the player.

On Tuesday 12th October, Year 6 participated in a road safety workshop; the theme of the session was 'Making Changes'. Firstly, the children were given a map of their local area and asked to identify key places (eg. their houses, school. supermarkets). Once these had been located, they worked together to plan the safest route to other locations in the local area. The children's final task was the most exciting: they were all given £100,000 to make the local area safer by installing a range of traffic calming measures. I was extremely impressed when listening to all the children's different ideas and was pleased to see that they all managed to remain under budget!

Between Monday 4th and Wednesday 6th October, all the children in Year 6 completed Bikeability. It was a wonderful three days which saw the children becoming more confident in riding a bike; tackling courses on the KS2 playground; and gaining confidence in riding their bikes safely on the local roads. All the instructors were extremely impressed with Year 6's listening, behaviour and cycling skills - well done everyone!

In Year 6, we have been learning about the circulatory system this half term. During our first lesson, we created a circulatory system using three children on the playground to be the lungs, heart and rest of the body whilst the rest of the class became the blood stream and travelled around them in a figure of eight. In our second lesson, we created a human heart on the playground with lots of children being the different parts of the heart (eg. atriums, ventricles, valves, veins and arteries) and the rest of the class being the blood stream. By making these lessons practical, we were all really confident in labelling the diagrams and writing an explanation text in our books afterwards to show our excellent understanding. Finally, in our most recent lesson, we all made ‘blood soup’ which helped us to understand the different components of our blood. We have created a display to show all our super science work….

Blood Soup

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On Wednesday 29th September, we created ‘Blood Soup’ in Year 6! In our science lessons, we have been learning about the circulatory system and the different components and their individual functions. This week’s science lesson was all about our blood. We used orange juice to represent the plasma; strawberry jelly to represent the red blood cells; marshmallows to represent the white blood cells and rice to represent the platelets. Afterwards, we were all able to explain the different components and the important functions they have within our blood. We had lots of sticky fun during this lesson!

The Kingdom of God

In Year 6, we have been learning about The Kingdom of God in our RE lessons and reading the different parables which have taught us how the Kingdom of God grows. Year 6 have written their own parables which explain how something in their own lives has grown, just like the Kingdom of God…

Year 6 High School Applications - frequently asked questions

Reading in Year 6

In Year 6... we love to read! Next to our book corner, we have our 'Top 6 in Year 6' display. This contains a range of six highly rated books for 10 and 11 year olds at the moment. Every two weeks, the whole class vote for which pupil they believe deserves to take one of the books home. We count up the votes and the six children with the most amount of votes are allowed to select from the 'Top 6' and take a book home to read. We are all working really hard to have the chance to choose one of these thrilling reads! We can't wait to find out what the first six children thought of their books this Friday and then select new pupils to take them home! 

Mount St Mary's Taster Afternoon

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On Monday 27th September, Year 6 visited Mount St Mary's for an exciting taster afternoon! We began in their amazing drama studio and completed physical theatre - can you guess what the children were working together to create in the video? Next, we moved into the school hall and completed a session all about human rights - we even managed to play a game of 'Human Rights Football!' Finally, we went into the science lab and created an exciting chemical reaction which inflated a balloon all by itself. Remember that Mount St. Mary's open evening is on Thursday 30th September - take your parents for a look around their wonderful school!

School Council Applicants

A huge well done to all the Year 6 children who applied to be a School Council representative this year. Each child stood up in front of their class and explained: why they wanted to apply as a representative; why their classmates should vote from them as well as what they will implement if they are successful. After we listened to each applicant, the class completed a ballot form and voted. We will find out who has been successful next week! 


Welcome back to your final year at St Anthony’s, Year 6! I am very excited to be welcoming you all through the cloakroom door very shortly and sharing an action-packed year with you all!


Firstly, I hope you have all had a wonderful summer with your families and friends and you all feel refreshed and ready to tackle the exciting experiences we will be sharing together, throughout this year. I am really looking forward to getting to know you all and helping you shine brightly every single day!


I am very excited to start our learning together as we will be beginning with a focus on the Victorians; this is one of my favourite historical periods to study and you will all learn how revolutionary the Victorians really were! Our class novel ‘Street Child’ also links to this time period and we will be writing a story opening using this as inspiration as well as creating a non-chronological report about Victorian Workhouses later in the term.


Coming back to school can sometimes feel a little bit daunting, with lots of remember as you get older. I have a written a list below to help familiarise yourself with some of the Year 6 expectations…

*Read every night and ensure an adult signs your planner;

*PE days will be a Monday and Tuesday;

*Spellings and spelling sentences will be set every week and will need to be uploaded on Google Classroom;

* Ensure you come to school in the correct uniform every day - you are now at the top of the school and, therefore, must lead the rest of the school by example;

*Growing in maturity and independence – you are now entering your final year at St. Anthony’s and one of my main jobs is to ensure you are well prepared for high school. I will set you lots of challenges in school to help you develop your independence but try to do the same at home. For example: make your own pack lunch; get your uniform and school bag packed the night before; set your own alarm clock to wake up on time.


Finally, there is a fully stocked reward table at the front of the Year 6 classroom and I can’t wait to give you all your reward cards! Every 10 points that you receive, you will be able to collect a piece of stationary and when you reach 100 points, you will a full collection ready for high school. Will you be the first child to receive 10 points?


I look forward to seeing you all very soon,


Mrs Nicholson smiley

Chamber Choir Concert July 2021

Our incredible Chamber Choir performed a repertoire of their incredible singing for us to end their learning over the year. We hope you love hearing the children singing. They have the voice of angels. We are so blessed.
Well done Chamber Choir. Thank you to Lucy Haigh, our Choral Director who teaches the children so well each week too.
We hope you enjoy our beautiful end of year performance.

2020/21 Finale

Year 6 Leavers' Assembly 2021 - St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

Leavers' Trip 2021

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On Wednesday 21st July, Year 6 went on their final trip as St. Anthony’s children. In the morning, we travelled from Leeds all the way up to a lovely beach called Littlehaven in South Shields. We set up on the beach and enjoyed a morning of sports and digging! After lunch, we all had a paddle (some a little more than a paddle!) in the sea – it was freezing cold but lots of fun. Afterwards, we walked to a small café and all bought an ice-cream which was definitely needed in the scorching sun! When we arrived back at school, we had a wonderful pizza party and enjoyed having the playground all to ourselves. What a wonderful final trip! Well done to every single child in Year 6, their behaviour was exemplary throughout the day – I wish we could do it all again!

PE - Ace Club Sports Gala

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On Monday 28th June, Year 6 had an action-packed afternoon at the ACE Club Sports Gala. From dancing to football to dodgeball, all the children had a wonderful time! Thank you ACE club!

PSHE - Weighing up risk

This half term, Year 6’s PSHE lessons have focused upon ‘Weighing up risk.’ At the start of the topic, we could all name a few risks associated with taking drugs. However, after participating in mature discussions, reading different scenarios and completing a workshop with Dave from D:Side, our knowledge and understanding of medical and non-medical (legal and illegal) drugs is excellent. I have been so proud of the maturity the children have shown throughout all these lessons and their work certainly demonstrates their superb understanding now. Well done, Year 6! 

Viking Ventures with Year 6

Our Year 6 class had an incredible Victorious Viking Day in June 2021. The focus of their learning was to interpret the Viking and the Anglos Saxon struggle for the Kingdom of England, deepening their historical understanding. Over the Wonder Day, Year 6 were able to understand the various sources of evidence to represent the past, interpreting these using primary and secondary sources of evidence from the era. They made links between key events from the Viking and Anglo Saxon perid, offering explanations about why people in the past acted in the way they did. They deepened their knowledge of interpreting History, continuity and change, cause and consequence and the significance of the era. I was beyond impressed with the learning that took place. Great effort Year 6! Watch our video to see snapshots of our learning!



The Joy of Learning in Year 6

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Watch our Year 6 class in action in their learning! They each demonstrate such focus in their behaviour, learning and attitudes. What a superb example to our school. True St Anthony's boys and girls in action ... keep it up Year 6. 

St. Anthony's Day 2021

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Today year 6 celebrated their final St. Anthony's Day. It was a wonderful day with the traditional presentation of Leavers Hoodies! We are very proud of the journey year 6 have made and know that they will wear the jumpers with pride! Year 6 remember you will ALWAYS be St. Anthony's children!

English - Macbeth

This half term, Year 6 have been studying Macbeth. We have all enjoyed taking it in turns to read as the different characters and have had some outstanding cackling witches in particular! In our writing, we have produced excellent newspaper articles to inform the residents of Glamis of King Duncan’s murder and showcased our understanding of showing shifts in formality by using formal conventions in the description and informal conventions in the quotations used. Finally, we ended the unit by creating poems inspired by the Three Weird Sister’s potions – they are revolting! Have a look above at some of the freeze frames created of the witches…

PSHE - Bringing Nature Back into our Lives

To commemorate Mental Health Awareness month, Year 6 have focused on the theme ‘Bringing Nature Back into our Lives.’ We began by discussing all the different feelings and emotions we can have when we begin to feel nervous or anxious and then discussed in detail about all the different ways we can help these feelings and emotions to be reduced. Many ideas already linked back to nature and the importance of getting fresh air away from our anxieties. We all created wonderful posters to evidence how people can bring nature back into their lives….

Catenian Cup

On Thursday 27th May, members of the Year 6 football team participated in the Catenian Cup Football Competition at St Theresa’s. We are so proud of all the footballers for their superb teamwork, energy and perseverance! Well done!

RE - Called to Serve

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This half term, Year 6’s RE unit has been ‘Called to Serve.’ We used bibles to look at how Jesus called his disciples to serve him as well as the achievements and challenges this brought. We spent time looking at the sacrament of Confirmation in detail as well as how the ‘Gifts of the Holy Spirit’ are present within the world we live in through Mama Maggie and Annalena Tonelli. One of our favourite lessons this half term was where we thought carefully about the gifts and talents God has given to each of us to serve him; we all created our own medals and then our classmates filled the inside of our medals with our gifts and talents. Take a look at the video above to see them...

Science Survival Day

Science Survival Day

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To consolidate the forces and materials learning from our Sensational Science Week, Year 6 visited Skelton Grange for a bespoke Survival Day. Firstly, when we arrived at Skelton Port, we were asked to embark our ship and head off on a voyage. Unfortunately (as predicted) the voyage didn’t go to plan and we all ended up shipwrecked on Skelton Island!
Our first task of the day was to search the shore for valuable resources which we could use to survive our time on the island. Next, we found a deep, thick, oozing bog and the only way across was by stepping on turtle shells! However, it was not as easy as that: if a child was not stood on a shell then it would disappear into the bog so it took a lot of teamwork. Thankfully we all were able to cross! Our next challenge was to build some shelters – thank goodness we had these at lunchtime when the heavens opened with both rain and hail!
After lunch, we applied our mixtures and materials knowledge by using filtration to make clean water as well as testing different materials to find the best insulator for our baby bottles. Afterwards, we had to search the area for materials which could be used to protect an egg in a 10ft drop! We were all incredible during this task and many eggs survived the fall! Finally, we all warmed ourselves up by sitting around a camp fire and enjoying homemade popcorn. What an absolutely fantastic day – thank you so much to all the Skelton Grange staff who made this possible!


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Our French curriculum is externally taught using a native expert French teacher from Junior Jam. Year 6 have weekly lessons where they move through a carefully crafted sequence of content to build knowledge, fluency and skill. Year 6 thoroughly enjoy their weekly French lessons with Madame Matias. Watch the video above to see the children revising body parts through a game of ‘Simon Says...’ as well as seeing them learn all French numbers between 0 and 100 with some comical dance moves!

PE - Cricket

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During our PE lessons this half term, Year 6 are developing their understanding and the skills required in cricket. Twice weekly lessons are taught by our expert PE teacher, Mr Hanson using a carefully sequenced curriculum. Firstly, the children explored different types of throwing like: underarm, overarm and bowling. As the children became more confident with their throwing, they began to explore how accuracy can be used when throwing and catching. In their most recent lesson, the children learnt how to bat and the skills required to hit the ball accurately. All the children are looking forward to developing their understanding of this sport as the term progresses.

Science Week

Our Whole School Science Week was amazing and a super way to start our Summer Term. Year 6 were so excited. All learning was focussed around prior topics, and Science topics missed due to lockdowns. The first hand experiences, visits, experiments and content were all carefully planned and crafted to ensure Science knowledge is secure. This involved visits by Mount St Mary's, Sublime Science, Mad Science as well as many creative activites and experiments from our very own Science lead, Mrs Nicholson! What an amazing week we had. I am so proud of you all Year 6. Miss Leonard and the Year 6 team.

Science Week: Exciting Experiments

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Throughout Sensational Science Week, Year 6 have completed different experiments to enhance their understanding of the Forces and Materials/Mixtures topics they have covered. Watch the video above to see...
Dissolving – does the temperature of water affect how quickly a sugar cube dissolves?
Water Resistance – which is the most suitable bow shape for a speedboat?
Separation processes – how can you separate flour and raisins, water and sand and rice and paper clips?

Science Week: Engineering and Gears

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On Thursday 22nd April, Mr Dickinson (from Rotork) visited Year 6 and, firstly, explained to Year 6 the difference between Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering. The children were asked to select items of clothing and pieces of equipment that they thought an engineer would use; they were surprised to learn that absolutely anybody could become an engineer and they didn’t necessarily have to be wearing overalls or a hard hat!
Afterwards, Mr Dickinson completed a Gears workshop with Year 6. Firstly, they were given different gears and given the challenge to make them work (mesh together). Afterwards, each pair built a gear structure which was they attached to the rest of the class’ structure to create: ‘The Impossible Machine.’ It is given this name as it would take 240,000 years to turn the final gear!

Science Week: Heart Dissection

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On Tuesday 20th April, Mount St. Mary’s Science Department visited Year 6 and completed a heart dissection with them to consolidate their learning about the Circulatory System. Year 6 were able to name all the different parts of the heart and explain their functions. Furthermore, they learnt that the left side of the heart is thicker than the right due to the fact that it has to pump blood around the whole body, unlike the right side which just has to pump blood to the lungs. All the children were incredibly sensible throughout the lesson and, I think, we may have some future surgeons!

Science Week: Mad Science

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On Tuesday 20th April, Year 6 were visited by Turbo Tom (from Mad Science). Firstly, we had an assembly in the hall which wowed us with some incredible experiments. Afterwards, Turbo Tom came to the Year 6 classroom and we explored different machines and forces. Firstly, we powered a car using an elastic band. Next, we created levers with spoons and attempted to catapult paper boulders into a target. Finally, we created zip-line pulleys across the classroom. It was all so much fun!

English : Quest Chapters

During Spring 2, Year 6 read BarrowQuest (a non-linear story) and were all hooked by the different challenges the main character (Lin) faced! After we finished this, we created our own Quest Map and were all assigned a different chapter to write. We understood the importance of ensuring each chapter contained a dangerous element that our main character must face as well as showing courage and including a magical element or a puzzle too. Furthermore, we tried hard to include dialogue which advanced the action whilst also using informal conventions within this speech. The final drafts are found in the Year 6 shared area and classroom, come and have a read!

Year 6 Easter Competition

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Well done to the children who entered our Easter Competition this year. Watch the video to see the wonderful Easter gardens and decorated eggs.

Easter at St Anthony's

Holy Week - St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

During Holy Week in 2021, we have been reflecting on the key events of this most important week. Each of our classes have re-enacted important events, shared liturgical dances, songs and prayers. Year 6 took the lead in recreating The Stations of the Cross in a mature and spritual way. I am so proud of every single child. This truly reflective video shows Holy Week at St Anthony's at its most holy. We hope you can share our learning, prayer and humble praise in your homes with us this year. God bless you all this Holy Week. 

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mothering Sunday to all Year 6's wonderful Mums! We hope you enjoyed reading your Mother's Day cards and all the adjectives the children chose to write underneath your petals. Year 6 children, I hope all your mums have their feet up and you are treating them after you all showed your incredible cooking skills in our latest DT project. Have a wonderful day!

Ancient Greeks: Athenians v Spartans

In our History work this half term, Year 6 are studying the Ancient Greeks. This week we looked at the fascinating comparison between life in Athens and Sparta. In our groups, we all took on the role of a panel member: host, Athenian, Spartan or a visitor. We worked together to create questions and responses from each panel member and then acted them out in front of our class mates.

DT - Come Dine With Me!

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For our DT project this half term, Year 6 have all become Masterchefs! After learning about the seven essential nutrients in our Science lessons, Mrs Nicholson set us a task to design a 3 course meal which included all of the nutrients and reflected a balanced diet. We discussed themes for 3 course meals and set about researching recipes. At home, we all prepared, cooked and presented at least one of the courses from our balanced meal; we then asked our families to rate each course we cooked and identify our successes and areas to improve. Watch the video above to see our amazing cooking. A special thank you to all the parents who have supported this project and let the children have control in their kitchens!

World Book Day - The Rainbow Fish - St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

Hello Year 6,

Happy World Book Day. The theme of our World Book Day this year is "share a story". All our staff in school have made two very special stories for you to share together with your families. We are watching them both today at school, but you might want to share this with your families too.

Keep sharing your love for reading as this is one of the most important gifts we can give our children.

God bless and enjoy,

Miss Leonard


I wish to thank Mr and Mrs Easton for their kind assistance making this reading compilation in partnership with us. 

World Book Day - Franklin's Flying Bookshop - St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

Celebrating the life of Captain Sir Tom Moore

On Friday 12th February, St. Anthony’s celebrated the life of Captain Sir Tom Moore and completed activities throughout the day which were inspired by him and his amazing outlook on life. We started the day by writing poems about him and then all the Year 6 children could select tasks (relating to all areas of the curriculum) to work on independently or with their siblings. Mrs Nicholson really enjoyed looking through all the work we submitted onto Google Classroom, these included: artwork of Captain Tom, fact files, rainbows, 100 mathematical calculations, science experiments linked to the number 100 as well as finding out what Beeston was like 100 years and researching Edward Jenner and the first ever vaccine for smallpox. What a wonderful way to end the half term.

DT - Pop-up Greetings Cards

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This half term, Year 6 have been making pop-up greetings cards. We began by watching videos to get inspiration and then had a go at completing different mechanisms (over zoom)! The children listened and watched so carefully and they were all able to produce a slider, pop-up beak and a pop-up podium/birthday cake. Next, the children designed their greetings card and selected which mechanism they were going to include – some even designed a mechanism on the front cover and one in the middle too. Then, the children spent an afternoon making their greetings cards and you can watch the finished products in the video above – what an amazing job they have done! Finally, we evaluated our greetings cards, thinking carefully about the successes, difficulties and what we might alter if we were to make them again.

Confirmation - Friday 5th February 2021

On Friday 22nd January, Year 6 continued with their Circulatory System work and investigated what the different components are within our blood. Working at home did not stop the children getting hands-on with his investigation and, earlier in the week, they bought the ingredients for Blood Soup! We used orange juice to represent the plasma in our blood; strawberry/raspberry jelly cubes for our red blood cells; white marshmallows to represent our white blood cells and dried long grain rice for our platelets. After making the Blood Soup, the children used the internet to research the functions of the different components and presented their work in a variety of creative way. Well done, Year 6 – super science! 

Out of Africa

St Anthony's Catholic Primary School - Carol Service 2020

Please join us for our 2020 carol service.

Year 6 message from Santa

Chamber Choir - Do you hear what I hear?

Chamber Choir - Once in Royal David's City

Christmas Dinner

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What a lovely time we had eating our traditional Christmas dinner together!

Christmas Cards

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Look at our wonderful Reindeer Christmas Cards. The recipient will also get a surprise when they open them as it has three pop-out presents inside!

Exciting Elves!

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On Wednesday 16th December, we had an amazing day and all came dressed as Elves! Firstly, we organised ourselves into groups of 6 as, we all know, elves work best as a team. We worked together to complete a Christmas Quiz, Christmas Haiku, word search, crossword and Christmas Advert challenges. In the afternoon, we made our own Reindeer Christmas Cards (inspired by our special visitors from the morning). Finally, to end the day, we were given 10minutes to make the longest paper chain possible. The winning team managed 106 paper chains – very impressive!

Special Visitors

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During our ‘Exciting Elves’ Day, we were visited by some extremely special visitors. Watch the video above to see us all standing with these incredible creatures...

Stable Building

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On Friday 11th December, Year 6 had a wonderful morning building their own stables! Firstly, the children were split into groups of 5 and decided amongst them which nativity character they would like to be. Using cardboard, card, masks and a lot of imagination, the children created props for their stables. Next, we headed outside and began the task of creating our stables! The children worked brilliantly in their teams to create some superb nativity representations. Finally, we headed back inside to warm up and have hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows. A wonderful morning!

Year 6's Collective Worship - 3rd Sunday of Advent

On Wednesday 9th December, Year 6 led their own beautiful Collective Worship for the Year 5 children. The previous week, in our RE lessons, all the children had planned a Collective Worship with a theme around the 3rd Sunday of Advent and Joy. They all planned under the key headings: Gather, Listen, Respond and Go Forth. All the children had wonderful ideas and we collated them all in order to create our final plan. Then, we were all given different roles: preparing the PowerPoint Presentation, writing bidding prayers, creating a ‘Go Forth’ poem, managing the music and reading during the Collective Worship. Although Year 5 were the only class who could be present, Mrs Nicholson emailed all the other teachers the PowerPoint and they celebrated it in their classrooms with their children. Well done Year 6!

English: Honeysuckle Triangle Debate

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On Friday 4th December, our two Year 6 English groups held a debate to determine whether or not Honeysuckle Triangle should be developed into a leisure complex. At the beginning of the week, the children were introduced to Honeysuckle Triangle: an idyllic country park with a beautiful lake filled with wildlife – perfect for dog walkers, bird watchers, school trips and playing sports. However, we soon found out that a local property developer had proposed plans to transform the land into a leisure complex which would include: a new housing estate, a new supermarket, petrol station, cinema and bowling alley. Firstly, the children discussed and wrote down all the different for and against points with explanations. They were all then given a character: either a panel member or a local resident who would be attending the debate. The children took on the role of their character and wrote a speech from their point of view as well as questions they would like to direct at different panel members to gain more information. On Friday, we held our debate – all the children were fantastic and, at times, the chairmen did have to intervene before things got too heated! Finally, both groups voted for or against the development:
Group 1: 8 votes for and 9 votes against
Group 2: 6 votes for and 6 votes against
Therefore, overall, Honeysuckle Triangle will remain!

Year 6's Christmas Classroom

Year 6 had a wonderful Advent Wonder Day on Monday 30th November. To begin the day, we all researched an inspirational person who has stood up for justice and identified our favourite quote. We wrote these down to create our ‘Justice Advent Calendar.’ We will read a different quote each morning and afternoon when we say our prayers throughout Advent. Afterwards, we learnt about the symbolism associated with the Advent Wreath and made our own Advent Promises. After playtime, we created our Jesse Tree – instead of placing baubles on our Christmas Tree we have coloured and laminated different Old Testament stories and characters to tell the story from Creation to Jesus’ birth. Finally, we created our own beautiful Advent artwork using pastels.

Advent Artwork

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On our Advent Wonder Day, we all produced a beautiful piece of artwork which showcases the true meaning of Christmas: the birth of Jesus Christ. Watch the photostory above to see how we created them....

Year 6's African Wonder Day

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On Tuesday 23rd November, Year 6 had their very own African Wonder Day! We began the morning with an African Quiz to test our Geographical knowledge. Afterwards, we created our own wonderful African masks using a dotting art technique. After playtime, we used our African masks and learnt an African masked dance. Finally, in the afternoon, we completed an African drumming workshop using djembes. Have a look the highlights of our wonderful action-packed day...

African Masks

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As part of our African Wonder Day, we created our own African Mask Masterpieces. Watch the video and see if you can play 'Guess who?' at the end...

African Drumming

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As part of our African Wonder Day, we participated in an African Drumming workshop. During this, we learnt about how drums are an integral part of tribe life; what they are made from as well as different rhythms. By the end of the session, we had created impressive polyrhythmic music which was so loud that the rest of the school could hear it!

Science - Electricity

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To begin our Electricity unit, the children in Year 6 learnt and drew all the scientific symbols used for electrical components. Furthermore, we all learnt that if there is only one battery, it is referred to as a ‘cell’ and that we can only use the term ‘battery’ if there is more than one cell. Finally, we used a wide variety of electrical components (such as: bulbs, buzzers, motors and switches) to create a simple circuit. Some of the children progressed further and investigated the impact an extra battery has on a bulb or the impact of adding an additional component (for example: a bulb, buzzer and one cell).

Art - Cityscapes

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Come and look at all Year 6's wonderful cityscapes! Firstly, we experimented with watercolours and practised the different colour washes you can use as a background. Afterwards, we used different pencil grades to experiment with the different lines, shapes and patterns artists use to draw buildings. Finally, we put both skills together and created our own cityscapes, taking inspiration from different cities around the world. Can you spot any familiar buildings in any of the children's work?
Well done to all the Year 6 pupils who participated in Bikeability this year! The children completed their Level 1 badge on the school playground and then applied the skills they had learnt on the local streets around school for Level 2. Super cycling!

Art - Watercolours

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In our art lessons this half term, Year 6 have been using watercolours and experimenting with the different effects they can create. We have used a: flat wash, graded wash, spray wash, sponge wash, colour lifting and edge softening. We have used these techniques on the background of our cityscapes to represent the different times of day. After half term, we will be finishing these and there will be more photographs of the work to follow.

RE - The Kingdom of God

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During Autumn 1, Year 6 have all gained a deeper understanding of 'The Kingdom of God.' We have looked at the virtues, parables and miracles that help us all able to understand what the Kingdom of God is like, how we respond to it and how we show our commitment. At the end of the topic, in pairs, we created a poster to show how The Kingdom of God grows at St. Anthony's - I'm sure you will agree that we are all incredibly lucky to be a part of our special community!

Science - Light


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During Autumn 1, Year 6's science topic was Light. We investigated how we are all able to see using yellow wool as light rays and established that light travels in straight lines. In our second lesson, we investigated how periscopes function using mirrors to see what is happening where the eye can not visibly see. Next, we investigated refraction and how light can bend when it travels through a transparent object/liquid like glass and water. In addition, we explored how, although light appears to be white, it is actually made up of 7 colours called the visible spectrum and we used transparent triangular prisms to see this spectrum; in the same lesson, we created colour wheels and investigated how when the colours are travelling at the same speed, they appear white. Finally, we investigated shadow size and how the position of the light source can affect this. Watch the video above to see some of our practical work!

English - The Boy at the Back of the Class

Throughout Autumn 1 half term, Year 6 have been captivated by our class text: The Boy at the Back of the Class. Everyday, during Guided Reading, we have read more about Ahmet (a nine-year-old refugee from Syria) and his quest to find his parents - it is a truly wonderful book and received a round of applause from all the children when we finished it! Each week, we identified new 'Words of the Week' and added them to our backpacks on our reading display so that they were always there for us to be able to use them in our own writing. Firstly, we wrote informal diary entries from Ahmet's point of view - detailing his treacherous journey across Europe to find sanctuary. Every single child's writing  was outstanding and we recorded each diary entry for their parents to watch on Google Classroom. Finally, we ended the half term, writing formal persuasive letters to Her Majesty to highlight why the UK borders should remain open to refugees. These are also phenomenal pieces of writing and, as a result, after half term, we are going to complete a final draft and select 5 letters which we will send to Queen Elizabeth II to show her our very impressive work. Have a look at the displays above to see our wonderful work...

Bishop Marcus - Message for Year 6

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St Anthony's Leavers' Assembly 2020

Please join Year 6 in celebrating the end of their journey at St Anthony's.

Beowulf and the Warriors workshop

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On Wednesday 4th March, Year 6 participated in a 'Beowulf and the Warriors' workshop - it was a wonderful afternoon! We learnt that Beowulf is the oldest story in written form from England and dates back between the 8th and 10th Century. We completed several activities throughout the afternoon:
1. Created our own imaginery swords and used superb vocabulary to describe them as well as create a backstory as to how we acquired the sword.
2. Became warriors within a mead hall and shared tales of our recent battles - there was a little exaggeration at this point!
3. Used freeze frames to show our warrior qualities in the hope that Beowulf would choose us to join his army.

African Art

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To begin our African Art, Year 6 experimented with water colours and the different shades they could create by mixing. Then, we looked closely at traditional Tingatinga artwork and identified the characteristics associated with this extraordinary style. Afterwards, we combined our watercolour and Tingatinga work: we used water colours to create an African background and then, once they had dried, sketched onto the background African animals using the Tingatinga style. In addition, we have also created vibrant African patterns and completed portraits of Nelson Mandela.

Palm Sunday Pastels

In Year 6, we have all worked incredibly hard to improve our writing this year. We have written a wide range of genres and thought carefully about who our audience is and what the purpose of the text is. Whenever we have started a new genre, we always read an example and annotate the different features as well as conducting research (if it is non-fiction) or reading more examples (if it is fiction). Once we have learnt new grammar and punctuation linked to the genre, we will then complete a first draft. Afterwards, Mrs Nicholson or our writing partners will assess our work and we use green pen to make improvements. Finally, we complete a final draft which could be chosen for display. Have a look at the photographs above of our Quest chapters, Nelson Mandela biographies and Macbeth diary entries…

During our RE lessons this year, Year 6 have enjoyed a range of topics. In ‘Justice,’ we found out about what Jesus taught us all about justice and injustice as well as gaining an understanding of Oscar Romero and Martin Luther King’s actions and beliefs. In ‘Exploring the Mass,’ we found out about the 10 plagues and how Moses helped to release the Israelites on the very first Passover as well as how Jesus is the source and summit of the Christian faith. Have a look at the photographs above to see some of the extremely mature and reflective work we have completed.


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Year 6 have thoroughly enjoyed all their Computing sessions this year! They have used GarageBand to compose a wonderful song as well as using Lightbot and Hopscotch to develop their coding skills.

World Book Day 2020

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What an action-packed World Book Day Year 6 had! Firstly, we all came dressed as a book character – our costumes were fantastic! In Guided Reading, Miss Taylor shared her favourite childhood picture books and let us read them too. In maths, we used a book called’365 Penguins’ to learn more about days, weeks, months and years. In English, we designed and described Macbeth’s sword. To end the morning, in pairs, we made a book character using a potato and art materials – it was so much fun and Miss Leonard came to vote for the winning potato character! Finally, in the afternoon, some of Year 6 participated in a Family Learning Reading session whilst the rest of the class shared picture books with our Year 1 class. What a wonderful day

Macbeth Day

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On Monday 9th March, Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed their visit from SPLATS Entertainment! The class were split into four groups and each group rehearsed an act from the play written by William Shakespeare. To end the day, the children performed Macbeth to Year 4, Year 5 and some of their parents. It was a wonderful experience and is really going to help inspire their diary writing from Macbeth's perspective.

World Book Day - reading with Year 1

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In the afternoon, Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed reading to our Year 1 children. The weather made it even better - we love reading outside!

World Book Day - Family Learning

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On Friday 6th March, Year 6 completed their final family learning session, with a focus on reading this week. Firstly, our adults shared their favourite childhood story and then we discussed the books we remember our families reading to us when we were younger. It was lovely to see familiar authors being mentioned by all, for example: Roald Dahl, Enid Blyton, Julia Donaldson and Michael Rosen. We all agreed that reading can be enjoyed by all from such an early age!

Afterwards, we completed a word study about the word: superiority. We investigated: how many syllables it has, how to spell it, the different meanings it can have as well as its synonyms too. Remember you can complete a word study about any word at all – pick one out in your reading book tonight!

Finally, we read an extract aloud with our adults from H. G. Well’s ‘The Time Machine.’ We then completed some questions which required us to create our own point and then justify it using evidence from the text. A tricky concept but we are all getting much better at it!

Many thanks to all the families who participated in Family Learning this year; we hope it has been beneficial for yourselves and your children. Please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Nicholson or Miss Taylor with any questions you have regarding your children’s learning.


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During Spring 2, Year 6's History topic is going to be 'The Victorians.' In our first lesson, we completed a 'British History Timeline' to identify and understand where in historical chronology Queen Victoria reigned. We found it really interesting to see how the Victorians were only around 200 years ago in comparison to other aspects of British History we have studied previously (like the Roman Britian and the Vikings) which are over 1000 years ago. We are really looking forward to finding out more about Queen Victoria, the Industrial Revolution, inventions during this era as well as medicial developments too.

Cooking in Year 6

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During Spring 1, Miss Leonard set Year 6 a challenge: could they raise 10% of the fee for a Macbeth day in Spring 2? Of course... Year 6 got straight to work.

Firstly, we worked in groups to discuss ideas of how we could raise the money. Eventually, we all decided on baking treats which we could sell to the rest of the school. Each table then began researching ideas for healthier treats to link to our Science unit about the importance of a balanced diet. The final products agreed were: raspberry oat bars, raisin flapjacks, cherry flapjacks, banana and strawberry smoothie and mixed berry smoothie.

On Wednesday 12th February, we spent the day preparing the oat bars and flapjacks. We used our mathematical knowledge of ratio to double the recipes to ensure there would be plenty to sell! On Thursday 13th February, we prepared the fruit for the smoothies - we wanted these to be as fresh as possible.

At playtime, we invited all the classes to come and purchase a treat - it was a huge success! We quickly made the 10% required for our Macbeth day and also made an additional £80 which we are going to donate to Wheatfields Hospice. Well done Year!

French in Year 6

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This half term, Year 6 have thoroughly enjoyed their weekly French lessons. We have focused on the names of our family members, hobbies, where we live, how old we are and the names of different fruits. In our final lesson, we showed how much we had learnt by creating a puppet show and having a conversation in French.

Investors in Pupils

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On Monday 3rd February, we all enjoyed participating in our 'Investors in Pupils' day. In our maths lesson, we learnt about the school budget and how much stationery costs - we are all going to try hard to look after the contents of our pencil pots after calculating how much it all costs! We also found out that we are going to be having a Macbeth day next half term and that the school budget it going to pay for 90% of the overall cost, however, we have to find the remaining 10%. As a class, we have decided we are going to bake and make healthy treats to sell to the rest of the school on Thursday 13th February to, hopefully, cover the 10% needed! Finally, we were very lucky as Mrs Windross (our class governor) visited our classroom and told us all about what being a governor means; she let us ask her questions as well as asking us how we think our school could be improved. Thank you for giving up your time to come and speak to us, Mrs Windross!

Family Learning Session 3

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Today in Family Learning, the children demonstrated all the different methods that we use to solve a range of arithmetic calculations before going outside to complete a treasure hunt! We just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who attended, It is always such a pleasure to see you working so closely together and we can't thank you enough for your continued support - it really does make a huge difference.

Exploring the Mass

On Tuesday 21st January, Year 6 had a wonderful morning with Father Whitwell! Firstly, we celebrated Mass together - a special mention to all the children who read so beautifully. Afterwards, we all lit a candle and thought about somebody who particularly needed our prayers. Finally, we all congregated on The Sanctuary and Father Whitwell explained the different parts of the Mass. This has particularly helped our understanding of our current RE topic - Exploring the Mass. 

Family Learning

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Today (Friday 17th January) was our first Family Learning Session in Year 6 and what an amazing afternoon it was! The focus for today was time and the children worked with their adults to become more fluent in telling the time, calculating time intervals and learning key facts that they will be able to use when solving problems. They also learnt how to read timetables as this will be a skill that is required throughout their lives especially when they start at high school in September. I just wanted to say a huge thank you to all those who attended, it was an absolute privilege to work with so many parents and your wonderful children. I look forward to welcoming you all back next week when the focus will be MONEY! Many thanks once again and if anyone else would like to join us next week just let me know! Miss Taylor

Northern Ballet - Cinderella

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On Thursday 21st November, Year 6 participated in a Cinderella workshop led by Northern Ballet. We learnt about the importance of warming up and learnt some of the special techniques the dancers use to make it seem like they are ice-skating on the Crystal Lake! We can't wait to attend the performace of Cinderella on Thursday 19th December at The Grand.

On Tuesday 19th November, our Year 6 children celebrated their sacrament of Confirmation at a liturgy at St Anthony's Church. We were blessed to have Bishop Marcus leading our liturgy and confirming each of our children in a most special moment in their journey of faith. Miss Leonard, Mr Whittle, Miss Taylor and Father Whitwell were all with our children to be a part of this very special next step in their journey of faith. 


God bless you all Year 6. 

The Big Sing

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On Wednesday 6th November, Year 6 attended 'The Big Sing' at Mount St. Mary's. In the morning, we all prepared for a special liturgy by learning new songs and actions as well as selecting children to learn a new dance and read bidding prayers. After lunch, along with many other children from Catholic primary schools across Leeds, we participated in the special liturgy. We had so much fun!

Science week visitors

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During science week, we were extremely lucky to participate in a wide range of science-based workshops. Watch the video above to see us becoming forensic scientists, palaeontologists, robot handlers as well as sweet and slime creators...


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On Friday 25th October, Mrs Mehmood visited Year 6 to explain her fascinating job as an optometrist. Firstly, we looked a model of our eye and explored the different parts and their functions. Next, we were taught why a person would be short or long sighted and how glasses can correct this as well as learning new scientific vocabulary like convex and concave. Finally, we all explored a contact lens...

Brightstorm Science

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During Autumn 1, Year 6 have been reading Brightstorm by Vashti Hardy in Guided Reading. As we have been reading and identifying our words of the week, we have noticed a lot of scientific vocabulary. Therefore, we completed two experiments to further our knowledge on density and air resistance. We made lava lamps to explore the density of water and oil and we created our own sky ships with a variety of materials as the balloon to investigate air resistance. It was all so much fun and we learnt so much...


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As we came to the end of our Circulatory System unit, the science department from Mount St. Mary’s came to complete a dissection lesson of the heart with us. Mr Hicklin was extremely impressed with our knowledge of the heart, particularly the four chambers and how blood leaves the heart in an artery and returns in a vein. After the dissection, we extended our knowledge about arteries, veins and capillaries. Watch the video above to see our very exciting lesson...


During the week beginning 30th September, all the Year 6 children completed their Bikeability Level 1 and 2 training with Cycle North. Well done!

Leeds United's Centenary

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On Monday 30th September, six very lucky members of Year 6 visited The Centenary Pavilion at Elland Road to share the research and project the whole class have been working on to mark Leeds United's Centenary. For the last two weeks, the children have been inspired by Albert Johanneson (the first Black African to play in the FA Cup final in 1965 for Leeds) and have worked in groups to find out about more inspirational Leeds players from around the globe. In addition, everyone has been raiding their attics to find all their Leeds memorabilia and we created our own Leeds United museum filled with shirts, programmes, scarves, balls and much more. Marching on Together!

Parliamentary Education Service

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On Tuesday 24th September, all KS2 had a special assembly with Rachel from the Parliamentary Education Service. We learnt about what happens in the Houses of Parliament and what living in a democracy means. Afterwards, Rachel visited Year 6 and completed an 'Elections and Voting' workshop. All the children worked in groups to create a new political party and had to collaborate to produce a party manifesto. At the end they all presented their manifesto and we voted for the party with a manifesto that appealed to us. Congratulations to the Square Party who won!

Science - The Circulatory System

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This half term, Year 6 have been studying The Circulatory System. We began by creating a gigantic system in the school hall, with the children representing the heart, lungs, arteries, veins and blood. After wards, we created a labelled diagram of this in our books and were able to see why it is known as a double circulation system. In our next lesson, we created 3D hearts which has helped in our most recent lesson in which we labelled the human heart. Year 6 are heart experts!