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St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

Growing together on a journey with Jesus


Art and Design

Our Intent

Our high-quality, creative Art and Design education at St Anthony’s aims to provide our pupils with the fundamental means for personal expression, through building upon artistic skills, concepts and knowledge. We inspire our children through the study of great artists, craft makers and designers, so they understand the historical and contemporary impact of their own art forms using a vast range of medias.

Year 1 have been using drawing materials to make different lines and marks reflecting what they can hear in music (our focus music was Debussy’s ‘La Mer’). We learnt that there are many different ways of drawing lines, that they feel different to make, and that they look different. Next, we added plants and creatures to bring our artwork to life. Afterwards, we evaluated our art and the work of others using the language we had learnt. What super artists Year 1!

Inspired by our History topic, we investigated the features of ancient Egyptian burial masks. We imagined that we were ancient Egyptian mask makers, tasked with creating a burial mask for a pharaoh. We really enjoyed designing, making and evaluating our masks.  We hope that you like them!

We used the painting of Monet to inspire our artwork. We looked at examples of his work and recorded our personal opinions. We made close observations of his work in our sketch books. We made excellent use of our colour mixing and brush techniques when painting. We evaluated our paintings and considered any refinements. Have a look at our finished pieces, we are very proud of them!

In Art this half term, we have been focussing on our drawing skills. First, we analysed and responded to Peter Thorpe's (our focus artist's) rocket paintings, then we developed our understanding of drawing from a one point perspective and improving our shading skills to create different tones. After sketching ideas for our space inspired drawings, we created our final pieces using oil pastels against black backgrounds. Take a look at our creative, original masterpieces! Our final task will be to explain some of the decisions behind our drawings and evaluate them.

During our painting topic this half term we have been responding to the abstract artwork of Wassily Kandinsky, practising our colour mixing skills and using these to create our fabulous final pieces. We used Kandinsky's use of shape to inspire us - take a look at our amazing creations! Well done Year 2!

We have had a lovely afternoon in Year 2 learning how to use primary colours (red, yellow and blue) to mix secondary colours (orange, green and purple). We also explored how to make lighter shades of colour using white and darker shades without using black! Instead, we tried using colours from the same family. For example, adding a bit of purple to make a darker shade of red. Have a look at our fabulous colour mixing!

Responding to art in Year 2

During our Black History week, we explored art that was produced in response to the Civil Rights Movement in America. Here are a few of our personal responses to the pieces:


“I think the artist feels excited for the equal rights movement. I think the artist is trying to say black people are the dream! This artwork makes me feel happy.” Dominic about Wadsworth Jarrell’s Revolutionary.


“I think the artist is trying to say “If you are free, sing a song because you have freedom. This art makes me feel excited because it is so colourful.” Dorothy about Wadsworth Jarrell’s Revolutionary.


I think the artist is trying to celebrate because black people are fighting against the [segregated] schools and the bathrooms. The art makes me feel happy because there are lots of colours.” Alexia about Wadsworth Jarrell’s Revolutionary.


“This art makes me feel happy because there are lots of people and they can make friends.” Maranatha about Carolyn Mims Lawrence’s Black Children Keep Your Spirits Free.


“I think the artist is trying to say he is frustrated because he doesn’t want the white people to go to another school. This artwork makes me feel worried because he is going to hurt someone.” Harry M responding to Benny Andrews’ Did the Bear Sit Under a Tree?

Year 2 - Creating Clay Minibeasts March 2022 (Link to current Science Topic)

Our special Arts books!

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Across our school we develop not only our artistic and design skills, but also our knowledge of influential artists and designers throughout history. We are inspired to develop our own creations and express our feelings in lots of different ways through Art. Take a look at some of the work in our special Arts Books to discover what happens at St Anthony's within our Art lessons. Keep an eye out for our super use of vocabulary! Mrs Gledhill

Art across St Anthony's

Reception - Observational Watercolour Paintings

Reception - Investigating Printing

Year 2 - Artwork inspired by Georgia O'Keeffe

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Year 2 have been inspired by the artwork of our focus artist, Georgia O'Keeffe. Today, we have begun developing our own artwork in her style, to represent the Great Fire of London. The children have thought really carefully about how Georgia O'Keeffe uses obscure shapes to represent objects, and have reflected this in the flames that they have created. We are next going to consider how Georgia O'Keeffe uses layering techniques to develop her artwork further.
Take a look at the start of our creations...

Year 2 Artwork - Inspired by Kandinsky

Artwork inspired by Geography!

As part of Year 2's Geography learning, "Which countries make the UK?", Mrs Gledhill and Y2 hosted an English afternoon tea. During this afternoon, Y2 worked alongside their parents to create wonderful artwork inspired by their learning about England. They created English roses, the England flag and sketched portraits of the Queen. Take a look at some of the artwork which took place on the day.

If you would like to see further activities from the Afternoon Tea, please visit the Year 2 class page!

Year 3 Stone Age Style Necklaces

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Year 3 Clay Work

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Year 3 have been experimenting with clay, making different 3D shapes and textures.

Year 3 - Sketch Books

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Examples of work exploring line, tone and texture. The children have created their own patterns, drawn real life objects and completed observational drawings using these techniques.

Year 3 - Exploring Sculptures

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We brought an art gallery experience to life in the Year 3 classroom. The children observed, discussed and answered questions about various sculptures by the Swiss artist Alberto Giacometti.

Year 4 - Investigating Tutankhamun

We used the paintings of Monet to inspire our own artwork.  We evaluated our paintings and considered any refinements. Have a look at our finished pieces, we are very proud of them!

Year 4 Weaving Wheels

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We developed our weaving skills first with paper and then with wool. We evaluated our finished weaving wheels and considered possible refinements.

Year 4's Amazing Artwork

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Inspired by our History topic, Ancient Egypt, we have created some fabulous artwork. We have Egyptian sunsets, sarcophagi and work inspired by Tutankhamun's burial mask. We have used a range of materials including paint, pastels and collage.

Amazing Artists in Year 4

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We love to make good use of our observational drawing skills across the curriculum.

Year 4 Tudor Collage

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We really enjoyed learning how to use a range of materials to create a Tudor collage. After completion, we evaluated our work and considered possible refinements.

Year 5 - Peter Thorpe Inspired Rocket Paintings

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As part of our learning on space, Year 5 studied the artist Peter Thorpe. We looked closely at his rocket paintings and were inspired to create our own. Before starting, we enjoyed learning all about abstract art and creating our own abstract backgrounds using paint. It certainly was very messy but we had great fun experimenting with flicking paint on a black background.

Year 5 - Making Viking Oil Lamps Using Clay

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During our time at Murton Park, we learnt about Viking longhouses and how they were dark, windowless dwellings so artificial light was important. We thought about how the homes could be lit, then made simple oil lamps in the style of those used by Vikings using clay. Take a look at our designs. It wasn't as easy as we thought it would be - particularly carving the designs into the clay!

In support of Year 5's History topic, "Who were the Mayans?" Year 5 researched, designed, made and evaluated their own Mayan masks. Take a look at some of their inspired, creative and purposeful masks they created which they used in order to share information all about the Mayan way of life!

See their wonderful creations below!

Magnificent Art - Riches of the Rainforest (Y5)

Take a look at some of the wonderful work which has been completed to link to Year 5's Geography topic of the Rainforest! These high quality artistic pieces have been painted by children in the Art after school club.

African Art

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To begin our African Art, Year 6 experimented with water colours and the different shades they could create by mixing. Then, we looked closely at traditional Tingatinga artwork and identified the characteristics associated with this extraordinary style. Afterwards, we combined our watercolour and Tingatinga work: we used water colours to create an African background and then, once they had dried, sketched onto the background African animals using the Tingatinga style. In addition, we have also created vibrant African patterns and completed portraits of Nelson Mandela.

Year 6 Christmas Cards

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At Christmas, Year 6 researched, designed, made and evaluated their own Christmas cards. Look at their beautiful creations...

Year 6 - Palm Sunday Pastels
