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St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

Growing together on a journey with Jesus


Year 4

Corpus Christi Procession 2024

As part of our inspirational science week, we spent the day as 'Habitat Hunter's at Nell Bank in Ilkley. This was an amazing opportunity to bring our Science topic to life. We explored the woods and investigated its biodiversity, worked in teams to carry out a habitat hunt and finished the day as pond dippers. We even managed to catch the very elusive Great Crested Newt. What a fantastic day Year 4!

Inspirational Science Week

We have had an amazing week of inspirational Science. Through a bespoke selection of wonderful 'hands on' experiences we have extended our knowledge, skills and passion for this fascinating subject. As part of our topic on habitats, we have explored, collected and analysed data about the vertebrates and invertebrates that live in our outside school environment. We have set up our class wormery and snail habitat which are incredible to enjoy, monitor and discuss.  We have made excellent use of explorify to deepen our scientific thinking and used skittles to find out about diffusion.


In addition, we were very lucky to be visited by 'Science Boffins' and experience a wide range of investigations relating to electricity and we even learnt how to make slime. This day culminated with our very own rocket launch.  In order to enhance our learning about vertebrates and invertebrates, we were thrilled to handle a wide variety of small creatures. These are memories that we will cherish forever!

Good Shepherd Mass

On Tuesday 21st May 2024, Miss Leonard was incredibly proud to attend The Good Shepherd Mass at Leeds Cathedral with Bishop Marcus. Four children represented our school from our Year 4 class, Evie, Lily, Gabriel and Jakub. We presented a cheque for £961 to Catholic Care, who do a first class job of serving our most vulnerable in our Diocese. Bishop Marcus was incredibly grateful for our fundraising efforts during Lent. Thank you all!

We were very excited to be able to extend our knowledge and understanding of the Anglo-Saxons during our wonder day.  We had the opportunity to handle and investigate a wide range of artefacts, learnt how to play an Anglo-Saxon board game together with learning about key aspects of Anglo-Saxon warfare. Our Anglo-Saxon visitor was amazed with our retention of knowledge and understanding of life in Britain during the Anglo-Saxon period. Well done Year 4!

We used our Design and Technology skills to the full to plan, design, make and evaluate our own biscuits.

Watch out 'Bake Off', here we come!

As part of our topic on 'The Digestive System', we investigated the effects that different liquids have on teeth.  We used hard boiled eggs as the shell is very similar to the enamel on our teeth. We conducted a fair test using water, vinegar, cola and orange juice. We were amazed with the results!

Inspired by our History topic, we investigated the features of ancient Egyptian burial masks. We imagined that we were ancient Egyptian mask makers, tasked with creating a burial mask for a pharaoh. We really enjoyed designing, making and evaluating our masks.  We hope that you like them!

Junior Reading Leader Visit to Waterstones for World Book Day 2024

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Our St Anthony's Junior Reading Leaders visited Waterstones in Leeds with Mrs Gledhill for World Book Day 2024! We completed a tour of the bookshop and discovered what it would be like to be a published author in the future. We then explored recommended reads and flicked through award winning children's books. After, we completed a special World Book Day book hunt within the store, excitingly discovering so many new things! With Mrs Gledhill, we explored what each class at school is currently learning about or what they will be studying in upcoming topics. We then chose a range of books we would recommend for each class, then voted on which one we would like to buy based on its content and vocabulary choices. We presented each of these special books to each class during Good Work Assembly. Before leaving, we wrote book recommendations for others to read which are displayed proudly on the shelves of Waterstones. Thank you to Mrs Easton who also accompanied us on this special trip.
I am so proud of you all - you are super role models in spreading your love of reading to others!
- Mrs Gledhill

St Anthony's Catholic Primary School Ofsted 2024

We are Outstanding! - Ofsted 2024

An enormous well done to our amazing Year 4 class - we are so so proud of you all! Following our recent inspection on 22nd and 23rd November 2023 and 25th January 2024, OFSTED have rated St Anthony’s Catholic Primary School as ‘Outstanding’ for its overall effectiveness as a school. As always, the children showed themselves to be hard-working, persevering and kind-hearted individuals. Let's continue to reach for the stars!

January 2024: Year 4 Class Texts

School Council Members - Year 4: 2023-2024

Here are our Year 4 School Council representatives. These members have been elected by their peers, using a democratic process in line with our British Values. These children attend special meetings weekly and conduct roles around school. They represent the views of our Year 4 pupils. Congratulations on this special role during this academic year. We are very proud of you! 

Skip Dance Competition - February 2024

We have worked hard this year to develop our skipping skills.  We used these successfully when taking part in the Leeds Skip Dance competition.  We represented our school brilliantly and had a fantastic time.  We were proud to win so many certificates and come second in the competition. Our hard work certainly paid off!

We made excellent use of our knowledge about electrical circuits when designing a torch for a particular audience and purpose. We worked together and followed our designs carefully when making our torches. We evaluated our completed torches and considered possible refinements.  Well done Year 4 for shining so brightly during this project!

We really enjoyed our 'Geography Wonder Day'. It was a brilliant opportunity to bring alive, celebrate and enhance our topic on France.  We developed our mapping skills when finding about the landmarks of Paris and enjoyed sampling traditional French foods. We worked fantastically together when building models of the Eiffel Tower and enjoyed making comparisons between London and Paris. The children were amazing and it was such a joy to see their enthusiasm, co-operation and love of learning! 

A School of Faith 18.01.2024

Our Year 4 class had an incredible time on their very first residential experience at St Anthony's. This took place at Herd Farm, Leeds from Monday 8th January 2024 to Wednesday 10th January 2024. Every single child in Year 4 embraced every opportunity to work in co-operation with each other, had lots of fun and made many lasting memories.  They took part in special activities such as "The Zip Wire", "Crate Challenge" and "Leap of Faith", as well as taking part in many challenges, walks, quizzes and group tasks. Have a look at what they all got up to!

Christmas at St Anthonys 2023

We used the paintings of Monet to inspire our artwork.  We looked at examples of his work and recorded our personal opinions. We made close observations of his work in our sketch books. We made excellent use of our colour mixing and brush techniques when painting. We evaluated our paintings and considered any refinements. Have a look at our finished pieces, we are very proud of them!

We thoroughly enjoyed our session from D:Side where we focused on the importance of online safety. 

RE: Making Advent Wreaths

Creating Media- Stop-frame animation (Autumn 2)

The children used a range of techniques to create a stop-frame animation using tablets. They created a storyboard showing the characters, settings and events that they would like to include in their own stop-frame animation. Next, the children applied those skills to create a story based stop –frame animation.

2023 - St Anthonys Chamber Choir LMEP performance

St Anthony's: You're in safe hands

Year 4 Statutory Multiplication Check - June 2024

In order to enhance our Geography topic on rivers, we spent the day at Headingley Water Treatment Centre. We furthered our understanding of the water cycle, learnt about the process of water treatment and explored what not to flush down the toilet. The highlight of the day was a guided tour of the centre which was fascinating. The staff were amazed by our existing knowledge and retention of key facts. Well done everyone!

Science: States of Matter

We are learning about the properties of solids, liquids and gases. We investigated the similarities and differences between liquids and pouring solids. We can explain why rice is a solid and not a liquid.

Your Year 4 Junior Reading Leaders 2023-2024

Congratulations to our new Junior Reading Leaders 2023-2024!


As Early Reading Leader, I invited pupils in Years 4 and 5 to apply for the role of Junior Reading Leader at St Anthony's for this academic year. Each candidate filled our an application form and then completed an interview with myself. I was so blown away with the impressive candidates who all demonstrated a strong passion and love for reading, as well as excellent communication and leadership skills.


Each of the students had unique strengths and I know that they are all ready to serve and lead others as our Junior Reading Leaders this year. Using our St Anthony's Reading Spine, along with exploring the planning of each class, our Junior Reading Leaders will be able to recommend and suggest books for each year group. These include your 'Class Favourites', 'Exciting Authors' and 'Non-Fiction Texts' for you to enjoy. You will see our Junior Reading Leaders around school with their special reading satchels.


Each child was awarded a special certificate in Good Work Assembly in recognition for their success.


What an exciting team we have to continue our love of reading here at St Anthony's!


Mrs Gledhill

Junior Reading Leader Interviews with Mrs Gledhill

As part of our process to appoint new Junior Reading Leaders, each applicant was invited to an interview with myself. Each child was able to confidently discuss their favourite books, authors and genres during their interview. They shared detailed descriptions of their favourite characters, settings and plot lines from a range of traditional and contemporary authors, making it clear how much they truly enjoy reading. It was wonderful to hear the recommendations each child would give to pupils within different classes, discussing key themes and challenging concepts. Their enthusiasm for reading was contagious and I am so excited to see this group in action around school!

Well done to all!

Mrs Gledhill

History: Farewell from the Empire Windrush (Autumn 1 2023)

As part of our History topic, we investigated the reasons why people decided to come to Britain on the Empire Windrush. We thought about what they would have been excited about together with what they might miss. We took on the role of a passenger on the Windrush and wrote a postcard to our relatives in Jamaica. In addition, we produced beautiful artwork inspired by the Empire Windrush.

Music: Our Key Stage 2 Chamber Choir


Each week, Mr Leach visits our school to teach our Key Stage 2 Chamber Choir a range of delightful songs.


Our pupils begin with vocal warm-ups before moving on to the focus songs. They also practise a range of singing techniques such as singing in rounds and using a variety of dynamics in each song. Each song recounts a tale or Bible story to further our understanding of some of the messages of Christianity.


We love taking part in these sessions and cannot wait to continue!

Art: Weaving Wheels 16.10.2023

September Mathlete of the Month

Congratulations to Henry who is Year 4's Mathlete of the month. He has achieved 4380 points during September by completing Mathletics at home! Well done Henry we are very proud of you!

PE: Cross Country 30.09.2023

On Saturday 30th September 2023, our Year 4 Cross Country Team took part in their first Saturday race of the season. They met at Middleton Woods to take part in a Cross Country Race against all other schools in Leeds. The children showed their determination and resilience and are looking forward to Race 2 at Cardinal Heenan High School on Saturday 14th October. Well done Year 4! 

                                                                                   Welcome to Year 4  

I hope that you have had a super holiday and are excited about the wonderful year that we are going to share together. I am really looking forward to getting to know you all and helping you to shine brightly in all that you do. I have planned a wide range of creative, challenging and fun opportunities that will give you the chance to showcase your learning in a variety of ways. During our time in Year 4, we will enjoy the writing of C.S. Lewis, find out about life in Ancient Egypt and investigate volcanoes and earthquakes. Throughout the year, we will carry out a wide range of science investigations and make good use of our art and design skills. We will learn about the lives of many important people from the Bible together with preparing and sharing class collective acts of worship. We will enjoy developing our maths skills through problem solving and investigating and will understand how we can transfer these important skills into everyday life.

I know that you are all committed to working hard and will strive to do your best! I am looking forward to our time together and making it a year to remember!

Here are some things to help you:
*Reading every night and making sure an adult signs your planner.
*Working on your spellings and times tables every night.
(An adult doesn’t have to always test you)
*Producing high quality homework which is completed on time.

*Come into school everyday, excited and ready to learn!






Best Wishes

Miss Peacey

End of term

Chamber Choir Concert 2023

Geography Wonder Day July 2023 - Volcanoes and Earthquakes

Our learning about volcanoes and earthquakes was brought to life during our fantastic 'Geography Wonder Day'. Using drama, movement and role play, we explored key aspects of the physical geography of volcanoes and earthquakes. We found out about a wide range of significant natural disasters, including the events in Pompeii in 79AD.  We worked together to prepare and share news broadcasts about what to do in an earthquake.  Our visitor was amazed with our fantastic knowledge and understanding about this interesting topic. This was a wonderful experience that had us all erupting with excitement!

Catholic Care Safer Together Workshop

Year 4’s Safer Together Workshop focused on violence. We explored the definition of violence and excuses that can be made. After an in-depth discussion, we concluded that there is never an excuse for violence. Following this, we explored case studies which involved violence, thinking about people’s feelings, the impact of violence and what could have helped in each situation.

In our D:Side workshop today, our focus was alcohol.  We learnt many things and engaged in discussions around a range of topics, including alcohol and the law, units in alcoholic drinks, drinking alcohol responsibly, how to stay safe, and the reasons why people drink or do not drink.

Geography: Year 4 Exciting Eruptions - June 2023

During Year 4's Geography Topic "Volcanoes and Earthquakes" the children have been learning about where volcanoes are located, how they erupt and what the impact is on the landscape, people and communities surrounding them. The children were so excited to recreate a volcanic eruption on the school field to bring their learning alive. As true enquirers, they had lots of questions! They invited Miss Leonard, our Geography leader, along to see the results! What a brilliant day of learning Year 4.

The Firework-Maker's Daughter (Year 4 Focus Text June/July 2023)

We are thoroughly enjoying our class text 'The Firework-Makers Daughter' by Philip Pullman. It is a wonderful adventure story, bursting with tension and excitement. Inspired by this, we have written diary entries from Lila's point of view. Read about how she ventured bravely through the jungle, fought off pirates and came face to face with a tiger. We have also written powerful character descriptions of 'Razvani the Fire-Fiend'. We have made excellent use of the features of the different styles of writing and we are very pleased with our final pieces.

Exploring History at St Anthony's

First Holy Communion

A huge congratulations on your First Holy Communion. What a special day for you and your families.

DT and Science: Terrific Torches (Summer 1 2023)

We made excellent use of our knowledge about electrical circuits when designing a torch for a particular audience and purpose. We worked together and followed our designs carefully when making our torches. We evaluated our completed torches and considered possible refinements.  Well done Year 4 for shining so brightly during this project!

Our Year 4 class were very excited to be able to show their knowledge and understanding of The Romans in their wonder day. On Monday 15th May 2023, a Roman Soldier came to quiz the children about what they know and can remember, and he was very impressed by what the children could recall. The children have been learning lots of key facts from sources of evidence. Today, they enjoyed handling secondary sources of evidence to improve their knowledge even further. We are so proud of you Year 4. Look at all the fun we had whilst bringing our History curriculum alive. 

Celebrating King Charles III Coronation - May 2023

We are really enjoying our History topic where we are learning about Roman Britain.  As History detectives, we worked in groups and selected our own areas of interest. We carried out research using a range of secondary sources. We noted our findings and presented our learning to the class. The highlight was children discovering what the Romans used instead of toilet paper. A fact I am sure that they will never forget!

Year 4 have been studying two Geography Units so far this academic year. They have most recently been learning more and remembering more about France. Previously, Year 4 learnt all about Rivers, both in Leeds as well as around the world. We have some incredible Geographers in Year 4. When interviewed by Miss Leonard (Geography Leader) in May 2023, Norah (Year 4) stated "I think Geography is quite inspiring because I can learn more about France and other places around the UK, as well as around the world." Divine (Year 4) added "Geography lessons stick in my brain and make me want to visit places all over the world, both now and when I am older." We are so proud to have such enquiring Geographers in our midst in Year 4. Look at some of our work from our Geography books in Year 4. We are very proud of our learning and are getting excited about our final Geography topic of earthquakes and volcanoes in Summer 2!

Year 4 Learning Environment - May 2023

St Anthony's - Curriculum of Excellence

We thoroughly enjoyed taking part in this year's Easter competitions. It was a wonderful opportunity to raise money for Cafod. We created Easter bonnets, gardens and decorated eggs. We hope that you are impressed with our 'eggcellent' creations!

We really enjoyed our 'Geography Wonder Day'. It was a brilliant opportunity to bring alive, celebrate and enhance our topic on France.  We developed our mapping skills when finding about the landmarks of Paris and enjoyed sampling traditional French foods. We worked fantastically together when building models of the Eiffel Tower and enjoyed making comparisons between London and Paris. The children were amazing and it was such a joy to see their enthusiasm, co-operation and love of learning! 

We used our Design and Technology skills to the full to plan, design, make and evaluate our own biscuits.

Watch out 'Bake Off', here we come!

Wacky Inventions

We have really enjoyed learning about the features and structure of explanation texts. We have used these successfully when writing our own explanations about how to use the 'The Air Powered Snow Maker'. We hope that you enjoy them!

Marvellous Music

In our progressive music express curriculum we continue to focus on our planned sequential learning in music for this half term. We very much enjoyed listening to a range of pentatonic melodies. We discussed and compared the musical features and moods of the different pieces and shared our personal opinions. We embraced the opportunity to improvise our own pentatonic melodies on tuned percussion instruments. Well done Year 4! 

World Book Day 2023 - St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

Masked Reader 2023

We love reading in Year 4 and thoroughly enjoyed this year's World Book Day. Our focus on 'The Smeds and the Smoos' was a fantastic stimulus when writing in role as either Bill or Janet. We are so excited about our new 'Reading Pod' and we know how lucky we are!

We have worked hard this year to develop our skipping skills.  We used these successfully when taking part in the Leeds Skip Dance competition.  We represented our school brilliantly and had a fantastic time.  We were proud to win so many certificates and come second in the competition. Our hard work certainly paid off!

Young Voices 2023

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Young Voices: Miss Leonard and Miss Taylor had the opportunity to take a group of children to Sheffield Arena to once again enjoy the
experience of performing live as an audience of over 4,000 children. This is the first time we have returned since Covid, so it was truly wonderful to experience this joy of singing together once again. The children were an absolute credit to themselves, school and their families.

Year 4 Statutory Multiplication Check - June 2023

Getting Active at St Anthony's

We are very proud of our rich diet of curricular provision for PE for our pupils in Year 4. Look at our video to see a glimpse of our active learning.

The Sound of Music at St Anthony's

Our Year 4 children have a rich diet of Music provision through our curriculum. They have a curriculum underpinned by Music Express which is the spine to our long term plan. In addition, our Year 3 children have the opportunity to take part in weekly Chamber Choir led by our Choral Director, Mr Tom Leach, from Leeds Diocese. Additionally, we have provision for piano playing in 1:1 sessions, again provided by expert piano teachers from The Diocese of Leeds Piano Project. Weekly Year 4 pupils also learn the Ukulele, with teaching from Artforms Leeds. What a rich diet of provision. Year 4 also had supplemented provision through musical provision for steel pan drumming to link to their Windrush topic. Well done Year 4.

Inspired by our History topic, we investigated the features of ancient Egyptian burial masks. We imagined that we were ancient Egyptian mask makers, tasked with creating a burial mask for a pharaoh. We really enjoyed designing, making and evaluating our masks.  We hope that you like them!

My Mother Saw a Dancing Bear

We enjoyed reading a range of poems written by Charles Causley. We identified the themes and conventions and shared our personal opinions. We analysed a number of witness statements and annotated the features used.  


Our witness statements are inspired by the poem 'My Mother Saw a Dancing Bear' by Charles Causley. We made good use of the appropriate features and enjoyed using a wide range of fronted adverbials, similes and expanded noun phrases. We hope that you enjoy reading our writing!

When investigating the features of ancient Egyptian burial masks, we made careful observational drawings of the one worn by Tutankhamun. 

On Thursday 19th January 2023, our Year 4 class extended their skill in PE though experiencing lessons in Fencing. This is part of our Well Schools PE Sports Partnership. All the children demonstrated such poise, precision and accuracy with their partners. What a superb learning experience. 

Our Year 4 class had an incredible time on their very first residential experience at St Anthony's. This took place at Herd Farm, Leeds from Wednesday 4th January 2023 to Friday 6th January 2023. Everyone in Year 4 had an amazing time during our residential at Herd Farm and really embraced perseverance and resilience as they embarked on many new exciting experiences. Every single child in Year 4 embraced every opportunity to work in co-operation with each other, had lots of fun and made many lasting memories.  They took part in special activities such as "Giant Swing", "Crate Challenge" and "High Ropes", as well as taking part in many challenges, walks, quizzes and group tasks. Have a look at what they all got up to!

We used the paintings of Monet to inspire our own artwork.  We evaluated our paintings and considered any refinements. Have a look at our finished pieces, we are very proud of them!

Christmas 2022 at St Anthony's

We have been working hard to develop our skills when reasoning and problem solving. In particular, we have been focusing on our written responses. We are now able to apply our skills when answering questions presented in a variety of ways.

Rivers around the World

Inspired by our Geography topic on rivers, we carried out research and found out lots of amazing facts. We investigated the features of non-chronological reports and used our findings to write our own examples.  We hope that you enjoy them!

Geography: Wonderful Water

As part of our Geography topic on rivers, we were very lucky to spend the morning with education workers from Yorkshire Water. We found out about the different stages of the Water Cycle and learnt about the process of water treatment. We explored the causes and effects of river pollution and found out what not to put down the kitchen sink or flush down the toilet. 

You're in safe hands! Safeguarding in Year 4 at St Anthony's

Safeguarding is our top priority at St Anthony's. Please view our video to see some of the many ways we keep our Year 4 pupils safe. We hope you enjoying viewing our video and reading our safeguarding policies below. Our designated safeguarding staff are: Miss Leonard (Designated Safeguarding Lead), Mr Whittle (Deputy Safeguarding Lead), Miss Taylor and Mrs Doherty. Please make an appointment to see us if you have any concerns using
God bless and keep safe

We thoroughly embraced the opportunity to take part in a judo taster session. We worked together brilliantly, learnt new skills and had lots of fun!  

Year 4 Writing Inspired by Our Class Novel, 'The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe' - Autumn 1 2022

Year 4 have been inspired by their class novel, 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' by C.S Lewis. From this, they have all written their own first person narrative titled 'Through the Wardrobe'. Using vocabulary gathered from their class text, they have brought our imaginations to life! Take a look at their super narratives which are proudly displayed in the Year 4 classroom.

As part of our Black History themed week, we explored the work of Caribbean artist Daniel Jean-Baptiste. He is inspired by the tropical nature found in Saint Lucia. We used his beautiful silk paintings as an inspiration for our own pieces.

History: Memories from the Windrush

As part of our History topic on the Windrush, we were thrilled to welcome Alford Gardner into our classroom. He came to Britain on the Windrush in 1948. He shared his memories with us and answered our fantastic questions. This was an amazing opportunity which brought our history topic to life and provided us with a real insight into this momentous event. 

We developed our weaving skills when we learnt how to weave with paper. We then designed and created the bases for our weaving wheels and made excellent use of our skills when working with wool. We finally evaluated our finished pieces and considered any possible refinements.

Farewell from the Empire Windrush

As part of our History topic, we imagined that we were passengers on the Empire Windrush, destined for a new life in the Britain.  We wrote farewell letters to our families explaining our reasons for leaving and included what we were looking forward to. We hope that you enjoy reading them!

Wonderful Windrush

We created beautiful artwork which was inspired by our History topic on the Windrush.

We thoroughly enjoyed our steel pan workshop where we celebrated the music of Trinidad and Tobago. This experience brought to life and enriched our History topic on the Windrush. It also provided us with the opportunity to extend our knowledge of our Science topic on Sound. We worked together brilliantly, demonstrating our wonderful talents!

Year 4 Cross Country: Saturday 1st October 2022 at Middleton Park, Leeds

Our St Anthony's Cross Country Team made their first appearance at the first run of the season at Middleton Park on Saturday 1st October 2022. The weather was a little unpredictable, however it did not stop our Year 4 team running their hearts out! There were some very impressive running performances and we look forward to more races later in the season. Mr Kearney, Miss Staunton-Sykes and Mr Easton (Chair of Governors) were all there to watch, along with our dedicated Y4 parents. Thank you everyone who attended. 

Year 4 Chamber Choir Perform at Leeds Cathedral 12th September 2022

Our Year 4 pupils are part of our well renowned St Anthony's Chamber Choir. This is a highly talented group of individuals who sing in unison and perform at school and across our Diocese. We were invited to perform for Bishop Marcus at the Annual Headteacher's Mass at Leeds Cathedral on Thursday 15th September 2022. The headteachers in the congregation noted our exceptional singing and we were praised by Bishop Marcus. We sung a range of secular songs to link to the mass for the day. I am so proud of our chamber choir members. Well done St Anthony's. 

Finale 2022

Our Year Four children wanted to share with you memories of an exceptional year at St Anthony's. I am so proud of you all. May God bless you all with a super holiday, and I look forward to welcoming you back as Year Five pupils in September!
Miss Leonard

We thoroughly enjoyed working together and applying our PE skills during our Sports Day.  

St Anthony's Chamber Choir Concert 2022

Our Year 4 pupils have taken part in their annual Chamber Choir performance this week. They have lessons each Tuesday, as part of the Diocese of Leeds Schools Singing Programme. These are delivered by an expert Choral Director from the Diocese, Mr Leech, focusing on positive engagement with singing and supporting the Catholic life of the school through sacred music. The sessions offer practical and incremental coverage of areas of the music curriculum - including notation - in a two-year curriculum framework developed by the Diocese, the National Schools Singing Programme and the National Youth Choir of Scotland. Pupils also have the opportunity to join one of the Diocese's acclaimed after-school choirs. You can find online resources that support this work on the Schools Singing Programme's YouTube channel ( Our local Diocese choir is Leeds Cathedral Choir - please contact for more information about joining. We hope you enjoy our singing. We invited our parents too and they were very impressed. We hope you are too. Happy listening.

Magical Music

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As well as being an exceptional pianist, this young lady wowed us with her amazing skills on the glockenspiel.

Our learning about volcanoes and earthquakes was brought to life during our fantastic 'Geography Wonder Day'. Using drama, movement and role play, we explored key aspects of the physical geography of volcanoes and earthquakes. We found out about a wide range of significant natural disasters and re-created what happened at Pompeii. We worked together to prepare and share news broadcasts about what to do in an earthquake. This was a wonderful experience that had us all erupting with excitement!

Ace Club Sports Gala

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Many thanks to Ace Club who provided a wonderful day of sport for the whole school on Friday. It was amazing to see the children enjoying such a wide range of sports led brilliantly by the Ace Club Leaders.

We thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the Ace Club Sports Gala. We participated in a wide range of sporting activities and worked hard to develop our skills.  We worked superbly as individuals and as part of a team.

Congratulations on your First Holy Communion

St Anthony's Marian Procession 2022

We made excellent use of our knowledge about electrical circuits when designing a torch for a particular purpose. We worked together and followed our designs carefully when making our torches. We evaluated our completed torches and considered possible refinements.  Well done Year 4 for shining so brightly during this project!

Year 4 - Liturgical Dance - May Your Love Be Upon Us O Lord

On Monday 16th May, our Year 4 class were incredibly lucky to take part in a very special workshop with More Than Dance. They focussed upon the virtues of kindness and love linking to our current focus virtue across school. During their session, Year 4 mastered, learnt and performed a superb dance to represent their huge love for God. The dance is entitled "May your love be upon us O Lord, as we place all our hope in you! I know God continues to bless each of our Year 4 pupils daily in all they do at St Anthony's and will continue to do so forever. What a beautiful, prayerful example of your faith in action Year 4; I am so proud of you!

Congratulations to Phoebe, Max and Lacey on making your First Holy Communion - God Bless you all!

PE: Football Success for our U11 Team - We Are the Champions!!

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On Thursday 12th May, the football team won the Leeds and Holbeck Cup, following a season of successful teamwork, sportsmanship and skill! Throughout the match they showed amazing team spirit and determination - we are all very proud of every one of you! Well done!

We had a wonderful time during our Roman Day. It was an opportunity to bring our history topic to life.  We selected our own areas of interest and carried out research using a wide range of secondary sources.  We worked together and decided how to record our findings.  We then presented our learning to the rest of the class.   We found out about the importance of Roman mosaics and enjoyed creating our own examples. This was a day to remember!

Skip Dance 2022

We have worked hard this year to develop our skipping skills.  We used these successfully when taking part in the Leeds Skip Dance competition.  We represented our school brilliantly and had a fantastic time.  We were proud to win so many certificates.  Our hard work certainly paid off!

Exploring Faith: Year 4 visit the Gurdwara

As part of our 'Faith Week', Year 4 were very lucky to have the opportunity to visit the local Sikh Gurdwara. This is the place where Sikhs come together for congregational worship.  Mr Deagon welcomed us and led a guided tour.  He explained what makes the Gurdwara a special place and helped us to understand the main beliefs of Sikhism.  He showed us the five symbols, called the five Ks that all Sikhs wear to show their devotion to their faith.  This was a wonderful experience that helped us to further our understanding of the Sikh religion.

Year 4 Parent Zoom Meetings: Thursday 5th May 2022

Join Zoom Meeting: 

(copy and paste this into your browser to join)

Meeting ID: 975 597 0261

Passcode: 2ADnUt

Please enter the waiting room at least 5 minutes before your waiting time. Miss Peacey will let you in as soon as she is available. Thank you for your ongoing support. 

Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Inspired by our RE topic, 'The Early Christians' we thought about how the disciples might have felt after the events of Easter.  We reflected on the gifts and symbolism of the Holy Spirit and discussed how this gave the disciples the courage and ability to spread the 'Good News' throughout the world.  

A Pilgrimage of Faith

Year 4 - Today - Easter Liturgical Dance

Our Year 4 class created a liturgical dance to celebrate the joy of the resurrection at Easter. In a song entitled, "Today" they reflected on the journey through Holy Week, the pain of the suffering of Christ on Good Friday, and then the risen joy of the resurrection. We hope you all enjoy watching Year 4 perform their dance for us all this Easter.
God bless all our Year 4 pupils. What a beautiful way to pray, demonstrate our faith and come together in the glory of this most special time in the liturgical calendar.

Brilliant Biscuits Designed by Year 4

During Spring 2, our Year 4 class used their Design and Technology skills to the full to plan, design, make and evaluate their own biscuits. In a day long Wonder Day experience, Year 4 enjoyed the entire process of being biscuit designers. Ask them all about it! We hope you enjoy all our fun from our Design and Technology learning this half term.

Easter Fundraising

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Well done to everyone who entered our Easter Competitions this year. Watch our photo story to see the amazing bonnets, decorated eggs and Easter gardens - we were amazed by all your entries.

World Book Day in Year 4

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We had a marvellous time celebrating World Book Day in Year 4! All the children looked amazing dressed as characters from our class text - Charlotte's Web. Throughout the day the children visited the Book Hut, used their close reading skills to create Wilbur's Menu and did some delightful web art! We hope you enjoy our video - thank you so much for all your costume efforts!!!

World Book Day 2022

Our whole school celebrated our love for reading on Friday 4th March 2022. We celebrated the 25th anniversary of World Book Day.
Our theme this year was "cooking up a story!". All our children came dressed as chefs, fairy tale characters or a character from their class novel for this half term. Year 4 launched their new text, Charlotte's Web! We also launched our new "Reading Hut" and all our children were able to take home a new free book to share at home.
We continue to read, read, read and enjoy the passion for vocabulary and language. What an amazing day we had. Watch our video to find our more. Happy reading!

Inspired by our studies of Howard Carter and Tutankhamun, we designed, made and evaluated ancient Egyptian burial masks. We are delighted with the results!

When investigating the features of ancient Egyptian burial masks, we made careful observational drawings of the one worn by Tutankhamun. 
We have used this experience to design and make our own.

Year 4 Residential to Herd Farm January 2022

We had an amazing time at Herd Farm.  We embraced every opportunity to work in co-operation with each other, had lots of fun and made many lasting memories.  Have a look at what we got up to!

Festive Fun at St Anthony's - 2021

Wishing all our Year 4 class a wonderful Christmas. What an amazing Christmas we have had. God bless.

We really enjoyed our 'Exciting Elves Wonder Day'. We designed, wrote and presented wanted posters for a naughty elf.  We made good use of our cutting skills when making an elf puppet.  We then designed and made naughty elf door hangings.  This was a wonderful day that we will always remember!

St Anthony's Christmas Carol Service 2021

As part of our Geography topic on rivers, we were very lucky to spend the morning with education workers from Yorkshire Water. We found out about the different stages of the Water Cycle and learnt about the process of water treatment. We explored the causes and effects of river pollution and found out what not to put down the kitchen sink or flush down the toilet. 

We used the paintings of Monet to inspire our own artwork.  We evaluated our paintings and considered any refinements. Have a look at our finished pieces, we are very proud of them!

Information for Year 4 Parents to assist with National Multiplications Test in 2022

Marvellous Maths

Our Year 4 class undertook wonder afternoons to ensure they have a strong retention of knowledge of age related expectations for shape within Year 4. They experienced a Number Fun day, putting their knowledge of shape into many fun contexts, including singing. In class, Year 4 explored 2-D and 3-D shapes, increasing their fluency of knowledge in this area of the mathematics curriculum. They made nets and 3-D models to increase their understanding and applied their knowledge through quizzes, games and a range of maths mastery approaches. Ask Year 4 all about it! Our video below shows highlights from the week across school. I hope you enjoy it!

As part of our Maths Wonder Week, we creatively applied and used our knowledge of the properties of 3D shapes to create our own models using spaghetti and marshmallows. It helped us to name vertices, sides, faces and recognise a wide range of 3-D shapes. We were amazed what we could make from spaghetti and marshmallows! What maths superstars Year 4!

During our Maths Wonder Afternoons, we really enjoyed our Number Fun Workshop. Dave Godfrey came to share his mathematical excellence with our teachers, and show us new techniques to retain our mathematical knowledge. Here we developed our knowledge about the properties of the different types of triangles. We can sing you our song if you ask us! Well done Year 4.

Classifying 2D and 3D Shapes

We worked together to investigate and classify the properties of 2D and 3D shapes in order to assist our retention of key knowledge for 2-D and 3-D shape. We want to be able to have fluency and recall of all our shape facts in order to raise our aspirations for maths. 

We worked together to solve mathematical problems involving squares. We found that the maximum number is 9. We wanted to ensure we could apply our knowledge of shape in many different variations to ensure we had instant recall of known facts to solve problems involving shape. 

Computing: Autumn Topic of Music Making

During our computer sessions with Junior Jam, we learnt about the features of House, Drum and Bass and Dubstep. We used this knowledge when creating our own pieces of music using Garage Band software.

Music: Using graphic notation to enhance our Ukulele peformance

We really enjoy our weekly ukulele sessions. Mr Tong teaches us how to play using graphic notation. We perform a range of songs in unison, reflecting on the dynamics and tembre as we play together. Our ukulele playing is really building on our expertise and knowledge taught in Year 3. We play each Wednesday afternoon. Our teacher leads us from Leeds Artforms and supports Miss Peacey and Mrs Caley to ensure our teaching is expert, sequential and outstanding. We hope to play for you all soon. 

We developed our weaving skills when we learnt how to weave with paper. We then designed and created the bases for our weaving wheels  and made excellent use of our skills when working with wool. We finally evaluated our finished pieces and considered any possible refinements.

The Terrific Tudors

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We had a wonderful time at Temple Newsam. This was an opportunity to really bring alive our History topic on the Tudors. During our visit, we created a timeline to represent the history of the house and found out about its famous owners. We explored the building, found evidence of Tudor architecture and compared this with the present day. We used Tudor portraits and artefacts as evidence of life in Tudor England. We were very lucky to wear replica Tudor costumes and loved learning a Tudor dance. We even saw the bed that was used by Henry VIII. This certainly was a day to remember!

Chamber Choir Concert July 2021

Our incredible Chamber Choir performed a repertoire of their incredible singing for us to end their learning over the year. We hope you love hearing the children singing. They have the voice of angels. We are so blessed.
Well done Chamber Choir. Thank you to Lucy Haigh, our Choral Director who teaches the children so well each week too.
We hope you enjoy our beautiful end of year performance.

2020/21 Finale

On Friday 16th July 2021, our Year 4 class held their annual Sport's Day at King Field in Beeston. The sun was shining and our parents were able to join us for a socially distanced event to celebrate our sporting success over the year. We really enjoyed racing, cheering and competing in a wide range of sports and races. We thank Primary Sports Influence for leading us in our PE this year, along with Mr Whittle, our PE lead. 

As part of our PSHE curriculum, Year 4 were visited by Dave from d:side. During our session, we learnt how alcohol affects the body and discussed why people might decide to drink. We found out about different types of alcohol and explored how to deal with peer pressure when dealing with issues to do with alcohol.

We really enjoyed working in co-operation with each other during the Ace Club Sports Gala. 

Year 4 Chamber Choir visit The Leeds Cathedral

Our Year 4 Chamber Choir visited The Leeds Cathedral to sing a repertoire of songs for The Annual Headteacher's Mass with The Bishop of Leeds. The children sung a large repertoire of secular songs including:


  • On Jordan's Bank the Baptist's cry (C Coffin 1676-1749)
  • Gloria
  • As I went down to the river to pray (Trad Arr; Alex Kyle)
  • The Sanctus (Missa Mundi, John Duggan)
  • The Agnes Dei (Missa Mundi, John Duggan)
  • Brother James' Air (James Bain, Arr, Gordon Jacob)
  • Alleluia, Sing to Jesus (W. Chatterton Dix 1837-1898)


The standard was extraordinary, praised by The Bishop of Leeds and many Head Teachers in our Diocese, with one noted below:

"It was noticeable that not only did the children sing some quite complex repertoire in parts, in tune and with confidence, but they were also clearly paying close attention to their MD, which shows a very professional attitude! Outstanding St Anthony's!"


I am so proud of you all Year 4!

Chamber Choir

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Our Local Area Study

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Year 4 worked very hard during our local area study day. We began the day thinking about where Beeston is; which city, which county, which country and which continent. We also considered its location compared to other areas. We used Google Maps to plan a local route and designed a tally chart to collect our data. We added the possible different types of land use we may find. During our local walk, we collect land use data in a tally chart and took photographs on i-pads. Once we returned to school, we used our data to create a bar graph demonstrating the different types of land use and created pencil sketches using our photographs. We then added these to a local area map. An amazing day of learning. Well done Year 4!
Mrs Coldman

We very much enjoyed our Design Technology Wonder Day.  We discussed which three inventions we considered to be the most important and explained the reasons for our choices.  We found out about famous inventors from the past and reflected upon their legacy.  We took part in a technology workshop and learnt how to use 'Crumble' software.  We designed our own 'Cracking Contraptions' and presented them to the class.

Designing our own torches using our knowledge of circuits.

Our Year 4 class have been extending their knowledge of circuits by designing and making their own torches! Keep shining brightly Year 4. 

Acts of Kindness

As part of our Collective Worship on the kindness, we reflected upon and recorded examples of where we see this virtue in our daily lives.  We have made it our mission to  praise others when we see them showing kindness to others. 

Roman Wonder Day

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Our History Wonder Day was a fantastic opportunity to bring our topic on the Romans to life. During our morning with a Roman soldier, we found out why Emperor Claudius decided to invade Britain. We discovered how to become a Roman soldier and investigated a legionary's kit. We handled a collection of artefacts, such as weapons and armour. We discovered how the Roman army was organised and understand how this led to their success. We experienced how to perform Roman marching and shield drills in Latin.

In the afternoon, we found out about Roman baths and investigated the amenities they contained. We took this as our inspiration to design and make a mosaic for a Roman bath house.

Year 4 & 5 Roman Wonder Day

Year 4 Computing Curriculum - Music Makers

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We really enjoyed exploring the features of ' Dubstep'. We investigated aspects such as tempo, drum beat and wobble bass and learnt how to incorporate a drop section. We worked successfully to create our own 'Dubstep' styled track.

Year 4 PE Curriculum: The development of team games

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Our Year 4 class have twice weekly lessons taught by our PE expert teacher Mr Hanson. Our curriculum is carefully sequenced to develop skill progressively across the year. We know how to move effectively in a game situation and can use a range of passing techniques. We understand the importance of 'fair play' when working as part of a team during a competitive game. Our lessons are built upon in our nightly provision for physical activity through our wide range of after school provision by Ace Club and Primary Sports Partnership. Well done Year 4.

Science Week

Our Whole School Science Week was amazing and a super way to start our Summer Term. Year 4 were so excited. All learning was focussed around prior topics, and topics missed due to lockdowns. The first hand experiences, visits, experiments and content were all carefully planned and crafted to ensure Science knowledge is secure. What an amazing week we had. I am so proud of you Year 4. Miss Leonard and the Year 4 team. We thank our Easton production team for their amazing ability to capture this exciting week to share with you all at home. 

St Anthony's Sensational Science Week: Fabulous Friction

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As part of our work on forces, we investigated friction. We worked together to carry out an investigation where we tested different surfaces. We recorded our results and used these to justify our scientific conclusions.

St Anthony's Sensational Science Week: Mighty Magnets

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As part of our work on forces, we investigated and found out which materials were magnetic and non-magnetic. We carried out an investigation and tested the strength of different magnets. We created graphs to represent our results and used these to justify our scientific conclusions.

St Anthony's Sensational Science Week: Marvellous Magnets

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We used our knowledge of the properties of magnets to design a magnetic game. We followed our designs carefully, made and tested our games. We evaluated them and considered any possible refinements.

St Anthony's Sensational Science Week: Super skeletons and knowledge of the human body

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We worked co-operatively to create model skeletons and label them correctly. We discovered the scientific names for the bones in our bodies. We particularly enjoyed investigating the replica bones!

We congratulate our Year 4 pupils who have made their sacrament of First Holy Communion this year. May God bless each one of them and keep them in his love. God bless you all. Miss Leonard

Year 4 Easter Competition

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Well done to all the children in Year 4 who entered our Easter Competition. We are very proud of you all - watch the photo story to see the wonderful Easter bonnets, gardens and decorated eggs!

Easter at St Anthony's

Holy Week - St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

During Holy Week in 2021, we have been reflecting on the key events of this most important week. Each of our classes have re-enacted important events, shared liturgical dances, songs and prayers. Year 4 have shared their singing of Servant King. Grace shared some key readings from our Holy Week scripture. This truly reflective video shows Holy Week at St Anthony's at its most holy. We hope you can share our learning, prayer and humble praise in your homes with us this year. God bless you all this Holy Week. 

Year 4 - Geography Wonder Day - France

On Friday 26th March 2021, Year 4 took part in an incredible French Wonder Day. Throughout the day, Miss Peacey led the exceptional learning to bring together all the best parts of the Year 4 Geography topic. Year 4 have been locating France, and different regions of France using maps, plans and digimaps. They have explored the main physical and human features that make this place special. Through thorough research, our Year 4 children took their learning to the next level by bringing it alive in a "St Anthony's Wonder Day" with a difference. Our French singing, language, Geographical enquiry and research was magnifique! To top it all off, our Eiffel Tower DT constructions brought a superb end to a brilliant day. So proud of you all Year 4. I know French cuisine will be a firm favourite in Beeston for Year 4 too! I hope you enjoy watching the video of our Wonder Day. Well done Libby (Y4) who has taken her French cooking skills home to share and develop further. I wonder how many Year 4s have done the same! 

Fantastic France

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We really enjoyed our 'Geography Wonder Day'. It was a brilliant opportunity to bring alive, celebrate and enhance our Geography topic on France. The children were amazing and it was such a joy to see their enthusiasm, co-operation and love of learning!

World Book Day - The Rainbow Fish - St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

Hello Year 4,

Happy World Book Day. The theme of our World Book Day this year is "share a story". All our staff in school have made two very special stories for you to share together with your families. We are watching them both today at school, but you might want to share this with your families too.

Keep sharing your love for reading as this is one of the most important gifts we can give our children.

God bless and enjoy,

Miss Leonard


I wish to thank Mr and Mrs Easton for their kind assistance making this reading compilation in partnership with us. 

World Book Day - Franklin's Flying Bookshop - St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

World Book Day 2021

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We really enjoyed World Book day this year. We planned and gave performances from our favourite books where we made excellent use of expression. We met James Nicol and created characters to include in our writing. We wrote stories inspired by the authors Humza Arshad and Henry White where our characters had unique super powers. We chose our favourite book character and made good use of our design skills when making models of them.

Captain Sir Tom Moore

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We very much enjoyed our wonder day where we focused on the life and legacy of Captain Sir Tom Moore. He was a truly inspirational man who touched the hearts of people around the world.

Ancient Egyptian Burial Masks

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We investigated why the ancient Egyptians made burial masks. We looked at lots of examples and then designed our own. We followed our designs closely and used a range of materials to create our masks. We evaluated our work and considered any refinements.

Amazing Artwork

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Inspired by our History topic, Ancient Egypt, we have created some fabulous artwork. We have Egyptian sunsets, sarcophagi and work inspired by Tutankhamun's burial mask. We have used a range of materials including paint, pastels and collage.

St Anthony's Catholic Primary School - Carol Service 2020

Please join us for our 2020 carol service.

Year 4 message from Santa

Chamber Choir - Do you hear what I hear?

Chamber Choir - Once in Royal David's City

Exciting Elves Day

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We had a brilliant time during our 'Exciting Elves Day'. We even met some very special visitors!

Marvellous Monet

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We used the paintings of Monet to inspire our own artwork. We evaluated our paintings and considered any refinements. Have a look at our finished pieces, we are very proud of them!

Rainbow Plates

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As part of our 'Water Wonder Day', we investigated how gravity affects the process of dissolving.

Art: Painting in the style of Monet

Our Year 4 class have begun to paint rivers in the style of Monet. They are exploring texture, colour and exploring techniques used by Monet in their own work. Great work Year 4. 

Year 4 First Holy Communion Preparation: Heart Speaks to Heart

Our Year 4 class are currently continuing their journey of faith, as they begin their First Holy Communion preparation. This is delivered using the programme Heart Speaks to Heart. Miss Taylor is working with our Year 4 children and their families. We are delighted with how hard our children are thinking, reflecting and learning as they continue to grow on their journey with Jesus. God bless our Year 4 class. 
Our Year 4 class have taken part in Family Catechesis to prepare for the sacrament of Reconciliation. On Thursday 22nd October, the children made their first confessions with Father Whitwell. They were each prayerful, respectful and showed such maturity as they continue to grow on their journey with Jesus. God bless our Year 4 children. I am so proud of you all. 


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We have really enjoyed our computing lessons this half term. We have further developed our programming skills and have created our own classic arcade game. Our lessons are led each week by an IT specialist teacher working alongside Miss Peacey.

Marvellous Music

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We are really enjoying the opportunity to learn how to play the ukulele. Mr Tong visits our class each Wednesday afternoon to teach us how to play the ukuele, read music and create our own class compositions. We even performed to Miss Leonard this half term! We are working with a specialist teacher from Leeds Artforms to ensure the highest quality provision for music this year. We are really impressed with Year 4s performance so far and can't wait to see what next half term brings.

Weaving Wheels

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We really enjoyed learning how to weave. We began with paper and then refined our skills when working with wool. We designed our base plates and created our wonderful weaving wheels. After completion, we evaluated our work and considered possible refinements. What a talented class!

Tudor Wonder Day

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We all had a wonderful time during our 'Tudor Wonder Day' when we were visited by Henry VIII and Catherine Parr. We found out all about the Tudor monarchs, in particular Henry VIII and discovered what happened to each of his wives. We investigated Tudor artefacts and discussed what they were used for. We also found out about Tudor food, clothing, weapons and punishments.


Dear Year 4,

                   You are a very special class and I have loved getting to know you. We have shared so many happy times together and I will miss you greatly. Your enthusiasm, humour and love of learning has been a delight. In addition, I would like to thank your parents for their continued support throughout the year. Have a wonderful summer everyone!


Miss Peacey

The Terrific Tudors

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We brought our History topic alive with our Tudor themed day. We found out about the wives of Henry VIII, made Tudor houses and Tudor roses and really enjoyed making and eating Tudor lemon tarts. They were yummy!

St Anthony's Book Week

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We had a fabulous time during our book week. We explored opposing points of view during our drama workshop which was inspired by Julia Donaldson's book, 'The Smartest Giant in Town'. We loved writing book reviews and enjoyed the 'Dictionary Detective Challenge'. As 'Perfect Performers' we shared extracts from our favourite books, making excellent use of intonation and expression in our voices.

Writing in Year 4

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We love to write in Year 4 and can produce high quality writing in a range of styles. We can use the appropriate conventions and make good use of tier 2 vocabulary.

RE in Year 4

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Wonderful Work

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Our work showcases our love of learning across the curriculum.

Amazing Artists

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We love to use our skills of observational drawing across the curriculum.

Tudor Collage

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We really enjoyed learning how to use a range of materials to create a Tudor collage. After completion, we evaluated our work and considered possible refinements.

Tudor Lemon Tarts

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As part of our history topic, we carried out our own research and found out about the types of foods eaten in Tudor times. During our Tudor themed day, we worked together and made Tudor Lemon Tarts. We made excellent use of our measuring skills and timed our baking to perfection. We evaluated our tarts and they were yummy!

Bowland Farm

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We loved meeting the animals from Bowland Farm.

Skip Dance Winners!

Investors in Pupils

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As part of our 'Investors in Pupils' day, we were very lucky to visited by our class governor Mr Nicholson. We interviewed him about his role as a school governor. We found out lots of fascinating facts. Thank you Mr Nicholson!

Amazing Algorithms

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We explored 'Hopscotch' and learnt how to use algorithms. We made good use of our maths skills when calculating what angles to use to create our patterns. Have a look at what we created.

St Anthony's Scientists

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We had a fabulous time during our science themed week. We enjoyed a wide range of exciting investigations and developed our scientific understanding. Have a look at what we experienced!

Incredible Invertebrates

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As part of our science topic on animal classification, we visited Meanwood Valley Urban Farm. We explored a variety of habits looking for invertebrates. We were amazed at what we found!

Weaving Wheels

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We really enjoyed learning how to weave. We began with paper and then refined our skills when working with wool. We designed our base plates and creates our wonderful weaving wheels. After completion, we evaluated our work and considered possible refinements.

Marvellous Music

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We are really enjoying learning how to play the cornet.


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As part of our science topic, we had a wonderful time exploring our school environment searching for different types of leaves. We took these back to our classroom and classified them into different groups.