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St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

Growing together on a journey with Jesus


Year 3

Welcome to Year 3 - Your Teachers and Teaching Assistants

Year 3 Art - Exploring 3d shapes (Introduction to Sculpture)

Today, we began our unit on 'Sculpture'. We learned that Sculpture is...

  • Art in three dimensions (3D).
  • Big or small.
  • Art you can move around to view it from different sides.
  • Made in lots of different ways;

- Modelled from one material (like clay)

- Carved (like wood)

- By joining materials together

  • Can be interactive. You can touch the different surfaces.


To begin our learning, we explored a range of famous sculptures across the United Kingdom. We reflected on what we could see and how they made us feel. Next, we worked with Mrs Gledhill to develop our ability to draw 3d shapes. We then used these new skills to create a '3d person'. What a super start to our topic Year 3!

Amazing Bodies - Science

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This half term we are learning about our Amazing Bodies. Our learning will be focusing on the skeleton but today we thought back to our previous learning to ensure that we could all remember the different parts of our body. Miss Taylor was very impressed with our memories as we were able to label all the major parts and used some superb scientific vocabulary including stomach, shin and thigh. We had a great time covering each other in stickers! After our labelling challenge we were introduced to the skeleton and learnt that an adult skeleton contains 206 bones. We looked carefully at the skull, ribcage, spine, pelvis and femur - Can your child point to where they would find these bones?

Welcome to Year 3 - Your Classroom!

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smileyWelcome to Year 3!smiley

Hello everyone and welcome back to school, we hope you've had a lovely summer and are excited about starting Key Stage 2. 

We are really looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday and starting a brand new year together.  This year is going to be lots of fun and we can't wait to see you growing in maturity and independence.


This half term you'll be learning about

* your skeleton in Science,

* weather in Geography,

*  the Christian Family in RE

*  sculpture in Art (with a fantastic trip already planned)

and lots lots more. 


As always, your learning is a partnership and we encourage you to continue your learning at home by reading daily and learning your spellings for the weekly test. 


Our PE days this half term will be Thursday and Friday so we look forward to seeing everyone in full school uniform on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday!


Have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday morning! smiley

From your very excited teachers Mrs Gledhill and Miss Taylor 



