This week's learning
Week 16 - Curriculum Consolidation Task w/b 13.07.20 (Your Journey through Year 5)
Week 15 - Curriculum Consolidation Task w/b 06.07.20 (The Art of Being a Human 2)
Week 14 - Curriculum Consolidation Task w/b 29.06.20 (The Art of Being a Human)
Week 13 - Curriculum Consolidation Task w/b 22.06.20 (Inspirational People Week 2)
Week 12 - Curriculum Consolidation Task w/b 15.06.20 (Inspirational People)
Week 11 - Curriculum Consolidation Task w/b 08.06.20 (Amazing Animals continued)
Week 10 - Curriculum Consolidation Task w/b 01.06.20 (Amazing Animals)
Week 9 - Curriculum Consolidation Task w/b 18.05.20 (1960s continued)
Week 8 - Curriculum Consolidation Task w/b 11.05.20
Martin Luther King - I have a Dream Extract
Week 7 - Curriculum Consolidation Task w/b 4.5.20
Week 6 - Curriculum Consolidation Task w/b 27.04.20
Week 5 - Curriculum Consolidation Task w/b 20.04.20
Good afternoon Year 5,
What a strange start to the summer term this is. I hope you are all continuing to stay safe and look after your loved ones at home. I hope you all had a blessed Easter with your families; Easter is a very special time for us all both inside and outside of school. I certainly missed being in school at this special time. Which of the learning opportunities uploaded for Holy Week did you manage to complete? I look forward to looking through these with you on our return to school. Needless to say, I am sure you all managed to eat lots of chocolate…
Inspired by the Bake Off, I managed to do some baking this Easter: Rocky Roads, Rolo Cookies and Mini Egg Brownies! Considering I haven’t baked in a long time, I was quite proud of myself. I am sure you have already seen that I have tasked you with some Yorkshire themed baking over the next couple of weeks – I can’t wait to hear all about your Yorkshire treats.
Something which is continuing to make me smile is seeing all the fantastic work you are doing at home on our Twitter page. Yesterday, I watched William completing a Joe Wicks PE lesson AND in fancy dress! Good work! I’ve been doing this too – hard work, isn’t it? Well done to everyone who has had a go at this! It certainly makes me feel better for the day ahead. If you haven’t had a go at this yet, why not make tomorrow day 1? We can do some of these together when we are back at school.
I hope you all enjoyed the Curriculum Consolidation tasks set over Easter. I know how much you all enjoyed learning about the Rainforest at the start of the year: that was certainly one of my favourite topics! One of my favourite books is The Explorer which we read together. I am looking forward to seeing which animals you chose to explore - did I mention mine would be a sloth?
I am very excited about the new Curriculum Consolidation task. As explained in Miss Leonard’s letter, this work will be running over a 2 week period all about Yorkshire! I am very proud to be from Yorkshire. I was born in York and as you know, I recently got married in York too! I know how proud you all are to come from this amazing county. You will be spending the next two weeks researching something very special to us: the Tour de Yorkshire! All of your work will come together in one final project to be proud of.
Take care of yourselves and all your family Year 5. I am so proud of you all and hope that you keep up the good work! Have you noticed that one of this week's essentials is to take the time to do something nice for someone you love? What is it going to be?
Mrs Barton
Week 4 - Curriculum Consolidation Task w/b 13.04.20
Week 3 - Learning Opportunities during Holy Week
Curriculum Consolidation Task w/b 30.3.20
Hello Year 5!
I hope you are all well and looking after yourselves and your families! We were very lucky with the weather last week – fingers crossed the sun returns soon. My plants are in need! I wish I had my 'classroom plant waterer' to help out! I hope you all managed to enjoy some time in the sunshine in the garden.
This week, we are extending our knowledge of space. I hope you enjoy learning about Tim Peake – I wonder what our class assembly would have been like if it had been all about his life… I can’t wait to see your letters of application to be an astronaut. NASA certainly needs some of you in the future! I have some good candidates in mind too! I am sure you are using this time to show your parents how hard working and independent you are.
I am enjoying looking back through all of your fabulous work from this year. Seeing the progress that you have made from the start of Year 5 really is bringing a smile to my face – you should be very proud of what you have achieved. Your home learning is incredibly important to keeping up with this progress. A little bit a day will have huge benefits!
I am keeping a close eye on the Rockstars competition between all the boys and girls of St Anthony’s and I have to say I am very proud to see lots of Year 5 children at the top of the leader board – boys and girls! Your Studio speeds are becoming really impressive now. So many of you are now green on my chart. One or two of you still need to complete your base line assessment. You will find this in the Studio section. This allows me to see the improvements you are making in your speed. I am so pleased to see two Year 5 children in the school’s top 10! J Well done!
On our Home Learning section you will now see a Well Done star; this is to say a big well done to everyone who went on Mathletics last week, earning lots of points.
Please know that I am thinking about you all every day. I would love for us to be busy together in St Anthony’s but we all know how important it is for us to stay at home and stay safe! My street has been brightened by colourful rainbows in windows and I am enjoying spotting them on my evening walks – have you made one for your window? What a nice way to spread joy in challenging times. Brighter, more colourful days are ahead!
Take care,
Mrs Barton
Curriculum Consolidation Task w/b 23.3.20
Good afternoon Year 5 ,
I hope you are all well, working hard and enjoying your home learning. First of all, a huge well done to the boys for winning our first boys vs girls Rockstars battle! There were a couple of stand out contributors and I am sure you know who you are! Well done! I have launched a one day only battle for tomorrow. Will the boys be the champions for the second time running?! Can you stop them girls?
I can see that lots of you have already completed your Mathletics challenges - well done! There are some super scores on there. Keep up the hard work! I will be setting new challenges for next week.
I am already looking forward to seeing the work you have completed at home; you always make me very proud with the pride and care you show in your work everyday in school. I just know I will be blown away with your efforts on our return. I imagine you are all Maya experts this week.
Take good care,
Mrs Barton