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St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

Growing together on a journey with Jesus


Year 4

Our School Council Representatives

Herd Farm in the snow

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We tried out some new and exciting activities in the snow at Herd Farm.

Our Year 4 class had an incredible time on their very first residential experience at St Anthony's. This took place at Herd Farm, Leeds from Wednesday 8th January - Friday 10th January 2025. Every single child in Year 4 embraced all of the opportunities to work in co-operation with each other, had lots of fun and made many lasting memories.  They took part in special activities such as the giant swing, crate stack and archery. In addition, they learnt a range of bush craft skills and took on the challenge of the climbing wall. In the evenings, the children loved taking part in many challenges, quizzes and group tasks. Have a look at what they all got up to!

Christmas at St Anthony's 2024

We experimented with a range of shading techniques in order to create different tones. We learnt how to use contrasting tones to create a three-dimensional drawing. We created compositions using collage and then used these to inspire our wax resist drawings. We are very pleased with our final pieces!

On Monday 16th December 2024, we held our annual Carol Service at St Anthony's Catholic Church. Our Chamber Choir led the way with their magnificent and harmonious singing. What a beautiful way to prepare for Christmas! The Service was attended by our whole school community as well as parish members and past pupils. 

Advent Wreath Making - School Council

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To mark the start of Advent the School Council representatives from each class worked with Mrs Easton to produce a wonderful wreath for their classroom. It was a joy to see the children helping and supporting each other - the true meaning of Christmas in action!

In order to enhance our Geography topic on rivers, we spent the day at Headingley Water Treatment Centre. We furthered our understanding of the water cycle, learnt about the process of water treatment and explored what not to flush down the toilet. The highlight of the day was a guided tour of the centre which was fascinating. The staff were amazed by our existing knowledge and retention of key facts. Well done everyone!

PSHE: Online Safety

We thoroughly enjoyed our session from D:Side where we focused on the importance of online safety.

During our art topic 'Light and Dark, we developed our skills of colouring mixing. We learnt how to use shades and tints to create a desired effect.  We found out how to create a still life composition and created our own using objects to represent some of the subjects we study in school. After drawing our compositions, we used our new skills to produce quality finished pieces. 

We were delighted to meet Chris Mould, the illustrator of a new adaptation of 'The Iron Man' by Ted Hughes. We discovered lots of interesting facts about his work as both an author and illustrator. He demonstrated the techniques he uses to produce his amazing work and with his guidance, we produced our own illustrations. What a super opportunity to develop our drawing!

We really enjoyed our skipping workshop with our visitor from 'Skipping School'. This was a fantastic opportunity to learn a wide range of new skipping techniques. We will practise these in readiness for the 'Skipping Festival' in the Spring term. Well done Year 4!

Black History Day 2024

We thoroughly enjoyed finding about about the life and legacy of Claudia Jones, 'Mother of the Notting Hill Carnival'. She was a remarkable journalist and campaigner who brought together a whole community. Every year, millions of people visit the Notting Hill Carnival and celebrate Caribbean culture. Inspired by this amazing yearly event, we made Caribbean festival headdresses. Thank you Claudia Jones!

Wonderful Windrush

As part of our History topic, we investigated the reasons why people decided to come to Britain on the Empire Windrush. We thought about what they would have been excited about together with what they might miss. We took on the role of a passenger on the Windrush and wrote a postcard to our relatives in Jamaica. In addition, we produced beautiful artwork inspired by the Empire Windrush.

Year 4 Class Text: September 2024

An Introduction to UK Parliament

Year 4, 5 and 6 enjoyed a visit from the UK Parliament Outreach Team. This lively, interactive assembly introduced the children to what UK Parliament is and how it works. More importantly, the children explored what it means for their lives as citizens. We learnt about the work and role of the House of Commons and the House of Lords; the difference between UK Parliament and Government; the work of MPs and members of the House of Lords; how laws are made and how they can get their voices heard. 

                                                                                             Welcome to Year 4  

I hope that you have had a super holiday and are excited about the wonderful year that we are going to share together. I am really looking forward to getting to know you all and helping you to shine brightly in all that you do. I have planned a wide range of creative, challenging and fun opportunities that will give you the chance to showcase your learning in a variety of ways. During our time in Year 4, we will enjoy the writing of C.S. Lewis, find out about life in Ancient Egypt and investigate volcanoes and earthquakes. Throughout the year, we will carry out a wide range of science investigations and make good use of our art and design skills. We will learn about the lives of many important people from the Bible together with preparing and sharing class collective acts of worship. We will enjoy developing our maths skills through problem solving and investigating and will understand how we can transfer these important skills into everyday life.

I know that you are all committed to working hard and will strive to do your best! I am looking forward to our time together and making it a year to remember!

Here are some things to help you:
*Reading every night and making sure an adult signs your planner.
*Working on your spellings and times tables every night.
(An adult doesn’t have to always test you)
*Producing high quality homework which is completed on time.

*Come into school everyday, excited and ready to learn!






Best Wishes

Miss Peacey
