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St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

Growing together on a journey with Jesus



St Anthony's - Curriculum of Excellence

If you have any questions regarding the curriculum we teach please contact the school directly to speak to the headteacher, or your class teacher. 


Our curriculum is detailed in the following places:


  • Implementation Area on this page.
  • Class pages which host individual year group plans in detail.
  • Class newsletters which detail further information of how you can assist learning in our curriculum.
  • Knowledge organisers on class pages which detail the granular knowledge to be taught in each area of History, Geography and Science curriculum areas.
  • Whole school newsletters regularly capture curriculum events and outline how this is conceived, taught and experienced.
  • Parent classes are held regularly to teach more about our curriculum.
  • Further granular detail for the wider curriculum can be evidenced on medium term plans, within scheme guidance at medium and lesson planning level. Speak with the curriculum leader for each subject for the detailed overview for every subject, the substantive knowledge to be taught and the underlying concepts. 