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St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

Growing together on a journey with Jesus


Year 1

Inspirational Science Week

Thursday 9th May - Exploring Arrays in Maths

Year 1 - Summer 1 Science Provision (Topic: Growth)

Today, Year 1 have been using drawing materials to make different lines and marks reflecting what they can hear in music (our focus music was Debussy’s ‘La Mer’). We learnt that there are many different ways of drawing lines, that they feel different to make, and that they look different. Next, we added plants and creatures to bring our artwork to life. Afterwards, we evaluated our art and the work of others using the language we had learnt. What super artists Year 1!

Science - Identifying common garden and wildflower plants in our school environment (Thursday 2nd May)

Today, Year 1 have been recognising and identifying a range of common garden and wildflower plants. We learnt that:

• Wildflowers have not been chosen by humans to grow in their garden.

• Most wildflowers have not been planted by humans.

• Garden plants have been chosen by humans to grow in their gardens.


Key enquiry questions you can ask your children at home to help with our Science knowledge:

What is the name of this plant?

• How can you describe the flower?

• How can you describe the smell?

• Which garden plant is tall with a very large yellow flower?

• Which wildflower has a white and yellow flower?

• Which wildflower has five yellow petals?

• Which wildflower has spiky leaves?


Science - Identifying Parts of a Tree (Thursday 25th April)

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Today, Year 1 have been expanding their knowledge of plants by identifying parts of a tree. We learned that trees have roots, a trunk, branches and leaves. We explored also how some trees also have fruit and that not all trees are the same (we loved looking at blossom trees in particular!)
Next, we explored our own school grounds and worked in partners to label the different parts of the tree we could observe. Super work Year 1!

Year 1 Science - Planting Seeds (Thursday 25th April)

Year 1 Science - Dissecting Parts of a Plant (Friday 19th April)

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This half term, Year 1 are learning all about plants. We begun our exciting learning journey today by learning all about the different parts of a flower. We explored the stem, petals, leaves, anther and also looked at the roots of a plant. We conducted an experiment to observe what the function of the stem of a plant is and discovered that stems transport water and nutrients to the plant/flower. We then dissected the flowers and labelled the different parts. Well done Year 1!

Friday 19th April - Ready to Read & Our Vocabulary Lesson

Today we had our first 'Ready to Read' session of the Summer Term. We are focussing lots on developing our knowledge of Alien Words in preparation for our upcoming Phonics Screening Check. It was wonderful to have so many parents, grandparents and siblings join us for our session today, developing a love of reading within our Year 1 Classroom.


Within our Vocabulary lesson today, our focus word was 'Huddle'. Can you ask your child at home what the word 'Huddle' means? When might they see huddling? Why might animals huddle? Take a look at the pictures of Year 1 forming a Huddle together!

Year 1 Meet our Special New Chicks!

Year 1 - The Tale of Peter Rabbit [Class Assembly and World Book Day] Friday 8th March

As part of our World Book Day celebrations, Year 1 told the Tale of Peter Rabbit in our Friday Whole School Good Work Assembly. All of the adults in Year 1 are so proud of the children, they all performed amazingly and with confidence. What super stars you are Year 1!

St Anthony's Catholic Primary School Ofsted 2024

Year 1 School Council 2023-2024

Here are our Year 1 School Council representatives. These members have been elected by their peers, using a democratic process in line with our British Values. These children attend special meetings weekly and conduct roles around school. They represent the views of our Year 1 pupils. Congratulations on this special role during this academic year. We are very proud of you! 

Our Ready to Read Weekly Parent Session - Friday 19th January

Our Science Learning - Exploring Fish! (Thursday 18th January)

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Today, we explored the features of fish up close! We identified their special features and used our observational skills to discover more. Year 1 were amazing at describing how fish have fins, scales, gills and a tail. We discussed what each of these features help a fish to do and how they help them to survive. We used magnifying glasses to explore the scales and fins up close. Mrs Gledhill was so impressed with our amazing use of scientific vocabulary and Mrs Reuben - our Science Leader - was blown away by our knowledge. Amazing work Year 1!

Our Maths Learning - Thursday 18th January

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Today, Year 1 have been using our Maths Manipulatives to find 'one more' than a given number up to 20. We have also used number lines and cubes to help us see how the number is becoming greater each time we add one more. Tomorrow, we will be exploring one less.

Here are some questions you can explore with your children at home to assist with their learning:
How can you show the number ?
• How can you find 1 more? How does this change the number? Which digit changes?
• How can you find 1 less? How does this change the number?
• What is the same and what is different about finding 1 more and finding 1 less?
• When you are finding 1 more or 1 less, which digit changes? Is it always the same digit?

Use the following sentences to help structure your thinking:
___ is 1 more than ___
___ is 1 less than ___
1 more than ___ is ___
1 less than ___ is ___

Well done Year 1!
Mrs Gledhill

A School of Faith

Monday 15th January - Exploring number in Maths

Year 1 are exploring the place value of numbers up to 20. Today, we used the Rekenreks to make one group of 10 and then added ones to make our whole number. Year 1 have been representing numbers in a range of ways, including using the tens frames, Base 10 and place value charts. Below are some key questions you can ask your child at home to help them develop their knowledge:


Key questions
• How can you show me 17/18/19 in three different ways?
• How much more than 10 is 17/18/19?
• How can you write the numbers 17, 18 and 19?
• Can you see 17/18/19 anywhere at home?
• How many ones are there in 19?
• What is the same and what is different about 17, 18 and 19?

Help your child to structure their thinking with the following sentences:
• 17 has ____ ten and ____ ones.
• 18 has ____ ten and ____ones.
• 19 has ____ ten and ____ ones.


What super learning Year 1, well done! 

Mrs Gledhill

RE - Exploring our Families and God's Special Family (Friday 12th January)

Maths - Exploring Representations of 11, 12 and 13 (11.1.24)

Christmas at St Anthonys 2023

Year 1 Elf Day - Friday 15th December 2023

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Year 1 have had an amazing day celebrating Elf Day! All of the children looked fantastic and we have had a day filled with laughter, fun and festivities! Take a look at some of our photos from our exciting day...

Baking Christmas Biscuits - Thursday 14th/Friday 15th December

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Year 1 have been busy making some amazing Christmas biscuits. We had to weigh and measure the ingredients carefully, before rolling out our mixture to cut into Christmas shapes. Next, we decorated our biscuits dressed as elves. They all tasted super yummy too! Well done Year 1.

Science - Floating and Sinking Experiments (Thursday 14th December)

Advent Artwork

Year 1's Snuggle Up and Read Pictures 2023

Year 1 are taking turns in taking home our special 'Snuggle Up and Read' story pack. With a delicious hot chocolate to enjoy and our cuddly reading pal Ember the Elephant, we are enjoying reading the magical Dear Father Christmas with our families at home! Each child has then wrote in our special travelling book what they enjoyed about the story as well as drawing their favourite parts. Here are some photos of our Snuggle Up and Read sessions. What a magical time of the year for our super Year 1 class!

Ready to Read - Friday 8th December

Every Friday, we have our 'Ready to Read' sessions where we share special books with our families and read them together. As well as reading to our relatives our new Little Wandle books for the week, here are some of the other books we enjoyed sharing together. Thank you to all relatives who join us for this session and help us to continue growing each child's love of reading! 

Computing systems and networks - Technology all around us (Autumn 2 2023) Year 1

The Year 1 children have developed their understanding of technology and how it can help them in their everyday lives. They have now become familiar with the different components of a computer by developing their keyboard and mouse skills. The children have explored why we have rules in school and how those rules help us, and then they applied this understanding to rules needed for using computer technology safely.

Science - Investigating Melting and Freezing (Friday 8th December)

Today, we conducted some super investigations into melting and freezing. We explored how ice is a solid and water is a liquid then discussed the similarities and differences between ice and water. We then predicted which method will melt the ice the quickest, salt, a hairdryer or warm water. We observed what happened in order to make conclusions. Next, we explored what happens to chocolate when it is heated up. Afterwards, we made yummy buns from our melted chocolate. Miss Plant was so impressed with our use of scientific vocabulary. Well done Year 1!

Science - Investigating the Properties of Rock

Year 1 have been exploring a range of different everyday materials in our new Science topic. This week, we have been exploring the properties of rock. We gathered a range of different rocks and investigated their similarities and differences. We used our focus vocabulary in the picture above, to describe their differences and sort the rocks into groups. Within our lesson, we gathered the following knowledge:


Factual knowledge
• There are different types of rocks.
• Rocks come in different shapes, sizes and textures.
• Rocks can also be used to build things such as walls or buildings.


Some wonderful investigations Year 1, well done!

St Anthony's: You're in safe hands

War Memorial Visit - Monday 20th November 


Our History assessment question for this half-term is:

Why do we remember soldiers like Walter Tull on Remembrance Day?


Our first line of enquiry is

Why do we have Remembrance Day?


On Monday 20th November, Year 1 continued our History learning on Remembrance. Today we began by looking closely at photographs of a variety of war memorials. We discussed the different features we could see and shared these as a class. Afterwards, we made paper poppies as we know that we wear poppies to remember the soldiers who gave their lives so we can live in peace. The children know we wear poppies because these were the flowers that grew on the battlefields when the war was over. We then walked to Holbeck Cemetery. It was a long walk for our little legs but we were such super stars. When we arrived, we saw the war memorial and discussed the features we could see. We laid our paper poppies and observed a minutes silence to remember the soldiers. Finally, we went on a poppy hunt and saw lots of beautifully crocheted poppies hung around the cemetery.


Year 1, you were amazing today. You were so knowledgeable and respectful. Well done!

Science Materials - Exploring Plastic, Wood, Metal and Glass [Friday 17th November]

Our Science Focus Question this half term is: What material would be best to make a boat and why?


Today, Year 1 have begun exploring a range of everyday materials, considering their properties. We recognise that we have a variety of materials around us, including wood, plastic, glass and metal. We considered why these materials are chosen for different objects based on their property features e.g. Wood is used for tables because it is hard and cannot be bent easily. We then explored a range of different everyday objects into groups and recognised that some objects could be in more than one group (e.g. Our classroom chairs have metal legs and a plastic seat). Super Scientific exploration Year 1!

Maths: Making Fact Families of 8 [16.11.23 - 17.11.23]

Road Safety - Pedestrian Training

Road Safety - Pedestrian Training

On Monday 13th November, Year 1 took part in Pedestrian Training. The children discussed the different vehicles which use the roads and some key words - kerb, pavement and road. The children then found out about how we can keep safe using the principles of The Green Cross Code - Stop, Look, Listen and Think! We also discussed the importance of using a booster seat and wearing a seat belt. The children saw what happened to teddy when he forgot his seatbelt, he fell out of his seat! The children listened extremely well during this important session. Well done Year 1!

Maths - Finding Missing Parts using a Tens Frame and Part-Whole Models

Independent Maths Learning in our Provision Areas - Thursday 26th October

Computing - Creating Media -Digital Painting 24th October

Year one have been exploring how we can paint using computers. We explored a range of tools used for digital painting and used them to create different shapes and lines and we then used these tools to create our own digital pictures.

Come and look at our amazing writing about Owls!

Creative RE Afternoon - We have been learning about Noah's Ark [Friday 20th October]

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In RE this half term, we have been learning about the story of Creation and the story of Noah's Ark. This afternoon, we explored the story of Noah's Ark using a range of creative medias. We enjoyed exploring a range of high quality texts such as, 'Mrs Noah's Pockets' in order to create our own puppets so we could retell the story. We discussed and explored in depth the significance of the rainbow and used our focus words to consider how Noah and his family were feeling. We also learned and sung the song, "The Animals Went in Two by Two". Ask Year 1 all about the story and see how much they can share with you! Well done Year 1, a super afternoon of learning!

Our focus RE words this lesson:

Our RE focus question: What does the rainbow represent?

Our focus RE question this half term is: What does the rainbow represent?


We have been exploring the story of Noah's Ark and reflecting on why God sent a rainbow at the end of the story. We recognise that:


"God sent a rainbow in the sky to serve as a sign of his promise that he would never flood the Earth again."


As a class, we then discussed how the rainbow reminds us of God's forgiveness, truthfulness and however great the trials are that we endure, that God will remain faithful and good. We have displayed our beautiful rainbows in our Year 1 classroom so we remember God's special promise to His world. 

Geography - Exploring our Local Area of Beeston to discover Human and Physical Features [Thursday 19th October]

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Year 1 conducted a walk around our local area of Beeston in order to identify different human and physical features. We explored lots of different buildings including the library, church, pharmacy and shops. We also saw lots of physical features, including trees, grass and hills. We also discussed things that we couldn’t find in our local area, such as a river or a farm. We are going to explore this further through looking at maps to see if Beeston has these features or not. Well done Year 1 – some excellent learning!

Year 1 are making Number Fact Families!

In Maths, Year 1 are learning how to make fact families involving numbers. In order to do this, we have created our own part-whole models in order to establish different components of our fact families. We practically made each value before discussing the + and = symbol.

We rehearsed saying what information our part-whole models show using the STEM sentences below:
_____ is a part.

_____ is a part.

_____ is the whole.

_____ plus ____ is equal to ____

_____ + _____ = _____.


Take a look at some of our super learning in the pictures above. Mrs Coldman and myself are so proud of everybody in Year 1 with their super enthusiasm for our Maths curriculum. Well done Year 1!

Friday 13th October - Maths (Making number sentences)

Outdoor Literacy - The Gruffalo

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We have been learning all about the story of 'The Gruffalo' in our English lessons and took part in an outdoor literacy afternoon to help us to bring this story to life. We used our knowledge of the story to join in with the text, answer questions about the characters and sequence key events. Our acting skills were fantastic as we journeyed around our school field retelling the story and meeting all the different characters. We even worked well as a team to create some Gruffalo Crumble! Have a look at our video to see all our fantastic learning. Well done Year 1!

Geography Fieldwork

In this lesson, Year 1 carried out simple fieldwork within our school grounds, observing its main features and using simple charts to collect data about: key sites (e.g. school office, hall); things that they can spy / spot around the school, including their locations; their favourite part of the school grounds. We discussed the difference between physical and human features in our school.

Year 1 have been exploring the collage artwork of Kurt Schwitters. Today, we explored the nature within our own school environment to create our own collages. We enjoyed exploring the different textures and colours of the items we found. Mrs Gledhill was so impressed with how we described the way in which we put different colours and types of leaves together. Take a look at our beautiful artwork in the pictures.

Developing our knowledge of Number Lines in Maths

Year 1 have been developing their knowledge of a number line and how it is used. We recapped counting from zero to 10 forwards when labelling a number line and can also practise counting backwards when we read from right to left. We can clearly see that 1 more is the next number to the right on the number line, while 1 less is the previous number. We then explored different ways to represent each number on the number line, using objects from nature outdoors and also our class manipulatives. Well done Year 1!

Year 1 Owl Experience Day - 28.9.23

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This half term, Year 1 are reading the story 'Owl Babies'. In order to develop each child's knowledge and understanding, we had the most exciting visitors...some beautiful owls! Year 1 explored the owls, asked questions and learned so many new words - such as nocturnal - to describe the owls. We had the most wonderful experience and cannot wait to show this first hand experience in our upcoming Owl Babies writing. What an amazing day to bring our story to life!

Thursday 28th September - Comparing Values in Maths

In Maths, Year 1 have been using a range of manipulatives to compare values. Using our focus words of, "more than", "less than" and "equal to", we compared values and described how we sorted the numbers. We then progressed our knowledge through the use of the symbols < , > and = . Take a look at some of our super Maths work today in the pictures above. Well done Year 1!

Geography - Exploring Maps of our Local Area

This half term, Year 1 are learning all about 'Our Local Area'. Today, we were using photographs and maps to identify key features of Beeston. We observed different features of maps and discussed what they are used for with various examples. Using Digimaps, we studied the Geography of Beeston then identified different symbols which represented key human and physical features. Super Geography work Year 1!

Sound Talk and Blend - "Chunk it up"

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Year 1 have been working really hard on reading words with more than one syllable. In our lessons, we use the "chunk it up" method to break down a word into smaller parts so we can sound talk and blend. Watch Year 1 using this method in the video. Can you encourage your child at home to "chunk it up" when reading longer words where needed? Happy reading Year 1!

Top Tips for Reading at Home

At St Anthony's, our systematic synthetic phonic scheme is Little Wandle. All children will be reading matched texts daily to increase their fluency and comprehension. Books will be brought home each Thursday and we kindly request that these are shared each night with your child using the prompts below. Thank you for being true partners in your child's reading journey. We hope you enjoy watching our video below.

In RE, during Autumn 1 2023, we have been thinking about how God created the world and everybody in it. We recognised that God made us all unique and special because of all of our different characteristics. We know that God loves us all for being exactly as we are - he loves us to pieces! We met our new St Anthony's Bears, Anthony and Antonia who remind us how special we are. We can have a hug to think about how much God cherishes each of us in Year 1. 

Week 1 Maths - Counting objects and representing these numbers using our Tens Frames

 smiley Hello Year 1 smiley

We are so excited to begin our journey together this year and learn so much more about your interests, passions and talents. This year, we will embark on a journey of discovery together across a range of exciting, immersive topics. To start with, we will be learning all about the The Human Body and the Local Area in which we live.


Our first core texts we shall explore will be:

The Gruffalo and Owl Babies
The majority of class updates will be posted onto the Google Classroom platform. This includes things such as copies of letters and announcements/reminders. Below, we have posted some useful information to begin the year with:
*Mrs Coldman teaches us Monday - Wednesday and Mrs Gledhill teaches us Wednesday - Friday.

*Read every night at home, focussing on your understanding of the text. Remember to aim for quality over quantity of pages read. All books sent home will be in line with our Little Wandle Phonics scheme.
*PE will take place every Tuesday and Wednesday for Year 1. Please come to school in your PE kit on this day. (Please note that PE will not take place on Tuesday 5th September with it being our first day back. PE will begin for Year 1 on Wednesday 6th September, so please come in your PE kit on this day).
*Come into school everyday, excited and ready to learn!
*Our meet the teacher meeting will take place on Thursday 7th September 3.15 - 3.45pm with Mrs Gledhill.
*Half termly newsletters (including any key dates) and spellings can be found via the Year 1 class page. 

*Mrs Hennigan and Mrs Cecil will also be supporting your children in Year 1 to achieve their very best.

We know that we will have a year filled with exploration, discovery, imagination and wonder! 

Keep scrolling down the Year 1 page to meet the team and also explore our wonderful learning environment.
Take care and we cannot wait to see you all soon,
The Year 1 Team

Meet the Year 1 Team

Our Year 1 Learning Environment...we can't wait to get started!

End of term

Year 1 thoroughly enjoyed completing in sports day last week. They did so well and loved cheering on their team mates! 

This half term Year 1 have created working windmills! The children were fantastic at creating their 3D structures using different nets to form the shapes. They listened well to their instructions and as you can see have made some lovely windmills! 

PSHE D-Side visit to Year 1!

D-Side Visit.

Year 1 recently had a visit from D-Side Dave! D-Side Dave taught Year 1 all about the body and what foods are healthy or unhealthy and why. The children had lots of fun showing off their knowledge of healthy and unhealthy foods at the end of the session! 

Little Wandle Letters and Sounds - St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

Top Tips for Reading at Home

Science: Amazing Animals (Visit to Lotherton Hall on Monday 19th June 2023)

Wildlife World - Lotherton Hall

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Year 1 were absolutely amazing during our recent visit to Wildlife World at Lotherton Hall. All the adults were amazed by the knowledge the children had retained about their science topic of Animals. They were able to explain what is special about mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds and fish using amazing vocabulary including cold blooded, warm blooded, camoflague and skeletons! The children were also able to explain what herbivores, omnivores and carnivores eat. I wonder if you tell your adults Year 1? Enjoy the video - it is very long but we wanted to show you all what an amazing day we had!

Exploring History at St Anthony's

Year 1 Maths- Fractions (May 2023)

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Year 1 are currently learning about fractions and the children will be learning how to identify a half and a quarter of an object and amount. This week we introduced the topic by looking at half of an object: different items of food were cut into half demonstrating that a half was a whole split into two equal parts.. The children then demonstrated their understanding by folding shapes into half, it was wonderful to hear the children explain if the picture did or did not show a half after folding. Well done Year 1.

Year 1's Science Topic Animals (May 2023)

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Year 1's current science topic is Animals and today this learning was enhanced by a visit from Sam's Safari. The children were so excited to see which animals were visiting St. Anthony's and were amazed to be able to see, touch and hold a range of animals including snakes, lizards, cockroaches, stick insects and their favourite the armadillo. The children are currently learning to classify animals using the terminology -mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds and fish! Can your child tell you any animals that fit into each category?

Celebrating King Charles' III Coronation

Year One Learning Environment - May 2023

St Anthony's - Curriculum of Excellence

Year One Love Learning English with Miss Taylor

History: 1950s Wonder Day

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As part of the History Curriculum, Year 1 had a wonderful day discovering what music, dance and art was like during the 1950s. Thank you to all the parents who joined us for our family friendly lesson where we danced to Rock Around the Clock and played popular games from the 1950s including Snakes and Ladders and Yo yo! How many of you have mastered the art of the Yo Yo yet?

World Book Day 2023 - St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

Year 1 Home Learning - Spring 2

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At the start of this half term, Year 1 were given some challenges to complete with their parents at home. All these challenges linked to the learning that would be taking place in the classroom therefore supporting retention of knowledge and strengthening home/school links which are such a strength at St. Anthony's. This half term Year 1 were asked to do the following: learn spellings; develop ball skills; demonstrate how they pray; enhance their mathematical learning by completing a range of measuring tasks including cooking and finally discovering what plants are in their garden and learning what plants need to grow well. Miss Cook and Miss Taylor were delighted with the range of learning that was completed - watch the video to see what we learnt! Well done to everyone - you have provided so many wonderful learning opportunities!

Year One are following their RE lessons based on our scheme, The Way, The Truth and The Life. We are currently in the season of Lent. We held a special act of collective worship on Ash Wednesday as Lent began. We have made our own Lenten promises and created our own Lenten display in our Year One classroom. We continue to journey together during Lent, towards Easter. We are focussing upon our focus virtue of Charity. 

Year 1 were so excited to develop their archery skills this week with a special enhanced workshop of learning from an Archery Teacher from Premier Sport (supplementing our PE wider offer through the Well Schools Partnership). All children had a great time improving their technique in order to aim at a target. What fabulous learning and progress Year 1!

Year 1: Geography Workshop - One Day Creative: Arctic and Antarctica

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As part of the Year 1 Geography Curriculum, the children had a wonderful morning exploring the difference between Arctic and Antarctica. The North and South Poles may be on opposite sides of the earth, but just how different are they? Like Ernest Shackleton and Ann Bancroft, the children went on an expedition into these (not so) desolate tundras. Using performing arts, this Arctic and Antarctic workshop looked at brave explorers, Arctic habitats to Antarctic wildlife. The children hopped on board the mighty ship Endurance and set sail towards the ends of our world! I was very proud of all the children they listened well and their love of Geography shone brightly! Well done Year 1.

Geography in Year 1

Celebrating Writing: Year 1's Non-chronological reports

During Spring 1 2023, we have been learning all about Antarctica through our Geographical learning and through reading lots of information texts about Antarctica and the features that make it a unique place. After researching the different types of animals that live in Antarctica, the children created some wonderful non-chronological reports. The Year One children wrote clear sentences, starting with a capital letter and ending with a full stop. The children have produced some beautiful writing in line with our expectations for Year One and I am extremely proud of them all. Well done Year 1!

Geography - Antarctica

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Where in the world is Antarctica? The children in year one have been busy finding Antarctica using the atlases. We have found out some amazing facts!

This half term in Music we have been learning how to play steady beat. We played a steady beat using body percussion whilst we listened to music. We then accompanied a song by playing a steady beat on different types of instruments. The children used there fantastic listening skills to identify changes in the tempo of the music. Well done Year 1!


Top Tips for Reading at Home

On Wednesday 11th January 2023, St Anthony's led a Stepping Up to Reading Family Learning Session for our Year One class. We were absolutely delighted that 21 of our parents attended! The children worked with their parent to learn top tips for reading and writing. Our parents were so impressed by how we teach reading, and observed Mrs Goodwin modelling the reading process with a Year One pupil. I know our children left so eager to read to thier parents, and for parents to record all their reading in their home school yellow reading book. The children are doing so well on their journey of reading in partnership with our incredible parents. Keep up the good work everyone. Huge thanks to Miss Taylor, Mrs Goodwin and Miss Leonard who led our meeting. Thank you to our parents for making time to attend. God bless you all. 

Stepping up to Reading in Year 1: Family Learning 11.01.2023

Elf Day

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Christmas Fun in Year 1

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Christmas 2022 at St Anthony's

In PSHE this half term the children have learnt all about how to keep themselves safe.  This week we looked a lot of pictures and the children sorted them into safe and unsafe whilst also explaining their decision.  Some children thought that some of the pictures could be safe and unsafe as we needed a little more information - to help solve this problem they were introduced to Venn diagrams. It was wonderful to hear how much the children have remembered. Well done Year 1

This week (5.12.22) we are beginning to learn about 3d shapes. The children will be learning to name cubes, cuboids, spheres, cylinders, pyramids and triangular prisms. They will also be describing the faces of these shapes using the words curved and flat.   Can you find any of these shapes in your home? Please reply to Santa's challenge on Google Classroom and keep an eye out here for your photographs to appear!

We are also starting to think about the number 20.  Can you see the number 20 anywhere on your journey to school? Can you think of any numbers that when added together make 20?

Advent: Making Advent Wreaths

Science Investigation: Which materials are waterproof?

St Anthony's: You're in safe hands

Safeguarding is our top priority at St Anthony's. Please view our video to see some of the many ways we keep our Year One children safe. We hope you enjoying viewing our video and reading our safeguarding policies below. Our designated safeguarding staff are: Miss Leonard (Designated Safeguarding Lead), Mr Whittle (Deputy Safeguarding Lead), Miss Taylor and Mrs Doherty. Please make an appointment to see us if you have any concerns using
God bless and keep safe

Year one History

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Road Safety Lessons - How to cross a road safely November 2022

On Tuesday 15th November 2022, Leeds City Council Road Safety Team visited Year One. We listened carefully how to keep safe on the roads, for example by finding safe places to cross and holding an adults hand on the pavement. We began to think about where and when it is safe to cross roads and how we need an adult to support us. We also remembered our learning from last year including how to keep safe in a car by wearing our seatbelts and using a booster seat or child seat. We are going to keep very safe and use all our new learning from today! 

Our Year One class were very excited to be able to take part in a wider curriculum opportunity for PE. They each took part in a very exciting Judo session where they listened carefully and learnt lots of new skills working with their partners. I am so proud of our Year One children. I know some of our children have been interested in finding our more about Judo with some children joining after school provision locally. Great news everyone! 

Our Black History work

As part of Black History Month, Year One have been focussing upon the lives of inspirational black people. They have studied the artist Alma Thomas (inspiring their beautiful artwork), listened and reflected upon the inspirational message of Rosa Parks and considered the influence and life as well as the music of Stevie Wonder.

Home Sweet Home

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This half term our geography topic was – Home Sweet Home. Using a Birds eye view we have made our own maps of the year one classroom. We used our observational and map reading skills to explore the school and its grounds in our fieldwork. Using the story 'Me on the map' we put ourselves on a map of our own! We explored human and physical geographical features and then sorted photos from Beeston and the surrounding areas into the two groups. Then we used this knowledge of Beeston to help us draw a basic map of our local area using a key. Come and take another look at all your super work! Can you show off your geography skills and talk about some of the key vocabulary found in this video?

Our Year One class have been using the sense of sight, smell, touch and taste when investigating pumpkins. They really enjoyed observing, describing what they could see and being Scientists! Well done Year One!

RE: Noah's Ark

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The children are currently learning the story of Noah's Ark as part of our RE topic - God's Creation. Today, they listened to the story and retold it using picture clues. They then worked with a partner to create the Ark out of lollipop sticks. Once the Ark's were completed the children added the details of the story to create some amazing pictures. They were all fantastic and remembered so much
It would be fantastic if you could discuss this story with your child. Can they remember how many days it rained for? Which animal told Noah that the land was dry? What was God's promise?

On Friday 7th October 2022, our Year One class visited Cannon Hall Farm. This linked to their English work based around texts on the farm. They also used their senses to describe what they could see, smell, taste, hear and touch. They had an incredible day of learning. 

Year One have been designing, making and evaluating fruit kebabs and using their sense to explore. Well done Year One!

Little Wandle Letters and Sounds - Year One: St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

This week, we are having a Reading Deep Dive in our school. Our systematic synthetic phonics and early reading scheme is Little Wandle. Watch Miss Leonard's video to find our more about how we teach reading and phonics and ways you can help at home. Most importantly, keep reading with and to your child. It is the most powerful way you can support your child at home with their language and early reading development. Year One have begun their daily phonics lessons and their daily practice reading sessions. Please can I ask that each child reads nightly and parents record this in their reading record book. Children also read widely from our newly stocked library. Please return the books and puppets each Thursday so these can be changed. These help your child to read widely and for pleasure. We are also learning about poets with a new poetry spine. Does your child know which poet Year One are focussing on? Keep reading Year One!

⭐Welcome to Year 1!⭐


I hope you all had a wonderful summer holiday and are ready for an exciting year ahead in year 1. I am so excited to begin our journey together. I hope you are ready because Year 1 is going to be an adventure: we have so many exciting topics, challenges and opportunities ahead of us in the coming months.  We will begin our year down on the farm, learning lots of facts about farm animals, we will use our senses to explore the farm and learn about where our food comes from. This is one of my favourite topics and you will quickly discover my love for animals as I share this passion with you. 🚜 🐄 🐖 🐴


This year, our class updates will be posted onto the Google Classroom platform. This includes weekly spellings, copies of letters/announcements and any reminders. 


Below is some information that will help begin the year:

  • P.E will take place on Monday and Wednesday every week. (Please note-P.E will commence from Wednesday 7th September).
  • Our meet the teacher meeting will take place this year in our school hall on Thursday 8th September at 3:15pm. 
  • Half termly newsletters (including any key dates) and spellings can be found via the Year 1 class page. 
  • Come into school every day, excited and ready to learn!
  • Practise your spelling every night.
  • Always try your best, remember every day is a new challenge!
  • Reading at home every night. One of my favourite quotes really sums up the importance of reading.


Enjoy your last week of the summer holidays, I look forward to welcoming you all back!


Mrs Goodwin🐴 

Finale 2022

Our Year One children wanted to share with your memories of an exceptional year at St Anthony's. I am so proud of you all in your very first year in Key Stage One.
May God bless you all with a super holiday, and I look forward to welcoming you back as Year Two's in September!
Miss Leonard

As part of our Design and Technology curriculum, our Year One class have been designing, making and evaluating windmills. Look at all their incredible creations. Well done Year One. 

Our Year One class visited Tropical World to link to the Science learning about animals. They have been naming, classifying and sorting animals into their constituent groups. They recognised animals living in different environments. What an amazing day of Scientific learning. 

PSHE D-Side Visit: What do we put into our bodies?

As part of our PSHE curriculum, we invited D-Side to deliver a high quality scheme of learning to support our Drugs Education Programme. Year One learnt about what is safe to put inside our bodies. We learnt about safe substances and things that keep us healthy. Year One have learnt so much about keeping safe and healthy. Well done Year One!

Our Year One class have been learning a wide range of PE skills over the year. They brought them together in their very own Sports Gala. We are very pleased with how all areas of PE have been mastered this year by our Year One class. Well done!

Ace Club Sports Gala

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Many thanks to Ace Club who provided a wonderful day of sport for the whole school on Friday. It was amazing to see the children enjoying such a wide range of sports led brilliantly by the Ace Club Leaders.

St Anthony's Marian Procession 2022

Party at the Palace: The Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrated by our Year One class

Year 1 - Liturgical Dance - Our Father

On Tuesday 17th May, our Year One class were so lucky to take part in a very special workshop led by More Than Dance. They learnt two new songs to praise God and share their faith with others. Their first dance was to learn a new version of Alleluia to celebrate the joy of Eastertide. They then recreated the Our Father, their special prayer to God. We hope you enjoy our Year One liturgical dance. God bless all our Year One pupils.

Liturgical Dance: Our Father brought into dance and led by Year One!

RE: A very special visit to Year One by Father Whitwell, our parish priest (and Shady the parish dog!) to learn more about Eastertide.

RE creative learning through role play: The Ascension retold by Year One!

RE: We visited our new school Prayer Garden!

Ascension Artwork

Mathematics: Learning about Fractions (Halves and Quarters)

Our Stained Glass Windows (Creative RE)

Our Year One children have really impressed us all with their excellent writing about traditional tales. They have been focussing upon Jack and The Beanstalk. Take a look at their superb work! 

A Pilgrimage of Faith

Our Year One class have been on a pilgrimage through Lent and have been so reflective in their learning. Take a look at our video which captures some of our learning.

Year 1 - Our God is a great big God

Our Year One children wanted to share with you one of their favourite songs which they share in their collective worships. They learnt this is in our Faith Week. Well done Year One.

Easter Fundraising

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Well done to everyone who entered our Easter Competitions this year. Watch our photo story to see the amazing bonnets, decorated eggs and Easter gardens - we were amazed by all your entries.

Holy Week- Washing of the Feet

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This week we have celebrated holy week. We have enjoyed learning the story of Easter starting with Palm Sunday all the way to Easter Sunday. When learning about Maundy Thursday Year one re-enacted the washing of the feet through symbolic actions. The children understood why Jesus washed his disciples feet and enjoyed showing love to others by washing the feet of a friend.
Well done Year one!

Lent Workshop

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Year One took part in a special workshop all about Lent. We sung songs and danced together as we shared our knowledge of the Lenten journey. Together, we then acted out key moments from the Easter story, including Palm Sunday, Good Friday and the Resurrection of Jesus. We deepened our understanding of the Easter story and helped one another to prepare for the most special time of year. Take a look at some of our photos from our workshop...

Year 1 Chicks!

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There has been great excitement this half term in Year one as we have been very lucky to have our own chicks! We have loved watching them hatch, grow and taking care of them. Our chicks have helped us learn all about Spring and new life in readiness of Easter.
Well done Year one for caring for our new chicks so carefully. Take a look at see...

History- St Anthony's in the past

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This half term Year 1 were learning about what it was like to be a pupil of St. Anthony's in the past. We looked at the school building and how it had changed. We also looked at what houses were like and what everyday life was like. To conclude this topic Year 1 had a wonder day, we all dressed up as past pupils and pretended were were living in the past to fully experience what life was like. We took part in a range of activities gardening, woodwork, arithmetic, graphics, cleaning, making bread and writing with chalk.
It was great fun!

Little Wandle Letters and Sounds - St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

St Anthony's follows Little Wandle Systematic Synthetic Phonic Scheme with fidelity. Find out more by watching our video below, or visiting our Curriculum; Early Reading page. Ask our children all about it! We have daily phonic lessons and practice reading sessions three times a week. We capture our love of reading by also visiting our school library weekly where we choose a quality sharing book and a library book of our choice. Keep on reading everyone!

Year 1 World Book Day 2022!

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On Friday 4th March we celebrated World Book Day. Our theme this year was "cooking up a story!" We focused on Traditional Tales. In Year 1 we had an amazing day learning the story of 'The Gingerbread Man'. We read the story and then brought our story to life through role-play. We also become chiefs and decorated our own Gingerbread men!
All the children then thought of adjectives to describe the Gingerbread Man which then helped them to produce some fantastic writing! What an amazing day we had, sharing our love of reading with everyone. Watch our video to find out more...

World Book Day 2022

Our whole school celebrated our love for reading on Friday 4th March 2022. We celebrated the 25th anniversary of World Book Day.
Our theme this year was "cooking up a story!". All our children came dressed as chefs, fairy tale characters or a character from their class novel for this half term. Year One had a super day all about The Gingerbread Man! We launched our new "Reading Hut" and all our children were able to take home a new free book to share at home.
We continue to read, read, read and enjoy the passion for vocabulary and language. What an amazing day we had. Watch our video to find our more. Happy reading!

Year 1 Assembly

Our Year One class brought their learning alive through a sensational class assembly all about the Antarctic. They were dressed as penguins, polar bears and they remember lots of key facts from the topic. Ask them all about it! This topic enhances the children's learning in Geography. The children could locate Antarctica on a map and have asked and answered lots of questions about what it is like? Some budding Geography explorers are in our Year one class. Well done!

Eddie and the Penguins!


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This half term we have been learning all about Antarctica! We have learnt all about non-chronological reports and used adjectives to create our Antarctica setting descriptions. The children have produced some beautiful writing and I am extremely proud of them! Well done Year 1, another super half term!

Year 1 Maths

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This half term in Maths we have been learning place value for numbers within 50. The children have learnt how to partition numbers to up to 50 using base 10. They have loved using the base ten to find out how many tens and how many ones are in a given number. They have been so enthusiastic in their learning and they would like to show you all their hard work! Come take a look...

Little Wandle - Practise Reading Sessions

Year 1 are really enjoying the new Little Wandle Practise Reading Sessions.  They are all working really hard to decode the new words, read with expression and understand what is happening in the story.  They will all be bringing home the book they have shared this week on Friday - we hope you are impressed by the wonderful reading. Well done everyone - You are all SUPER STARS!!!

Christmas in Year 1

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Year 1 have had just a wonderful time preparing for Christmas when celebrating Elf Day and Christmas Party Day! Take a look at some of the activities we have enjoyed together!

Festive Fun at St Anthony's - 2021

Wishing all our Year 1 class a wonderful Christmas. What an amazing Christmas we have had. God bless.

Year 1 - A bundle of joy

Our Year 1 class presented an outstanding production of "A bundle of joy" this Christmas for our school community. What little angels they each were. Please enjoy watching Year 1 singing, acting and performing one of the most precious stories ever told, the story of Christmas. Look at our incredible photos below too.

Happy Christmas everyone from Year 1 and all the school staff and leaders.

Christmas in Year 1

Year 1 History Wonder Day!

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We have had two fantastic wonder days for our History topic; Guy Fawkes. The children have loved learning all about the Gunpowder Plot and the reason why we celebrate bonfire night every year.

We started by learning all about bonfire, discussing how we celebrate bonfire night and how to stay safe. We made some fantastic firework art work, Miss Troops was blown away with how creative we were!
We then learnt about the Gunpowder Plot and that Guy Fawkes had plotted to blow up the house of parliament. We were super detectives, finding out what items he needed for his plan.
We then used our creative skills to make our very own firework rocket and discussed what might of happened if the plan had worked. All the children then lunched their rockets in the sky, outside in the playground!

On our second day, we re-told the story of the Gunpowder Plot together. We wrote some wonderful letters to warn parliament about Guy Fawkes' plan. In the afternoon, the children then made 'wanted' posters and created their own 'bonfires' using different types of art materials.

What a fantastic two days we had! The children really did make our two days so special, with their enthusiasm, passion and engagement, it really was a fantastic way to bring History to life!
Huge well done Year 1!

Skylar's Missing Note

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Key Stage One were lucky enough to be involved in a performance of 'Skylar’s Missing Note'. This musical story was all about Skylar’s prized piano and how one of the notes (middle C) became lost as the piano was transported to their new house. The note did appear in the mouth of a pigeon but unfortunately, despite Skylar’s best efforts, the note could not be reunited with the piano. However, Skylar continued to enjoy her piano and she found other ways to use her piano to create music.

Following the performance, each class took part in a workshop where we continued the story but this time based on the pigeon. Along the way, we learnt many musical terms: dynamics (loud or quiet); pitch (high or low); tempo (fast or slow) and rhythm (the pattern of the music). A huge well done to all of Key Stage One who threw themselves in to both the performance and the workshops.

Shape Week in Year 1

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Shape Week
Year 1 had a fantastic last week of half term learning all about 2D and 3D shapes! we explored the properties of shapes and learnt the names of some new 3D shapes! We had lots of fun afternoons being creative with shapes in different ways. Watch the video to see all the exciting things we did!

Marvellous Maths

Our Year 1 class undertook wonder afternoons to ensure they have a strong retention of knowledge of age related expectations for shape within Year 1. They experienced a Number Fun day, putting their knowledge of shape into many fun contexts, including singing. In class, Year 1 explored and named 2-D shapes, increasing their fluency of knowledge in this area of the mathematics curriculum. Ask Year 1 all about it! Our video below shows highlights from the week across school. I hope you enjoy it!

English: Year 1 Pumpkin Poetry

Our Year 1 class have been exploring poetry with a pumpkin theme to celebrate World Poetry Day. What amazing poets we have in Year 1. Hear our super poem in the video below. We went on to compose our own incredible poems too. What a clever class!

We have been learning all about Autumn in Year 1 and this week we have been reading the repetitive poem, "Pumpkin, Pumpkin, Pumpkin".

We have really enjoyed learning this poem together and creating our own actions. Today we brought our poem to life and performed this video to share with everyone. This will help us tomorrow when we write our own Autumn poem.


Well done Year 1!


Year 1 Science: Senses

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This half term year 1 have been learning about the five senses in Science. Over the weeks we have explored each sense in different ways.
We used our sense of taste to talk about foods that were salty, sour and sweet. We used our sense of hearing on our sound walk around the school. We used our sense of touch to describe how different materials felt. We used our sense of smell to describe different scented stickers. We also used our sight to carve pumpkins! Year 1 have really enjoyed learning about their five senses. What a super half term!

Year 1 trip to Cannon Hall Farm

Our Year 1 class have been exploring and describing the setting of the farm. No English setting work would be complete without a visit to the farm to learn new vocabulary and to enrich our descriptions. Look at the fun we had at Cannon Hall Farm! On our return, we wrote some incredible information sentences with all the new knowledge we learnt on the day. Such a brilliant day year 1. Well done!

Year 1 P.E

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This Year we are learning a whole new Curriculum in P.E, using expert teaching from Primary Influence and Miss Troops. So far we have learnt how to balance and climb in Gymnastics, use our movement and control skills in Football. We have also used the virtue 'perseverance' to learn how to skip. Well done Year 1! We can't wait to continue to build upon our strong foundations of knowledge and skill as we move through Year 1.

Year 1 Trip to Cannon Hall Farm

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In English this half term we have been writing information texts about farm animals. To help us with our learning, we went to visit Cannon Hall Farm! We learnt so many facts about each animal. The children had an incredible day with Miss Troops and the Year 1 team. Watch our video to see all the fun we had!

⭐Welcome to Year 1!⭐

I hope you all had a wonderful summer holiday and are ready for an exciting year ahead in year 1. I am so excited to begin our journey together. I hope you are ready because Year 1 is going to be an adventure: we have so many exciting topics, challenges and opportunities ahead of us in the coming months.  We will begin our year down on the farm, learning lots of facts about farm animals, we will use our senses to explore the farm and learn about where our food comes from. This is one of my favourite topics and you will quickly discover my love for animals as I share this passion with you. 🚜 🐄 🐖 🐴


I have been so impressed with how many of you have been involved with home learning over the summer holidays. Thank you so much for sending photographs of what you have been doing at home to us on Tapestry. This year, our class updates will be posted onto the Google Classroom platform. This includes weekly spellings, copies of letters/announcements and any reminders. 


Below is some information that will help begin the year:

  • P.E will take place on Mondays and Tuesdays every week. (Please note-This will begin the week commencing 13th September).
  • Our meet the teacher meeting will take place virtually this year on Wednesday 8th September 4 - 4.30pm via Zoom (more information to follow).
  • Half termly newsletters (including any key dates) and spellings can be found via the Year 1 class page. 
  • Come into school every day, excited and ready to learn!
  • Practise your spelling every night.
  • Always try your best, remember every day is a new challenge!
  • Reading at home every night. One of my favourite quotes really sums up the importance of reading.




Enjoy your last few days of the summer holidays, I look forward to welcoming you all back next week! 


Miss Troops🐴 

2020/21 Finale

Year 1 Yorkshire Wildlife Park

Year 1 Amazon Adventurers

Our Year 1 class had a visit to Yorkshire Wildlife Park to experience animals around the world. This visit linked to broadening language and experiences to link to both the topic of Animals in Science, and the Amazon in Geography. The children had an incredible day with Mr Whittle and the Year 1 team. Watch our video to see all the fun we had!

PSHE- D-side Visit

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We had a visit from the Drugs Education Teacher from D-side to help us to learn the new content from our Year 1 scheme of work for PSHE. Dave Hill came to lead expert sessions and Year 1 listened very carefully. Our first visit was to learn more about Internet Safety. Year 1 learnt a useful song during their D-side visit to remind them of how to keep safe when using the internet.
"When you tap and click you need to stop and think and tell someone!"

PSHE- D-side visit

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Year 1 had a visit from D-side to develop their knowledge of the Year 1 content from the PSHE curriculum linked to Drugs Education and thoroughly enjoyed it. They talked about who they can trust and how to keep their bodies healthy. They talked about which substances are safe to put into our bodies. Well done Year 1 for listening carefully and being so sensible with your answers.

ACE club sports gala

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Year 1 had a fantastic time yesterday taking part in a sports gala. They played football, team games and learnt a dance!

Geography Explorers

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Wow! What a wonderful day in Year 1 developing their mapping skills and use of locational and positional language. I was so impressed with how you threw yourselves into each activity and what you could remember at the end of the day too! We began by being divided in to different crews and designing our own pirate hats. We then made an essential pirate tool - a compass. We labelled each direction, added the arrow and used these to follow directions that were given to us. After, we used this knowledge when studying maps! Our last activity involved doing a survey of the human features of our school grounds. We then added these to a treasure map and created a key. Finally we hunted for the buried treasure belonging to another crew using their maps. Wow what a super set of pirates and an amazing set of geographers you are Year 1!
Mrs Coldman

RE- Jesus appears to the disciples in the upper room

Today Year 1 were learning about how shocked and astonished the disciples were to see Jesus appear in the upper room after he had died on the cross. The children created freeze frames to show what they though the disciples reactions would have been.

PE- Ball skills

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Year 1 have been learning about throwing, catching and passing the ball to each other in PE this half term.

History Wonder Day- A day in the life of a St. Anthony's past pupil

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Last half term Year 1 were learning about what it was like to be a pupil of St. Anthony's in the past. We looked at the school building and how it had changed. We also looked at what houses were like and what everyday life was like. To conclude this topic Year 1 had a wonder day, we all dressed up as past pupils and pretended were were living in the past to fully experience what life was like. It was great fun!

English- Innovating our own Traction Man adventure story

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This half term we have been focusing on Traction Man. The children have loved reading the story and writing about it. This week we started to create our own adventure stories. This is the Traction man adventure story we wrote together as a class!

Computing- Recording sound

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This week Year 1 recorded their very own sound effects for their Traction Man stories. They had great fun and loved listening to each others recordings.

Science Week

Our Year 1 class really enjoyed a return to the full excitement of our whole school themed week! Science week allowed our Year 1 class to consolidate prior learning in Science as well as be introduced to new knowledge on plants for this term. Year 1 really enjoyed their visit from Rockpool, Mad Science and Sublime Science. The most excitement came from the arrival of our nine new chicks outside the Year 1 classroom! This whole school summary shows just a tiny part of the outstanding learning that took place. I am so proud of our Year 1 class. 

Miss Leonard and the Year 1 team.

Science Week - Hatching chicks in Year 1!

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Year 1 have been very excited in Science Week. On Monday, we had some eggs delivered in an incubator from Living Eggs. We have successfully nurtured, watched and hatched 9 chicks! The children loved setting up the brooder box and having a little cuddle. First hand learning at its best! Well done Year 1.

Science Week in Year 1

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Year 1 have had a fantastic week this week. We have looked at the life cycles of animals and started our new topic, plants. We had lots of lovely visitors providing quality first hand experiences (including Mad Science, Sublime Science, The Rockpool Company) and the children thoroughly enjoyed it. Look at all the Science learning they have mastered!

Easter Competition

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Well done to all the children who entered our Easter Competition! As you can see we had lots of entries which were all beautiful. Watch our video to see the wonderful Easter bonnets, gardens and decorated eggs!

Easter at St Anthony's

Holy Week - St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

During Holy Week in 2021, we have been reflecting on the key events of this most important week. Each of our classes have re-enacted important events, shared liturgical dances, songs and prayers. This truly reflective video shows Holy Week at St Anthony's at its most holy. We hope you can share our learning, prayer and humble praise in your homes with us this year. God bless you all in Year 1 this Holy Week. 

English- Tea Party

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To end our English topic we acted out The Tiger Who Came to Tea. Year 1 were very good at 'eating all the buns' Delicious!

Music- Little Sing

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Year 1 took part in the Little Sing this afternoon and absolutely loved it! Here are just a few videos of them joining in.

Computing- Algorithms

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In Year 1 we have been learning about programming. The children learnt that an algorithm is a set of instructions that we can programme something to do. In this lesson the children gave the Bee-Bots an algorithm to follow. The Bee-Bot had to get from one partner to the other. It was great fun!

Maths- Capacity

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Year 1 have been learning about capacity in maths. They looked at what full, half full, empty, almost empty and almost full looked like. To help with this the children wrote their own recipe for a mocktail. They planned to fill their cups up to different capacities with the juices they wanted. They then got to make their very own mocktail to enjoy with their friends!

English - Retelling the story of The Tiger Who Came To Tea

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Please watch this wonderful video of Year 1 retelling their focus text for this half term. Year 1 have been retelling the story "The Tiger Who Came To Tea". They used talk for writing and created actions to help them remember the story and where the punctuation should be. We will now start to write the story ourselves and we can't wait to get started on using all our punctuation, vocabulary and extended sentences. We are very proud of Year 1 and their improved listening and concentration skills as budding readers and writers. Keep this up Year 1.

English- Tiger masks to retell the story

Science- Walking Water Experiment

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In science this half term, Year 1 are focusing on working scientifically. During this lesson we explored our observation skills. We carried out an experiment that required us to observe changes over time. We had to use food colouring in the water and kitchen towels to connect the beakers. We watched over time and observed the water being absorbed by the beakers and moved into a different beaker. Year 1 had great fun and they were amazed at the results!

World Book Day - The Rainbow Fish - St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

Hello Year 1,

Happy World Book Day. The theme of our World Book Day this year is "share a story". All our staff in school have made two very special stories for you to share together with your families. We are watching them both today at school, but you might want to share this with your families too.

Keep sharing your love for reading as this is one of the most important gifts we can give our children.

God bless and enjoy,

Miss Leonard


I wish to thank Mr and Mrs Easton for their kind assistance making this reading compilation in partnership with us. 

World Book Day - Franklin's Flying Bookshop - St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

Captain Sir Tom Moore wonder day!

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Today the children payed tribute to Captain Sir Tom Moore and the 100 years that he lived. The children took part in many activities linked to Captain Tom and the number 100. They had great fun and produced some beautiful artwork.

Geography- Save the planet

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This half term Year 1 have been learning about the five oceans and seven continents, the theme of this lesson was 'save the planet.' We looked at what was harming our planet and how we can stop climate change. A common way year 1 were trying to save our planet was by recycling. I challenged the children to make a new outfit or toy out of the recycled materials they had at home. I was blown away by their creativity!

English- Setting descriptions

In English this half term, the children were writing setting descriptions. They wrote some amazing descriptions from the book 'The Fish who could wish.' The children then went on to design their own settings. There were under the sea settings, magical settings, beach settings and many more. Here are just a few of the wonderful pieces of writing the children created. They worked so hard on using adjectives and expanding their vocabulary.

Art- The 5 Oceans

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Today, Year 1 put their creative and artistic skills to the test. The children chose an ocean to research, they then represented the ocean with some amazing artwork!

Geography- Learning about the 7 continents

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In Geography we have been learning about Oceans and Continents. Year 1 chose one continent that they wanted to research and find out all about. They went away and used the internet and books to find out as many facts about that continent. The work they produced was fantastic!

St Anthony's Catholic Primary School - Carol Service 2020

Please join us for our 2020 carol service.

Year 1 message from Santa

Nativity Wonder Day!

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What a brilliant day Year 1 had on Nativity Wonder Day. They acted out the Nativity story and discussed the true meaning of Christmas. Year 1 made stain glass windows and painted the nativity scene.

Year 1 Science- Waterproof investigation

In today's science lesson, Year 1 were learning about materials being waterproof. 

Year 1 investigated which material would be best to make an umbrella for teddy. They concluded that metal and plastic were waterproof and would be best. They also decided that fabric and paper would not make the best umbrella as they are not waterproof!


Year 1 Design and Technology- Design a porridge for Goldilocks

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After writing the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Year 1 designed a porridge they thought would be best for Goldilocks to eat. They learnt about healthy and unhealthy foods and decided fruit and honey would be the best option. They then chose which topping they wanted and made the porridge. We checked that the porridge wasn't too hot and waited for it to be just right! The children absolutely loved it and had a great time making it.

Year 1- Travelling Crib (Advent Wonder Day)

Our final activity on our Advent Wonder day was to make a travelling crib to take home to our families. We made the nativity scene and some puppets of Mary and Joseph. We are going to take these home, set them up, light a candle and read the nativity story to help us prepare and remember the true meaning of Christmas.
To help prepare for Christmas, each child in Year 1 made a personalised decoration to put on our class Christmas tree. We talked about how we have to use our focus virtue of patience during Advent as we wait for Christmas day when we celebrate the birth of Jesus. 

Year 1- Wreath hats (Advent Wonder Day)

To start off our very exciting Advent Wonder Day, Year 1 discussed the meaning of advent, the different parts of the Advent Wreath and what they mean. We talked about the wreath being in a circle to represent God's infinite love. We also learnt the meaning of each of the candles. The children then made their own Advent wreath hats.

Year 1- The Three Little Pigs

I was so proud of Year 1. They have worked so hard on their writing over the last two weeks. They have been retelling the story of The Three Little Pigs and they have worked on including finger spaces, full stops, capital letters and adjectives. Here are just a few examples of the wonderful work they have produced.
Today Year 1 carried out a science experiment to investigate which materials would be best to build a house for The Three Little pigs. Each group built their house out of different materials they had chosen. The Big Bad wolf then came along and tried to blow the houses down! Year 1 discovered that wood and plastic would make the best house for a little pig.

Our Amazing Year 1 Writing

Our Year 1 class have been really impressing Miss Darvill with their writing of traditional stories. They have been writing traditional tales. They are focussing on re-ordering the story, focussing on writing super sentences and character descriptions, and finally are planning, drafting and writing their own simple versions of the stories. They are enjoying acting out the stories using puppets. I wonder if they can retell the story to you? I am really impressed with the improvement in the quality of writing in Year 1. Keep up your hard, super work!

Year 1 English: Orally retelling a repetitive rhyme

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Year 1 are reading the repetitive poem, 'Brown Bear Brown Bear what can you see?'
We have really enjoyed learning this poem together. Today we created our own masks to link to our performance and learnt some actions to help us retell the poem. This will help us tomorrow when we write our own poems just like the ones in the book "Brown Bear".

Year 1 Science - Our Sensational Senses Wonder Day!

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This half term Year 1 have been learning about the five senses. To explore our five senses even further, we had a senses wonder day. Year 1 became Scientists for the day!
Year 1 used their five senses to carve pumpkins and watch them explode.
They explored what it would be like to lose their sense of sight and had to guide each other round the playground.
The class even explored their sense of touch by taking part in a mystery touch test!
It was an excellent day and all the children loved it!
In RE we are learning about the virtue thanksgiving. We visited the farm as we used our sense to say thank you to God for our wonderful animals. We really enjoyed the wonder of all the animals. We thanked God for his special gifts to us when we returned to class in our morning prayers. 

Bowland Farm- Research for an Information text

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In English this half term Year 1 are writing information texts about farm animals. To help us, Farmer David came to visit bringing his friends from Bowland Farm. We learnt many facts about the animals and we had lots of fun feeding and walking them too!

Year 1 Geography: Our walk around Beeston

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In Geography this half term we are learning all about our local area. To help with our learning we undertook some fieldwork and went on a walk around Beeston to look at all the different human and physical features that make Beeston a special place. We saw our church, shops, bus stops and a roundabout. We looked at the different buildings and discussed the different types of houses.

Year 1 Science: Exploring our sense of taste!

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Today Year one were learning about their sense of taste. We talked about foods that were sweet, salty and sour. We even tried some sour fruit that made us make a funny face!

Take a look back!

Religious Education in Year 1

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Year 1 are such a thoughtful and reflective class. I have loved to hear their responses and ideas in RE lessons this year!

Year 1's History Journey

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Take a look back at all the wonderful work Year 1 have completed in History this year.

Year 1's Wonderful Writing

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Throughout this difficult time I have loved seeing all the excellent work you have been doing at home. I took some time today to look back at all your amazing writing. Year 1 have worked so hard to improve their writing this year. I am so proud of their perseverance, resilience and all they have achieved.
Well done Year 1!

A visit from the Rock pool company

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This half term Year 1 have been learning all about animals in science and have been writing information texts in English. To help with this, the Rock pool company came into school with lots of different animals that you can find in the sea. They brought different types of star fish, a hermit crab, a spider crab and lots more. The children absolutely loved it and learnt many amazing facts. Next week the children will be writing their own information texts about all the different animals.

Science: Features of Fish

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Year 1 spent a science lesson investigating the features of fish with Miss Taylor. It was a fantastic lesson where the children used magnifying glasses to investigate the scales and asked lots of questions to deepen their understanding.

Making mocktails in Maths

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Last week Year 1 were learning all about capacity. We used mathematical vocabulary such as full, empty, almost full, half full and almost empty. We wrote our own recipes for a fruit mocktail using all the vocabulary we had learnt. We were then able to make them in the following lesson. They were delicious!

Reading with Year 6

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What a wonderful time our children listening to stories being told by our Year 6 class!

World Book Day

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What an eventful World Book Day! We all dressed up as our favourite book characters and took part in many activities that inspired our love of reading. Year 1 made Gruffalo crumble after reading the story, it was delicious. They were also very lucky to have the Year 6 children read their favourite books to them in the playground. They listened so well and loved every minute of it.

Fairytales and Dragon Workshop

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During reading week Year 1 were lucky enough to take part in a Fairytales and Dragon workshop in order to support their story writing in Literacy. The children watched an incredible performance of The Princess and the Dragon, which they thoroughly enjoyed. The children then had to create their own fairytale land and characters using recycled materials. The workshop sparked the children's imaginations and they came up with some fantastic ideas!
Well done Year 1 .

Our History Curriculum (Using primary sources of evidence to find out about toys in the past through a visit to Abbey House Museum)

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What a fantastic day! Year 1 visited Abbey house museum, linking to our history topic 'Old Toys'. The children looked around an old Victorian village and even got to dress up! They had lots of fun using old pennies to play in the old fashioned arcade. Year 1 were also lucky enough to take part in a workshop where they got to learn all about toys from the past and got the chance to play with them. They used first hand sources of evidence and were able to touch, feel and describe the old toys, comparing them to toys nowadays.
In Design and Technology this half term Year 1 are going to be making kites. In order to find out what makes the best kite, we carried out some research and went to fly them. Despite it not being very windy the children were amazing and eventually got the kites to fly! They had so much fun and they can't wait to start designing their own kites.

Science Investigation- What material would be best to make an umbrella for Teddy?

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This week Year 1 have been looking at which materials are waterproof and which our not. We investigated materials to find out what would be best to make an umbrella for teddy! We poured water over materials such as plastic, cotton, netting and kitchen roll to see if teddy would get wet. Year 1 came to the conclusion that plastic would be the best material as it is the most waterproof.

History- An interview with Mrs Pollard

History- An interview with Mrs Pollard


To support with our history topic 'Old Toys' we invited Mrs Pollard into our class to tell us all about the toys she played with as a little girl. We prepared some questions and found out all about toys from the past. Mrs Pollard liked to play with a whip and top, cards and the 'jacks' game. Mrs Pollard also played with games that we are familiar with! Hopscotch, yoyo's and hula hoops. We loved having Mrs Pollard in to talk to us and we are so excited for our upcoming school trip!

Bowland Farm

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Year 1 had great fun on Friday meeting and learning about all the animals from Bowland Farm!

Skylar's missing note

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On Monday Year 1 had to opportunity to take part in an incredible music workshop. The workshop was linked to what the children have been learning in their lessons this half term.
The children watched a brilliant performance in the hall and then completed the workshop in the classroom.
As you can see from the photos, they absolutely loved it!

School trip to Eureka

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What a day!
Year 1 had an incredible time at Eureka today and thoroughly enjoyed it. 'The Gross Lab' workshop was fantastic, they learnt about all the disgusting things the body does. The children made fake sick, fake wounds and lots more. 🤢
We then explored the 'All about me' gallery where the children were able to explore the human body and the senses, linked to our science topic this half term.
As my first school trip as a class teacher, I am so proud of how well behaved and sensible Year 1 were today. Well done!

The Tiger Who Came to Tea

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This afternoon Year 1 acted out the story from The Tiger Who Came to Tea. We made our own sandwiches, created tiger masks and made invitations. We all sat together on the carpet and ate our delicious snacks and juice while we retold the story.

Year 1 Sound Walk

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Year 1 have had a fantastic week and completed some amazing work. This week we developed our science skills and looked at our sense of hearing. We went on a sound walk around school to see what we could hear.