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St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

Growing together on a journey with Jesus



Magnificent Maths with Year 2

Year 2 Maths: One More and One Less

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Reception Exploring 2D and 3D shapes

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Our Reception children have been exploring 2D and 3D shapes this week. Each child made a picture using 2D shapes and they were able to name each of the shapes.
The children also explored 3D shapes making castles, farms and towers. The children showed their understanding of their new vocabulary, including Sphere, Cylinder, Cone and Pyramid. The children could also name some everyday items that we see in the shops of these shapes. An ice cream cone. A ball is a Sphere and other examples.
Well done Reception!

Exploring Weight in Reception

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The children have been exploring using scales weighing different items. We have been using vocabulary including heavy, light and the same. The children learnt through provision some concepts such as even though it looks heavy it may be light. Having more does not always mean heavy.

Year 4 - Reasoning and Problem Solving

We have been working hard to develop our skills when reasoning and problem solving. In particular, we have been focusing on our written responses. We are now able to apply our skills when answering questions presented in a variety of ways.

Year 3 - Column Subtraction

Year 3 - TT Rockstars and 1 Minute Maths

Year 3 have been practicing their quick maths recall using 1 minute maths and TT rockstars. Take a look at our super scores!

Year 3 - Column Addition December 2022

This half term, Year 3 have been learning all about column addition with exchanging. We have made excellent progress in this topic and can explain when we need to make an exchange in a calculation. We have also been trying really hard with our presentation in column addition and lining up the numbers correctly. Have a look at some of our brilliant work!

Year 2 - Exploring 2d and 3d shapes (December 2022)

Year 2 Column Subtraction - November 2022

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A snapshot of Christina modelling her method for solving column subtraction with exchanging.

Year 2 Column Subtraction - November 2022

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A snapshot of Harry modelling his method for solving column subtraction with exchanging.

Year 1 Maths

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All about Shapes

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Our Intent


Our maths vision, at St Anthony’s Primary School, is to deepen children's mathematical understanding through a mastery approach. We believe in deep sustainable learning which is achievable for all. Pupils are encouraged to reason about a concept, make connections and build on objectives already mastered. Our aim is for all children to enjoy mathematics and have a secure and deep understanding when they leave us to go to secondary school. We want children to see the mathematics that surrounds them every day and enjoy developing life skills in this subject.

Marvellous Maths

Mastery at St Anthony's

The Mathematical Environment

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We make excellent use of working walls and manipulatives in our school.

Reception - Number Fun Workshop

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Mathematics in the Foundation Stage

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Reception - The Gruffalo's Birthday

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As part of our mathematical learning all about the number 4 we thoroughly enjoyed celebrating the Gruffalo's 4th Birthday! We learnt all about different number bonds to 4 by helping the grown ups prepare for the very special birthday party.

Reception - Child-Initiated Fun with Maths

Year 1- Measuring capacity

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Year 1 took part in an exciting lesson in order to learn all about capacity. They learnt to use mathematical vocabulary such as full, empty, almost full, half full and almost empty. Each child wrote their own recipes for a fruit mocktail using all the vocabulary they had learnt. They were then able to make them in the following lesson using the recipe they had created. They were delicious

Year 1- Length, Weight and Height

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Year 1 absolutely loved learning about length, weight and height this half term. They particularly enjoyed using different manipulatives to help them answer many maths problems. These included: cubes, scales and rulers. As you can see from their work, Year 1 then moved on to developing their problem solving and reasoning skills within this topic.

Year 2 - Use of Maths Manipulatives

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In Year 2, we represent numbers in so many different ways! We use the manipulatives to develop our fluency to apply mathematical concepts into a variety of contexts and to demonstrate our understanding in different ways. Take a look at some of our uses of maths manipulatives.

Year 2 Magnificent Maths

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In Year 2, we aim to develop our fluency and reasoning skills in all that we do! Take a look at our wonderful work in class...

Year 3 recent examples of work from our topic 'Statistics'.

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Examples include: reading and comparing data in pictograms, bar charts and tables.

Year 3 Addition - Using concrete and pictorial representations

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Marvellous Maths in Year 4

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We love to showcase our learning. We are working very hard to develop our skills when problem solving and reasoning.

We used our knowledge of the properties of 3D shapes to create our own models using spaghetti and marshmallows.

We worked together to solve mathematical problems involving squares. We found that the maximum number is 9

We really enjoyed our Number Fun Workshop.  Here we developed our knowledge about the properties of the different types of triangles.

Classifying 2D and 3D Shapes

We worked together to investigate and classify the properties of 2D and 3D shapes.

Maths in Year 5

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Take a look into Year 5's Maths books - we love to share our learning. We have been working really hard on our understanding and application of the four written methods. We have lots of opportunities to apply our learning through reasoning and problem solving activities.

Solving Problems: Rounding in Yr6
