Our School Council Representatives
Nativity 2024
The children have been exploring the birth of Jesus through the past few weeks. They have learnt abut how Angel Gabriel came down and told Mary she was going to have a baby and his name would be 'Jesus'. The children re-told the story through songs and words to express the real importance of Christmas.
Christmas in Reception
We shared our reflections and we discussed how grateful we are to have family, friends and Jesus in our lives.
Advent Wreath Making - School Council
The children had a wonderful time visiting St Anthony's Church. Father Whitwell eagerly awaited us and showed us all the special parts of our Church. We found out all about the different statues, why the altar is so important and we even got to look closely at the font and the Paschal candle - spotting the date and the alpha and omega signs on it! What an amazing time we had. Thank you Father Whitwell, we are already looking forward to our next visit.
There was a full day of excitement and learning when Reception visited “This Green Moon” in Swillington to explore seasons in the woods!
The children quickly took up the challenge to become “explorers” for the day, as they created their own forest leaf tails to creep, observe and explore the magical forest. The children were captivated by their explorations and used a huge variety of new skills and vocabulary. To celebrate their journey, they ended their day with a camp fire forest, using all the branches they had measured and gathered as a team! What a super first day of exploration Reception on your very first class trip. I am SO proud of you all Reception!
Exploring the seasons at "This Green Moon" November 2024
Understanding of the world: Diwali
Macmillan Coffee Morning October 2024
Macmillan Coffee Morning: On Friday 4th October 2024, we had great pleasure in holding our annual Macmillan Coffee Morning, raising money for this most important charity. There was a wonderful atmosphere in our school hall as we came together to serve each other and our community. It was the first time our Reception class had attended a Macmillan Coffee Morning and they really enjoyed their buns and spending time with their parents and family. Special thanks goes to our Mini-Vinnies (and some willing parents) who served tea and coffee, helped the whole school choose buns and help me all morning! They were absolutely brilliant and true ambassadors for our school. I am overwhelmed by your generosity, as always. We raised £423.97 which will be very gratefully received to help those in need at this time. What a staggering amount! May God bless you all for your kindness. Thank you for the donations of buns, cakes and generous donations on the day. For this, I am so thankful! |
First signs of Autumn
We made hat’s and added some amazing leaves of different sizes, big, small, thin and wide. We have now started on our Autumn journey with more come! Why don't you go to your local park and enjoy the woods at this wonderful time of year.
Our very busy first week at St Anthony's (September 2024)
Welcome to st anthony's Reception Class!
We welcome you into our exciting, caring, and learning environment. This year is really important for our youngest children, and even though the first day is hard for our lovely parents, please feel assured that every child is precious, important and cared for by our amazing Reception Team.
- Attendance is important as every day we are learning something new and our lessons are sequenced in a way that builds on each learning opportunity and lesson.
- Reading every night is important for your child to progress. We will be running sessions to support your child at home in reading and phonic learning.
- Please remember to read our newsletter on the website, also in your child’s bag on their first day.
- We will also be posting your child’s learning on Tapestry on a regular basis so please check this and you can also contact me through the Tapestry system.
- I will be at the entrance to our classroom every single morning and afternoon, my door is always open for questions and queries.
- We look forward to welcoming you this week.
Miss Duffy, Mrs Shelton and the Reception Team