Year 3
Welcome to Year 3 - Your Teachers and Teaching Assistants

Our School Council Representatives

Congratulation and Well Done to our Year 3 Altar Servers
Jubilee 2025: Pilgrims of Hope at St Anthony's
On Wednesday 22nd January 2025, the children from St Francis of Assisi Catholic Primary School, our sister parish school, travelled up to our school to journey with the Diocese of Leeds Jubilee Banner. We all held a Celebration of the Word together, to understand more about the logo of the Jubilee Year, and think about ways we can bring hope this year. On Thursday 23rd January 2025, we travelled and delivered the banner to Rothwell St Mary's Catholic Primary, and again shared a beautiful celebration of the word as our journey continued. We held the national launch day of Jubilee 2025 on Friday 24th January 2025. What an exciting year of hope awaits!
Young Voices 2025
On Wednesday 8th January 2025, our Young Voices Choir excitedly travelled to Sheffield Arena to take part in a National Young Voices performance. There were 4,862 pupils taking part, along with special artists performing live. Multi-award-winning teacher turned rapper and viral social media sensation, Jacob Mitchell, aka MC Grammar, wowed the children with his performance. Souparnika Nair, affectionately called as ‘Sou’, a 14-year-old young singer who has earned fantastic reviews from music lovers across the globe with her exceptional depth, maturity and pitch-perfect vocal talent rose to popularity after her showstopping audition on ITV’s Britain’s Got Talent 2020 at the age of 10. Her rendition of the song “Never Enough”, from the musical The Greatest Showman has received over 100 million views on YouTube and other social media platforms. She became a semi-finalist of the show and performed live alongside our children. Tommy Blaize, lead singer of the BBC Strictly Come Dancing band for 20 incredible years, also provided soul and spark during the performance with our paired performances live on stage. The dancing of the Urban Strides group took our breathe away and we learnt lots of new moves which we performed to the live audience of thousands. Young Voices 2025 was simply awesome and our children will never forget the experience.
Elf and Christmas Party Day 2024

Carol Service - Chamber Choir
A huge well done to the children in Year 3 who are part of our Chamber Choir. You, along with the rest of Chamber Choir, led the whole school community beautifully and sang your hearts out! We are all so proud of the progress you've made since September. A HUGE THANK YOU to the rest of year 3 and your grown ups who came to listen and participate in the Carol Service. It was great to see so many of you there! You are all super stars and we are incredibly proud of each and every one of you!
Advent Wreath Making - School Council

Christmas begins at St. Anthony's!
Year 3 knew something was happening outside the window this morning with Mr Sharp and Miss Leonard back and forth with some boxes! It was only when Miss Leonard knocked on the window and asked Miss Taylor to come out were the two new additions to school revealed. We couldn't wait to see the children's excitement so maths stopped (temporarily) and we all went outside to see the magic of Christmas! Look at the children's faces - this is what Christmas at St. Anthony's is all about! Thank you Miss Leonard!!
Christmas Decoration Day!
Advent 2024
As part of our RE topic, Mary Our Mother, the children in Year 3 have learnt all about the Advent wreath and how Catholics use it to prepare for the coming of Jesus at Christmas. Can your child remember...
1) Why the wreath is circular?
2) What the greenery is and what is represents?
3) What the different candles represent?
Miss Leonard was really impressed with what the children could remember in assembly this morning.
I hope you've put your wreath up in your home to help you all prepare for Christmas.
Our First Performance - Chamber Choir November 2024
A huge congratulations to our Year 3 children who performed with the Chamber Choir for the very first time in Whole School Worship today. Since September, they have worked incredibly hard learning the story of Jonah through song! We are all very proud of you and look forward to you leading us in prayer and song at our Carol Service in December.
Year 3 are Musicians: BoomWhackers
This half term (Autumn 2) the children will be learning how sounds are produced and organised. Today the children learnt four new words:
idiophones, membranophones, chordophones and aerophones. Today we focused on aerophones - these are instruments that rely on airflow to make a sound. We explored BoomWhackers, finding all the different ways in which they can make sounds and then discovering which instruments had a high and low pitch. We ended our lesson by using the BoomWhackers to accompany the song 'Shake it off'. We will need to continue our rehearsals over this half term!!
Lego Club Autumn 1
Month of Mary - The Rosary
During October, the children made Rosary beads to help them pray and complete the Mark 10 Mission Rosary Challenge. They have now taken their Rosary beads home to continue independent prayer.
Year 3 are Weather Reporters!
Our Geography topic this half term is 'Weather and Climates'. Year 3 have been exploring different climates around the world and how they differ in weather at various points in the year. Year 3 worked in groups to explore a case study of a location around the world. Their task was to work together to study the climate zone of their chosen place and use their excellent knowledge to write a weather report for the month of November. Year 3 recorded their voices to share the weather news from their chosen location, giving reasons for the weather at that time of year. Mrs Gledhill was so impressed with Year 3 with how they worked together in teams on their projects in order to create a special, Geography masterpiece.
Have a look at our weather reports below! What information can you find out about each location?
Year 3 Weather Report - Seville, Spain

Year 3 Weather Report - Nuuk, Greenland

Year 3 Weather Report - Santiago, Chile

Year 3 Weather Report - Kingston, Jamaica

Year 3 visit the Yorkshire Sculpture Park!

Our Class Texts: September 2024
Year 3 are thoroughly enjoying their Reading Fluency sessions daily on their focus text "Charlotte's Web". The children are reading with intonation, pausing correctly and using appropriate pace, comprehension and fluency. We are so proud of you Year 3.
Art - Making 2d shapes into 3d sculptures
Today, Year 3 used their understanding of sculpture in order to make 2d shapes three dimensional. Our task was to cut 2d shapes from cereal boxes and consider how we could cut, bend and balance them to get them to join together without using glue or sticky tape. All of the children came up with such inventive ways to create their 3d sculptures. Superb!
Remember that when making sculptures, we need to check that…
- It is 3D, not flat.
- You can look at it from different angles.
- You can touch the surfaces.
- It is made by joining things together.
Year 3 Art - Exploring 3d shapes (Introduction to Sculpture)
Today, we began our unit on 'Sculpture'. We learned that Sculpture is...
- Art in three dimensions (3D).
- Big or small.
- Art you can move around to view it from different sides.
- Made in lots of different ways;
- Modelled from one material (like clay)
- Carved (like wood)
- By joining materials together
- Can be interactive. You can touch the different surfaces.
To begin our learning, we explored a range of famous sculptures across the United Kingdom. We reflected on what we could see and how they made us feel. Next, we worked with Mrs Gledhill to develop our ability to draw 3d shapes. We then used these new skills to create a '3d person'. What a super start to our topic Year 3!
Amazing Bodies - Science

Welcome to Year 3 - Your Classroom!

Welcome to Year 3!
Hello everyone and welcome back to school, we hope you've had a lovely summer and are excited about starting Key Stage 2.
We are really looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday and starting a brand new year together. This year is going to be lots of fun and we can't wait to see you growing in maturity and independence.
This half term you'll be learning about
* your skeleton in Science,
* weather in Geography,
* the Christian Family in RE
* sculpture in Art (with a fantastic trip already planned)
and lots lots more.
As always, your learning is a partnership and we encourage you to continue your learning at home by reading daily and learning your spellings for the weekly test.
Our PE days this half term will be Thursday and Friday so we look forward to seeing everyone in full school uniform on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday!
Have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday morning!
From your very excited teachers Mrs Gledhill and Miss Taylor