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St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

Growing together on a journey with Jesus


Year 2

Geography Fieldtrip - Bridlington 2024

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Year 2 were an absolute credit to St. Anthony's and their parents on our recent visit to Bridlington. Throughout the day we explored both human and physical features of Bridlington and enjoyed the view of the cliffs on the Land train. Once the tide had gone out the children loved playing on the beach and having a paddle in the sea. We hope you enjoy our photo story of our memorable day.

Alive and Kicking Workshop - Great Fire of London

Inspirational Science Week

New Life at St. Anthony's

Today (Wednesday 13th March) the children were lucky enough to witness the hatching of Jessy the first St. Anthony's chick of 2024. Hopefully, he will have some friends very soon! Watch this space!!

World Book Day 2024

Time to celebrate!

It is with great delight that we are now able to share the news that our recent visits from OFSTED have resulted in St. Anthony's receiving an OUTSTANDING judgement.  All the children have received a paper copy of the report and it can now be found on the website. Some of our favourite phrases from include...


Pupils love coming to St Anthony’s Catholic Primary School. They feel safe and happy here.


Pupils’ behaviour is exemplary. Pupils demonstrate high levels of respect for each other. They help one another in lessons. Pupils are very keen to learn.


Leaders have implemented a strong curriculum which is broad and ambitious. Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), learn well in this inclusive school.


Parents, pupils and staff are particularly positive about the school. They feel an integral part of a school family which sits at the heart of their local community.


We could go on so please read the final report! We all wanted to say a HUGE thank you for all the support you give to your children and for helping to make the year 2 class so very special.  We are lucky to have a class full of wonderful children and it was lovely to be able to share such positive messages at parents evening this week. 

Many thanks once again!!

St Anthony's Catholic Primary School Ofsted 2024

Skipping with Year 2

Year 2 Skipping

A School of Faith

January 2024: Year 2 Class Texts

Launching our History Topic: A visit from a nurse (January 2024)

To launch our new History Topic focussing upon the concept of significance, Year 2 were introduced to Mrs Delaney. She is a nurse. She came to ask and answer questions about her role and the significance it has. She delivered a lesson all about being a nurse nowadays. Year 2 were amazed by her role and can't wait to find out other nurses from the past. 

Creating Media- Digital Photographs (Spring 1 2024) Year 2

The children are beginning to recognise that different devices can be used to capture photographs and they captured their own photographs using i-pads. They learnt that a photograph can be taken in either portrait or landscape format and they were challenged to take the following photographs -A building, a person, a close-up of an object, an action shot, a selfie and something in the distance. These were taken in both portrait and landscape formats and they then explored the reasons why a photographer may favour one over the other.

Christmas at St Anthonys 2023

Winter walk - developing vocabulary for our setting descriptions

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Year 2 walked to Cross Flats Park today to observe the signs of winter. We focused on developing vocabulary for our winter setting descriptions, the children had to come up with expanded noun phrases to describe the signs of winter - the children behaved amazingly well, and they came up with some brilliant ideas to support their writing. Well Done Year 2!

Advent Wreaths

Computer systems and networks – Information Technology around us (Autumn 2 2023) Year 2

As part of our work on looking at information technology all around us the children were able to think about the choices that are made when using information technology, and the responsibility associated with those choices. They used IT in different types of activities and were able to explain that sometimes they will need to use IT in different ways. We explored the digital 5 a day, in these pictures we are getting creative and painting a digital picture, come and look at our work!

Road Safety (November 2023)

On Monday 13th November, Year 2 took part in a road safety session with Leeds City Council. They focused on identifying safe places to cross, crossing the road using the Green Cross Code and using zebra crossing facilities to help us cross the road. Well Done Year 2!


Year 2 School Council 2023-2024

Here are our Year 2 School Council representatives. These members have been elected by their peers, using a democratic process in line with our British Values. These children attend special meetings weekly and conduct roles around school. They represent the views of our Year 2 pupils. Congratulations on this special role during this academic year. We are very proud of you! 

St Anthony's: You're in safe hands

Our Geography Displays (Autumn Term 2023)

Year 2 Geography - The United Kingdom 26.10.2023

This term, Year 2 are learning all about the United Kingdom. As Geographers learning about "Place" they have asked and answered questions to increase their learning, knowledge and skills. So far, the children have used atlases to name and locate the four countries of the United Kingdom and looked at capital cities of each country. We are really enjoying this topic! We have explored books linked to our topics, including books in our book nooks and reading areas. We have even had a visitor from Northern Ireland share her experiences of living there. We got to ask her lots and lots of questions too. Which region of the UK will we find out about next ... watch this space! During week 3 of HT2 we will have our retention of knowledge check so we will be able to share all the key substantive knowledge that we have retained. Well done Year 2!

In this lesson year 2 have been developing their understanding of instructions in sequences and the use of logical reasoning to predict outcomes. They were given commands in different orders to investigate how the order affects the outcome. The children learnt about design in programming, developed their own artwork and tested it for use in a program. We began to design algorithms and then test these algorithms as programs and debug them.

Year 2 Writing Alternative Traditional Tales - 18.10.2023

Year 2 Chamber Choir 17.10.2023

Every Tuesday, Year 2 take part in Choral Singing sessions with Mr Leech. The children learn a variety of secular, traditional and modern songs and carry out a number of different singing exercises. They have made amazing progress singing in unison with pitch, rhythm and in harmony as one. They have started their weekly Choral Singing lessons since September and we are so proud of them all. Well done Year 2! They look forward to singing for you all very soon! 

DT - Designing, Making and Evaluating Chairs for Baby Bear

Year 2 have done an amazing job designing, making and evaluating their new chair for Baby Bear. We tried to make sure our chair was strong, stable, rigid and had a design that Baby Bear would like. Using a variety of different junk modelling materials and paper, we carefully constructed our chairs. Then Baby Bear got to test all of our finished chairs - she was so happy with our designs! We then evaluated our work carefully against our design criteria, suggesting what we might improve if we were to construct a chair again. Super work Year 2!

DT - Testing stability and strength of different shapes to assist us with our designing

We investigated the stability and strength of different shapes made using paper by testing them with heavy books. Following our investigation, we concluded that cylinders were the most effective. We then worked together to make our own paper cylinders, attaching them together to form on large structure. Our tests revealed that our cylinder was very strong, stable and rigid. It could hold Baby Bear, lots of books and almost held one of our children! We then applied this knowledge when designing and making our new chairs for Baby Bear. 

Y2 Football Team after their first round of fixtures on 16.10.23

Year 2 have been reading "Jack and the Baked Beanstalk" in their new Reading Fluency Lessons. They have been busy planning, writing and editing their own alternative traditional story tales using this text as their inspiration. What creative writers we have in Year 2! Well done! 

Year 2 Science Investigation - Can all materials be squashed, stretched, twisted and bent?

Our Year 2 Scientists have carried out simple tests to discover whether they can change the shape of a solid material through bending, squashing, twisting and stretching. They made predictions prior to carrying out their tests and worked in teams to test each material. We really enjoyed testing each material and seeing what happened. Well done Year 2!

RE: Celebrating Harvest and our focus virtue of Thanksgiving (17.10.2023)

Year 2 Football Team - 16.10.2023 (Our very first match for our school!)

Magnificent Maths with Year 2: October 2023

Year 2 Mathlete of the Month! September 2023

A huge well done to Kevin our Year 2 Mathlete of the month earning an amazing 7341 points this September! Wonderful dedication to home-learning - we are all very proud of you!

Year 2 interview 'The Big Bad Wolf' (September 2023)

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This half term, Year 2 have been reading the True Story of the Three Little Pigs. Today, we carried out interviews with the wolf to find out what happened on the day the three little pigs houses were destroyed. We used an app called Chatterkids - this allows you to animate a picture by adding animated facial features, recording your voice and adding other effects.
Using the app, children thought of questions they wanted to ask the wolf and recorded themselves but made some slight adjustments to their faces. They then recorded the reply as the wolf.

It was a fun, engaging way for the children to put themselves in another character's shoes and justify the wolf's actions. Here are some of the children's efforts - Well Done Year 2!

Maths: One More and One Less (September 2023)

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Maths Group 2 have worked really hard to understand teen numbers. They have used a range of manipulatives including tens frames to learn that these numbers are made up of one ten and some ones. Today, the children started the learn how to calculate one more and one less than a number. They used a range of manipulatives to ensure that their understanding was secure.

Maths: Partitioning Numbers to 100 (September 2023)

Maths Group 1 have worked really hard partitioning numbers to 100 this week.  The children have learnt how to use a range of manipulatives to represent the numbers and then have partitioned them into tens and ones. They have then represented their partitioning using a place value tables and part whole models. Their next step will be to flexibly partition numbers to 100. 

Year 2 Science - Materials Investigation (Autumn 1 2023)

Year 2 are learning about materials in Science. This week, we carried out an investigation to see what material would be best to build a house for the Three Little Pigs. We tested each material to see how strong it was, how absorbent it was and how likely it is to blow over in the wind. Take a look at some of the pictures, we are going to test more materials next week! Well Done Year 2!

Top Tips for Reading at Home

At St Anthony's, our systematic synthetic phonic scheme is Little Wandle. All children will be reading matched texts daily to increase their fluency and comprehension. Books will be brought home each Thursday and we kindly request that these are shared each night with your child using the prompts below. Thank you for being true partners in your child's reading journey. We hope you enjoy watching our video below. Year 2 who progress beyond Little Wandle will begin to transition onto matched texts to further challenge their learning. We have just had an upgraded selection of Little Wandle KS1 stretch and challenge texts which some of our Year 2 chidlren will be accessing. Keep reading Year 2!

Dear Parents,
Thank you all for attending the meet the teacher event last Thursday. It was lovely to meet you all and find out more about your lovely children.
I have attached the PowerPoint from the meeting as a reminder and for any parents who couldn't attend.
Kind regards, Mrs Reuben

Hello Year 2,

I am so excited to be your teacher this year and learn so much about your hobbies, talents and interests. Year 2 is brilliant year and I am really looking forward to sharing all of our engaging and fun topics with you. To start the year, we will be learning all about Our United Kingdom in Geography and Materials in Science.

Our first text will be:
The True Story of the Three Little Pigs.

The majority of class updates will be posted onto the Google Classroom page. This includes things such as copies of letters and announcements/reminders. Below, we have posted some useful information to begin the year with:

Mrs Reuben will be teaching English to Year 2 this year and Miss Taylor will be teaching Maths. 
Read every night at home, focussing on your understanding of the text.  All books sent home will be in line with our Little Wandle Phonics scheme.
PE will take place every Monday and Friday for Year 2. Please come to school in your PE kit on these days.
Come into school everyday, excited and ready to learn!
Our meet the teacher meeting will take place on Thursday 7th September 3.15 - 3.45pm.
Half termly newsletters (including any key dates) and spellings can be found via the Year 2 class page. 
Mrs Cook will also be supporting your children in Year 2 to achieve their very best.

If you have any questions about Year 2 please do not hesitate to contact me.

I look forward to meeting you all next week!

Mrs Reuben

End of term

Design & Technology - Creating Healthy Wraps (July 2023)

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Year 2 were set a special challenge - To create a healthy wrap for school aged children. Our design brief was to ensure that it contained a range of food groups for a healthy, balanced diet and that it tastes nice, so lots of children would want to try it. We conducted Research by exploring the Eatwell Guide to establish the different food groups. We then designed three wraps, ensuring that they included varied, healthy ingredients. We then explored each others designs and voted for which ones we liked the best and gave suggestions on how they could be made better. Next, we prepared a range of ingredients ready for putting our wraps together. It was important to learn how to hold different utensils carefully whilst preparing the food. We then got to make our wraps - how exciting! We are going to conduct our evaluations next week based on our design criteria. Take a look at our wonderful Design and Technology work in the video. Amazing skills Year 2!

Chamber Choir Concert 2023

D:Side Visit - Keeping Healthy

What a fantastic workshop we had with D:Side! We learnt all about different parts of our bodies and how we can keep them healthy. Our visitor was so impressed with the children's knowledge of different body parts and the facts they shared about them. Well done Year 2!

Catholic Care Visit - Exploring Gender Stereotypes

We had some fascinating discussions about gender stereotypes during our visit from Catholic Care. We discussed lots of different questions together including whether girls can wear blue, whether girls can be firefighters and whether boys can be nurses. I was so impressed by the mature, in-depth discussions that took place. Well done Year 2! 

Geography Fieldwork Visit - Bridlington 5th July 2023

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Year 2 had an amazing fieldwork visit to Bridlington, in order to observe the human and physical features of coastal areas. We discussed the differences between the human and physical features and compared them to the maps we created at school. We explored the harbour, pier, the North and South Beach, promenade, shops, the North Sea and cliffs. We also took an exciting ride on a land train to explore the coastline from a different perspective. We had a great view of the cliffs and how they form the coastline. The children were all amazing in identifying and exploring the different features and describing how they are similar and different to our own local area of Beeston. Well done Year 2!

Year 2 are Skipping Festival Winners 2023!

Year 2 - Skipping Festival Champions 2023

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Today, Year 2 took part in a competitive Skipping Festival, where they competed with different schools across Leeds. They did singular skips including the single bounce, double bounce, hop & swap, side straddle and side swing. Then, they competed in groups using different formations. The children were absolutely incredible winning 6 Golds, 4 silvers and 2 bronzes...crowning us the overall champions of the tournament. I felt like the proudest teacher in Leeds today - they were all amazing! Well done Year 2!
Take a look at some of our super skipping in the video below.

Nathanael and Maranatha - Record Breaking Scores!

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With only 30 seconds for the Single Bounce competition...Nathanael and Maranatha blew everybody away with their scores! Nathanael scoring an astonishing 99 skips in only 30 seconds (more than 3 per second) and Maranatha with an incredible score of 89 (3 per second). All of the judges and other schools couldn't believe it - I'm so proud of you both. Take a look at the video to see them both in action.

Geography - Using Digimaps to create our own maps of Bridlington

Year 2's current Geography topic is, "Oh I do like to be beside the Seaside!"

We have been working hard to understand geographical similarities and differences between our local area of Beeston and Bridlington, a coastal town. We have used our observational skills to study the human and physical features of their surrounding environments. Using Digimaps, Year 2 studied the area of Bridlington, in order to develop their own maps. Using a key, they identified key features such as the harbour, pier, beach, sea, vegetation and cliffs. I was so impressed with their observational skills...well done Year 2!

Year 2 Maths - Position and Direction (22.6.23 - 23.6.23)

Our current Maths topic is, 'Position and Direction'. This week, Year 2 have been developing their ability to use positional language by following a route in order to find hidden and missing treasure. They used 'clockwise', 'anti-clockwise', 'left' and 'right' to describe quarter, half or three-quarter turns and worked collaboratively in order to debug their routes in order to get to the end point. Then, we created our own maps and wrote a list of directional instructions for others to follow. The children worked in groups to follow the instructions using the Bee-Bots. Amazing work Year 2!

Exploring History at St Anthony's

RE: Celebrating our Patronal Feast Day of St Anthony - 13th June 2023

We were so lucky to have a workshop from a visiting tennis coach this morning. The children all worked so hard to develop their racquet skills and to work as part of a team to participate in the different games. What little tennis superstars!

Design and Technology in Year 2 - Wheels and Axles [June 2023]

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Today, inspired by our History topic 'The Great Fire of London', Year 2 developed their knowledge of Wheels and Axles to make the base for a fire engine.
Within our lesson, we researched axles and axle holders on a range of different products (including cars, bikes and trucks). We then designed our own chassis and added the axle and axle holders to ensure that it would be secure. We considered different ways to join the materials together (and also considered which materials to include in our final designs). We worked together to make the base of our chassis and used trial and error to explore further. We then tested our designs to see if they could make it across the 'finish line' securely. Tomorrow, we will evaluate what worked well and what could have been done to improve. As Design Technology leader, I was so proud of our Year 2 class today as they showed such resilience and determination! Take a look at our exciting learning in the video above!

Wheels and Axles - Come and see photos of Y2 developing their skills in Design Technology!

Music - The Nutcracker (Wed 7th June)

In our music lesson today, we have been learning how to combine sounds to create musical effects. We have developed our understanding of how music, dance and drama can combine in storytelling when looking at 'The Nutcracker'. We listened to 5 clips which retell the story of Clara's Christmas experience, inspired by the Nutcracker score. We identified different instruments we recognised and considered how the tempo, dynamic and pitch worked together in order to tell the story. We then split into groups to recreate different parts of the story using a range of instruments.

Great Fire of London Workshop with the National Archives - Exploring Historical Sources of Evidence

Year 2 took part in an online workshop with the National Archives to explore the evidence which informs us about the Great Fire of London. We explored maps of London before and after the fire, which showed us the impact of the fire. We pinpointed where Pudding Lane was on the map, based on how the streets of London had changed after the fire. The lighter parts of the map showed us how the buildings had been destroyed and engulfed by the fire. We then explored Hearth Tax from 1666, showing us evidence of Thomas Farriner and his bakery on Pudding Lane. After, we looked at King Charles’ declaration where he stated that any new house or building must be made from brick or stone. We learnt so much from our session and all children asked fantastic questions!

As part of our exciting History topic, 'The Great Fire of London', Year 2 created our own Great Fire right here at St Anthony's! Each child created a magnificent building from 1666 in order for us to create a London scene of Pudding Lane and beyond...

From this, our fire started in Thomas Farriner's Bakery on Pudding Lane, spreading rapidly throughout the streets of London. We saw how the fire spread so quickly because the houses were so close together and also the wind carried the leaping waves from building to building. Afterwards, we discussed the impact of the fire and saw how lots of London was left as rubble and ash. What an amazing experience!

Thank you so much to all of the parents in Year 2 for supporting our wonderful children with this exciting activity, through creating some extraordinary 1666 buildings. Wow! I'm so proud of you all Year 2, what a great afternoon of History learning.

A special message for Year 2 from the St Anthony's Governing Body

Our Amazing Non-Fiction Writing! Inspired by our class novel, 'Hodgeheg' by Dick King-Smith [May 2023]

Our Year 2 Classroom - May 2023

Celebrating History: The Coronation - May 2023

Year 2 Learning Environment - May 2023

In our History topic, 'The Great Fire of London', Year 2 have been exploring old and new maps to discover what they could tell us about the fire. We compared the maps and considered what was similar and what was different about each map. We then used our observational skills to identify where the famous Pudding Lane was on each of the maps. We noticed that Pudding Lane could be identified by crossing London Bridge and moving up and to the right - some great skills here Year 2! We then looked at the newer map of London to consider how it looks different to the map of London before the great fire started. What a fantastic start to our topic Year 2, I'm really proud of you!

St Anthony's - Curriculum of Excellence

Making Easter cards

Florence Nightingale History Wonder Day at Thackray Medical Museum, Leeds

Our Year 2 class have been History explorers. On Wednesday 22nd March 2023, they visited The Thackray Medical Museum to find out key knowledge about Florence Nightingale using first hand exporation, as well as seeing sources of evidence to find out about the past. They returned with improved History understanding and knowledge. Mr Whittle, our History leader, attended the day too to capture this excellence and learning with all our children. Well done Year 2!

During Spring 2 2023, we have been focussing on clay in our Art lessons. We responded to examples of contemporary clay sculptures before we designed, made and painted our own pinch pots. Our final task will be to evaluate them. As well as pinch pots, we were given the opportunity to use clay imaginatively and make minibeast sculptures. We are all so proud of our creations!  

We have been creating microhabitats for minibeasts in science, using recycled cardboard and natural materials (grass, leaves, twigs etc) collected from our local area. We thought carefully about how we could make our mircrohabitats suitable for the survival needs of creatures, ensuring there were lots of sheltered areas to hide from the elements and predators!

World Book Day in Year 2!

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Year 2 had an amazing day celebrating World Book Day this year! With our focus story of 'The Smeds and The Smoos', we explored the story in order to write our own creative diary entries about the day Janet and Bill ran away to Wurpular Wood together. Our focus this year is, "Breathing in reading, breathing out writing" and Year 2 did exactly that! We loved sharing the story together and had a great day of fun. Well done Year 2!

World Book Day 2023 - St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

Masked Reader 2023

Breathing in reading, breathing out writing 20.03.2023

Our Year 2 class have been really bringing alive their reading. They have been breathing in reading in order to breathe out the highest quality writing. Their shared area display shows evidence of their learning on key texts so far this year. We are really proud of you Year 2. 

History - Developing our understanding of chronology through exploring the life of Florence Nightingale

Science - Exploring Microhabitats in our school grounds

In Science, Year 2 are exploring 'microhabitats'. To begin with, we explored different types of microhabitat, exploring photographs and discussing why the microhabitat will be suitable for the animal. We all recognised that the microhabitat provides food, water and shelter for the living thing. We then explored our school grounds to see which microhabitats we could find. Mrs Gledhill was so impressed with how well you all used Science knowledge such as 'predator' and 'camouflage' to describe how the microhabitat helps the living thing to survive. 

We found:

- leaf litter

- fallen logs

- clumps of grass

- moss

- piles of sticks

- lumps of soil

Well done Year 2, some super Science investigations!

Come and take a look at our amazing moving information books designed to teach Year 1 children about food chains! We all tried so hard to use the skills we learnt in our exploring sliders lessons and are thrilled that the slider mechanisms work. Some of us were even able to independently create bridges/guides to prevent the sliders from wobbling. After finishing our books, we took time to evaluate them and consider what we like about our own product and how it could be improved.

D&T: Exploring sliders

Our D&T topic this half term has been to make our own moving information books. We first explored and responded to the work of Ramon Llull who created the first "pop-up". Then, we had a session exploring sliders in which we discovered how slider mechanisms can make pictures move vertically and horizontally. Mrs McGuire also gave us a challenge to see if we could prevent a vertical slider from wobbling side-to-side. She was very impressed with our efforts! We later learnt that these were called guides and bridges. Since then, we have designed our own moving information books, designed to teach Y1 children about food chains (linking in with our Science topic). We have made a great start to constructing them and look forward to finishing our wonderful creations next week!

Our Maths Star of the week is...Jamelia! [6.2.23 - 10.2.23]

Maths Star of the Week - Jamelia

This week, Jamelia has been chosen as Maths star of the week as she has worked hard in all lessons to develop her verbal reasoning skills. 

She spotted a number of 'Marvellous Mistakes' during our lesson and used super mathematical language such as 'value' and 'worth' to explain why they were incorrect. What great reasoning skills you shared with us all Jamelia, amazing work!

Performance Poetry - Peter Pan

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As part of our writing journey, Year 2 have been researching, planning, drafting and editing their own narrative poems based on our class novel, 'Peter Pan' by Caryl Hart. For our publishing phase, we have explored different strategies for successfully performing a narrative poem. This was based on Michael Rosen's Top Tips for Performing Stories and Poems. We created our own success criteria from this, rehearsed and then performed our narrative poems to the class. What amazing work Year 2!

Year 2 Science Area - Animals and Habitats (Spring Term 2023)

Year 2 Archery Session [February 2023]

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Year 2 were so excited to develop their archery skills this week with a special enhanced workshop of learning from an Archery Teacher from Premier Sport (supplementing our PE wider offer through the Well Schools Partnership). All children had a great time improving their technique in order to aim at a target. What fabulous learning and progress Year 2!

Geography - Around the World! February 2023

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Year 2 had an amazing workshop on Wednesday where they explored 'All Around the World!' Linking to our topic on Climates, focussing on areas near and far from the Equator, Year 2 explored the different climates of the world and considered which animals live there. They used expert vocabulary to give reasons why the climates have certain weather patterns and why they create ideal habitats for certain animals who have adapted to live there. What amazing Geography work Year 2!

The Sound of Music at St Anthony's

Year Two are really enjoying their music curriculum this Spring Term. Each Tuesday, they take part in Choral Singing lessons with Leeds Diocese, led by Mr Tom Leach. They receive vocal training and exert tuition in singing, building on the required key knowledge and skills from our music curriculum. In addition, our Year Two pupils take part in weekly lessons using our scheme, Music Express. 

Inspired by our Geography topic...exploring Australia!

Well done to Christina for completing her own writing inspired by our Australia topic at home. It is wonderful to see you remember so many facts Christina! A special mention also goes to Libby, who brought in some amazing family memories of her Auntie's time visiting Australia. Libby was so excited to share the special pictures and memories with her friends and it was wonderful for us to see all of our knowledge in action. Thank you for sharing Libby!

Geography Lesson Starter - 1 minute Quick Capture. Gathering our knowledge together

Today, we begun our Geography lesson by having a 1-minute quick capture of the facts we remember about Australia. I was so impressed with how much information they had remembered from our learning journey so far. What excellent geographers you are Year 2!

Celebrating writing: Year 2's 'World's Worst Children' stories - 20th January 2023

Celebrating Our Writing in Year 2

This half term, Year 2 were inspired to write their own 'World's Worst Children' stories after reading an array of fun stories by David Walliams. We used focussed vocabulary we explored within the text, in order to create our own very mischievous characters. We used a range of sentence types to share the stories of our own exciting characters. What amazing young authors you are Year 2! 

Our Maths Star of the Week is...Liam! (16.1.23 - 20.1.23)

This week, Liam was chosen as our Maths Star of the Week! All week, Liam has been growing in confidence in recognising and making equal groups of numbers. In our lessons on Thursday and Friday, Liam especially showed his understanding through sharing a top tip with the class. "All of the groups have to be equal", Liam said when sharing out the counters. Liam used this method to divide numbers through grouping and he helped his peers to solve a range of problems using a range of resources too. On Friday, Liam was delighted to be named Maths Star of the Week. Well done Liam - we are so proud of you!

Geography Map Work - Exploring the Equator

In our Geography work in Year 2 this half term, our children are being Geography explorers! They are using atlases, globes, maps and plans to locate and name all the main continents of the world. Today (Thursday 19th January 2023) they located the equator and thought carefully about the climate of the countries found around the equator. They asked incredible enquiry questions and could answer questions posed by others. Great Geography work Year 2!

Black History Learning

Christmas 2022 at St Anthony's

Elf Day 2022

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Year 2 have had the most amazing day dressed as elves in Year 2 today! We have painted festive Christmas cards, made candy cane reindeers and even worked together to make some incredible Christmas gonks! Take a look at some pictures from our wonderful Elf Day!

We have had a lovely day getting into the Christmas spirit in Year 2! A very special visitor came to see us in the morning, we made party hats for our delicious Christmas lunch and spent the afternoon playing some fabulous party games (including musical statues, pass the parcel, build a snowman, and a Christmas colouring competition). What a fabulous day!

D-Side Internet Safety Session (Computing and PSHE)

Year 2 all took part in Pedestrian training this afternoon, in order to learn how to use and cross the road safely. Before each session, the children learned the 'Green Cross Code' to help them remember what to do when crossing the road. They then all put this into practice. You were all so sensible Year 2...well done!

During our painting topic this half term we have been responding to the abstract artwork of Wassily Kandinsky, practising our colour mixing skills and using these to create our fabulous final pieces. We used Kandinsky's use of shape to inspire us - take a look at our amazing creations! Well done Year 2!

Year 2's Maths Star of the Week - Patrick [28.11.22 - 2.12.22]

This week, Patrick has been chosen as our Maths Star of the Week! Patrick has shown some amazing reasoning skills within our new 'Shape' topic and gave us our 'magical maths moment' from which we all can learn.

Patrick shared - "When you count the sides on a 2d shape, you can cross the sides off as you count so you don't count the same one twice. You've got to make sure that you don't count more than one side at a time or you will get the wrong amount". Year 2 used this advice to successfully count the sides of the 2d shapes they were exploring. What a great Maths tip Patrick!

Maths - Exploring 2d and 3d shapes

History - Abbey House Virtual Workshop

Our current History topic is, "A day in the life" where we are considering ways in which life has changed from the 1950s to now. As part of our learning, we took part in a virtual workshop hosted by Abbey House Museum. The focus of our workshop was to explore toys from the 1950s and consider how they are both similar and different to the toys we have today. We looked at the material of the toys, the types of toys children played with in the 1950s and considered how our toys are different to those in the past. We asked some really insightful questions and learned lots about old toys. Well done Year 2!

Year 2's Super Maths!

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A snapshot of Christina showing and explaining her method when solving column subtraction.

Year 2's Maths Star of the Week - Harry M [21.11.22 - 25.11.22]

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Last week, Harry was chosen as our Maths Star of the Week for some excellent work when using the column subtraction method. With confidence, he stood and modelled his methods to his friends. What a super star you are Harry!

Reflecting in our Local Walk - Developing words and phrases for our setting descriptions

Advent - Making Advent Wreaths

Local Area Walk - Developing vocabulary for our own setting descriptions

Year 2 took part in a walk of our local area to visit Cross Flatts Park. Whilst at the park, we used all of our senses to develop expanded noun phrase for the autumnal things we could see around us. Together, we explored some amazing adjectives to describe the scene around us. This experience will really help us when we begin to write our own setting descriptions over the next couple of weeks. 

Just a snapshot of some of the super noun phrases Year 2 thought of are:

"Crunchy, golden leaves"

"Mossy, ancient tree trunk"
"Cold wind softly blowing through the gigantic, bare trees"

"Twisting, brown branches"

What amazing work Year 2! Mrs McGuire and I are so proud of you all!

English - Our Missing Blue Crayon!

When we came back from Good Work Assembly on Friday, a mysterious letter was awaiting Year 2. Blue Crayon had quit! Year 2 decided to write information texts describing what Blue Crayon looks like, why he had quit and why Year 2 wanted him back. We then wrote these up and put them up around school. A couple of weeks and lots of hard work later...he decided to return to us!

We have had a lovely afternoon in Year 2 learning how to use primary colours (red, yellow and blue) to mix secondary colours (orange, green and purple). We also explored how to make lighter shades of colour using white and darker shades without using black! Instead, we tried using colours from the same family. For example, adding a bit of purple to make a darker shade of red. Have a look at our fabulous colour mixing!

St Anthony's: You're in safe hands

Safeguarding is our top priority at St Anthony's. Please view our video to see some of the many ways we keep our Year Two children safe. We hope you enjoying viewing our video and reading our safeguarding policies below. Our designated safeguarding staff are: Miss Leonard (Designated Safeguarding Lead), Mr Whittle (Deputy Safeguarding Lead), Miss Taylor and Mrs Doherty. Please make an appointment to see us if you have any concerns using
God bless and keep safe

Personal Development: Balanceability Sessions - November 2022

Our Year 2 pupils had three days of balanceability training starting on Wednesday 16th November 2022. They built upon thier learning from EYFS and KS1 as they mastered balancing on bikes. The trainer from Cycle North was hugely impressed with the skill of the pupils. Superb progress Year 2. Remember to use these skills when you are out on your own bikes at home. Well done!

Family Learning at St Anthony's

Mrs Gledhill has been leading a very exciting initiative for our Year 2 class. Every Wednesday morning since September, she leads a group of Year 2 children working with a family member to work together on improving skills in Reading and Writing. Our Family Learning initiative is very well received by both parents and children alike. We have had over 50% of the class attending on a weekly basis, testament to the amazing partnership we have between home and school. This is impacting on closing gaps and raising standards for our Year 2 children. Our English Leader, Mrs Gledhill, is very proud of how hard the children (and their parents) are working. Huge thanks to the parents who have committed to this initiative this year. Well done also to our incredibly hard working Year 2 pupils.

Which material would make the best waterproof coat?

In today's Science lesson, Mrs McGuire set us a challenge to find out which material would be the best for making a waterproof coat. We tested paper, kitchen foil, fabric and cling film. Carefully, we filled syringes with water and squirted them on top of the different materials before recording whether they were waterproof or not. We discussed the meaning of waterproof and Harry M gave a great explanation that "the water will run off". We also discussed the name of the property when a material soaks up water - absorbant. We discovered that kitchen foil and cling film were both waterproof and had to decide which material out of the 2 would be best. Lots of us concluded that cling film would be more suitable as it doesn't tear as easily. A great investigation Year 2! Well done!

A Taste of Judo

On Thursday 3rd November 2022, Mr Kearney had organised a wonderful opportunity to widen experience and participation in our PE curriculum. All classes received age-appropriate Judo Lessons over the day, all focussed around learning new skills and experience this sport. We thank the expert teacher who provided such a high quality PE experience for our children. Our children thoroughly enjoyed the day. We hope they might go on to take part in Judo in the near future. Well done everyone!

Year 2 English Classroom Provision - Autumn 1 2022

This week, we have been learning all about inspirational black people throughout History. In our Geography lesson, we learned about the birth places of some of these people and used the atlases to plot them on a map of the world. We then used compass points to describe how to travel from one birth place to another. We explored the different areas of the world and enjoyed using our map skills!

We also looked at the work of abstract artist, Amira Rahim, who paints her emotions. We used her work as inspiration for our own abstract art. Mrs McGuire asked us to close our eyes and think of a message or feeling we would like to convey through our paintings. Then, with paintbrushes in out hands, we began to express ourselves!

Responding to Art

During our Black History week, we explored art that was produced in response to the Civil Rights Movement in America. Here are a few of our personal responses to the pieces:


“I think the artist feels excited for the equal rights movement. I think the artist is trying to say black people are the dream! This artwork makes me feel happy.” Dominic about Wadsworth Jarrell’s Revolutionary.


“I think the artist is trying to say “If you are free, sing a song because you have freedom. This art makes me feel excited because it is so colourful.” Dorothy about Wadsworth Jarrell’s Revolutionary.


I think the artist is trying to celebrate because black people are fighting against the [segregated] schools and the bathrooms. The art makes me feel happy because there are lots of colours.” Alexia about Wadsworth Jarrell’s Revolutionary.


“This art makes me feel happy because there are lots of people and they can make friends.” Maranatha about Carolyn Mims Lawrence’s Black Children Keep Your Spirits Free.


“I think the artist is trying to say he is frustrated because he doesn’t want the white people to go to another school. This artwork makes me feel worried because he is going to hurt someone.” Harry M responding to Benny Andrews’ Did the Bear Sit Under a Tree?

Thank you God for the Harvest!

Year 2 did a fantastic job of leading our school in our Harvest celebrations! Through telling the story 'Old MacDonald's Farm', we reflected upon what is important during this time and gave thanks to God for the food we have to eat each and every day. Take a look at some photographs of Year 2 leading 'Old MacDonald'.

All about the United Kingdom!

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Our Geography topic this half term is the United Kingdom. We have been practising our map reading skills in order to locate and label the different countries of the UK, the surrounding bodies of water and some cities too! We have loved working with atlases and focusing on a new country of the UK each lesson, in which we have been discussing their different human and physical features. Well done Year 2!

Macmillan Coffee Morning Friday 30th September 2022

On Friday 30th September 2022, our whole school held their Macmillan Coffee Morning to raise money from the charity Macmillan. Our Mini-Vinnies organised, led and served during the morning, raising an astonishing £510.00 for this charity, close to all our hearts. We thank all our Year 2 pupils, parents and the wider community who came together as a community to raise these funds. I am so proud of you all. 

Little Wandle Letters and Sounds - Year Two: St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

This week, we are having a Reading Deep Dive in our school. Our systematic synthetic phonics and early reading scheme is Little Wandle. Watch Miss Leonard's video to find our more about how we teach reading and phonics and ways you can help at home. Most importantly, keep reading with and to your child. It is the most powerful way you can support your child at home with their language and early reading development. Year Two have begun their daily phonics lessons and their daily practice reading sessions. Please can I ask that each child reads nightly and parents record this in their reading record book. Children also read widely from our newly stocked library. Please return the books and puppets each Thursday so these can be changed. These help your child to read widely and for pleasure. We are also learning about poets with a new poetry spine. Does your child know which poet Year Two are focussing on? Keep reading Year Two!

smiley Hello Year 2! smiley

We are so excited to begin our journey together this year and learn so much more about your interests, passions and talents. This year, we will embark on a journey of discovery together across a range of exciting, immersive topics. To start with, we will be learning all about the United Kingdom, including the four countries within the UK, the capital cities and surrounding seas. 

The majority of class updates will be posted onto this Google Classroom platform. This includes things such as weekly spellings, copies of letters and announcements/reminders. Below, I have posted some useful information to begin the year with:
*Read every night at home, focussing on your understanding of the text. Remember to aim for quality over quantity of pages read.
*Work on practising your spelling patterns and times tables every night. This will help to develop your accuracy and fluency recalling key information. Times Table Rockstars is a great resource to use for extra practise. Additional useful links can be found via the Year 2 class page.
*PE will take place every Monday and Thursday for Year 2. Please come to school in your PE kit on this day. (For the first week only - children can attend school in their uniform for PE sessions. From Monday 12th September, children will be required to attend in their kits for these days). 
*Come into school everyday, excited and ready to learn!
*Our meet the teacher meeting will take place on Thursday 8th September 3.15 - 4pm with Mrs Gledhill.
*Half termly newsletters (including any key dates) and spellings can be found via the Year 2 class page. 
*Family learning will commence in Week 2 on Wednesdays with Mrs Gledhill.
We know that we will have a year filled with exploration, discovery, imagination and wonder!
Take care and we cannot wait to see you all soon,
Mrs Gledhill and Mrs McGuire



Finale 2022

Our Year Two children wanted to share with your memories of an exceptional year at St Anthony's. I am so proud of you all in your final year of Key Stage One. May God bless you all with a super holiday, and I look forward to welcoming you back as Year Three pupils in September!
Miss Leonard

St Anthony's Chamber Choir Concert 2022

Our Year 2 pupils have taken part in their annual Choir performance this week. They have lessons each Tuesday, as part of the Diocese of Leeds Schools Singing Programme. These are delivered by an expert Choral Director from the Diocese, Mr Leech, focusing on positive engagement with singing and supporting the Catholic life of the school through sacred music. The sessions offer practical and incremental coverage of areas of the music curriculum - including notation - in a two-year curriculum framework developed by the Diocese, the National Schools Singing Programme and the National Youth Choir of Scotland. Pupils also have the opportunity to join one of the Diocese's acclaimed after-school choirs. You can find online resources that support this work on the Schools Singing Programme's YouTube channel ( Our local Diocese choir is Leeds Cathedral Choir - please contact for more information about joining. We hope you enjoy our singing. We invited our parents too and they were very impressed. We hope you are too. Happy listening.

Seaside Explorers! - Geography July 2022

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As part of our Geography topic, Year 2 visited the coastal town of Bridlington to discover all about the physical and human features found there. I was so impressed with the exceptional level of vocabulary used by all the children to describe features such as the harbour, pier, promenade, cliffs etc. We had the most wonderful day deepening our understanding of contrasting areas within the United Kingdom. Take a look at the fun we had!

Examining Historical sources workshop with the National Archives - The Great Fire of London

Geography Map Work - Exploring Coastal Towns (June 2022)

As part of our Geography learning, our children have been using atlases to locate and find our coasts around the UK. They have located Bridlington using maps and plans and are very excited about conducting fieldwork in Bridlington this term to further expand their Geography skills and knowledge of this special location. 

Ace Club Sports Gala

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Many thanks to Ace Club who provided a wonderful day of sport for the whole school on Friday. It was amazing to see the children enjoying such a wide range of sports led brilliantly by the Ace Club Leaders.

St Anthony's Marian Procession 2022

Year 2 Celebrate the Platinum Jubilee! May 2022

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Our Year 2 class were incredibly lucky to have a bespoke day of learning, led by Big Foot Education. The day was entitled "Party at the Palace" which was chosen to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. What a super day of learning we had! It will help us to celebrate with our nation next week with understanding and joy. God save the queen!

The Great Fire of St Anthony's! History - May 2022

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Year 2 have been immersed in our History topic, 'The Great Fire of London'. In order to bring our learning to life, each child made their own house so we could recreate the city of London in 1666. We then set fire to Thomas Farriner's Bakery shop on Pudding Lane and observed how the fire left a trail of destruction throughout the city. Take a look at some of our photos from our exciting day!

Year 2 Visit our Special Prayer Garden

Years 2 & 3 - Liturgical Dance - Alleluia

Year 2 - Liturgical Dance - Hail Mary

On Tuesday 17th May, our Year Two class were incredibly lucky to take part in a very special visit by More Than Dance. As it is the month of May, they celebrated their knowledge and love for Mary through learning a new liturgical dance, The Hail Mary. The children demonstrated great reverence, prayerfulness and respect through their actions and worked together to pray and praise Mary. They also mastered a new "Alleluia" dance to continue to bring their Eastertide learning to the focus. I am so proud of our Year Two class. God bless you all.

Science - Planting Seeds - May 2022

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Year 2 have been planting their own seeds! Beforehand, we made predictions about how our plants would grow and described what we predict they will need in order to grow in a healthy way and survive. We gathered our equipment and carefully planted each of our seeds in healthy soil, making sure they have space to grow. We are so excited to document their journey as the weeks progress!

Science - Investigating Seeds and Bulbs - May 2022

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Year 2 have been using their scientific investigation skills to explore a range of different seeds and bulbs! We used magnifying glasses to look closely at the size, shape and colour of each seed and bulb, including their distinguishing features. We discussed which one was the 'odd one out' and used our speaking skills to carefully reason our choices. We then made careful observational drawing of each seed and bulb, whilst describing what we could see. By the end of the lesson, we could all describe the difference between seeds and bulbs, including the difference in planting patterns throughout the year. Well done Year 2!

Jesus has risen! Creative RE at Eastertide

English - Researching facts about Hedgehogs for our own Information Texts. Inspired by our class novel, 'The Hodgeheg' by Dick King-Smith

RHE - Emotions, Actions and Consequences

In our RHE lessons, we have been thinking hard about how to manage and show our emotions in a safe and expressive way. We explored different scenarios and discussed ways in which we could navigate difficult decisions. We then looked at many different emotions and considered 'sensible, safe' actions and what the consequences of these would be. We all contributed to discussion in a really mature and sensible way, showing our growing emotional literacy. Well done Year 2!

Year 6 Lead Collective Worship for Year 2 - 26.4.22 Focus virtue: Respect

A Pilgrimage of Faith

Easter Fundraising

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Well done to everyone who entered our Easter Competitions this year. Watch our photo story to see the amazing bonnets, decorated eggs and Easter gardens - we were amazed by all your entries.

Art - Creating Clay Minibeasts (Link to our current Science Topic)

Science - Microhabitats

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This half term, Year 2 have been learning all about Animals and their Habitats. We have been deepening our understanding of Microhabitats, including the animals that live there. We explored how microhabitats enable certain animals to survive and how they provide them with things like food and shelter. We then hunted for microhabitats in our school grounds and enjoyed finding a whole host of different minibeasts! We developed criteria of what a microhabitat needs, then we decided to create our own to put in our school grounds. Take a look at some of our microhabitat investigating!

Lenten Workshop

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Year 2 took part in a special workshop all about Lent. We sung songs and danced together as we shared our knowledge of the Lenten journey. Together, we then acted out key moments from the Easter story, including Palm Sunday, Good Friday and the Resurrection of Jesus. We deepened our understanding of the Easter story and helped one another to prepare for the most special time of year. Take a look at some of our photos from our workshop...

Celebrating New Life - Chickens!

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Year 2 loved exploring the theme of 'New Life' before we broke up for Easter. In Science, we have been learning all about animals and their habitats, and loved being able to hold the chickens after we watched them for a number of weeks within their eggs. We were so lucky to see the special moment the eggs hatched and our chickens appeared! Take a look at Year 2 with our new chicks!

Monday 28th March - Year 2 Visit to Church

Year 2 Visit Church

On Monday, Year 2 deepened their knowledge and understanding of 'The Mass' by visiting St Anthony's Church and Father Whitwell. We explored around the Church and looked for signs and symbols which remind us of the Last Supper. We talked through different parts of the Mass with Father Whitwell and explored the deep meanings within each symbol. Afterwards, we were extremely lucky to go into the blessed Sacristy, where Father Whitwell discussed his sacred vestments with us. Tomorrow on Tuesday 29th March, we will visit Church together to celebrate our first class mass with members of the parish.

A special visit from Father Whitwell - 25.3.22

A special visit from Father Whitwell

Year 2 had a wonderful afternoon listening to and learning from Father Whitwell. We shared our special learning from our current RE topic, 'The Mass' and discussed the link between the Last Supper and the Consecration. We explored different parts of the Mass together and asked Father Whitwell lots of questions. We felt truly blessed to share our learning with Father Whitwell and we look forward to visiting St Anthony's Church on Monday to learn more about the Mass, ahead of our Year 2 Class Mass on Tuesday.

Year 2 - Florence Nightingale Experience

Our Year 2 pupils had a super day using sources of evidence to find out about the past. They took part in role play as soliders and nurses in Scutari Hospital. Watch our video to find out what we got up to! What an amazing visit to Thackray Museum.

Year 2 Visit to Thackray Medical Museum - March 2022

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Year 2 have been learning all about Florence Nightingale and her impact on our lives today. To further enhance our learning, we visited the Thackray Medical Museum to bring our learning to life and delve deeper into the life of Florence! We explored the changing role of nurses, the conditions in Scutari Hospital and how Florence Nightingale made such a positive impact. We then explored the museum to discover what life in Leeds was like in the Victorian Era and also what health issues the people faced during this time. We had such a wonderfully immersive day and enjoyed every second of learning! Take a look at some of our photos from the day...

History - Developing an understanding of chronology - Florence Nightingale

Collective Worship - Praying for Peace in Ukraine

Little Wandle Letters and Sounds - St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

St Anthony's follows Little Wandle Systematic Synthetic Phonic Scheme with fidelity. Find out more by watching our video below, or visiting our Curriculum; Early Reading page. Ask our children all about it! We have daily phonic lessons and practice reading sessions three times a week. We capture our love of reading by also visiting our school library weekly where we choose a quality sharing book. Keep on reading everyone!

Year 2 World Book Day 2022

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Year 2 have had an amazing day celebrating World Book Day! We all came to school dressed as our favourite book characters or chefs who were ready to 'stir up' a super story! Take a look at some activities from our day.

World Book Day 2022

Our whole school celebrated our love for reading on Friday 4th March 2022. We celebrated the 25th anniversary of World Book Day.
Our theme this year was "cooking up a story!". All our children came dressed as chefs, fairy tale characters or a character from their class novel for this half term. We launched our new "Reading Hut" and all our children were able to take home a new free book to share at home.
We continue to read, read, read and enjoy the passion for vocabulary and language. What an amazing day we had. Watch our video to find our more. Happy reading!

Year 2 adore reading in school! From our exciting class novels to our wide range of texts to explore, we love discovering something new each and every day. Take a look at our current reading provision in Year 2 using the photographs above.

Design and Technology - Researching Pop-Ups

Year 2 Research Phase - Pop Ups

In order to develop our design criteria, Year 2 have explored a range of texts with pop-ups. From fiction to non-fiction, Year 2 have been immersed in a range of pop-up products, which have inspired them to develop their own designs. We have thought carefully about the purpose of our pop-up and who the pop-up is intended for. Next, we will design our products carefully, using the information we have gathered from our research. Stay tuned for the design, make and evaluate processes to follow!

Exploring Poetry in Year 2

Exploring Poetry

Year 2 have been immersed in our new class novel, a narrative poetry adaption of the story 'Peter Pan' by Caryl Hart. The children have been so excited to explore the rhyming couplets, new vocabulary and language techniques within our class novel and have gathered together so many ideas for their own narrative poetry. Watch this space to discover how we have carefully crafted our own outstanding narrative poetry!

Artwork - Inspired by our Geography topic 'Climates'

Festive Fun at St Anthony's - 2021

Wishing all our Year 2 class a wonderful Christmas. What an amazing Christmas we have had. God bless.

History Christmas in the Past - Temple Newsam Trip - December 2021

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In History, Year 2 are learning about Christmas in the past. We visited Temple Newsam to learn about how Christmas was celebrated in the past, including traditional Christmas decorations, traditions and gifts. We then engaged in an interactive story telling workshop, using our knowledge to assist us with retelling the story in the historic surroundings of Temple Newsam. Take a look at some of our pictures from the day!

Year 2 - Christmas in the past

Elf Day 2021

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Year 2 have had such a wonderful time preparing for Christmas when celebrating Elf Day! Take a look at some of the activities we have enjoyed together today!

D&T - Food and Nutrition - Healthy Christmas Dinners

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In Year 2, we have been learning about where food comes from and how to prepare it safely. Linking to our History topic - 'How was Christmas celebrated in the past?' - Year 2 prepared their own healthy Christmas dinner. We explored where the different food came from, how it was grown, what we need to do to get it ready for cooking, how to ensure demonstrate good food hygiene techniques and also how to prepare food safely using equipment. We really enjoyed our unit of work and make fantastic evaluations afterwards about what worked well and what we could improve next time. Well done Year 2!

Year 2 Christmas Party - 10.12.21

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Year 2 had a wonderful time preparing for Christmas with our Christmas party day. We enjoyed hot chocolate with marshmallows, party games, dance competitions and more! Take a look at some of the fun we had...

Skylar's Missing Note

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Key Stage One were lucky enough to be involved in a performance of 'Skylar’s Missing Note'. This musical story was all about Skylar’s prized piano and how one of the notes (middle C) became lost as the piano was transported to their new house. The note did appear in the mouth of a pigeon but unfortunately, despite Skylar’s best efforts, the note could not be reunited with the piano. However, Skylar continued to enjoy her piano and she found other ways to use her piano to create music.

Following the performance, each class took part in a workshop where we continued the story but this time based on the pigeon. Along the way, we learnt many musical terms: dynamics (loud or quiet); pitch (high or low); tempo (fast or slow) and rhythm (the pattern of the music). A huge well done to all of Key Stage One who threw themselves in to both the performance and the workshops.

Marvellous Maths

Our Year 2 class undertook wonder afternoons to ensure they have a strong retention of knowledge of age related expectations for shape within Key Stage 1. They experienced a Number Fun day, putting their knowledge of shape into many fun contexts, including singing. In class, Year 2 explored 2-D and 3-D shapes, increasing their fluency of knowledge in this area of the mathematics curriculum. Ask Year 2 all about it! Our video below shows highlights from the week across school. I hope you enjoy it!

Textiles - Making Pouches October 2021

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In our Design and Technology lessons, Year 2 have been researching, designing and making their own pouches. We were inspired by our class novel, 'Jack and the Baked Beanstalk' and wanted to make a pouch that a child like Jack, could use to carry magic beans up and down the beanstalk. We planned our pouches very carefully and worked very hard to develop our technical sewing skills. Take a look at our making process and see our amazing finished products!

RE: Year 2's Harvest Festival

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Year 2 did an amazing job in their first ever class assembly. They performed a play about Old Macdonald's Farm, thinking about how we are all so grateful for the yearly gifts of Harvest. Every child was absolutely amazing and I am so proud of them all! Take a look at some pictures from our special performance. We collected Harvest goods and brought them to the SVP to share our harvest with those who need it most of all. The SVP sent a letter of thanks to us!
Well done Year 2.

Our Year 2 Learning Environment

smiley Welcome to Year 2 smiley


Welcome to a brand new school year in Year 2!


I am so excited to begin our journey together this year and learn so much more about your interests, passions and talents. This year, we will embark on a journey of discovery together across a range of exciting, immersive topics. To start with, we will be learning all about the United Kingdom, including the four countries within the UK, the capital cities and surrounding seas. 


The majority of class updates will be posted onto the Google Classroom platform. This includes things such as weekly spellings, copies of letters and announcements/reminders. Below, I have posted some useful information to begin the year with:


*Read every night at home, focussing on your understanding of the text. Remember to aim for quality over quantity of pages read.
*Work on practising your spelling patterns and times tables every night. This will help to develop your accuracy and fluency recalling key information. Times Table Rockstars is a great resource to use for extra practise. Additional useful links can be found via the Year 2 class page.
*PE will take place every Monday for Year 2. Please come to school in your PE kit on this day.

(Please note - For the first week ONLY, PE will take place on Thursday, due to Monday being a teacher training day).

*Come into school everyday, excited and ready to learn!

*Our meet the teacher meeting will take place virtually this year on Wednesday 8th September 4 - 4.30pm via Zoom (more information to follow).

*Half termly newsletters (including any key dates) and spellings can be found via the Year 2 class page. 


At the beginning of every school year, I like to share one of my favourite quotes from a book. I adore reading and I believe that this year, the below quote perfectly sums up the exciting year we are about to embark on together as a class. I know that we will have a year filled with exploration, discovery, imagination and wonder!


Take care and I cannot wait to see you all soon,


Mrs Gledhill smiley


2020/21 Finale

Music - "Sounds of the Sea" project

Design and Technology - Making Healthy Wraps

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Year 2 received a very exciting letter setting them a design brief to make a healthy wrap for Primary Schools within the United Kingdom. In order for the wrap to be healthy, it needed to include the following: carbohydrates, diary, protein and vegetables/fruit. The children then designed a range of different wraps with their design brief in mind and compared each other's designs in order to discuss and evaluate. We then learned how to handle and use a knife correctly and safely, specifically thinking about the positioning of our hands. We then got to bring our designs to life! Afterwards, we evaluated what worked well and what didn't, suggesting further improvements. We had so much fun making our healthy, balanced wraps! Well done Year 2!

Exploring Bridlington

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Wow, Year Two! What a set of super stars you are! I was so impressed with your behaviour, manners and grown-up attitude on our trip to Bridlington on Friday. You listened so carefully and had smiles on your faces all day. You were an absolute joy to spend time with and a credit to your families and our school. A huge well done!
I was also very impressed with your amazing Geography knowledge. You showed what seaside experts you are; naming the physical and human features, finding out about the jobs in a seaside town and thinking about what tourists can do in Bridlington.

Year 2 Seaside Explorers

Seaside Explorers!

Year 2 had the most wonderful time being Geography explorers in the coastal town of Bridlington. Over the last few weeks, Year 2 have conducted research to discover more all about Bridlington and are planning a non-chronological report based around their research. During the visit, they identified and named a range of human and physical features of the coastline and considered how a seaside town generates tourism. I am so proud of them for all of their hard work and I know they had a superb time exploring at the seaside! Take a look at our special video from the day!



Our Day at the Seaside!!

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Year 2 were absolutely incredible during their visit to the seaside on Friday. I was filled with pride as members of the public stopped us to comment on how lovely it was to see the children playing, having fun and behaving impeccably. They really were a pleasure to be with! Here are a few photos from the day - there will be more to add!! Many thanks to all the adults who gave their time to make the trip such a success. Well done Year 2

Design Technology - Designing the best way to wrap our products

ACE Sports Gala - Athletic Games and Football

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As part of our Sports Gala, we took part in a range of athletic games and football games. We enjoyed working as part of a team and developing our strategy skills. Take a look at some photos from our fun Sports Gala!

ACE Club Dance Workshop

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As part of our Sports Gala run by ACE Club, we took part in an exciting dance workshop. Practising a range of dance moves, we created a dance to 'Friend Like Me' from Aladdin. Year 2 loved dancing different moves and joining their moves together for their final masterpiece. Well done Year 2!

Congratulations on your Baptism!!

Congratulations to Harry and his family who were all baptised at St. Anthony's on Friday evening.  Following a period of catechesis and commitment, inspired by both Mrs Corah and our school and parish family, they have each been welcomed into God’s family. We congratulate Harry and his brother, as well as his mum and grandma. God bless them all. True evangelisation guided by St Anthony.

History Wonder Day - St Anthony's in the Past

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Year 2 had an amazing day experiencing what life at St Anthony's was like for a child in the past. From clothes worn, lessons taught and even paying a penny to get into school...we were immersed in the past! We explored the history of our local area, asked historical questions and observed different ways in which the past is represented e.g. through songs, displays and historical artefacts. This allowed us to identify similarities and differences between life in different periods, including in our own lives. We had a superb day of learning and the children experienced so much about life in the past! Well done Year 2!

Our Australia Day

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Year Two became Australian explorers in our catch up Geography Day. The children worked incredibly hard to develop their knowledge of the continents and oceans. They used atlases and globes and worked as a team to place them all in the correct places. Then they made balloon globes - Wow! The children listened carefully to the reasons for the design of the Australian and United Kingdom flags before making their own. They asked lots of questions and were very inquisitive when I spoke to them about my own trip to Australia a few years ago. Finally the children pieced together the 6 states of Australia and added the important cities and landmarks. We had a wonderful day Year Two and I was so impressed with each and every one of you!

Celebrating St Anthony's Day

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Year 2 have been thinking all about our Patron Saint Anthony of Padua. We have learnt lots about his life and how he showed the mission of Christ in his words and actions. Year 2 produced some beautiful stained glass windows to help us remember St Anthony's Day on 13th June. Take a look at our stained glass windows...

Year 2 - Animal Magic at Skelton Grange

Come and watch Year 2 learning at Skelton Grange. This day was a bespoke day, planned to teach missed content from previous lockdowns in Key Stage 1. The children worked creatively on key objectives they needed to consolidate in readiness for moving to Key Stage 2. They had an incredible day of first hand learning all around the topic of Animals. This has allowed our pupils to learn new knowledge, linking this sequentially to that taught in their classroom. Well done Year 2. We hope you enjoy our video! 

The Life Cycle of a Butterfly!

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As part of our Science learning, 'Animals and their Habitats', Year 2 have been learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. We began by seeing the tiny caterpillars and observing them through a microscope. Next, they grew and grew before they went into their pupa in order for the metamorphosis to begin. We watched and waited as the caterpillars changed into magnificent, beautiful butterflies! Year 2 got to see the butterflies wiggling their way out of their pupa and transform into butterflies. We each got to observe the butterflies up close before releasing them.
Take a look at our special photographs from our learning...
Well done Year 2!

Minibeasts and their Habitats - Year 2 visit Skelton Grange!

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Year 2 had a wonderful day at Skelton Grange investigating mini-beasts in their habitats. Throughout the day, they asked amazing questions and used all their investigative and enquiry skills. All the adults who accompanied the children were very proud of them! Watch the photo-story to see the exciting challenges they completed!

When will it emerge?

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Year 2 have been focussing on the life cycle of a butterfly and have been observing the whole process from beginning to end. We are waiting on our very last butterfly to emerge! Stay tuned for some exciting photographs to follow...

History - Recreating the Great Fire of London

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Fire! Fire! London's burning!
Today, we recreated the Great Fire of London at St Anthony's! I am so proud of Year 2 for how well they have engaged in our class topic. Their knowledge is incredible and we even had a visit from real firefighters to strengthen our knowledge last week! Today, we set 'London' ablaze and sung 'London's burning', as the fire spread through London. Each child could describe why the fire spread so quickly and this afternoon, we learned more about the aftermath of the fire. What an incredible day of learning! Well done Year 2!

Take a look at our amazing Great Fire of London!

Artwork inspired by Georgia O'Keeffe

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Year 2 have been inspired by the artwork of our focus artist, Georgia O'Keeffe. Today, we have begun developing our own artwork in her style, to represent the Great Fire of London. The children have thought really carefully about how Georgia O'Keeffe uses obscure shapes to represent objects, and have reflected this in the flames that they have created. We are next going to consider how Georgia O'Keeffe uses layering techniques to develop her artwork further.
Take a look at the start of our creations...

Visit from Hunslet Fire Service - The Great Fire of London

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Today, Year 2 had an exciting virtual visit from Hunslet Fire Service! We prepared lots of questions to ask the Fire Fighters, and make excellent links to our History topic of the Great Fire of London. The children discovered lots about how the fire service has changed throughout history, why the Great Fire of London spread so quickly, how to stay safe in the event of a fire, the role of a fire fighter and more! I was so impressed with the insightful questions Year 2 thought of....they learned so much from our special visitor though seeing fire drills taking place and also had a virtual tour of a fire engine! We made excellent links to our History topic throughout.
Take a look at some pictures from our day...
Well done Year 2!


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This half term Year 2 are learning to be gymnasts in PE and will be learning to travel in different ways and on different parts of the body. By the end of the term the children will be able to link shape, balance and rotation to create a sequence. In today's lesson the children demonstrate different shapes that they could make - Mr Hanson was very impressed! Well done year 2.

Science Week - Planting Seeds

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Year 2 have been learning all about plants and how they germinate in order to grow. On Friday, we gathered our equipment and planted our own seeds in the sun. We then watered our seeds in order to help them grow. We will continue to observe how they grow with our own personal sunflower growth diary.
Take a look at some of our planting pictures!

Mad Science

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During Science Week, Year 2 meet a Mad Scientist and were amazed by what they saw!! They learnt all about materials and different forces including gravity and friction. Watch the photo story to see the awe and wonder in the children's faces! It really was a pleasure to see!

Science Week - Investigating Plants and Trees

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In class we were looking at the key features of different plants and trees, including deciduous and evergreen trees. Afterwards, we explored our school grounds to try and identify as many plants, flowers and trees as possible. We thought carefully about the structure of each plant, in order to ensure we identified it correctly. We had lots of fun investigating and found so many different varieties of plants, flowers and trees! Take a look at some of our photos...

Science Week - Micro Habitats

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Year 2 were so excited to make micro-habitats with Miss Taylor! They spoke carefully about the key features of a micro-habitat, in order to determine how to construct their own. They worked really well together in order to build their micro-habitats. We then went into our school grounds to place our habitats outside. Each pair gave fantastic, scientific reasons, as to why they had placed their micro-habitat in a certain place. Have a look at some pictures of our super micro habitats!

Science Week - New Life comes to St Anthony's!

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We were so excited by the arrival of some special eggs in school! We watched the eggs wobble and move until chickens were born! Year 2 were extremely lucky to be present when three of our many chicks hatched from their eggs! We saw their tiny wings, feet and beaks in their very first moments. After that, we could observe how the chickens were growing...seeing the difference in their feathers and size. We each then got a turn to hold a chicken so we could observe it up close. Take a look at some of our beautiful photos from this special time!

Science Week - Rockpool visit

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Year 2 had a wonderful time learning about underwater habitats! We learned so much about animals that live in rockpools and how they have adapted to their habitat. We got to hold lots of different animals and could describe lots of facts about them too. Take a look at some photos from our special visit!

Science Week

Our whole school Science Week was totally amazing! Just look at all the fun we had! Year 2 were able to consolidate all their prior Science topics and catch up on any missing content from lockdown. They did this in adventurous and memorable ways! I am so proud of our Year 2 class. Enjoy our Science Week film.

Miss Leonard and the Year 2 team.

Year 2 Easter Competition!

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Well done to all the children in Year 2 who made some wonderful bonnets, decorated eggs and Easter Gardens! As you will see it was a very hard decision but this year's winner was Elia!

Easter at St Anthony's

Holy Week - St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

During Holy Week in 2021, we have been reflecting on the key events of this most important week. Each of our classes have re-enacted important events, shared liturgical dances, songs and prayers. Year 2 have signed their song, directed by Alina from our Year 2 class. Thank you so much Alina for sharing your beautiful talents with the class. This truly reflective video shows Holy Week at St Anthony's at its most holy. We hope you can share our learning, prayer and humble praise in your homes with us this year. God bless you all Year 2 this Holy Week. 

Year 2 join Artforms -The Little Sing!

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On Friday 26th March, year 2 joined 80 other schools to take part in this year's Little Sing organised by Artforms. We had a wonderful afternoon singing songs, dancing and playing rhythms on instruments. It was an absolutely amazing afternoon and was such a joyful experience hearing the children sing once again! We hope you enjoy the photos!

A Huge Thank You!!

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It was wonderful to welcome all of Year 2 back after lockdown, to see the smiles and hear the laughter as they played and learnt together. Throughout the day we spoke about our feelings during lockdown and now as we return to school. It was an extremely positive day - all the children (and adults) were delighted to be back as 'one big family'. We spent the morning writing thank you poems and making a special poster for all our grown ups!

World Book Day - The Rainbow Fish - St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

Hello Year 2,

Happy World Book Day. The theme of our World Book Day this year is "share a story". All our staff in school have made two very special stories for you to share together with your families. We are watching them both today at school, but you might want to share this with your families too.

Keep sharing your love for reading as this is one of the most important gifts we can give our children.

God bless and enjoy,

Miss Leonard


I wish to thank Mr and Mrs Easton for their kind assistance making this reading compilation in partnership with us. 

World Book Day - Franklin's Flying Bookshop - St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

A True Inspiration: Sir Captain Tom Moore

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During lock down, we spent the day learning about the truly inspirational gentleman: Sir Captain Tom Moore. We all aim to be like him by doing acts of kindness to help others during this difficult time. Throughout the day we made thank you posters, wrote fact files, completed 100 maths questions and much more. Watch our photo story to see the wonderful work we completed.

Delicious Instructions!

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This half term we have started looking at instruction texts in Year 2. Last week, we identified different features of instructions and improved Mrs McGuire's instructions for how to make a jam sandwich whilst making our own (yummy!). This week, we've been making tasty treats to help us write our own instruction text. As we made the treats, we jotted down notes after each step to use for our plans. Next lesson, we used our plans to write up our instruction texts and today we have edited and improved our writing. We've had a great time making (and eating!) our delicious snacks and have produced some fabulous writing too. We hope you enjoy looking at what we made!


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On Monday in Year 2 (both at home and in school) we spent a lovely afternoon learning all about Lent and the sacrifices Jesus made in the desert for 40 days. We thought about what we could do as we prepare for Easter before making our Lenten promises which we turned into beautiful pieces of artwork! We hope you enjoy looking at them as much as we enjoyed making them. Each of us has also been given "Lent in a bag" to take home so we can continue to grow in faith and share this special time with our families.

The Polar Regions - Geography

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Today (2nd February), the children were learning about the Polar Regions. We couldn't have asked for better weather to help us to imagine what it must be like in the Arctic. After comparing the Arctic and Antarctica the children completed a Goggle Quiz to see how much they had remembered! (I must say the results were amazing!!) As an additional challenge the children were asked to go out in the snow and create an animal that they would find in either the North or the South Pole. Watch the photo story to see the wonderful work that was completed! Miss Taylor was extremely impressed.

Den Building- Science

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On Friday 29th January, Year 2 were set a challenge of making a waterproof den for their favourite toy. Miss Taylor was absolutely amazed by the videos and photographs uploaded onto the Google Classroom. Please watch our photostory to see our amazing designs - we hope you enjoy!

St Anthony's Catholic Primary School - Carol Service 2020

Please join us for our 2020 carol service.

Year 2 message from Santa

St Anthony's Catholic Primary School - Year 2 Nativity - A Bundle of Joy

Our Year 2 class have been very busy creating their nativity "A bundle of joy". They have really enjoyed acting out the most special story of the Christmas season. We hope you enjoy watching this virtually this year, as we endeavour to keep both you and all our school community safe this Christmas time. God bless you all. Well done to our incredible Year 2 class. 

Party Day in Year 2

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We have had an amazing party day today! We made wands for the Opera North performance of Cinderella before we ate a superb Christmas dinner. After dinner it was time for party - we danced, sang and played lots of games! We then had EVEN MORE food! The day ended with a very special visitor appearing on our screen - WE WERE ASTONISHED!! Watch our video to see what a wonderful day we had!!!!

Our Special Visitors

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Something very special happened at St. Anthony's today! Santa heard all about our very special elves so decided to send two of his most precious reindeers to visit. Year 2 followed the magical glitter trail to find our visitors in the corner of the playground. It was an absolute delight to see such joy, awe and wonder! As Harry T said, "It was the best day ever!"

Happy Elf Day!

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We've all had such a wonderful day in Year 2 as elves! I'm sure we're all going to sleep well tonight after all the special jobs we've done today. We made reindeer candy canes, Christmas baubles, Christmas cards and even built some delicious, biscuit houses! It's hard work being an elf! We hope you enjoy looking at what we got up to. Well done to all of our Year 2 elves on a super day. You made your head elves very happy!

Nativity Day!

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Christmas Traditions: Pomanders

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This half term Year 2 are learning about Christmas traditions. We have already learnt about the history of the Christmas tree and on Friday (11.12.20) we learnt about Pomanders. Watch our photo story to see the fun we had and how proud we were of our work. You will have to imagine the smell - it was WONDERFUL!!

Advent Wonder Day!

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What a wonderful day we have all had! It's been our Advent Wonder Day and we all came into school dressed in purple to mark the occasion. We began our day reflecting on the true meaning of Christmas and how we can let our light shine by making our Advent promises. After this, we were very busy for the rest of the day making travelling cribs that we could take home and share with our families, as well as some beautiful Advent art using watercolours and collage. We hope you enjoy sharing in our day through this photostory - Enjoy!

Computing - Junior Jam Taster Session

Printing inspired by William Morris.

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This half term, we've been learning about William Morris in our Art lessons and have used his work to inspire us to create our own fabulous, nature prints! We had a wonderful afternoon designing our own printing tiles which we then went on to make and use with a variety of different coloured paints. We hope you enjoy looking at what we got up to. There are definitely lots of super artists in Year 2 I'm sure you'll agree!

Our Geography Wonder Day: The United Kingdom

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What an amazing day we had learning about English traditions. We learnt about our capital city and the Royal Albert Hall before watching the Proms whilst waving our flags in time to the music. After lunch it was time to have afternoon tea but we had to prepare it first! We learnt how to butter bread, cut off crusts and then prepare scones with jam and cream! Watch our Photo story to see the joy!!


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We have really enjoyed PE during Autumn 1 - Watch our Photostory to see us in action!

Computing: We are Programmers

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During Autumn 1 the children were programmers, entering algorithms and debugging mistakes. They loved exploring both the Bee-bots and Scratch and could all successfully create a Sprite and move it around the screen! Well done Year 2 my programming superstars.

Growing together on a journey with Jesus.

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This week, Year 2 thought carefully about how they can grow closer to Jesus through their actions. They recognised that Jesus wants them to 'love one another' and the wonderful world in which they live. To help them remember this they all planted their very own bulb and wrote promises explaining how they would love and nurture their bulb just like Jesus cares for them. Watch our Photostory to see just how proud the children were!

Year 2's Wonderful Writing

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This year, Year 2 have really impressed me with their efforts when writing. I am so proud of all of their achievements and hard work. Come and take a look at some of their wonderful work!

Year 2's Special RE work

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Year 2 is filled with such thoughtful, reflective children. Take a look at some of our special RE work from this year...

Year 2 RE Poetry

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During our work on 'Mysteries', Year 2 read a poem called 'Heaven'. Together as a class we discussed the poem and shared our own thoughts with others. We then wrote our own verses for the poem using the questions we had. Take a look at some of our poetry...

Our Gifts to God

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During our RE topic, 'The Mass', we have been thinking about the offertory. We reflected deeply on what gifts we offer to God and others through our thoughts and actions. Take a look at some of our special gifts...

Collective Worship in Year 2

Y2 D&T - Making process and developing technical skills

Science experiment - Can materials be changed through bending, twisting, squashing and stretching?

Science - The chicks visit Year 2!

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Year 2 had a wonderful morning meeting the chicks! We have been learning all about living things and we enjoyed having an up close look at the chicks in our classroom. Take a look at our pictures!

Reading Week March 2020

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Year 2 love to read! We had a wonderful reading week and World Book Day celebration. Come and look at some of our pictures from the week...

Celebrate a love of reading!

Celebrating a love of reading!


Year 2 love to read! Reading for enjoyment is something which St Anthony's holds of great value and importance. 

Here are a few tips for reading with your child at home:

- Read each and every night at home, developing and exploring their love of books.

- Encourage your child to read fluently. This means they are reading briskly and accurately from the text, adding expression and intonation where appropriate.

- Read a few pages well and discuss in depth with your child to check if they have understood. This is better than racing through books! Questions could include: What do you predict will happen next? Why do you think the character did that? How is the character feeling and how do you know? Can you retell the events of the story so far? Can you retrieve a word which means the same as ... ?

- Visit the local library to join and choose a book. There is a world of books out there to explore and it's free!

- Use and explore dictionaries and thesaurus'. They can really help with spelling patterns and understanding of new/unfamiliar vocabulary.

- If your child does not know a word, try the following strategies:

• Sound out the phonemes or sounds in the word

• Blend the phonemes back together

• Look in the pictures for clues

• Read the whole sentence then go back and see if you can decide on a word that fits

• Use syllables to break the word down into chunks

- Focus on vocabulary when reading. Don’t assume your child knows the meaning of all the words they read. Try to teach your child a new word within the text read. What does it mean? Can they put it into a sentence?

- Share your favourite stories from your childhood! What did you like about them? Could you possibly read them again together at home?


Enjoy your journey of reading!

Mrs Gledhill

D&T Making pancakes!

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To celebrate Shrove Tuesday, Year 2 made pancakes! We thought really carefully about why we celebrate Shrove Tuesday as we prepare for the season of Lent. To make the pancakes, we mixed together the ingredients and enjoyed the pancakes together. Look at our pictures below!

Investors in Pupils - Year 2 Governor visit

Our class governor, Mr Lall, came to visit our class so we could have the opportunity to find out more about the role of a governor in school. Year 2 asked some amazing, insightful questions and learned so much about the role of a governor!

RE - Year 2 lead Collective Worship for KS1

Design and Technology

This half term, Year 2 are going to make their own pop-up, for the purpose of sharing information all about climates across the world. 

To begin this, we are currently researching a variety of exciting pop-up books. 

We loved exploring the pop-ups books to develop our understanding of design criteria

Come and look at our research pictures below!


Science Experiment - Which material is best to make toddler dungarees?

Marvellous Money!


We have been learning all about money in Maths! Including identifying the greatest amount, comparing totals and making the same value in different ways. 

In order to support with this at home, could you ask your children the following questions?

- How many different ways can you use coins to make 87p?

- Can you make 13p using only two coins? Why?

- True or false? "I can make £12 and 56p using two notes and six coins."

- How many different ways can you make £16 and 84p?

- Which coin has the greatest value?

- Which coin has the smallest value?

- Which note has the biggest value?

- When you are counting coins, will you start with the greatest or smallest value?


Marvellous Money

Geography - Continents and Oceans


In Geography, we have been learning all about the continents and oceans in our wonderful world! We used the atlases in order to explore and complete our own maps. We then had to find out which continent different countries are in.

In order to continue retention of this knowledge, see if you can ask your children the following questions at home...

How many continents are there?

How many oceans are there?

Which continent in Egypt in?

Which continent is the UK in?

Which is the biggest ocean in the world?

Which is the smallest continent in the world?

Geography - Continents and Oceans

Design and Technology - Christmas dinners

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Within our D&T 'Cooking and Nutrition' topic, Year 2 designed and made their very own Christmas dinners! They carefully researched what a traditional Christmas dinner included...which linked to our History topic of 'Christmas in the past and present'.
Next, we designed what we were going to have on our Christmas dinner based on our research. We used our Science knowledge of where food comes from and what is needed for a healthy, balanced meal in order to make our plans.
After that, we prepared all of our food from scratch, learning how to do this is a safe way! Finally, we got to eat and evaluate the Christmas dinners we had made!
Have a look at our Research, Design, Make and Evaluate process to make healthy Christmas dinners in the photo story above!

Artwork - Inspired by Kandinsky

Abbey House Museum - History - Christmas in the past

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To support with our learning of, "What was Christmas like in the past?", Year 2 visited Abbey House Museum. Here we explored old toys, comparing them to our toys today, Christmas traditions in the past and how people celebrated Christmas in the past.
Year 2 were so enthusiastic to ask questions and share their knowledge from school!
The Abbey House staff were so impressed with how we discussed who made the first Christmas card, when and why Christmas trees became popular in England and also what people in the past used to decorate their Christmas tree with.
We expanded our knowledge to learn so much more about Christmas in the past and present! Take a look at our photos from the day above!

Art - Christmas Hats

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Science Week Experiments

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Take a look at some of our exciting experiments during Science week...

Teddy Bear Hospital

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Year 2 visited the Teddy Bear Hospital! We worked in small groups to learn about different parts of the body and how to keep them healthy. For example, we learnt the recovery position, how to keep our teeth healthy, how to keep our heart healthy and more! We practised applying bandages and taking care of our teddy bears to show what we have learnt. We had lots of fun and learned so much about the human body. Take a look at some of our pictures...

Life Long Ago - Dinosaurs!

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Year 2 took part in a 'Life Long Ago' workshop, where they explored prehistoric life! Using sandboxes, the children located and identified fossils from some iconic dinosaurs from the past. We saw fossils of a Tyrannosaurus Rex, Stegosaurus, Triceratops and a lots more! We then learnt about when each dinosaur lived, where they came from, what they ate and much more. Year 2 loved being paleontologists for the day! In Friday assembly...we even had a couple of exciting visitors! Take a look at our photostory to see our learning from the day...

Wiggly Worms

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Our upcoming Science topic is 'Animals including humans'. For this, we had a workshop with 'Mad Science' learning all about wiggly worms! During the workshop, we looked at the internal workings of a worm - discovering that they have five hearts - we learned about the diet of a worm, how worms move/travel and compared them to humans. We then got to observe worms in their habitat, before taking our own worm to look after carefully. What a super start to our new topic!

Sensational Science Week!

Sensational Science Week!

Wow...what an incredible week we have had developing our Science knowledge in Year 2! 

With photostories to follow, I wanted to share some quotes from our Year 2 pupils at the end of this amazing week:

- "I loved mixing liquids to create a reaction. We saw a volcano erupt and all the lava bubbles came out of the top."
- "We got to learn about how fossils are made. I liked learning about dinosaurs from the past and what they left behind."

- "I found out all about Albert Einstein and Marie Curie. They helped us with science today."

- "I know that worms have five hearts and they eat different food to us."

- "I was so excited to make our own slime. We mixed things together to make something new. It was a bit tricky but we did it."

- "We saw that sugar melts in warm water. It was so exciting to see the colours mix together!"

Bowland Farm Visit

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In anticipation of our Science week, we had a visit from Bowland farm! During our time, we learned lots of information about the animals and even got a chance to feed them all. Year 2 had a wonderful time and asked some insightful questions about the animals. Take a look at the pictures from the visit!

Our Creative Curriculum! Year 2 Afternoon Tea

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This half term, our Geography topic is 'What countries make the United Kingdom?' This week, we were focussing on the country of England and celebrated all things English by sharing afternoon tea together, alongside our families. We have studied the physical features of England, including discovering what the longest river and highest mountain in England is.
During our afternoon tea, we participated in lots of activities which explored the human features of England. We made traditional English roses, sketched portraits of Queen Elizabeth II, made English flags, researched about St George and read books by English authors. In addition, we used the construction materials to recreate Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, whilst listening to English music. Outside, we were able to participate in traditional maypole dancing which was lots of fun! During our afternoon, we learned so much about England and enjoyed doing it alongside our families.
Well done Year 2!

What a super first week!

Wow Year 2, I am so impressed with how wonderfully you have immersed yourselves in learning this week! What a fantastic start to the year! We have been asking lots of questions about our new topics, discussing artwork, joining in with collective worship and having lots of fun learning new things. In our Geography this week, we have been learning about the United Kingdom. At home, I wonder how many of you can find...

Which countries are close to the United Kingdom?

Have you visited any of these countries?

How long would it take to travel there? 

Well done again for a fantastic first week! I cannot wait to continue our wonderful journey in Year 2 smiley
