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St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

Growing together on a journey with Jesus



Year 3 The Cave

Geography, English and Art - Amazon Explorers! (Year 5 - Autumn 1)


Across our first half term, Year 5 have thoroughly researched the Amazon Rainforest across a range of subjects. In English, we have been inspired by Deadly 60 and researched deadly animals that can be found in the Amazon Rainforest, presenting this information in the format of fact files. We have also been inspired by Henri Rousseau, a French artist who painted a series of masterpieces depicting tropical rainforests, creating collages inspired by his works with Mrs Coldman.


What an exciting topic - through independent and structured research, we have developed our knowledge of the Amazon Rainforest using a cross-curricular approach to learning. Feel free to ask us about the Amazon, we're sure to impress with our brilliant information!

Geography and English - Save the Rainforest! (Year 5 - Autumn 1)


This half term, Year 5 have concluded their learning on the Amazon Rainforest by researching the threats it faces, such as deforestation. Even though we understand the dangers it poses, we investigated a range of reasons why people still support it, balancing these ideas with why people do not support deforestation. We presented our findings as a balanced argument, considering both arguments for and against the subject, before ultimately making a decision as to whether we should or should not support it.


To develop our communication and public speaking skills, we then had a class debate as to whether we should or should not support deforestation. Each pupil argued their points eloquently and with confidence - it was amazing to see how well everyone participated in the lesson and worked as a team.

English - Acrostic and Blackout Poetry (Year 5 - Autumn 1)


In our English lessons this half term, Year 5 have been exploring the poetry and spells from The Lost Words by Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris. We have created blackout poetry using hidden spells, and found lost words of our own along our journey of writing.


Year 5 have responded to the spells found, and used these to produce our own poetry inspired by The Lost Words. What words will you seek, find and speak?

Year 3 Performance Poetry: The Sound Collector Poem by Roger McGough

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Year 3 listened to the poem The Sound Collector by Robert McGough. We noticed all of the different sounds mentioned and the different words used to describe the sounds. We thought carefully about which instruments could be used to turn our poem into a performance! We then discussed the instrumental effects, thinking which sounds could be more descriptive, e.g. louder or quieter; repeated; longer or shorter. Have a listen to our final piece!

Year 4 - The Firework-Maker's Daughter

We are thoroughly enjoying our class text 'The Firework-Makers Daughter' by Philip Pullman. It is a wonderful adventure story, bursting with tension and excitement. Inspired by this, we have written diary entries form Lila's point of view. Read about how she ventured bravely through the jungle, fought off pirates and came face to face with a tiger. We have also written powerful character descriptions of 'Razvani the Fire-Fiend'. We have made excellent use of the features of the different styles of writing and we are very pleased with our final pieces.

Year 2's Amazing Non-Fiction Writing! Inspired by our class novel, 'Hodgeheg' by Dick King-Smith [May 2023]

Year 6 - Macbeth

World Book Day 2023 - St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

Masked Reader 2023

In English, Year 5 have been creating their own stories designed to build suspense. We began by reading a story that builds suspense, analysing the features they have used to create a tense atmosphere, such as the use of figurative language and descriptions of setting. We thoroughly enjoyed expanding our vocabulary to elevate our writing, all while developing techniques to improve our writing and build suspense.


Have a read of some of our spine-chilling stories above...

Year 2 Performance Poetry - Peter Pan

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As part of our writing journey, Year 2 have been researching, planning, drafting and editing their own narrative poems based on our class novel, 'Peter Pan' by Caryl Hart. For our publishing phase, we have explored different strategies for successfully performing a narrative poem. This was based on Michael Rosen's Top Tips for Performing Stories and Poems. We created our own success criteria from this, rehearsed and then performed our narrative poems to the class. What amazing work Year 2!

Year 4 - Wacky Inventions

We have really enjoyed learning about the features and structure of explanation texts. We have used these successfully when writing our own explanations about how to use the 'The Air Powered Snow Maker'. We hope that you enjoy them!

Year 4 - Witness Statements

We enjoyed reading a range of poems written by Charles Causley. We identified the themes and conventions and shared our personal opinions. We analysed a number of witness statements and annotated the features used.  


Our witness statements are inspired by the poem 'My Mother Saw a Dancing Bear' by Charles Causley. We made good use of the appropriate features and enjoyed using a wide range of fronted adverbials, similes and expanded noun phrases. We hope that you enjoy reading our writing!

Year 4 - English and Geography: Rivers of the World

Inspired by our Geography topic on rivers, we carried out research and found out lots of amazing facts. We investigated the features of non-chronological reports and used our findings to write our own examples.  We hope that you enjoy them!

Year 5 - English and History: Meet the Maya!


In our History lessons, we have learned about the day-to-day lives of the Maya. We explored the areas they lived in, what their empires were like and how they lived everyday! We then applied this knowledge in our English lessons to write a diary entry from the perspective of a Mayan child. We hope you learn as much as we did!

Year 2 - Celebrating our writing through our own 'World's Worst Children' stories (January '23)

Celebrating Our Writing in Year 2 - January '23

This half term, Year 2 were inspired to write their own 'World's Worst Children' stories after reading an array of fun stories by David Walliams. We used focussed vocabulary we explored within the text, in order to create our own very mischievous characters. We used a range of sentence types to share the stories of our own exciting characters. What amazing young authors you are Year 2! 

Year 5 - English and Geography: Save the Rainforest!


In English, we have been exploring the use of formal letters to persuade. We began by exploring some key features of formal letters to persuade, then linking our new knowledge to our Geography lessons, where we discussed ways in which we can prevent deforestation. This helped to show us the ways we can save our planet - all while becoming brilliant writers too!

Year 6 - Should National Service be Reintroduced? (Balanced Arguments)

Year 6 have completed their own amazing balanced arguments for the following question: Should National Service be reintroduced?

With a purpose to discuss, Year 6 have researched and gathered imaginative vocabulary in order to create their balanced arguments. Take a look at their incredible work above and consider...what conclusion to do you come to after reading their arguments?

Amazing work Year 6!

Reception 2022 -Stick Man Learning -Once upon a Stick Man

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Stickman Family Learning
We invited parents to join our Story Of The Week- Stick Man.
We read the story of Stick Man and talked about what might happen next, what our favourite character was and why.
We discussed the importance of reading stories with children, what types of questions enable children to extend their learning and how books make lifelong learners.
The adults and children joined in learning opportunities around the story, including Christmas decorations for the Stick Man's tree.

Year 2 - Local area walk to develop our vocabulary for our own setting descriptions (November 22)

Year 2 took part in a walk of our local area to visit Cross Flatts Park. Whilst at the park, we used all of our senses to develop expanded noun phrase for the autumnal things we could see around us. Together, we explored some amazing adjectives to describe the scene around us. This experience will really help us when we begin to write our own setting descriptions over the next couple of weeks. 

Just a snapshot of some of the super noun phrases Year 2 thought of are:

"Crunchy, golden leaves"

"Mossy, ancient tree trunk"
"Cold wind softly blowing through the gigantic, bare trees"

"Twisting, brown branches"

What amazing work Year 2! 

Family Learning at St Anthony's

Take a look at our high quality published writing inspired by our focus class novels - Autumn 1 2022

Reception - Outdoor Learning - The Wheels on the Bus

Year 5 - In Flanders Fields

Year 1 Antarctica

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Year 6 - Macbeth

Little Wandle Letters and Sounds - St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

World Book Day 2022

Year 1 Assembly

Year 1 Pumpkin Poetry

World Book Day - The Rainbow Fish - St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

World Book Day - Franklin's Flying Bookshop - St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

Reception - Peter Rabbit

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In response to our interest in Peter Rabbit we planned, wrote and shared our own Peter Rabbit stories. Have a look at our incredible learning journey with our special visitors!

Reception - Superhero Comic Strips

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We have been working so hard over the last two weeks creating our own comic books. Our first job was to devise a fantastic superhero story. We dressed up in the superhero costumes we had designed ourselves and acted out our stories. Once the photographs had been created we used caption boxes and speech bubbles to turn them into a comic strips. Our writing was absolutely amazing! We are getting so good at using our phonics skills to write different words. Once our comic strip was finished Mrs Capaldi made it into a book so we can share our fantastic work. What fantastic little superheroes!

Reception - Supertato

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We have really enjoyed exploring the story 'Supertato' by Sue Hendra. It has been wonderful to see the children so engaged, acting out the story with their friends and exploring the different characters. When we came into school we discovered that we had some vegetables in distress in our classroom, just like what happens in the story. We worked together to investigate the crime scene and make wanted posters to try and find the evil pea. Thankfully, at the end of the day we discovered that Supertato had managed to capture the evil pea in some jelly. We had so much fun and produced some wonderful writing too! Well done Reception!

Reception - We're Going on an Egg Hunt

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We have been learning all about the story 'We're Going on an Egg Hunt' by Laura Hughes. We acted out the story outdoors and thoroughly enjoyed meeting the character of the wolf from the story - he was very friendly really! Once we had become familiar with the text we practised sequencing the events and joining in with the repeating phrases in the text. We even used our phonics skills to go on our own egg hunt around the school, reading the clues and following the instructions, before writing some clues of our own.

Reception - Communication and Language: Finding the Dragon's Egg

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Reception met Dodo the Dragon when he got lost in the school grounds. He went home to his owner Sam but visited us again last week. Dodo had lost his dragon egg and needed our help to find it! We carefully read Dodo's letter, then we searched for the egg. Luckily it had a soft landing in our flower bed. We observed the egg and decided we needed to know how to care for it. We brought the egg inside to keep it warm and wrote some amazing letters to a Vinnie the Vet. Vinnie kindly sent a reply telling us how to care for the egg. I wonder if will hatch before Easter? A huge well done to all of Reception. You wrote some amazing letters and we are very proud of you all!

Reception - We're Going on a Pumpkin Hunt

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In response to the children's interest in pumpkins we have been learning all about the story 'We're Going on a Pumpkin Hunt'. I have been so impressed with how Reception have retold the story using the repeating refrains and applied their phonics skills in their writing.

Reception - Alien Writing Project

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In Reception we aim to inspire the children to gain a love of writing through creative projects. The children really enjoyed creating their own alien models to use in their writing and writing to Beeg, our friendly letter writing alien!

Reception - The Gruffalo

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We took part in lots of different creative activities to further our understanding of 'The Gruffalo' by Julia Donalson.

Reception - Child Initiated Writing

Year 1's Writing

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Year 1 have worked so hard to improve their writing this year. I am so proud of their perseverance, resilience and all they have achieved.
Well done Year 1!

Year 1- The Tiger who came to tea

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Year 1 had a fantastic afternoon when they acted out the story from The Tiger Who Came to Tea. We made our own sandwiches, created tiger masks and made invitations. We all sat together on the carpet and ate our delicious snacks and juice while we retold the story.

Year 1- Fairytales and Dragons workshop

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During reading week Year 1 were lucky enough to take part in a Fairytales and Dragon workshop in order to support their story writing in Literacy. The children watched an incredible performance of The Princess and the Dragon, which they thoroughly enjoyed. The children then had to create their own fairytale land and characters using recycled materials. The workshop sparked the children's imaginations and they came up with some fantastic ideas!
Well done Year 1

Year 2's Wonderful Writing

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This year, Year 2 have really impressed me with their efforts when writing. I am so proud of all of their achievements and hard work. Come and take a look at some of their wonderful work!

Year 3 - English Writing

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This photo story shows the steps the year 3 children have made building up their knowledge for writing; the children are working in groups sorting formal and informal language in preparation for writing letters. These pictures also show the year 3 children reading various shape poems in preparation to write their own based on Ted Hughes' book 'The Iron Man'.

Year 3 Smartest Giant in Town Workshop

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For book week Year 3 were involved in a drama workshop based on the Julia Donaldson book 'The Smartest Giant in Town'. The children had a fantastic time taking on roles of giants, humans and animals! They had the opportunity to design the lay out of their own town and play characters from this in various situations.

Writing in Year 4

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We love to write in Year 4 and can produce high quality writing in a range of styles. We can use the appropriate conventions and make good use of tier 2 vocabulary.

Year 4: Farewell from the Empire Windrush

As part of our History topic, we imagined that we were passengers on the Empire Windrush, destined for a new life in the Britain.  We wrote farewell letters to our families explaining our reasons for leaving and included what we were looking forward to. We hope that you enjoy reading them!

Year 4 Drama Workshop

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We focused on the story 'The Smartest Giant in Town' written by Julia Donaldson. We explored and compared the points of view of the giants and the villagers. We had a fabulous time!

Leeds Children's Mayor Manifestos

Leeds Children’s Mayor (LCM) is an annual citizenship project for primary schools that is now entering its 19th year. Run in partnership between the Democratic Services and Voice, Influence and Change Team at Leeds City Council, the project aims to actively engage children in the process of democracy and promote an understanding of their rights and responsibilities. Year 5 children are asked to write a short manifesto about how they would make Leeds a better city for other children, starting with the following line:

“If I were Children’s Mayor of Leeds I would…”

As a class, we voted for our favourite manifesto which become St Anthony's candidate for the year. A panel of children and young people helped to shortlist them down to a final 12 yesterday, selecting who to move forward to the citywide election and voting stage. We are thrilled that our school entry has made it into the final 12! Let campaigning begin... 

Year 5 Poetry Competition: Happiness and Wellbeing

Year 5 love a writing competition and we found the perfect opportunity to showcase our writing skills! The Merrion Centre launched their 'Write a Happy Rhyme - Win a Great Time!' competition and we jumped at the opportunity! To enter, we wrote poems on the theme of 'Happiness and Wellbeing'.

Year 5 Explanation Texts - How does the human ear work?

Year 5 - Poetry inspired by Pie Corbett

Year 5 - Writing across the Curriculum

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Year 5 are fantastic authors who love to write! Take a look at some of our fantastic writing from across the curriculum!

Year 5 - Sharing our 'Just So Stories'

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Year 5 have been working incredibly hard on their 'Just So Stories' inspired by Rudyard Kipling. Over the last few weeks, we have planned, drafted, edited and published our own stories. Some of these include 'How the owl got his wings', 'How the ostrich got his neck', 'How the whale became so big' and much much more! 'Just So Stories' were written to be read aloud - commonly as bed time stories. Today we gave our writing a real audience: Year 2! We read our stories to a partner and shared our fantastic work.

Year 5 - Creative Writing Workshop at Leeds Central Library

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Year 5 joined the bestselling children’s author, James Nicol, for a creative writing workshop at Leeds Central Library. We had a fantastic afternoon and are filled with many story ideas. At the end of the workshop, we had a question and answer session all about life as an author. James gave us lots of top tips for writing and we can’t wait to try them out in the classroom! Thank you!

Year 5 - Beowulf and Warriors Drama Workshop

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Year 5 had a special drama workshop celebrating Beowulf. Using narration and working in role,we experienced the story from the point of view of warriors who follow Beowulf on a journey across the Baltic sea to avenge his father’s allies of a monstrous human called Grendel.

Year 6 - Macbeth 'A Play in a Day'

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On Wednesday 16th March, Year 6 participated in ‘Macbeth – A Play in a Day’ which was led by Leigh, from Splats Entertainment. What a day we all had! The children we split into four different groups and all led a different act from Macbeth with the help from another group too. The children enhanced their teamwork, co-operation, listening, communication and acting skills and were simply superb throughout the day. The day ended by all Year 6 performing the tragedy of Macbeth to Year 5 – what an achievement in one day!

Year 6 - World Book Day

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On Friday 4th March, Year 6 celebrated World Book Day. We all came dressed up to school with a range from Macbeth and Lady Macbeth (based on our class text) to Lord of the Rings and Percy Jackson characters. We had a wonderful day selecting our own book from the Little Book Hut, solving a mystery using statistics in maths and creating freeze frames from the scene in Macbeth where King Duncan is murdered. Take a look at the videos above and below to see it all....

Year 6 - Macbeth Freeze Frames

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Year 6 - Macbeth

This half term, Year 6 have been studying Macbeth. We have all enjoyed taking it in turns to read as the different characters and have had some outstanding cackling witches in particular! In our writing, we have produced excellent newspaper articles to inform the residents of Glamis of King Duncan’s murder and showcased our understanding of showing shifts in formality by using formal conventions in the description and informal conventions in the quotations used. Finally, we ended the unit by creating poems inspired by the Three Weird Sister’s potions – they are revolting! Have a look above at some of the freeze frames created of the witches…

Year 6 Quest Chapters

During Spring 2, Year 6 read BarrowQuest (a non-linear story) and were all hooked by the different challenges the main character (Lin) faced! After we finished this, we created our own Quest Map and were all assigned a different chapter to write. We understood the importance of ensuring each chapter contained a dangerous element that our main character must face as well as showing courage and including a magical element or a puzzle too. Furthermore, we tried hard to include dialogue which advanced the action whilst also using informal conventions within this speech. The final drafts are found in the Year 6 shared area and classroom, come and have a read!

In Year 6, we have all worked incredibly hard to improve our writing this year. We have written a wide range of genres and thought carefully about who our audience is and what the purpose of the text is. Whenever we have started a new genre, we always read an example and annotate the different features as well as conducting research (if it is non-fiction) or reading more examples (if it is fiction). Once we have learnt new grammar and punctuation linked to the genre, we will then complete a first draft. Afterwards, Mrs Nicholson or our writing partners will assess our work and we use green pen to make improvements. Finally, we complete a final draft which could be chosen for display. Have a look at the photographs above of our Quest chapters, Nelson Mandela biographies and Macbeth diary entries…

Year 6's Macbeth Day

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On Monday 9th March, Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed their visit from SPLATS Entertainment! The class were split into four groups and each group rehearsed an act from the play written by William Shakespeare. To end the day, the children performed Macbeth to Year 4, Year 5 and some of their parents. It was a wonderful experience and is really going to help inspire their diary writing from Macbeth's perspective.

Year 6's Beowulf and the Warriors Workshop

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On Wednesday 4th March, Year 6 participated in a 'Beowulf and the Warriors' workshop - it was a wonderful afternoon! We learnt that Beowulf is the oldest story in written form from England and dates back between the 8th and 10th Century. We completed several activities throughout the afternoon:
1. Created our own imaginery swords and used superb vocabulary to describe them as well as create a backstory as to how we acquired the sword.
2. Became warriors within a mead hall and shared tales of our recent battles - there was a little exaggeration at this point!
3. Used freeze frames to show our warrior qualities in the hope that Beowulf would choose us to join his army.