Our aim is to provide our children with an ambitious curriculum which is rich in opportunities to learn and explore vocabulary.
Our Geographical Intent (2024)
Our high-quality Geography education at St Anthony’s aims to inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives.
Our Geography topic this half term is 'Weather and Climates'. Year 3 have been exploring different climates around the world and how they differ in weather at various points in the year. Year 3 worked in groups to explore a case study of a location around the world. Their task was to work together to study the climate zone of their chosen place and use their excellent knowledge to write a weather report for the month of November. Year 3 recorded their voices to share the weather news from their chosen location, giving reasons for the weather at that time of year. Mrs Gledhill was so impressed with Year 3 with how they worked together in teams on their projects in order to create a special, Geography masterpiece.
Have a look at our weather reports below! What information can you find out about each location?
Year 3 Weather Report - Seville, Spain
Year 3 Weather Report - Nuuk, Greenland
Year 3 Weather Report - Santiago, Chile
Year 3 Weather Report - Kingston, Jamaica
Year 5 visit to Roundhay Park and Tropical World - October 2024
On Thursday 3rd October, Year 5 visited Roundhay Park and Tropical World to gain a deeper understanding of the Geography topic about the Amazon Rainforest. Firstly, we completed a workshop in the heart of Roundhay Park. We learnt that a place must have an average annual rainfall above 250cm to be class as a rainforest and then completed a challenge to identify which trees were found in temperate climates but not in a tropical climate. Afterwards, we learnt how to estimate and height and age of a tree – our maths skills were definitely put to the test! Finally, we explored forest floor for mini-beasts and discussed which would and wouldn’t be found in a rainforest too. In the afternoon, we explored Tropical World and found more out about the fascinating animals that live in the four layers of the world’s rainforests. What a fantastic day we had!
Year 2 Geography Fieldtrip to Bridlington 2024
Reception Visit to Cannon Hall Farm
St Anthony's Year 3 Geography Explorers
Displays: Inspiring Geography at St Anthony's (2024)
Here is our Geography Curriculum coming alive this year across our whole school. We begin with evidence from Reception, and move upwards through each year group to our Geography curriculum in Year 6. I hope you enjoy seeing our Geography curriculum in action. Come and ask our Geography leader, Miss Leonard, if you have any questions relating our our Geography curriculum at St Anthony's. She has a Geography degree and has a passion for Geography.
Reception - Diwali
We had a fantastic day learning all about how some children celebrate the festival of Diwali. We drew comparisons between the celebrations that take place at Diwali and celebrations we have experienced such as Christmas, Bonfire Night and our birthdays. Have a look at this video to see some of the fun activities we took part in to further our learning about this very special festival.
Reception - Our Local Area
We have been learning all about our local area. Look at all of our fantastic work! We have done lots of research about features of Beeston by going on local walks and conducting field sketches from our school grounds. Our reading skills helped us to play a sorting game to identify things that we could find in Beeston and things we couldn't. Then we used all of our knowledge to create our own model Beeston which filled our whole classroom! We had so much fun driving the remote control cars around our amazing creation, whilst identifying lots of features of our local area.
Reception - Holi
We all thoroughly enjoyed learning all about the Hindu festival of Holi. Before we went outside, we learnt lots of different facts about the festival and how some children might celebrate it. We used our geographical skills to find India on the map and talked about similarities and differences between Holi and some of the celebrations we have experienced such as Christmas or Bonfire Night. "We learnt about Holi. We were playing with the paint. They go to their church. They take off their shoes at their church, we don't do that" said Jamelia. "We fight with paint, it's Holi! They eat special food. I have food at Christmas" said Harrison.
Geography in Reception
Diwali: We had a very exciting theme day learning all about the festival of Diwali. The children learnt so much about this interesting festival and compared this to other celebrations they have experienced.
Reception - Chinese New Year
We learnt all about the festival of Chinese New Year. We did our research, made some amazing things and some of us even ate some Chinese food. We talked about the similarities and differences between Chinese New Year and festivals that we celebrate.
Reception - Rockpool Environments
We learnt all about the features of a rockpool environment and compared this to puddles we might find in Beeston. Then we learnt about the different animals that live in a rockpool. We made some absolutely beautiful rockpools - have a look at some of our creations!
Reception - Chinese New Year
We used the internet, books and some special objects Mrs Capaldi had brought in to learn about how some children around the world might celebrate the festival of Chinese New Year. We used globes and maps to find the location of China but also talked about how some children in Leeds might celebrate Chinese New Year too. Then we took part in lots of activities to explore the festival in lots of different ways across our Foundation Stage curriculum.
Reception - Exploring the Festival of Holi
As part of our learning about different cultures in our world we learnt about the festival of Holi. We used Google Earth to locate India where many people celebrate this festival. Then we watched videos to find out all about how and why children from around the world celebrate this festival. We finished out special morning by recreating part of the festival outside. Look at the video to see how much fun we had exploring this fantastic colourful festival celebrating the beginning of Spring!
Reception - Identifying Features of our School Environment
We used aerial photographs to identify features of our school grounds. Then we used this knowledge to collect pirate coins on a treasure hunt around our school. We developed our geographical vocabulary linked to our local area.
Year 1 Geography - Exploring our Local Area of Beeston to discover Human and Physical Features
Year 1 conducted a walk around our local area of Beeston in order to identify different human and physical features. We explored lots of different buildings including the library, church, pharmacy and shops. We also saw lots of physical features, including trees, grass and hills. We also discussed things that we couldn’t find in our local area, such as a river or a farm. We are going to explore this further through looking at maps to see if Beeston has these features or not. Well done Year 1 – some excellent learning!
Home Sweet Home Year 1
Home Sweet Home - Using a Birds eye view we have made our own maps of the year one classroom. We used our observational and map reading skills to explore the school and its grounds in our fieldwork. Using the story 'Me on the map' we put ourselves on a map of our own! We explored human and physical geographical features and then sorted photos from Beeston and the surrounding areas into the two groups. Then we used this knowledge of Beeston to help us draw a basic map of our local area using a key.
Year 1 Geography - Antarctica
Geography year one - Where in the world is Antarctica?
Year one used the atlases to locate Antarctica. We found out some amazing facts and then located some physical features on our own maps of Antarctica.
Year 1 Assembly
Our Year 1 class have been learning about cold locations. They have used maps and globes to locate the polar regions. They performed their learning from their Geography topic this February 2022. Ask them all about it.
Year 1 trip to Cannon Hall Farm
Year 1 have been learning about different settings. They made a field trip to the Farm to learn new vocabulary to help them with their topic.
Year 1 Amazon Adventurers
Year 1 - Catch-up Learning - Mapping Skills
Mrs Coldman spent a day in Year 1 developing their mapping skills and use of locational and positional language. I was so impressed with how you threw yourselves into each activity and what you could remember at the end of the day too! We began by being divided in to different crews and designing our own pirate hats. We then made an essential pirate tool - a compass. We labelled each direction, added the arrow and used these to follow directions that were given to us. After, we used this knowledge when studying maps! Our last activity involved doing a survey of the human features of our school grounds. We then added these to a treasure map and created a key. Finally we hunted for the buried treasure belonging to another crew using their maps. Wow what a super set of pirates and an amazing set of geographers you are Year 1!
Geography in Year 1- Local area walk
In Year 1 we were learning about the features of our local area. We developed our skills of enquiry by asking questions, what is it like in Beeston? What makes it a special place to live? We undertook fieldwork in Beeston to look for human and physical features and found these on maps and plans. We developed our vocabulary of geography by naming the features we could see.
Geography in Year 1
Continents and Oceans: In the Spring term Year 1 were learning all about the seven continents and five oceans. The children loved getting out the maps and globes to see if they could spot each continent and each ocean around the world
Year 2 Fieldwork Visit to Bridlington - July 2023
Year 2 had an amazing fieldwork visit to Bridlington, in order to observe the human and physical features of coastal areas. We discussed the differences between the human and physical features and compared them to the maps we created at school. We explored the harbour, pier, the North and South Beach, promenade, shops, the North Sea and cliffs. We also took an exciting ride on a land train to explore the coastline from a different perspective. We had a great view of the cliffs and how they form the coastline. The children were all amazing in identifying and exploring the different features and describing how they are similar and different to our own local area of Beeston. Well done Year 2!
Year 2 Geography - Around the World [February 23]
Year 2 had an amazing workshop on Wednesday where they explored 'All Around the World!' Linking to our topic on Climates, focussing on areas near and far from the Equator, Year 2 explored the different climates of the world and considered which animals live there. They used expert vocabulary to give reasons why the climates have certain weather patterns and why they create ideal habitats for certain animals who have adapted to live there. What amazing Geography work Year 2!
Year 2 Map Work linked to Black History Week - Autumn 1 2022
This week, Year 2 have been learning all about inspirational black people throughout History. In our Geography lesson, we learned about the birth places of some of these people and used the atlases to plot them on a map of the world. We then used compass points to describe how to travel from one birth place to another. We explored the different areas of the world and enjoyed using our map skills!
Year 2 Map Work - Exploring Coastal Towns (June 2022)
Year 2 Seaside Explorers! July 2022
As part of our Geography topic, Year 2 visited the coastal town of Bridlington to discover all about the physical and human features found there. I was so impressed with the exceptional level of vocabulary used by all the children to describe features such as the harbour, pier, promenade, cliffs etc. We had the most wonderful day deepening our understanding of contrasting areas within the United Kingdom. Take a look at the fun we had!
Year 2 - Designing our own Coastal Town (June 2022)
Bridlington Explorers
Wow, Year Two! What a set of super stars you are! I was so impressed with your behaviour, manners and grown-up attitude on our trip to Bridlington on Friday. You listened so carefully and had smiles on your faces all day. You were an absolute joy to spend time with and a credit to your families and our school. A huge well done! I was also very impressed with your amazing Geography knowledge. You showed what seaside experts you are; naming the physical and human features, finding out about the jobs in a seaside town and thinking about what tourists can do in Bridlington. Mrs Gledhill will be very proud of you! Mrs Coldman
Year 2 Seaside Explorers
Seaside Explorers!
Year 2 had the most wonderful time being Geography explorers in the coastal town of Bridlington. Over the last few weeks, Year 2 have conducted research to discover more all about Bridlington and are planning a non-chronological report based around their research. During the visit, they identified and named a range of human and physical features of the coastline and considered how a seaside town generates tourism. I am so proud of them for all of their hard work and I know they had a superb time exploring at the seaside! Take a look at our special video from the day!
Year 2 - Catch-up Learning - Australia Day
In the Summer 2, Mrs Coldman led a Geography Day in Year 2, catching up on missed learning from the previous year. Year Two became Australian explorers in our catch up Geography Day. The children worked incredibly hard to develop their knowledge of the continents and oceans. They used atlases and globes and worked as a team to place them all in the correct places. Then they made balloon globes - Wow! The children listened carefully to the reasons for the design of the Australian and United Kingdom flags before making their own. They asked lots of questions and were very inquisitive when I spoke to them about my own trip to Australia a few years ago. Finally the children pieced together the 6 states of Australia and added the important cities and landmarks. We had a wonderful day Year Two and I was so impressed with each and every one of you!
Geography in Year 2 - Observing photographs to identify physical features
Year 2 - Exploring and reading maps
Year 2 - Which countries make the UK?
To support with our Geography topic, Year 2 hosted an English afternoon tea to enhance our learning all about the country of England. Our parents/grandparents/relatives visited to help us delve deeper into the capital city of London, explore the River Thames, Scafell Pike and many other English traditions. We looked at maps, made our own English flags and recreated some key physical and human features of England. We had a wonderful afternoon and learned so much about the country of England! Take a look at some of our pictures below.
Year 3 - Northern and Southern Hemispheres
Year 3 have made a super start to their Geography topic: Weather and Climate. In our first lesson, we identified the different Lines of Latitude. In our second lesson, we used atlases to identify whether a country was positioned in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere.
Geography in Year 3
Over the Autumn and Spring terms, year 3 have been looking at the topics 'Weather' and 'The Local Area'. Take a look at these great examples of learning that include: comparing hot and cold climates, locating hot and cold climates, directions, human/physical features and map reading.
Year 3 - Map Reading
Using an 8 point compass, Year 3 have worked excellently hard reading maps and identifying geographical human features in our local area of Beeston
Year 3 Topic: The Local Area
Year 3 have been further developing their skills of fieldwork and enquiry by learning about the human and physical features of our local area Beeston. During a Geography fieldwork visit around Beeston we identified a number of human features and followed a map of a local route using a compass to record direction. We named features, and located these accurately on maps. We used digimaps to locate Beeston, and identify its features, comparing it to other locations we have studied in Geography.
Year 4 Geography Wonder Day 2024 - Fantastic France
We really enjoyed our 'Geography Wonder Day'. It was a brilliant opportunity to bring alive, celebrate and enhance our topic on France. We developed our mapping skills when finding about the landmarks of Paris and enjoyed sampling traditional French foods. We worked fantastically together when building models of the Eiffel Tower and enjoyed making comparisons between London and Paris. The children were amazing and it was such a joy to see their enthusiasm, co-operation and love of learning!
Autumn 2: Year 4 visit to Headingly Water Treatment Centre
In order to enhance our Geography topic on rivers, we spent the day at Headingly Water Treatment Centre. We furthered our understanding of the water cycle, learnt about the process of water treatment and explored what not to flush down the toilet. The highlight of the day was a guided tour of the centre which was fascinating. The staff were amazed by our existing knowledge and retention of key facts. Well done everyone!
Year 4 Geography Wonder Day July 2023- Volcanoes and Earthquakes
Our learning about volcanoes and earthquakes was brought to life during our fantastic 'Geography Wonder Day'. Using drama, movement and role play, we explored key aspects of the physical geography of volcanoes and earthquakes. We found out about a wide range of significant natural disasters, including the events in Pompeii in 79AD. We worked together to prepare and share news broadcasts about what to do in an earthquake. Our visitor was amazed with our fantastic knowledge and understanding about this interesting topic. This was a wonderful experience that had us all erupting with excitement!
Year 4 - French Wonder Day
We really enjoyed our 'Geography Wonder Day'. It was a brilliant opportunity to bring alive, celebrate and enhance our topic on France. We developed our mapping skills when finding about the landmarks of Paris and enjoyed sampling traditional French foods. We worked fantastically together when building models of the Eiffel Tower and enjoyed making comparisons between London and Paris. The children were amazing and it was such a joy to see their enthusiasm, co-operation and love of learning!
Year 4 visit from Yorkshire Water
As part of our Geography topic on rivers, we were very lucky to spend the morning with education workers from Yorkshire Water. We found out about the different stages of the Water Cycle and learnt about the process of water treatment. We explored the causes and effects of river pollution and found out what not to put down the kitchen sink or flush down the toilet.
Year 4 - Volcanoes and Earthquakes
Our learning about volcanoes and earthquakes was brought to life during our fantastic 'Geography Wonder Day'. Using drama, movement and role play, we explored key aspects of the physical geography of volcanoes and earthquakes. We found out about a wide range of significant natural disasters and re-created what happened at Pompeii. We worked together to prepare and share news broadcasts about what to do in an earthquake. This was a wonderful experience that had us all erupting with excitement!
Year 4 - Wonderful Water
As part of our Geography topic on rivers, we were very lucky to spend the morning with education workers from Yorkshire Water. We found out about the different stages of the Water Cycle and learnt about the process of water treatment. We explored the causes and effects of river pollution and found out what not to put down the kitchen sink or flush down the toilet.
Year 4 - Catch-up Learning - Our Local Area
Mrs Coldman led a catch-up learning day, where Year 4 studied our local area. We began the day thinking about where Beeston is; which city, which county, which country and which continent. We also considered its location compared to other areas. We used Google Maps to plan a local route and designed a tally chart to collect our data. We added the possible different types of land use we may find. During our local walk, we collect land use data in a tally chart and took photographs on i-pads. Once we returned to school, we used our data to create a bar graph demonstrating the different types of land use and created pencil sketches using our photographs. We then added these to a local area map. An amazing day of learning. Well done Year 4!
Year 4 - Geography Wonder Day - France
Our Year 4 class studied the topic of France. They have identified the main physical and human features of France, and brought the topic alive through a French wonder day. They can identify and talk about a range of French landmarks and even created their own verions of the Eiffel Tower through DT! French cuisine was explored as well as learning French from our native French expert Madame Mattaeus.
Geography in Year 4
We love geography in Year 4. Throughout the year, we have worked hard to develop our mapping skills, building sequentially on the skills taught in previous year groups. We have created graphs to represent climate data and have used these when comparing different regions, considering their proximity to the equator. We have developed our use of geographical vocabulary and have considered the positive and negative effects of human activity on the environment.
Year 4 - Fantastic France
We really enjoyed our 'Geography Wonder Day'. It was a brilliant opportunity to bring alive, celebrate and enhance our Geography topic on France. The children were amazing and it was such a joy to see their enthusiasm, co-operation and love of learning!
Geography, English and Art - Amazon Explorers! (Year 5 - Autumn 1)
Across our first half term, Year 5 have thoroughly researched the Amazon Rainforest across a range of subjects. In English, we have been inspired by Deadly 60 and researched deadly animals that can be found in the Amazon Rainforest, presenting this information in the format of fact files. We have also been inspired by Henri Rousseau, a French artist who painted a series of masterpieces depicting tropical rainforests, creating collages inspired by his works with Mrs Coldman.
What an exciting topic - through independent and structured research, we have developed our knowledge of the Amazon Rainforest using a cross-curricular approach to learning. Feel free to ask us about the Amazon, we're sure to impress with our brilliant information!
Geography and English - Save the Rainforest! (Year 5 - Autumn 1)
This half term, Year 5 have concluded their learning on the Amazon Rainforest by researching the threats it faces, such as deforestation. Even though we understand the dangers it poses, we investigated a range of reasons why people still support it, balancing these ideas with why people do not support deforestation. We presented our findings as a balanced argument, considering both arguments for and against the subject, before ultimately making a decision as to whether we should or should not support it.
To develop our communication and public speaking skills, we then had a class debate as to whether we should or should not support deforestation. Each pupil argued their points eloquently and with confidence - it was amazing to see how well everyone participated in the lesson and worked as a team.
Year 5 - Biome Explorers!
In geography, we have been exploring six of the Earth's biomes. These are areas across the planet that have similar landscapes, climates, flora and fauna. We researched the conditions of each biome and designed a survival guide that people should use if they were to visit.
We presented our findings on trioramas, accompanied by detailed illustrations to show what the biome looks like. Have a read - you never know when you might need these!
Rainforests photostory
Year 5 - Food Trade and Transport
"Before you've finished your breakfast this morning, you'll have relied on half the world." - Martin Luther King Year 5 were tasked with a very interesting project this week exploring the ultimate question: Where does your food come from? Each day Year 5 were set a focus area to complete researching and presenting the following areas: trade, export and import, food miles and Fair Trade. From PowerPoints to booklets, our work was published to a very high standard. Year 5 enjoyed exploring the food in their homes and finding out about their country of origin.
Year 5 - Biome in a Box
We have been very busy learning all about the major biomes of the world in our Geography work this half term. We became experts on a biome of our choice and looked at animal adaptions, designing our own animal adapted to a particular biome. Finally, on Friday we made 'Biomes in a Box', thinking carefully about how to best represent our chosen biome and the flora and fauna found there! Both the children in school and at home have worked incredibly hard - take a look...
Geography in Year 5
Exploring Brazil and the Amazon Rainforest
In Year 5, we loved learning all about the Amazon Rainforest. We worked hard to develop our mapping skills and looked closely at the countries which border Brazil. Next, we explored the physical geography of Brazil, focusing on landscape, climate, wildlife and people. We then used data to draw our own graphs showing the average monthly temperature in a tropical rainforest and average rainfall. Some of us drew line graphs to compare the average temperatures in Manaus and London! After gaining a good understanding of the climate, we explored deeper into the rainforest learning about the four layers.Our learning was topped off with a visit to Tropical World, comparing our native woodland with tropical rainforests! Whilst learning about the rainforest, we learnt all about the life and work of Sir David Attenborough. Year 5 are truly inspired to continue with his amazing work saving the world's precious rainforests!
Year 5: Locating the Amazon Rainforest
In Year 5, we loved learning all about the Amazon Rainforest. We worked hard to develop our mapping skills and looked closely at the countries which border Brazil. Next, we explored the physical geography of Brazil, focusing on landscape, climate, wildlife and people.
Year 5: Animals of the Rainforest
Year 5 took part in a rainforest animals workshop led by Sam’s Safaris. The workshop gave us the opportunity to meet rare and exotic invertebrates, reptiles, amphibians, birds and mammals from around the world. We had the chance to handle and observe the animals whilst learning about their life cycles.
Year 5 Native forests and Rainforests Topic
Geography in Year 6: Amazing Africa
Year 6: African Wonder Day
On Tuesday 23rd November, Year 6 had their very own African Wonder Day! We began the morning with an African Quiz to test our Geographical knowledge. Afterwards, we created our own wonderful African masks using a dotting art technique. After playtime, we used our African masks and learnt an African masked dance. Finally, in the afternoon, we completed an African drumming workshop using djembes. Have a look the highlights of our wonderful action-packed day...
Year 6: Out of Africa Display
Year 6: African Drumming
As part of our African Wonder Day, we participated in an African Drumming workshop. During this, we learnt about how drums are an integral part of tribe life; what they are made from as well as different rhythms. By the end of the session, we had created impressive polyrhythmic music which was so loud that the rest of the school could hear it!
Year 6: African Masks
As part of our African Wonder Day, we created our own African Mask Masterpieces. Watch the video and see if you can play 'Guess who?' at the end...
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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