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St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

Growing together on a journey with Jesus


Year 3

Year 3 Sports Day

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On Friday 5th July, Year 3 participated in our annual Sports Day. It was a morning filled with teamwork, sportsmanship and fun! Watch the video above to see what a great time we all had...

Corpus Christi Procession 2024

Year 3 School Council 2023-2024

Science Week Day 1: Rock pools, playful polymers, plasma balls, rocket launch, paper planes and much more!

Science week is in full swing in Year 3 and what a fantastic week we are having so far! Science Boffins launched our week with an exciting assembly filled with jaw-dropping experiments. We were incredibly lucky to take part in a hands-on workshop: Plasma Balls and Playful Polymers. Whilst learning about polymers, each of us made our own very own slime pot to take home. Our first in-class investigation explored aerodynamics and paper aeroplanes. We loved making different types of planes and competing against each other - one glider soared over seven metres! We were also fascinated when learning about diffusion using Skittles and water - a colourful and creative afternoon observing how Skittles make a mesmerising rainbow swirl when submerged in warm water (a nice one to try at home). Day 1 of Science Week ended with a whole school rocket launch which was out of this world!
Our Year 3 scientists arrived excited and eager to see what day 2 had in store and the day certainly didn't disappoint! Our animal workshop released the David Attenborough within us: we observed, handled and learnt about snakes, cockroaches and much more. It turns out Year 3 are much braver than the teachers! We also visited the rock pools learning fascinating facts, combined with a chance to get up close and personal with rock pool species such as Mussels, Crabs, Blennies and Starfish! Our learning continued throughout the afternoon, dissecting flowers and exploring states of matter with another sticky investigation! Wow - what will tomorrow bring?!

Year 3 are learning all about plants! Firstly, we recapped our science work from Years 1 and 2 by identifying different parts of a plant: roots, stem, leaves and flower. We then explored their functions and why they are important to the plant. We then applied this knowledge to complete a plant dissection; we dissected a selection of plants and identified the various parts!

Music: Our Ukulele lessons

Science: Investigating light and shadows

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Year 3 love a practical investigation to put their knowledge to the test! As part of our learning about light, we carried out an investigation to find out how the distance from a light source affects the size of a shadow. We planned our investigation carefully, thinking about the equipment required, variables and how to ensure it was a fair test. Once the planning was complete, we worked in teams to complete the investigation! Ask us what we found out!

Roman Wonder Day

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On Wednesday 24th April, Year 3 had an action-packed day led by a Roman soldier! It was the perfect start to our Roman Britain History topic as we learnt about the Roman invasion of Britannia; the role and uniform of a Roman soldier; the weapons the soldiers would use as well as the different games they would play! Have a watch of the video to see what an amazing day we had and make sure the next to time you see someone from Year 3, you ask them all about it and what they learnt!

Here are our Year 3 School Council representatives. These members have been elected by their peers, using a democratic process in line with our British Values. These children attend special meetings weekly and conduct roles around school. They represent the views of our Year 3 pupils. Congratulations on this special role during this academic year. We are very proud of you! 

St Anthony's Year 3 Geography Explorers

On Friday 15th March, Year 3 completed a local area walk of Beeston with a focus on the different economic activity within the area. In pairs, we used a clipboard with a map and when stopping at the different points, we traced our route onto the map. Although we all know the area well and travel through Beeston everyday to get to school, it made us realise how much different economic activity takes place everyday from supermarkets to pharmacies and beauty salons to post offices.... the list goes on! When we got back to school, we plotted our route onto a fresh map and used OS symbols to plot the different features. 

What economic activity is there in Beeston? Make sure you quiz the Year 3 children - they will be able to tell you lots!

World Book Day:Treasure Island

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On Friday 8th March, Year 3 celebrated World Book Day. Our focus book was 'Treasure Island' so we all became pirates for the day! Firstly, we read an extract and watched a synopsis of the book to help our understanding of the plot. Next we enjoying reading and writing co-ordinates on our own treasure maps. Afterwards, we had a trip to our reading pod and enjoyed reading 'Sunk!' altogether. Then we wrote our own kenning poems about pirates and finally, we all sketched our own cartoon pirates. It was an action-packed day and we all had so much fun!

Our Geography topic this half term is all about our local area. During our first two lessons, we have used Digimap to explore the location of Leeds and Beeston and the different features here. In our first lesson, we were able to identify that we live on the continent of Europe, in the country of England, in the county of West Yorkshire, in the city of Leeds and in the suburb of Beeston. In our second lesson, we were able to locate our primary school and identify the rivers and canals in Leeds, the motorways, A roads and B roads in our local areas as well as our local amenities. Our next lesson will involve some fieldwork and exploring Beeston for economic activity - watch out for more pictures at the end of this week!

Art:Stone Age Necklaces

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Year 3 have all created their very own Stone Age-inspired necklaces from clay! Before we started, we looked at artefacts of Stone Age jewellery that have been discovered by archaeologists. We then spent time exploring clay and used different techniques to mould it into spheres, cubes, disks and tooth-shaped objects. After this, we designed our own necklaces. Finally, we used clay and sculpting tools to shape the different sections of our necklaces. They all look fantastic!

St Anthony's Catholic Primary School Ofsted 2024

OFSTED Outstanding!

An enormous well done to our amazing Year 3 class - we are so so proud of you all! Following our recent inspection on 22nd and 23rd November 2023 and 25th January 2024, OFSTED have rated St Anthony’s Catholic Primary School as ‘Outstanding’ for its overall effectiveness as a school. As always, the children showed themselves to be hard-working, persevering and kind-hearted individuals. Let's continue to reach for the stars!

January 2024: Class Texts

History: Stone Age Survival at Skelton Grange

Year 3 were transported back to the Stone Age during our visit to Skelton Grange. Our trip supported our exciting History curriculum by providing an experience of using Stone Age skills in a natural setting. We experienced first-hand what it would have been like doing practical tasks during the Stone Age: we trained as hunters, observing, sneaking and hiding from our prey; discussed and observed fire lighting techniques; created shelters in the woods; and even prepared fish and bread for cooking on the fire! The fun didn’t end there... We also had the opportunity to make Stone Age style pottery and finished the day by enjoying our Stone Age feast! What a fantastic day of learning! If you need any Stone Age survival tips, ask Year 3.

Year 3 have started their exciting new Science topic all about rocks. Today we were junior geologists, observing a range of rocks and describing their properties. As all scientists do, we recorded our observations carefully using a range of scientific vocabulary. We looked at sandstone, pumice, granite, chalk, marble and gneiss, discussing their appearance and texture. Our Science learning links beautifully with our History topic, the Stone Age. Take a look at some of our work in action and our displays as they unfold!

A School of Faith 18.01.2024

Year 3 The Cave (09.01.2024)

Year 3 were very excited to step back in time to 15,000 BC and explore the dark corners of the cave! Working with the drama group “Alive and Kicking” in a bespoke day of learning entitled “The Cave” they were immersed in exploring sources of evidence and cryptic cave paintings within a life size cave to bring their new topic of “Stone Age” to life. What an incredible day of enquiry, learning, knowledge and excitement for History! Ask Year 3 all about it ...

"The Cave" Drama with Alive and Kicking Drama Group (to launch our new topic and texts for Spring 1 2024)

Young Voices - January 2024

On Tuesday 9th January, Miss Taylor and Miss Leonard had the exciting opportunity to take a group of KS2 children to Sheffield Arena to enjoy the experience of performing live as an audience of over 4,500 children. It was truly wonderful to experience this joy of singing together. The children were an absolute credit to themselves, school and their families, experiencing the exhilarating experience of performing to a real audience (that filled Sheffield Arena!).

Year 3 - Making Seasonal Tarts

Year 3 have thoroughly enjoyed our most recent DT Unit: Cooking and Nutrition, Eating Seasonally. Our learning journey started understanding that fruits and vegetables grow in different countries based on their climates. We then explored how ‘seasonal’ fruits and vegetables are those that grow in a given season and taste best then. Following this, we designed our own tart recipe, focusing on rainbow foods with different nutritional benefits. Before cooking, we looked at the basic rules of food hygiene and safety and enjoyed following a recipe safely to make our own individual tarts. I think the next Master Chef could be in Year 3 as the outcomes were delicious – lots of crumbs and happy faces!

Christmas at St Anthonys 2023

Year 3 Christmas Party Day

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Year 3 had a fantastic day today! We arrived looking incredible in our party outfits ready for a fun-filled day. We made Christmas Gonks (festive gnomes) to hang on our Christmas trees, which required us to listen carefully and follow instructions. Remember a Gonk is for life Year 3 - not just for Christmas! We then made party hats to help us celebrate during our delicious Christmas dinner together as a class. In the afternoon, we enjoyed a whole host of activities including Miss Peacey's famous Bingo room, Christmas crafts, dancing and a festive film, before setting down to our party food. Finally we enjoyed a tense game of pass the parcel - a St Anthony's Christmas tradition. Thank you Year 3 for making it a party day to remember!

Year 3 Elf Day 15.12.23

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Year 3 had an amazing Elf Day! First of all, a sea of red and green cascaded into our cloakroom this morning - all the children (and staff) looked amazing! Throughout the day, we created wonderful Christmas tree cards for our families; created our own Christmas bookmarks; made and, most importantly, ate Elf Krispie buns and we ended the day with a super Christmas quiz which showcased all our abilities to turn-take, share and work as a team! What a superb day!

Creating Media – Stop-Frame animation (Autumn 2) Year 3

We looked at how animations are a series of still images stitched together to create a motion video. The children explored how animations can be created using on-screen or off-screen (flipbooks) images. We created our own simple flipbook and then went on to use software to create a Christmas themed on-screen animation.

Advent - A Time to Prepare

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Year 3 were very busy on our Advent Wonder Day! Our classroom is now very festive as we prepare for Christmas! We thoroughly enjoyed creating Advent Wreath artwork using black card and pastels; take a look at some of our work which is on our Advent display. We also created Christmas baubles to decorate our tree, featuring acts of kindness we plan to complete this Advent. And that's not all! We also made stained glass sun catchers using laminating pouches and coloured tissue paper. These were rather challenging and needed a Growth Mindset but I am sure you will agree: the finished products look rather magical in our classroom window!

RE: Making our Advent Wreath

2023 St Anthonys Chamber Choir LMEP performance

St Anthony's: You're in safe hands

PSHE: Road Safety Workshop

Year 3 received a visit from The Leeds City Council Road Safety Team to talk about Road Safety. This lesson built upon the training from EYFS and KS1 on road safety, wearing a seatbelt and crossing the road safety. It moved the children into understanding the importance of wearing a seat belt and a car seat in order to keep themselves and others safe in any car. The children learnt about types of car seats children wear depending on their age, how to wear a seatbelt safely and also looked at the impact of a car crash and the injuries it can cause. The children were really engaged in the workshop and loved sharing their ideas on how to stay safe whilst in a car.

History/English: York Chocolate Story - Group 1 8.11.2023

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On Wednesday 8th November, Year 3 visited York Chocolate Story to launch their new class novel 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' and the History topic: the Mayan Civilisation. It was a jam packed day with a workshop and a guided tour around the museum! We learnt about how chocolate begins as a cocoa bean and the process it goes through to become a chocolate bar; we decorated our own chocolate lolly; we found about about the history of the different chocolatiers and confectioners in York and finally, created our very own version of the first chocolate drink:  xocōlātl. Watch the videos below to what an amazing day we all had!

York Chocolate Story - Group 2 8.11.2023

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English: Charlotte's Web

During Autumn 1, Year 3's class novel was 'Charlotte's Web.' The children were engrossed every single day and showed a mature understanding of the thoughts and feelings of the main characters! Firstly, we wrote our own shape poems after studying examples in our poetry collection: 'Apes to Zebras: An A-Z of Shape Poems.' Can you spot our poems inspired by Wilbur, Charlotte and Templeton on our display?


Furthermore, the entire class were appalled during chapter 7 at the thought that Mr Zuckerman planned to kill Wilbur! Therefore, we all wrote persuasive letters to Mr Zuckerman with all the reasons why he should not slaughter Wilbur. Have a read of our letters: do you think we managed to persuade him not to? 

The children in year 3 have been developing their understanding of digital devices, with an initial focus on inputs, processes, and outputs. We went on to apply this learning by using programs in conjunction with inputs and outputs on a digital device. They created two pieces of work with the same focus, using digital devices to create one piece of work, and non-digital tools to create the other. Then we compared and contrasted the two approaches. Look at all our super work!

Our Geography Display (Weather and Climate - Year 3) Autumn Term 2023

Geography - Northern and Southern Hemispheres Autumn Term 2023

Year 3 have made a super start to their Geography topic during Autumn 1: Weather and Climate. In their first lesson, they identified the different Lines of Latitude. In their second lesson, we used atlases to identify whether a country was positioned in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere. They have continued to extend their learning in line with the explict content outlined in their knowledge organisers. They now know different climate zones and reasons why the climate changes in different locations. They have even explored extreme weather ... ask them all about it!

Year 3 Harvest Drama: The Feeding of The Five Thousand (13.10.2023)

On Friday 13th October, Year 3 took the lead for our whole school Harvest Festival. The children re-enacted the story of The Feeding of the Five Thousand, demonstrating the importance of sharing what we have with others. They clearly showed our virtue of Thanksgiving! Our hall was full of our community, who all came to share in our Harvest Festival. What a beautiful celebration! Well done Year 3! You can watch our play below with our incredible Community of Faith in attendance. Thank you St Anthony's!

Harvest Festival 2023

African Art - Art Club Autumn 1 2023

An enormous well done to the Year 3 children who attended Art Club every Thursday with Mrs Clark during Autumn 1 - look at the marvellous masterpieces they have created! 

Our Y3 Football Team played their first games of the new season on 09.10.23

Year 3 Footballers 10.10.2023

On Monday 9th October, our Year 3 football team attended Fives in Seacroft. They showed incredible teamwork and skill which resulted in three wins! Well done! 

Macmillian Coffee Morning 6.10.2023

On Friday 6th October, we all enjoying attending our annual Macmillian Coffee Morning in our school hall. We all bought our donations and selected some scrumptious cakes and buns to eat. It was lovely to see lots of our parents and grandparents too!

Year 3 Mathlete of the Month

A huge well done to Matylda who is Year 3's Mathlete of the Month.  Throughout September, she has achieved 9350 points on Mathletics - amazing home learning! We are very proud of your Matylda!

English/Music: The Sound Collector Poem by Roger McGough

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In Music, we listened to the poem The Sound Collector by Robert McGough. We noticed all of the different sounds mentioned and the different words used to describe the sounds. We thought carefully about which instruments could be used to turn our poem into a performance! We then discussed the instrumental effects, thinking which sounds could be more descriptive, e.g. louder or quieter; repeated; longer or shorter. Have a listen to our final piece!

In PSHE, we thought about what a mission statement was and why it is important to have one for our class. Together we thought of the virtues we show in our classroom and around our school everyday and created the mission statement below. We have it displayed in our classroom to remind us all of what is important in Year 3 everyday...

Year 3 Mission Statement


In Year 3 we are growing on a journey with Jesus. We will do this by…

  • Being helpful and respectful to each other.
  • Showing love and care to our classroom equipment and environment.
  • Showing perseverance and hard-work in everything that we do.
  • Showing excitement but also bravery in all our subjects. 
  • Showing our faith in Jesus through all our actions and in our daily prayers and worship.


Gold Book Superstars 15th September 2023

smileyWelcome to Year 3! smiley


 First of all, we would like to say a huge welcome back to school; we hope you all had a wonderful rest and are ready for a busy and exciting year in Year 3. We are really looking forward to getting to know you all and helping you shine brightly every single day!


 We hope you are ready because Year 3 is going to be an adventure: we have so many exciting topics, challenges and opportunities ahead of us in the coming months. A animal adventure, a delicious chocolate experience and incredible inventions are just some of the topics in Year 3! We are looking forward to working together with you to ensure you have a happy and memorable year. In order to achieve your potential, we ask for two key things from you: always try your best and believe in yourself. Trust us, if you believe in yourself, anything is possible. Every day is a new challenge! 


You are going to quickly discover just how much we love reading and look forward to sharing this passion with you. Our class library is well stocked and ready for you to dive into to discover a world of adventure and possibility: reading is the passport to never-ending travel and adventure! One of the best pieces of advice we can give to you is read, read and then read a little bit more! Read what you love and if you don't quite know what that is yet, we will find it for you!


Please see the table below for a weekly overview of who will be teaching you and your PE days:



Mrs Barton

School Uniform


Mrs Barton

PE Kit


Mrs Barton

PE Kit


Mrs Nicholson

School Uniform


Mrs Nicholson

School Uniform


Remember, the classroom is yours. Please share any ideas you have with us - we would love to hear them! We look forward to seeing you soon!


Mrs Barton and Mrs Nicholson yes


End of term

Chamber Choir Concert 2023

Catholic Care - Monday 3rd July

During Summer 2, Year 3 were lucky enough to receive a visit from Catholic Care. During the workshop, we discussed how to deal with arguments and what trusted adults we can talk to. Well Done Year 3!

During Summer 2 Year 3 had a visit from D-Side as part of our PSHE curriculum. We learnt all about the dangers of smoking, how advertising of smoking has changed and what to do if someone offers us a cigarette. Well Done Year 3!

This half term, Year 3 have been learning all about India. We have been learning about where India is on a map and the mountains and rivers in India. Last week, we had an India Wonder Day. We researched India and made fact files, studied Indian art and even tried some different Indian foods. We had a fantastic day!

Exploring History at St Anthony's

On Tuesday 6th June, we were visited by a qualified tennis coach from the John Charles Centre to take part in a 30-minute taster session. We learnt a variety of new skills in order to play tennis. Have a look at some of the pictures, we all worked really hard on refining our tennis skills!

Year 3 Cricket: Thursday 25th May 2023

On Thursday 25th May, Year 3 attended a cricket tournament at Hunslet Nelson Cricket Ground in Beeston. The children took part in various games of cricket against opponents. The team were delighted that they came second overall. Well done to all involved! Thank you to Mr Kearney who led the event and has prepared the children so well. 

Key Stage 2 Orienteering Day

Mr Kearney accompanied a group of children from KS2 to take part in an orienteering day at Leeds Urban Bike Park on Tuesday 23rd May. The children were able to enhance their outdoor and adventurous skills. Here are some pictures from a fantastic afternoon!

During Summer 1 2023, Year 3 have designed and made fruit tarts. They started off by designing their fruit tarts according to a given budget and thinking about the costs of different fruits. The children also looked at what fruit grows during the season of Summer and what fruits are best to use at this time of year. Have a look at some pictures of us making and enjoying our fruit tarts!

During Summer 1 2023, Year 3 have been learning all about plants and what a plant needs to grow. We are currently investigating the question: Is my classroom an appropriate place for a plant to grow? We have looked at the role of light, water, nutrients  and air in the growing of a plant and how each one helps a plant to grow. Take a look at when we planted our flowers! We are making sure they are watered regularly and can't wait to see how they turn out!

Year 3 have been studying two Geography Units this academic year. They are currently learning more and remembering more about The Local Area of Beeston. They have begun to study the main physical and human features which make Beeston a special place to live. They are using maps to locate Beeston, both on local, regional and large scale maps. Previously, Year 3 learnt all about Climate and Weather, both in Leeds as well as around the world. We have some incredible Geographers in Year 3. When interviewed by Miss Leonard (Geography Leader) in May 2023, Sophie (Year 3) stated "Geography lessons are very factual and help me explore and question more about the world and my own community. I am especially enjoying learning more about my own community of Beeston." Gabriel (Year 3) added "Geography lessons are amazing and interesting! They help me to learn all about different climates and places around the world." We are so proud to have such enquiring Geographers in our midst in Year 3. Look at some of our work from our Geography books in Year 3. We are very proud of our learning. 

The Coronation of King Charles III at St Anthony's - 5th May 2023

Year 3 Celebration of Learning - May 2023

As part of our Rocks and Fossils topic, Year 3 have been studying the famous fossil hunter, Mary Anning. We have researched her life and discoveries and have thought about what life was like for a female scientist in the 1800's. We have written diary entries from the perspective of Mary Anning around the time she discovered the ichthyosaur. Have a look at some of our fantastic writing!

Science - Soil Investigation

Year 3 carried out an investigation to find out which soil was the most and least permeable. To do this, we used funnels, 3 different types of soils, beakers and timers. We started off by planning our investigation and thinking about what we would need, what we would keep the same to make it a fair test and made predictions for what we thought would happen. We then started our investigation by pouring the same amount of water on top of the soil and timed how long it took to filter through the paper and into the funnel. We then wrote up what we found out, we loved investigating the different types of soils!

Year 3 made a dirt pudding to model the different layers of the Earth to help us remember them! We made it in a clear plastic cup so the layers can be seen easily.  Each ingredient we used represents a different layer:

 Red ice cream sauce to  represent the mantle, inner and outer core

A biscuit on top to represent the Earth’s crust.
Apple slices to represent the bedrock.
Chocolate mousse to represent the subsoil
Crush some Oreos to make the nutrient rich top soil.
Take a look at some of our pictures and ask us all about the different layers of the Earth!

St Anthony's - Curriculum of Excellence

Stone Age Day - 14th March 2023

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On Tuesday 14th March 2023, Year 3 were lucky enough to spend the day at Skelton Grange Environmental Centre. The focus of the day The Stone Age. We had a fantastic day and took part in so many wonderful activities during the day, such as experiencing first hand what it would have been like completing every day tasks in the Stone age, for example eating and drinking. We also took part in gutting and cooking our own fish and bread, hunted animals using Stone age weaponry and looked at how outdoor resources were used to help the Stone Age people survive and male shelter. 

Take a look at the video below with some highlights from our wonderful day of History learning!

World Book Day 2023 - St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

Masked Reader 2023

World Book Day - Sharing a story in our Reading Pod

Rocks Investigation in Year 3

Music: Young Voices 2023

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Young Voices:
Miss Leonard and Miss Taylor had the opportunity to take a group of children to Sheffield Arena to once again enjoy the experience of performing live as an audience of over 4,000 children. This is the first time we have returned since Covid, so it was truly wonderful to experience this joy of singing together once again. The children were an absolute credit to themselves, school and their families.

Getting Active at St Anthony's

We are very proud of our Year 3 PE Curriculum. Watch our video to find out more! 

The Sound of Music at St Anthony's

Our Year 3 children have a rich diet of Music provision through our curriculum. They have a curriculum underpinned by Music Express which is the spine to our long term plan. In addition, our Year 3 children have the opportunity to take part in weekly Chamber Choir led by our Choral Director, Mr Tom Leach, from Leeds Diocese. Additionally, we have provision for piano playing in 1:1 sessions, again provided by expert piano teachers from The Diocese of Leeds Piano Project. Weekly from Spring 2, Year 3 pupils will also being to learn the Ukulele, with teaching from Artforms Leeds. What a rich diet of provision. Well done Year 3.

On Thursday 26th January, Year 3 took part in an archery workshop with Premier PE to further develop their skills within our extended PE curriculum. The children loved the session and were able to demonstrate great precision, aiming skills and accuracty. By the end of the lesson, there was a clear end point with all children able to hit and fire the arrows with precision, accuracy and skill. Well done to everyone in Year 3!


On Wednesday 25th January 2023, Year 3 were immersed in a Wonder Day of first hand learning linked to their ongoing curriculum for History. A visiting drama group brought the topic alive by allowing the children to re-enact Roman times and handle a range of replica sources of evidence from the era. Our children were so excited and could remember more and retained more key knowledge from our bespoke History curriculum as a result. We are so proud of you Year 3!

Year 3 Wonder Day - The Romans are coming!

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On Tuesday 24th January, the children in Year 3 were lucky enough to receive a workshop from Virtual Reality. The focus of the workshop was 'The Romans'. The children were able to look at key buildings in Roman History such as the colosseum and houses the Roman people used to live in. The children were able to recall knowledge from their History lessons and apply this to the workshop. The children loved the session and expanded their knowledge on the Romans. Well Done to everyone in Year 3!

The Romans - Cross Curricular Writing

As part of our History topic, Year 3 learnt about why the Roman Army were so powerful and how it helped them invade Britain.

We researched facts about the Roman Army and why it was the best around! Take a look at some of our super writing!

Celebrating Writing in Year 3 - The Iron Man

During Autumn 2 2022, our focus text was 'The Iron Man' by Ted Hughes. Our Year 3 pupils were captivated by the text, and the vocabulary and sentences held within it. We used this text to inspire both our reading and our writing, composing stories about How the Iron Man came to be. The children wrote some amazing stories - take a look above! Well done Year 3!

Science investigation: do people with longer legs jump further? Do people with longer arms throw further?

As part of our Science topic, the children in Year 3 took part in a Science investigation. The children were given two questions to investigate; do people with longer legs jump further and do people with longer arms throw further? The children planned their investigation, looked at variables and things they would change, things they would keep the same and made predictions about what they thought would happen. The children then completed the investigation. They started by measuring their legs and arms, they then jumped/threw a ball and measured how far they had jumped/how far the ball travelled to see if there was a link between people with longer arms and their legs if that affects the distance they jumped or threw the ball. The children loved investigating this question and were able to apply skills they have learnt in Maths into Science! They are in the process of communicating their results to Miss Leonard to let her know the outcome of the investigation. Check back for more pictures of this! Well done to everyone in Year 3!

Year 3 5-a-side Football at Fives, Seacroft: 11th January 2023

Last Wednesday, some children from Year 3 attended a 5-a-side football tournament. The children played incredibly well, they won 3-0, drew 0-0 and won 2-1. Well Done to everyone involved!

Music: Ukulele Taster Session - 4th January 2023

On Wednesday 4th January, Year 3 were lucky enough to receive a ukulele taster and assessment session from Mr Lippert from Leeds Art Forms ahead of their lessons next half term. The children learnt how to hold a ukulele, the parts and notes of a ukulele and even learnt a song! Mr Lippert and I were so impressed with how quickly all the children picked up the skills needed to learn a play a song. I can't wait to see how you progress further when our weekly sessions begin in the second half of the year as part of our music curriculum provision!

Christmas 2022 at St Anthony's

Retention of Knowledge for Geography in Year 3

Our Year 3 class have been studying a Geography unit on Weather during Half term 2. Miss Leonard (Geography Leader) was most impressed when she was visited by a group of Year 3 students who had made knowledge catchers to gather all the key learning from the topic. We have some weather experts in Year 3, able to use correct vocabulary for the topic and retain all the key learning intended. Miss Leonard was very impressed. Keep remembering this key knowledge in the long term Year 3. Your weather catchers were a brilliant idea to help you retain this information. 

Year Three Love Maths!

Column Addition - December 2022

This half term, Year 3 have been learning all about column addition in Maths. We have been looking at exchanging when adding and can explain when we need to exchange. We have also been trying really hard with our presentation in our books, making sure all of our numbers are lined up correctly. Have a look at some of our brilliant work!

Into Film Festival - The Railway Children Return

On Wednesday 23rd November, Year 3 went to the cinema to see 'The Railway Children Return'. This was a free event, provided by the Into Film Festival. This festival allows children to watch, understand and make film in creative ways. The film linked to our topic from Autumn 1 on World War 2 and looked at evacuation and what this was like for children during the War. All the children really enjoyed the film and were able to make links with what they had learnt in History.

St Anthony's: You're in safe hands

Safeguarding is our top priority at St Anthony's. Please view our video to see some of the many ways we keep our Year 3 children safe. We hope you enjoying viewing our video and reading our safeguarding policies below. Our designated safeguarding staff are: Miss Leonard (Designated Safeguarding Lead), Mr Whittle (Deputy Safeguarding Lead), Miss Taylor and Mrs Doherty. Please make an appointment to see us if you have any concerns using
God bless and keep safe

On Tuesday 15th November 2022, Year 3 received a visit from The Leeds City Council Road Safety Team to talk about Road Safety. This lesson built upon the training from EYFS and KS1 on road safety, wearing a seatbelt and crossing the road safety. It moved the children into understanding the importance of wearing a seat belt and a car seat in order to keep themselves and others safe in any car. The children learnt about types of car seats children wear depending on their age, how to wear a seatbelt safely and also looked at the impact of a car crash and the injuries it can cause. The children were really engaged in the workshop and loved sharing their ideas on how to stay safe whilst in a car. Well done Year 3!

On Wednesday, Year 3 were lucky enough to receive a workshop from Leeds Lieder as part of their 'Discovering Lieder' project. The children were lucky enough to listen to the classical singers perform a song in German and discussed the meaning of the song through the singers actions. The children really impressed the visitors with their ideas and provided some really thoughtful reflections on what the song meant to them. The children then wrote their own song with the support of the singers and performed this. Again, the children came up with some brilliant ideas and were able to talk about how to vary their pitch and tone throughout the song. Well Done Year 3, you were all amazing!

Science - Forces and Magnets

As part of our Forces and Motion topic, Year 3 have been learning about different types of forces and how they are used in everyday life. We carried out a fair test to see what surface a toy car would move best on. We made our test fair by ensuring we used the same toy car and the the same amount of force each time to push the toy car. We looked at tin foil, sandpaper, the table and carpet. We are going to carry on our fair test this week and see which surfaces the toy car moves best on outside.

Year 3 Celebration of Writing - Autumn 1 2022

Year 3's focus class novel, 'Friend or Foe' by Michael Morpurgo has inspired their writing this half term. Through making excellent links to WW2 in their History topic, Year 3 all wrote informal letters from an evacuee, which have been proudly displayed in their classroom. Alongside this, they have created WW2 Poetry, inspired by our focus poet this half term, Ted Hughes. Amazing work Year 3!

As part of our learning around Black History Week, we have been studying the artist Jean Michel Basquiat. We looked at different pieces of his artwork and found out that he uses the structure of the human body as inspiration for his paintings. We also looked at some of his street art and graffiti and had completed our own artwork in his style. We hope you enjoy looking at our finished pieces!

As part of our topic on World War 2, Year 3 have been learning about Anderson Shelters. We have looked at the different types of air raid shelter used in the war and how effective they were. 

We started off by designing our Air Raid Shelters and thinking about what materials we will use. We then made our Anderson Shelter using plastic bottles, lollipop sticks, felt and cardboard. We were all really creative with our shelters and worked really hard to make them unique!

We will evaluate and test our Air Raid Shelters effectiveness after the holidays. We hope you enjoy looking at our pictures of them!

Pause for Poetry in Year 3

Across school, all our classes are really enjoying the introduction of our new Poetry Spine. Year 3 are enjoying visiting our library and reading poems aloud. Ask us who is our focus poet and our focus anthology this term!

Year 3 Football Competition at Fives, Seacroft Wednesday 12th October 2022

This week, some children from Year 3 represented St. Anthony’s in a five-a-side football tournament at Fives, Seacroft as part of a local schools tournament. The children played with teamwork and sportsmanship and were a credit to the school. Well done to everyone involved!

History: WW2 Wonder Day

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Last week, Year 3 were very lucky to receive a workshop from 'The Past Presents' linking to out topic of World War 2. The children had a fantastic day and were able to take part in various activities such as looking at artefacts, examining sources of evidence from the past and drama. Here is some more information about our day - we hope you enjoy our video!
We started our session with an introduction into World War 2 and the events leading up to the outbreak of war. We learnt all about the different countries involved and each part they played in the War.
After this, we took on the role of Air-Raid Warden and completed a round robin of activities that highlighted the effects of air raids on everyday life in Britain.
Then, we were trained as the heroes of ‘Dads Army’ to prepare for invasion. We learnt lots of well-known techniques such as using Air Raid Shelters as well as some surprising ones such as blackouts and evacuation.
In our final session we were put into a real time night bombing scenario as we worked together to find safety, fight fires and deal with the consequences of the Blitz. We found this very exciting and couldn't believe how people had to live throughout the War. Can Year 3 recall their key knowledge from the topic? Ask them more!

Chamber Choir Sing at Leeds Cathedral: September 2022

Eleven of our Year 3 pupils have recently joined our St Anthony's Chamber Choir. This is a highly talented group of individuals who sing in unison and perform at school and across our Diocese. We were invited to perform for Bishop Marcus at the Annual Headteacher's Mass at Leeds Cathedral on Thursday 15th September 2022. The headteachers in the congregation noted our exceptional singing and we were praised by Bishop Marcus. We sung a range of secular songs to link to the mass for the day. I am so proud of our new choir members. Well done St Anthony's. 

Welcome to Year 3!


I hope you have all had a fantastic summer holiday and have made lots of memories with your friends and family. I am really excited for the year ahead and to support you in your first year in Key Stage 2. I know you will all be amazing and will embrace all the challenges and opportunities this year brings. We will begin our year by learning all about World War 2, with a particular focus on what it was like for an 8 year old during the war. This is one of my favourite topics and I am so excited to share this with you.


This year, any updates will be posted onto the Google Classroom page. This includes spellings, letters and any other important information.

Below is some useful information for you before we start the year:

  • PE will take place on Wednesday and Friday every week (PE will commence from Wednesday 7th September).
  • Our meet the teacher evening will take place on Friday 9th September at 3:15pm in our school hall.
  • Half termly newsletters (with key dates) and spellings can be found on the Year 3 class page.
  • Remember to read at home every night.
  • Practice your spellings every night.


Finally, enjoy the last weekend of the holidays and I look forward to meeting you all next week!


Miss Delaney

Finale 2022

Our Year Three children wanted to share with your memories of an exceptional year at St Anthony's. I am so proud of you all in your very first year in Key Stage Two. May God bless you all with a super holiday, and I look forward to welcoming you back as Year Four pupils in September!
Miss Leonard

Year 3 Sport's Day 2022

St Anthony's Chamber Choir Concert 2022

Our Year 3 pupils have taken part in their annual Chamber Choir performance this week. They have lessons each Tuesday, as part of the Diocese of Leeds Schools Singing Programme. These are delivered by an expert Choral Director from the Diocese, Mr Leech, focusing on positive engagement with singing and supporting the Catholic life of the school through sacred music. The sessions offer practical and incremental coverage of areas of the music curriculum - including notation - in a two-year curriculum framework developed by the Diocese, the National Schools Singing Programme and the National Youth Choir of Scotland. Pupils also have the opportunity to join one of the Diocese's acclaimed after-school choirs. You can find online resources that support this work on the Schools Singing Programme's YouTube channel ( Our local Diocese choir is Leeds Cathedral Choir - please contact for more information about joining. We hope you enjoy our singing. We invited our parents too and they were very impressed. We hope you are too. Happy listening.

3-D Shapes! 


We had such a fun lesson building 3-D shapes using dry spaghetti and marshmallows! 

After learning so many different properties of shapes, the children were all superstars when making their own shapes. They knew exactly how many vertices and straight edges each shape needed, and worked as a team perfectly in order to assemble them. Well done!

Ace Gala


Year 3 had such a fantastic time at the Ace Gala this week. We were lucky enough to spend the whole day playing different sports, with fantastic coaching from the Ace Club staff! It was such a beautiful day outside, I think we might have some professionals in our class! Thank you so much to the Ace Club staff who made the day so special! 

Father's Day Cards! 


Happy Father's Day to all the dads, grandads and men in our St Anthony's family. You are very much loved and appreciated (and fab!), we hope you had a wonderful day celebrating with your loved ones! 

Ace Club Sports Gala

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Many thanks to Ace Club who provided a wonderful day of sport for the whole school on Friday. It was amazing to see the children enjoying such a wide range of sports led brilliantly by the Ace Club Leaders.

St Anthony's Marian Procession 2022

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DT - Fruit Tarts


What a wonderful day we have had together in Year 3 today. As part of our DT topic, looking at seasonal foods from all around the world, we made out very own fruit tarts today. All ingredients were British and everything was made from scratch. We had some really interesting conversations about the environmental impact of transporting food around the world and how this might impact our choice of foods. Of course, we then got to the best part... eating them! They were very, very tasty. It was Mr Whittle's birthday, so we couldn't not make him a special surprise as well!