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St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

Growing together on a journey with Jesus


Year 1

Little Wandle Letters and Sounds - St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

Top Tips for Reading at Home

Gruffalo Crumble!


Year 1 have been working incredibly hard in their English lessons. We have used our class text, The Gruffalo, to inspire different pieces of writing. At the end of the story the mouse tells us his favourite food is Gruffalo Crumble. Mrs Coldman thought Gruffalo Crumble sounded like a perfect Year 1 treat! We wrote a list of ingredients for the crumble so Mrs Coldman knew what to buy. Our lists were so detailed and we worked really hard using our segmenting fingers to help our spelling. Then we made the crumble! Some of the ingredients were the Gruffalo's...

orange eyes (apricots)

black tongue (raisins)

terrible teeth (mini marshmallows)

poisonous wart (green smarties)

purple prickles (purple jellytots)

Year 1 couldn't wait to try the Gruffalo Crumble. It was delicious! We enjoyed eating it while watching The Gruffalo as a playtime treat! Well done on your super writing and amazing baking skills Year 1!

Gruffalo Crumble

Still image for this video

The Gruffalo: Year One Reading - September 2024

Our Year One class are enjoying their daily English lessons in Key Stage 1. The whole class are exploring the key text "The Gruffalo" from Julia Donaldson. The children know the repeated parts of the story and they are very excited to begin to bring the story alive through their storty tray, puppet and even a wonder day at Skelton Grange next week. We can't wait to continue our reading journey. Well done Year One. 

Year 1 Computing (beginning our KS1 curriculum for Computing - September 2024)

Year 1 have been exploring how to use a technology with Mrs Goodwin in their very first computing lesson within the KS1 curriculum. We learnt about the main parts of a laptop and practised turning the laptop on and logging in, following our sequence of instructions carefully. The children applied their learning and knowledge of the different parts of the laptop to complete a mouse-based task using our mobile computers. The children absolutely loved operating the computers today. Well done Year 1!



Welcome to Year 1!

We hope you've had a wonderful summer holiday and are ready for an exciting year ahead in year 1. We are so excited to begin our journey together. We hope you are ready because Year 1 is going to be an adventure: we have so many exciting topics, challenges and opportunities ahead of us in the coming months.  


We will begin our year exploring our two core texts;

The Gruffalo and Own Babies


We will also be learning all about the Human Body and our Local Area in which we live.


This year, our class updates will be posted onto the Google Classroom platform. This includes weekly spellings, copies of letters/announcements and any reminders. Below we have posted some information that will help you begin the year with:


  • Mrs Coldman teaches us Monday-Wednesday and Mrs Goodwin teaches us Wednesday-Friday.
  • Mrs Gallagher and Mrs Dogaru will also be supporting your children in Year 1 to achieve their very best.
  • P.E will take place on Wednesday and Fridays every week
  • Our Meet the teacher meeting will take place this year on Wednesday 4th September 3:15pm.
  • Half termly newsletters (including key dates and spellings) can be found on Google Classroom each week.
  • Come into school every day excited and ready to learn!
  • Practice your spellings every night.
  • Always try your best, remember every day is a new challenge!
  • Read at home every night, focusing your understanding of the text. Remember to aim for quality over quantity of pages read. All books sent home will be in line with our Little Wandle Phonics scheme.
  • One of our favourite quotes really sums up the importance of reading;



 Keep scrolling down the Year 1 page to meet the team and also explore our wonderful learning environment.


We look forward to welcoming you all back next week! 


The Year 1 Team 


