Year 4
Year 4 Class Texts: September 2024
An Introduction to UK Parliament
Year 4, 5 and 6 enjoyed a visit from the UK Parliament Outreach Team. This lively, interactive assembly introduced the children to what UK Parliament is and how it works. More importantly, the children explored what it means for their lives as citizens. We learnt about the work and role of the House of Commons and the House of Lords; the difference between UK Parliament and Government; the work of MPs and members of the House of Lords; how laws are made and how they can get their voices heard.
Welcome to Year 4
I hope that you have had a super holiday and are excited about the wonderful year that we are going to share together. I am really looking forward to getting to know you all and helping you to shine brightly in all that you do. I have planned a wide range of creative, challenging and fun opportunities that will give you the chance to showcase your learning in a variety of ways. During our time in Year 4, we will enjoy the writing of C.S. Lewis, find out about life in Ancient Egypt and investigate volcanoes and earthquakes. Throughout the year, we will carry out a wide range of science investigations and make good use of our art and design skills. We will learn about the lives of many important people from the Bible together with preparing and sharing class collective acts of worship. We will enjoy developing our maths skills through problem solving and investigating and will understand how we can transfer these important skills into everyday life.
I know that you are all committed to working hard and will strive to do your best! I am looking forward to our time together and making it a year to remember!
Here are some things to help you:
*Reading every night and making sure an adult signs your planner.
*Working on your spellings and times tables every night.
(An adult doesn’t have to always test you)
*Producing high quality homework which is completed on time.
*Come into school everyday, excited and ready to learn!
Best Wishes
Miss Peacey