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St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

Growing together on a journey with Jesus




2023 Carol Service - Chamber Choir

2023 06 St Anthonys Chamber Choir LMEP performance

This week, Year 5 and 6 were lucky to hear some folk music! These outstanding musicians took on a journey around the world explaining the history of folk music. We were taught about lots of different instruments, we were taught how to dance with the music as accompaniment and we were even taught how to sing some famous folk songs as a call and response. The children were outstanding and showed a real passion for a variety of music!

Harvest Festival 2023

Year 6's end of year show was Robin Hood: The Musical! What an outstanding performance! Superb acting, brilliant choreography and beautiful singing; the perfect combination for an outstanding show! You were all amazing, a cast full of showstoppers! Well done!

The Sound of Music at St Anthony's

Chamber Choir Concert 2023

Young Voices 2023

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Young Voices February 2023: Miss Leonard and Miss Taylor had the opportunity to take a group of children to Sheffield Arena to once again enjoy the experience of performing live as an audience of over 4,000 children. This is the first time we have returned since Covid, so it was truly wonderful to experience this joy of singing
together once again. The children were an absolute credit to themselves, school and their families.

On Wednesday, Year 3 were lucky enough to receive a workshop from Leeds Lieder as part of their 'Discovering Lieder' project. The children were lucky enough to listen to the classical singers perform a song in German and discussed the meaning of the song through the singers actions. The children really impressed the visitors with their ideas and provided some really thoughtful reflections on what the song meant to them. The children then wrote their own song with the support of the singers and performed this. Again, the children came up with some brilliant ideas and were able to talk about how to vary their pitch and tone throughout the song. Well Done Year 3, you were all amazing!

St Anthony's Chamber Choir Concert 2022

Year 6 - Shrek - The Musical

Year 4 - Exploring the pentatonic scale

We very much enjoyed listening to a range of pentatonic melodies. We discussed and compared the musical features and moods of the different pieces and shared our personal opinions. We embraced the opportunity to improvise our own pentatonic melodies on tuned percussion instruments.

We thoroughly enjoyed our steel pan workshop where we celebrated the music of Trinidad and Tobago. This experience brought to life and enriched our History topic on the Windrush. It also provided us with the opportunity to extend our knowledge of our Science topic on Sound. We worked together brilliantly, demonstrating our wonderful talents!

Year 4 - Magical Music

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Reception - Outdoor Learning - The Wheels on the Bus

Years 2 & 3 - Liturgical Dance - Alleluia

Year 1 - Liturgical Dance - Our Father

Year 6 - Liturgical Dance - Fix My Eyes

Year 5 - Liturgical Dance - Be My Heart, My Hands, My Voice

Year 4 - Liturgical Dance - May Your Love

Year 3 - Liturgical Dance - Prodigal's Return

Year 2 - Liturgical Dance - Hail Mary

Reception - Liturgical Dance - God's Love is Big

Year 5 - Brother, Sister - Easter Liturgical Dance

Year 4 - Today - Easter Liturgical Dance

Rise Schools Project

Rise is an education project focusing on health and wellbeing in schools.Find out more:

Year 3 Christmas Play 2021

Reception Nativity 2021

Year 1 - A bundle of joy

St Anthony's Christmas Carol Service 2021

Chamber Choir Concert July 2021

Our incredible Chamber Choir performed a repertoire of their incredible singing for us to end their learning over the year. We hope you love hearing the children singing. They have the voice of angels. We are so blessed. Well done Chamber Choir. Thank you to Lucy Haigh, our Choral Director who teaches the children so well each week too.
We hope you enjoy our beautiful end of year performance.

Whole School Music Evidence: Music across our school

Chamber Choir Singing June 2021 at Leeds Cathedral for The Bishop and Leeds Headteachers

Our Chamber Choir visited The Leeds Cathedral on 24th June 2021 to sing a repertoire of songs for The Annual Headteacher's Mass with The Bishop of Leeds. The children sung a large repertoire of secular songs including:


  • On Jordan's Bank the Baptist's cry (C Coffin 1676-1749)
  • Gloria
  • As I went down to the river to pray (Trad Arr; Alex Kyle)
  • The Sanctus (Missa Mundi, John Duggan)
  • The Agnes Dei (Missa Mundi, John Duggan)
  • Brother James' Air (James Bain, Arr, Gordon Jacob)
  • Alleluia, Sing to Jesus (W. Chatterton Dix 1837-1898)


The standard was extraordinary, praised by The Bishop of Leeds and many Head Teachers in our Diocese, with one noted below:

"It was noticeable that not only did the children sing some quite complex repertoire in parts, in tune and with confidence, but they were also clearly paying close attention to their MD, which shows a very professional attitude! Outstanding St Anthony's!"


I am so proud of you all Chamber Choir!

Chamber Choir

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Chamber Choir

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Chamber Choir have been very busy rehearsing for our carol concert! They sound amazing and can't wait to share their singing with you all.

Reception - Samba Drumming!

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We had a fantastic afternoon becoming a class samba band! We learnt all about the names of the different samba instruments and how to play them. It was really important to use our good looking eyes to watch the conductor so we knew when to play and when to stop. Look at our fantastic performance! We even took turns to be the conductor, telling our friends when to play and when to stop. We had so much fun exploring these instruments and making lots of noise!

Reception Music Club

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Year 1 & 2 May 2021 - Inspired by Music

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St Anthony's had a visit from David Pipe and his friend, who are both musical experts! The children were shown a range of different instruments and explored how they work. We then looked at different musical notes, and how they sound on a range of instruments. The children asked such insightful questions about the instruments and joined in with a few familiar songs. I know that many of them are certainly inspired to learn a musical instrument now! Take a look at one of the songs which was shared below...

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We have been learning how to play the chime bars in music club. Look at some of us playing 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'.

Year 2 Music - "Sounds of the Sea" project

Year 2 - The Little Sing

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Year 1 & 2 - Inspired by Music

Year 2 and Year 1 Skylar Music Project

Years Reception, One and Two Christmas Music Performance: A little bird told me

Year 3 Cornet.

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For Spring 2, Summer 1 and Summer 2; Year 3 will be having a 1 hr session per week on playing the cornet. Here are some photos from their very first session. The children were learning how to hold the instrument and make a sound out of it correctly (it's harder than it looks!). They all did an excellent job and even managed to play the song 'A sailor went to Sea' in their first lesson! Well done Year 3!

Year 3 Music - Ukulele

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Year 3 are learning to play a variety of simple tunes on the ukulele by learning basic chords. They have also been developing their knowledge of rhythm by experimenting with body percussion.

Year 4 Cornet

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Our Year 4 class put on a concert to demonstrate the skills they have learnt during their whole class instrumental lessons. They have achieved such a lot in just 3 half terms!

Year 4 Ukulele

We really enjoy our weekly ukulele sessions.

Year 5 - The Big Samba!

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As part of our music curriculum, Year 5 have really enjoyed learning samba drums and the rhythms of Brazil's most prominent form of music and dance! One of the most exciting elements of samba is the range of percussion instruments. While every instrument has its own sound and serves its own particular purpose, the cumulative effect energises the listener so they have no choice but to dance! We have learnt to play the surdo, tamborim, ganza and agogo bells! We are currently perfecting our final performance - watch this space!

Year 5 - We are listeners!

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In Year 5, we have been focusing on listening to and appraising music from the past. We started by developing our musical vocabulary and understating the meaning of words such as structure, texture, timbre, pitch and tempo. We then embarked on our Musical Historians project listening carefully to music from the past and responding creatively to this. Opinions really varied across Year 5 as we listened to music by various composers: L’hom Arme, Arrival of the Queen of Sheba and The Sugar Plum Fairy. We responded creatively to the music by completing listening logs and talked about how the music made us feel inside. We then compared the music to music we might listen to today. Have a look at some of our listening logs...

Year 6 Glockenspiels

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Year 6 - The Big Sing

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On Wednesday 6th November, Year 6 attended 'The Big Sing' at Mount St. Mary's. In the morning, we all prepared for a special liturgy by learning new songs and actions as well as selecting children to learn a new dance and read bidding prayers. After lunch, along with many other children from Catholic primary schools across Leeds, we participated in the special liturgy. We had so much fun!

Young Voices

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Our school choir take part in the annual Young Voices Concert at Sheffield.