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School Logo

St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

Growing together on a journey with Jesus



Corpus Christi Procession 2024

A School of Faith

Chamber Choir Carol Service 2023

St Anthony's Primary School Reception Nativity

We Will Remember!

Mini Vinnies - Turning concern into action

Our Year 6 Mini Vinnies are turning their concerns into action by appealing to our community for support in providing food to those less fortunate than ourselves. All donations will be delivered to local foodbanks and the St Vincent de Paul centre in Leeds. The Mini Vinnies have also organised a Brighten Up for Cafod Day as they seek to raise funds for overseas development.

Harvest Festival 2023

Good Shepherd Mass - Leeds Cathedral 2023

Year 1: Noah's Ark

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Our wonderful Year 1 children have learnt the story of Noah's Ark. They sequenced the pictures and used them to retell the story - remembering such amazing detail! We hope you enjoy the photostory!

Macmillan Coffee Morning

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Thank you so much to all of our wonder families who donated buns and attended the Macmillan Coffee Morning on Friday. It was a joy to see the hall bursting with parents, grandparents and other family members to help raise money for such a special charity. You all raised a magnificent £515 which will be greatly received and help to fund much needed care and support. We continue to pray for those in our school community, and beyond, who are fighting this battle currently - please know you are constantly in our thoughts. God bless and many thanks to you all.

Annual Mass for Head Teachers and School Leaders

Welcome to the live stream of the Annual Mass for Head Teachers and School Leaders in the Diocese of Leeds. Live from Leeds Cathedral.

St Anthony's Chamber Choir Concert 2022

St Anthony's Marian Procession 2022

Years 2 & 3 - Liturgical Dance - Alleluia

Year 6 Kindness Virtue Day!

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Year 1 - Liturgical Dance - Our Father

Year 6 - Liturgical Dance - Fix My Eyes

Year 5 - Liturgical Dance - Be My Heart, My Hands, My Voice

Year 4 - Liturgical Dance - May Your Love

Year 3 - Liturgical Dance - Prodigal's Return

Year 1: Visit to our prayer garden

Year 1: Ascension Artwork

Year 1: Roleplay, The Ascension

Year 1- Visit from Father Whitwell

Year 2 - Liturgical Dance - Hail Mary

Year 5 - In Flanders Fields

Reception - Liturgical Dance - God's Love is Big

The Good Shepherd Mass 2022

Exploring Faith: Year 4 visit the Gurdwara

As part of our 'Faith Week', Year 4 were very lucky to have the opportunity to visit the local Sikh Gurdwara. This is the place where Sikhs come together for congregational worship.  Mr Deagon welcomed us and led a guided tour.  He explained what makes the Gurdwara a special place and helped us to understand the main beliefs of Sikhism.  He showed us the five symbols, called the five Ks that all Sikhs wear to show their devotion to their faith.  This was a wonderful experience that helped us to further our understanding of the Sikh religion.

Jesus has risen! - Year 2 Artwork

Year 1 Stain Glass Windows

Prayer Garden - The Opening Day!

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Over the Easter holidays, Miss Taylor and her dad (well mostly her dad if we are honest) worked hard in our Prayer Garden to create a wonderful Easter surprise for our children. They put up the willow, planted some beautiful flowers and hung lanterns. Today was the opening day and the children really enjoyed their new quiet prayerful space. Mini Vinnies will now take over caring for the garden and each week they will plan and organise some little activities to lead the children in personal prayer and reflection. Watch the video to see what happened today! It was truly a very special day!!!

Year 4 - Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Inspired by our RE topic, 'The Early Christians' we thought about how the disciples might have felt after the events of Easter.  We reflected on the gifts and symbolism of the Holy Spirit and discussed how this gave the disciples the courage and ability to spread the 'Good News' throughout the world.  

Year 5: Artwork inspired by the Parable of the Lost Son

A Pilgrimage of Faith

Year 1 - Our God is a great big God

Exploring Faith: Years 5 and 6 visit The Mosque

Exploring Faith: The Mass with Year 2

Year 6 - Visit to a local mosque

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On Thursday 31st March, Year 6 visited the Jamia Masjid Abu Huraira Mosque in Beeston to further their understanding of the Islamic faith. The children were immaculately behaved and listened intently to the informative speeches we were given.

Year 5 - Brother, Sister - Easter Liturgical Dance

Year 4 - Today - Easter Liturgical Dance

Year 2 Lenten Workshop

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Year 2 took part in a special workshop all about Lent. We sung songs and danced together as we shared our knowledge of the Lenten journey. Together, we then acted out key moments from the Easter story, including Palm Sunday, Good Friday and the Resurrection of Jesus. We deepened our understanding of the Easter story and helped one another to prepare for the most special time of year. Take a look at some of our photos from our workshop...

28.3.22 - Year 2 Visit to St Anthony's Church

Year 2 Visit Church

On Monday 28th March, Year 2 deepened their knowledge and understanding of 'The Mass' by visiting St Anthony's Church and Father Whitwell. We explored around the Church and looked for signs and symbols which remind us of the Last Supper. We talked through different parts of the Mass with Father Whitwell and explored the deep meanings within each symbol. Afterwards, we were extremely lucky to go into the blessed Sacristy, where Father Whitwell discussed his sacred vestments with us. Tomorrow on Tuesday 29th March, we will visit Church together to celebrate our first class mass with members of the parish.

Year 2 - A special visit from Father Whitwell - 25.3.22

A special visit from Father Whitwell

Year 2 had a wonderful afternoon listening to and learning from Father Whitwell. We shared our special learning from our current RE topic, 'The Mass' and discussed the link between the Last Supper and the Consecration. We explored different parts of the Mass together and asked Father Whitwell lots of questions. We felt truly blessed to share our learning with Father Whitwell and we look forward to visiting St Anthony's Church on Monday to learn more about the Mass, ahead of our Year 2 Class Mass on Tuesday.

Reception - Holy Week

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We have been thinking about the events of Holy Week. We started by making our own palm leaves to help us to re-enact the events of Palm Sunday. Then we thought carefully about Maundy Thursday. We pretended to be Jesus and washed our friends' feet just like he did. Then we all gathered like Jesus and the disciples to share bread and wine at The Last Supper before going into the Garden of Gethsemane to say our prayers. We finished our learning about Holy Week by thinking about the events of Good Friday in a very special collective worship. We all made our own hearts to show how much we love Jesus. Then we worked together to make a beautiful focal point for our worship featuring a wooden cross, candles and the hearts we had made. It was a wonderful way to reflect upon the events of Holy Week.

RE Around School - Spring Displays

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Easter Fundraising

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Well done and thank you to all of the children who entered our Easter competitions this year. We were amazed by the wonderful Easter Gardens, bonnets and decorated eggs that you created and it was a very hard choice to select the winners! All the money raised will go to the Good Shepherd collection to support families in Leeds. A huge thank you to everyone of you and God bless this Easter.

Year 1 Washing of the Feet

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Year 1 Lent Workshop

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Reception - Holi Wonder Day

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We had a very special wonder day learning about the Hindu festival of Holi. This included experimenting with different painting techniques, dancing and celebrating the traditional elements of the festival. We learnt all about a Hindu child's visit to the Temple and drew comparisons with our own experiences of visiting church. We were fascinated by the children taking their shoes off at the temple and how they joined their hands to pray just like we do.

Standing in Solidarity with the People of Ukraine - Friday 11th March

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On Friday, we spent the day praying for the people of Ukraine who are experiencing such difficult times at the moment. We also remembered the many people in Russia who are against the war and want peace as much as we all do! EVERY SINGLE child and adult came to school dressed in blue and yellow and donated money to support those many Ukrainian refugees. Throughout the day the children wrote prayers and took part in some beautiful Collective Worships. Watch the video to find out more.

Pray for Peace Ukraine/Russia 2022 Year 1

Standing in Solidarity with the People of Ukraine - March 2022 Year 6 Prayers

Ash Wednesday

Our Lenten Journey continued today as Key Stage 2 went to Ash Wednesday Mass.  Father Whitwell spoke to us all about fasting and giving to charity this time to help us to prepare spiritually for Easter.  As the Pope requested, the Mass was offered for the people of the Ukraine and parish school. The  children were absolutely amazing and behaved impeccably throughout and we were very proud of them all.  A huge thank you to all the parents and carers who came to celebrate Holy Mass with us too - it was lovely to see so many parishioners back in church with us.  

Our First Whole School Collective Worship in nearly 2 Years!

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Today was the first time in nearly two years that we were able to share Collective Worship together in the hall rather than on Zoom or in smaller groups! It was such a special assembly, praying together and thinking about our Journey through Lent with a special focus on PILGRIMAGE. As we prayed together we thought about all the people in the Ukraine who are having to leave their homes due to war and are making a very different and scary journey of their own. Our assembly finished with Miss Leonard setting us a mission to think of how we will journey throughout Lent by fasting, praying or supporting charity.

Sacrament of Holy Confirmation

Congratulations to those members of Year 6 who were recently Confirmed at St. Anthony's Church.  It was a lovely celebration. May you continue to grow and show the gifts of the Holy Spirit. 
God Bless you all. 

Year 6 Mini Vinnies Lead Collective Worship

This morning (5th January 2022) our wonder Year 6 Mini Vinnies led Collective Worship for Key Stage 1 and then for Lower Key Stage 2. They used the CAFOD Epiphany worship as a guide and spoke to the children about how they all can all use their special gifts to make others happy and feel welcome.  We are so proud of all three girls who were so confident and led Worship perfectly! Well done!! 

Catholic Care Gianna Appeal

A huge THANK YOU to our Mini Vinnies and all our wonderful families who donated items for mums and babies who need our support. As always, you put the needs of others first and all your donations were gratefully received. God bless you all. 

Reception Nativity 2021

Year 1 - A bundle of joy

St Anthony's Christmas Carol Service 2021

Remembrance 2021

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11th November was a special day of Remembrance at St. Anthony's with the whole school pausing at 11am to remember those who have died whilst serving others. We also remembered all our loved ones who have returned to God in Heaven. Thank you to all those parents and children who added the names of their loved ones to the lists under our poppy tree. Watch our photo story to see the wonderful work that was completed throughout school: Collective Worship in Reception, Prayers written by Year 2 and art work completed by Year 6. It was a very reflective and prayerful day!

Reception - Remembrance

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To mark Remembrance Day we had a very reflective day learning all about who we remember on this special day. We developed our cutting skills by making poppies, painted poppies to display on our window and pretended to be soldiers crossing the battlefield. This culminated in a very special collective worship where we gathered around the focal point we had created to help us to reflect and remember.

Good Shepherd Mass 2021

A huge thank you to all our families who supported our Good Shepherd fundraising this year.  Two of our Mini Vinnies were honoured to present the cheque to Bishop Marcus at a special Mass at the Cathedral. It was such a special service and as always a huge privilege to be able to show how amazing our St. Anthony's Community is! God bless you all. 

Celebrating Harvest with Year 2 - October 2021

Our Harvest Festival:


A huge well done to our wonderful Year 2 class for their beautiful Harvest Assembly.  They gave thanks for the food we eat and thanked God for all our gifts and talents. It was a momentous occasion where our Year 2 parents were able to return to school once again to watch their beautiful play. Hopefully this is a glimpse of our return to the wonderful inclusion of our parents inside the school walls. I thank all our parents for your wonderful Harvest donations this week, these will be shared with our local food banks and SVP.

Chamber Choir Concert July 2021

Our incredible Chamber Choir performed a repertoire of their incredible liturgical singing for us to end their learning over the year. We hope you love hearing the children singing. They have the voice of angels. We are so blessed. Well done Chamber Choir. Thank you to Lucy Haigh, our Choral Director who teaches the children so well each week too.
We hope you enjoy our beautiful end of year performance.

Choral Singing for The Bishop and Leeds Headteachers at Leeds Cathedral June 2021

Our Chamber Choir visited The Leeds Cathedral on 24th June 2021 to sing a repertoire of songs for The Annual Headteacher's Mass with The Bishop of Leeds. The children sung a large repertoire of secular songs including:


  • On Jordan's Bank the Baptist's cry (C Coffin 1676-1749)
  • Gloria
  • As I went down to the river to pray (Trad Arr; Alex Kyle)
  • The Sanctus (Missa Mundi, John Duggan)
  • The Agnes Dei (Missa Mundi, John Duggan)
  • Brother James' Air (James Bain, Arr, Gordon Jacob)
  • Alleluia, Sing to Jesus (W. Chatterton Dix 1837-1898)


The standard was extraordinary, praised by The Bishop of Leeds and many Head Teachers in our Diocese, with one noted below:

"It was noticeable that not only did the children sing some quite complex repertoire in parts, in tune and with confidence, but they were also clearly paying close attention to their MD, which shows a very professional attitude! Outstanding St Anthony's!"


I am so proud of you all Chamber Choir!

Chamber Choir

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We wish to share some wonderful news - Congratulations Harry (Year 2) and all his family who were baptised at St Anthony’s last Friday. Following a period of catechesis and commitment, inspired by both Mrs Corah and our school and parish family, they have each been welcomed into God’s family. We congratulate Harry and his brother, as well as his mum and grandma. God bless you all. True evangelisation guided by St Anthony. We will keep you all in our prayers.

Easter at St Anthony's

Our Whole School celebrated this important liturgical season of Easter in a variety of creative ways. Watch our video to see our evidence of impact across school.

Holy Week - St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

Our Whole School brought Holy Week alive through dance, song, liturgical representations, prayer and reflection. Watch our amazing reflective representation of Holy Week at St Anthony's to find out more ...

Whole School Reflection during Lent: Lent in a Bag

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During the first week of Lent, every child was invited to collect a very special Lent in a Bag gift from school. We were delighted that every child came to school to collect their bag and continued their journey in faith at home during this very special time. Each week the children (and their families) completed a reflection, prayed together and completed a special Lenten activity. Watch the photo story to see the wonderful displays and work that show a deep faith and a real journey together this Lent.

Whole School RE: St Anthony's Catholic Primary School - Carol Service 2020-21

Our Carol Service highlights the liturgical priority on Key Liturgical Celebrations, even when lockdown restrictions apply. Please watch our video.

Chamber Choir - Do you hear what I hear?

Catholic Life Continues At Home!

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Watch this video to see how Catholic Life has continued and flourished during this difficult time.

Prayers at St. Anthony's

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R.E. displays around school

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Lent Displays at St. Anthony's

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Year 6 - Confirmation

Chamber Choir - Once in Royal David's City

Year 6's Christmas Collective Worship

Year 6 Lead Collective Worship for Key Stage 2

Year 6 lead Remembrance Day Collective Worship

Year 6 are Called to Serve

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This half term, Year 6’s RE unit has been ‘Called to Serve.’ We used bibles to look at how Jesus called his disciples to serve him as well as the achievements and challenges this brought. We spent time looking at the sacrament of Confirmation in detail as well as how the ‘Gifts of the Holy Spirit’ are present within the world we live in through Mama Maggie and Annalena Tonelli. One of our favourite lessons this half term was where we thought carefully about the gifts and talents God has given to each of us to serve him; we all created our own medals and then our classmates filled the inside of our medals with our gifts and talents. Take a look at the video above to see them...

Year 5's Little Book of Hope

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Take a look at our 'Little Book of Hope' inspired by our Collective Worships and 'The Book of Hopes' edited by one of our favourite authors, Katherine Rundell. Our book contains pictures, prayers and words to comfort and inspire.

Year 5 - Artwork inspired by the parable of the Lost Son

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RE in Year 5

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Year 5 - First Holy Communions

Year 5 - Stewards of Creation Art

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In our RE lessons, we have been learning all about God's Creation. We reflected on our responsibilities: God has made us caretakers or stewards of creation and it is our responsibility to look after it. Today we created artwork to reflect on what this means to us and the results were amazing! Year 5 really are true artists!

RE in Year 4

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First Holy Communion 2021 - Year 4

Heart Speaks to Heart: First Holy Communion Catechesis 2020-2021

Year 3 - Celebration of New Life

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Year 3 have been discussing the events of Easter Sunday and how the resurrection of Jesus links to other forms of new life at this time of Year. Using a 'Hot Seating' activity, the children have taken on roles of those who first discovered Jesus had risen and considered their thoughts and feelings. Through group work, the Year 3 children have read and performed a poem about 'New Life' through beautiful expression and actions.

Year 3 RE

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Examples of work from the following topics: The Christian Family, Baptism, Mary our mother, Reconciliation, Called to Change and Jesus the Teacher.

Year 3 Reconciliation: Please pray for us as we prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation

Year 2's Gifts to God

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During our RE topic, 'The Mass', we have been thinking about the offertory. We reflected deeply on what gifts we offer to God and others through our thoughts and actions. Take a look at some of our special gifts...

Year 2's Special RE work

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Year 2 is filled with such thoughtful, reflective children. Take a look at some of our special RE work from this year...

Year 2 Collective Worship

Year 2 RE Poetry

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During our work on 'Mysteries', Year 2 read a poem called 'Heaven'. Together as a class we discussed the poem and shared our own thoughts with others. We then wrote our own verses for the poem using the questions we had. Take a look at some of our poetry...

Year 1 RE

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Year 1 have been so reflective this year. They enjoy sharing their knowledge, thoughts and listening to stories from the Bible.

Reception RE

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We use lots of creative activities to help us to learn about different Bible stories.

Liturgical Dance

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This beautiful video was sent to Miss Leonard by Isla in year 1. She made it up all by herself and asked her mum to send it to her teachers during school closure. Such a beautiful song - how amazing! Well done Isla.
During our RE lessons this year, Year 6 have enjoyed a range of topics. In ‘Justice,’ we found out about what Jesus taught us all about justice and injustice as well as gaining an understanding of Oscar Romero and Martin Luther King’s actions and beliefs. In ‘Exploring the Mass,’ we found out about the 10 plagues and how Moses helped to release the Israelites on the very first Passover as well as how Jesus is the source and summit of the Christian faith. Have a look at the photographs above to see some of the extremely mature and reflective work we have completed.

Our RE curriculum is at the heart of all we do at St Anthony's. Come and see it coming alive in the hearts and minds of our children ...

A Virtuous Christmas Carol Service

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Catholic Care Gianna Appeal organised by our Mini Vinnies

RE Displays Autumn Term

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Kidz Klub

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On Monday 7th October, Chris and Andy came to deliver an assembly all about Kidz Klub. They told the children that
Kidz Klub Leeds provides fun and safe activities that help children discover positive aspirations for themselves and their communities. It is about being part of communities and meeting people where they are at. All children are invited to attend Kidz Klub on a Tuesday evening - more information can be found on their website or in the leaflet sent home! Watch the photostory to see what the children learnt.

Intergeneration Gathering with Irish Homes and Health

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Members of the School Council, Chamber Choir and Mini Vinnies spent the morning with members of our community learning about how their childhoods differ. They made intergenerational handprints and discussed what they thought live was like when you were old and what would be fun! The children were an absolute credit to the school (and their parents) as the spoke clearly and put smiles on the faces of so many people. Throughout the morning they listened to traditional Irish music and performed their favourite hymn - Harvest of Love. Watch the photostory to see what joy they brought to so many people.

#MoreInCommon week

Chamber Choir Singing at Leeds and Bradford Airport

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The children were asked to sing We Wish You A Merry Christmas by the staff at Leeds and Bradford Airport - they sang this beautifully (without rehearsal) as you can see! Enjoy.

Chamber Choir Carol Singing at Leeds and Bradford Airport

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On Thursday 13th December the children from Year 5 and Year 6 Chamber Choir went to sing carols at Leeds and Bradford Airport to help raise money for Leeds United Foundation. We were very proud of the children (as we always are) and they brought smiles to so many faces as people walked through the airport: the money raised will be used to help people in our local community who have dementia.

Our May Procession

Christmas is a season to be celebrated as a whole school community.
