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St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

Growing together on a journey with Jesus



Year 5 Cheerleading Event - November 2024

Year 5 Cheerleading Event

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10 year 5 girls enjoyed a cheerleading event at Beeston Primary this week. The girls were a credit to St Anthony's.

Y5 Cheer

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Y5 Cheerleading

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Year 4 Skip Dance Competition - February 2024

We have worked hard this year to develop our skipping skills.  We used these successfully when taking part in the Leeds Skip Dance competition.  We represented our school brilliantly and had a fantastic time.  We were proud to win so many certificates and come second in the competition. Our hard work certainly paid off!

Multi-skills Panathlon Event

Skipping with Year 2

After successfully qualifying from the South Leeds heat in October, our Y5/6 football team competed against the best teams from across the north/east/west of Leeds at the Leeds United Training Ground on Monday morning. 

The boys competed magnificently, going through to the semi finals and losing 2-0 to the eventual winners of the tournament. We are so proud of their achievements in reaching the final 4 schools from a total of over 80 schools that initially entered. 

The boys had a wonderful day which was made even sweeter when they met one or two familiar faces (Dan James, Archie Gray and Cryscensio Summerville of Leeds United took time out of their day to speak to the boys and sign shirts and memorabilia). Well done to all involved. 

Y5/6 Premier League Primary Stars Final @ Leeds United Training Ground (Thorp Arch)

Year 6 Carnival Dance

Our Y6 children spent Autumn 2 listening to, composing and performing their own dances based on the Brazilian Carnival. The children were asked to include lots of features in their dances: canon, unison, different facial expressions, different levels, different speeds and end with a freeze frame reflecting a Brazilian landscape.

Some of our Y6 pupils participated in a tri-golf session at Robin Hood Primary School on 16.10.23

Y2 Football Team after their first fixtures on 16.10.23

Y3 Football Team after their first fixtures of the new season on 09.10.23

Routes into Sports Clubs

Please click on the document below which will provide you with a list of various sports clubs in Leeds which your child can get involved with.

If your child has an interest in any sport that is not on the listed on the documents below, and would like to get involved outside of school, please speak to Mr Kearney and he will look into it for you.

Year 2 - Skipping Festival Champions 2023

Year 2 - Skipping Festival Champions 2023

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On Thursday 6th July, Year 2 took part in a competitive Skipping Festival, where they competed with different schools across Leeds. They did singular skips including the single bounce, double bounce, hop & swap, side straddle and side swing. Then, they competed in groups using different formations. The children were absolutely incredible winning 6 Golds, 4 silvers and 2 bronzes...crowning us the overall champions of the tournament. I felt like the proudest teacher in Leeds today - they were all amazing! Well done Year 2!
Take a look at some of our super skipping in the video below.

Girls Premier League Primary Stars Final @ Elland Road

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A collection of photos of our wonderful Y6 Girls' Football Team from the Premier League Primary Stars Final day at Elland Road. The girls had to successfully navigate through 4 separate qualifying events to reach this stage and they competed valiantly on the day whilst thoroughly enjoying the experience of playing at Elland Road. What a day!

Girls Football Team Represent Leeds United, winning place in Semi-Finals 24th March 2023 as part of Primary League Tournament Nationally

We have worked hard this year to develop our skipping skills.  We used these successfully when taking part in the Leeds Skip Dance competition.  We represented our school brilliantly and had a fantastic time.  We were proud to win so many certificates and come second in the competition. Our hard work certainly paid off!

Year 6 Brazil Inspired Dance Project

Getting Active at St Anthony's

Year 2 Archery [February '23]

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Year 2 were so excited to develop their archery skills this week. All children had a great time improving their technique in order to aim at a target. What fabulous work Year 2!

A Taste of Judo

Ace Club Sports Gala

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We thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the Ace Club Sports Gala. We participated in a wide range of sporting activities and worked hard to develop our skills.  We worked superbly as individuals and as part of a team.

Leeds Arena Jane Tomlinson Fun Run

Year 4 Skip Dance Competition

We have worked hard this year to develop our skipping skills.  We used these successfully when taking part in the Leeds Skip Dance competition.  We represented our school brilliantly and had a fantastic time.  We were proud to win so many certificates.  Our hard work certainly paid off!

Year 5 - Brother, Sister - Easter Liturgical Dance

Year 4 - Today - Easter Liturgical Dance

Year 1 P.E

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Rise Schools Project

Rise is an education project focusing on health and wellbeing in schools.Find out more:

Reception - Balanceability

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Reception had an amazing time taking part in Balanceability lessons. It was wonderful to see the children grow in confidence, try something new and develop their balancing skills using the balance bikes.

Reception's Very First Sports Day

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We were all so very proud of Reception this week when they took part in sports day for the very first time. The enthusiasm, determination and perseverance that our youngest children demonstrated was inspirational and a pleasure to witness. Thank you to all the parents who attended their very first event in a socially distanced manner, it was wonderful to be able to welcome you this morning and we hope you enjoyed it as much as the children. Well done Reception - YOU ARE ALL STARS!!

PE in action at St Anthony's (KS2 Evidence)

Ace Club Sports Gala in Year 6

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On Monday 28th June, Year 6 had an action-packed afternoon at the ACE Club Sports Gala. From dancing to football to dodgeball, all the children had a wonderful time! Thank you ACE club!

Cricket skills in Year 6

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During our PE lessons this half term, Year 6 are developing their understanding and the skills required in cricket. Firstly, the children explored different types of throwing like: underarm, overarm and bowling. As the children became more confident with their throwing, they began to explore how accuracy can be used when throwing and catching. In their most recent lesson, the children learnt how to bat and the skills required to hit the ball accurately. All the children are looking forward to developing their understanding of this sport as the term progresses.

Year 6 - Dance Partnership with Northern Ballet

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On Thursday 21st November, Year 6 participated in a Cinderella workshop led by Northern Ballet. We learnt about the importance of warming up and learnt some of the special techniques the dancers use to make it seem like they are ice-skating on the Crystal Lake! We can't wait to attend the performace of Cinderella on Thursday 19th December at The Grand.

Year 6 - PE Across the Curriculum - Leeds United Centenary

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On Monday 30th September, six very lucky members of Year 6 visited The Centenary Pavilion at Elland Road to share the research and project the whole class have been working on to mark Leeds United's Centenary. For the last two weeks, the children have been inspired by Albert Johanneson (the first Black African to play in the FA Cup final in 1965 for Leeds) and have worked in groups to find out about more inspirational Leeds players from around the globe. In addition, everyone has been raiding their attics to find all their Leeds memorabilia and we created our own Leeds United museum filled with shirts, programmes, scarves, balls and much more. Marching on Together!

Year 5 - Sports Day

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It was fantastic to be able to celebrate Sports Day together this year. Year 5 had a fantastic afternoon taking part in an exciting range of sports: running, hockey, football, cricket and more! A huge well done to all of Year 5 for showing fantastic sportsmanship, cheering on their team mates and giving everything a go. A big congratulations to our worthy winners too: the red team!

Year 5 Rugby

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We have been really lucky to have a term of bespoke teaching from Hunslet Hawks to develop and progress children's skill and knowledge in Rugby. Lessons build skill progressively and the results have been brilliant! Year 5 have been enjoying rugby training over the last term with Hunslet Hawks! Take a look...

Year 5 - ACE Sports Gala

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On Monday, Year 5 had an energetic afternoon at the ACE Club Sports Gala taking part in a variety of sporting activities: dodge ball, dancing and football! Take a look...

We really enjoyed working in co-operation with each other during the Ace Club Sports Gala.

Team Games in Year 4

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We know how to move effectively in a game situation and can use a range of passing techniques. We understand the importance of 'fair play' when working as part of a team during a competitive game.

Year 4 PE: Skip Dance Winners!

Year 4 were delighted to be awarded Skip Dance Champions in the recent Leeds Tournament for Skip Dance. We are so proud of you Year 6.

Year 3 - Cricket

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Year 3 have been practicing their throwing and catching by learning to develop their bowling and fielding skills through cricket.

Year 2 - Ace Gala Dancing

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Year 2 - ACE Gala: Athletic Games and Football

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As part of our Sports Gala, we took part in a range of athletic games and football games. We enjoyed working as part of a team and developing our strategy skills. Take a look at some photos from our fun Sports Gala!

Year 2 PE - Developing their multiskills in PE lessons

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Gymnastics - Year 2

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PE in Year 1

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Year 1 have been learning about throwing, catching and passing the ball to each other in PE this half term.

Reception Superhero Academy

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We developed our agility, balance and co-ordination by completing our superhero training! This helped us to be the fastest and strongest superheroes. We completed an obstacle course, practised our aim using spinning targets and used our water sprayers to defeat the hidden villains. What a fun afternoon!

PE in Reception

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During our PE lessons we learn to move our bodies with control and co-ordination. We play lots of fun games to develop our gross motor skills and thoroughly enjoy playing with our friends.