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St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

Growing together on a journey with Jesus


Year 5

In our Summer 2 half term, Year 5 have explored their local heritage through our Yorkshire coal mining topic. We explored the cultural and national changes that have occurred since the beginning of the 19th Century, investigating what life used to be like for the children of the lower class families.


We have explored some of the most significant changes to the coal mining industry, such as the 1842 Mines and Collieries Act which prohibited all women and girls and boys under the age of ten from working underground. We also discovered that this led to an increase in the number of pit ponies that worked in the mines too!


Finally, we explored how the north of England was affected by the closing of over twenty mines and collieries, resulting in national strike action and the long-term impacts this set.


This has been an extremely exciting topic to study and I have been blown away by your fantastic knowledge. Keep up the good work!

Corpus Christi Procession 2024

To celebrate British Science Week 2024, St. Anthony's held our own Inspirational Science Week for each of our pupils. We were visited by many exciting guests and workshops!


On Monday, we were visited by Science Boffins, who showed us a Fabulous Flames workshop where we took part in fiery science practicals and formed a human circuit!


On Tuesday: Aqualease Rockpools visited our school with two workshops. We had the opportunity to observe, hold and pet some aquatic creatures such as starfish, crabs, anemone and many more, linking facts about these creatures to our Science topics. Did you know that some starfish are able to reproduce asexually?


On Wednesday, we were visited by our partnership schools, St. Joseph's Hunslet and St. Francis Morley, and took part in a fascinating investigation where we took cuttings from a parent plant in an attempt to clone it. Check back each week for updates on how are plants are (hopefully) growing!


On Thursday, we began our new chemistry topic: reversible and irreversible changes. We began by describing the changes that happen to soluble solids, such as sugar and salt, when they are stirred in a liquid. These solids dissolve, turning the liquid into a solution.


Finally, on Friday, Years 5 and 6 created our own bath fizzies using a range of household ingredients. We explored the science behind how bath fizzies work and used our scientific vocabulary from our new topic to explain the chemical reaction that occurs when an acid and an alkali react with each other!


What a fantastic week of inspirational learning - we hope you have all been fascinated by what you have seen this week!

Science - Cloning Flowering Plants (Summer 1 and 2)

In Science this week, we have used all the knowledge we have acquired about how plants reproduce to plan and conduct an investigation exploring the cloning of flowering plants.


Usually, flowering plants reproduce via sexual reproduction (pollination). However, by taking careful cuttings from the flowering plants and dipping them in a rooting powder, we should be able to stimulate new root growth and clone the parent plant to form identical offspring. This is a form of asexual reproduction as only one parent plant is involved.


We will measure each of our new plants to determine which type of plant cutting produces the tallest plant - check back each week for updates as we continue to monitor the growth of our plants.

Inspirational Science Week

Uploaded by St Anthony's Catholic Primary School on 2024-06-04.

Our Pentecost Performance! (Summer 1 2024)

On Friday the 17th of May, Year 5 performed our Pentecost class assembly. Over the half term, we explore some of the most significant events in the Christian faith, such as Good Friday and Easter Sunday, the Resurrection, the Ascension and Pentecost. The children acted brilliantly and choreographed and performed some of their new favourite songs - we hope you enjoyed watching our performance as much as we did performing it!

English and History - Ancient Greek Plays (Spring 2)

Over Spring 2, Year 5 have been learning about the Ancient Greeks - their history, their culture and their legacy. As part of this, we have investigated their plays, which were often inspired by Ancient Greek mythology, writing our own versions to perform for our class.


We worked in teams to bring our visions to life, re-enacting some of the most famous Greek myths, such as Theseus and the Minotaur, Perseus and Medusa and Pandora's Box.


Please have a look at our fantastic performances above!

Junior Reading Leader visit to Waterstones for World Book Day 2024

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Our St Anthony's Junior Reading Leaders visited Waterstones in Leeds with Mrs Gledhill for World Book Day 2024! We completed a tour of the bookshop and discovered what it would be like to be a published author in the future. We then explored recommended reads and flicked through award winning children's books. After, we completed a special World Book Day book hunt within the store, excitingly discovering so many new things! With Mrs Gledhill, we explored what each class at school is currently learning about or what they will be studying in upcoming topics. We then chose a range of books we would recommend for each class, then voted on which one we would like to buy based on its content and vocabulary choices. We presented each of these special books to each class during Good Work Assembly. Before leaving, we wrote book recommendations for others to read which are displayed proudly on the shelves of Waterstones. Thank you to Mrs Easton who also accompanied us on this special trip.
I am so proud of you all - you are super role models in spreading your love of reading to others!
- Mrs Gledhill

This week, St. Anthony's celebrated world book day. Our school reading leaders visited Waterstone's to select a range of exciting books for each class to support their learning. We were very lucky to receive a detailed guide on Ancient Greece!


We then explored a range of archaic books from our literary heritage. Our class novel was Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, which was published almost 140 years ago! We continued our version of the famous story, created artistic masterpieces depicting our own versions of Wonderland and had a Mad Hatter's tea party!


What an exciting day, we hope you all enjoyed our celebrations!

St Anthony's Catholic Primary School Ofsted 2024

School Council: Year 5 (2023-2024)

Here are our Year 5 School Council representatives. These members have been elected by their peers, using a democratic process in line with our British Values. These children attend special meetings weekly and conduct roles around school. They represent the views of our Year 5 pupils. Congratulations on this special role during this academic year. We are very proud of you! 

Year 5 Class Texts (Spring 1)

In Spring 1, Year 5 celebrated the culmination of their Physics learning by celebrating our annual Space Wonder Day!


In Autumn 2, Year 5 explored the vast expanse of space and the many celestial bodies across our solar system, which was supported by our learning this half term where we studied the properties of materials. We reflected on all of our learning and designed space suits that would be appropriate for astronauts to wear in the vacuum of space.


We then practised drawing single-point perspective scenes inspired by the artwork of the renowned artist Peter Thorpe.


We had a fantastic day - it was truly out of this world!

Y5/6 Premier League Primary Stars Final @ Leeds United Training Ground (Thorp Arch)

After successfully qualifying from the South Leeds heat in October, our Y5/6 football team competed against the best teams from across the north/east/west of Leeds at the Leeds United Training Ground on Monday morning. 

The boys competed magnificently, going through to the semi finals and losing 2-0 to the eventual winners of the tournament. We are so proud of their achievements in reaching the final 4 schools from a total of over 80 schools that initially entered. 

The boys had a wonderful day which was made even sweeter when they met one or two familiar faces (Dan James, Archie Gray and Cryscensio Summerville of Leeds United took time out of their day to speak to the boys and sign shirts and memorabilia). Well done to all involved. 

A School of Faith 18.01.2024

Young Voices Performance at Sheffield Arena - 09.01.2024

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This week, the Young Voices Choir visited Sheffield Arena to perform as part of a choir of over 4,000 children for the Young Voices concert. What an exciting evening! The children experienced performing in a life-size arena, to an audience of over 10,000 people! They experienced live performances of singing, music and dance performed live! There was a huge buzz and the children were absolutely awesome! Well done to our Young Voices Choir 2024!

English and History - Viking Raids and Invasions (Autumn 2)


This half term, Year 5 have been exploring the Viking age of Britain, comparing a range of sources of evidence to decide whether the Vikings came to invade or settle on British land.


Our learning journey began by using atlases to explore the lands the Vikings came from and the geographical conditions there, speculating why the Vikings may have come to settle in Britain.


We have used and analysed a range of sources to inform our research, including authentic Viking artefacts from the Barnsley Experience. It was extremely important to consider whether each source was a primary or secondary source, as well as whether each source was biased.


We ended our topic by re-enacting two of the most significant battles of the Viking age of Britain - the Battle of Stamford Bridge and the Battle of Hastings.


We then linked our Vikings knowledge from History into our English lessons where we planned, drafted and edited and published newspaper articles set in 793AD after the very first Viking raid in England. This included witty headlines, moving quotes from eyewitnesses and beautifully illustrated images and captions.


This has been an extremely exciting topic to study, which we will be sure to revisit often. Feel free to ask us any questions about the Vikings - we are sure to blow you away with our knowledge!

Robinwood Residential Experience 2023-2024 (December 2023) 

As part of our personal development curriculum, our Year 5 class took part in their three day residential experience in Wales. They participated in a range of personal challenges including the crate challenge, zip wire, pirhanna pool as well as many more. The children build resilience and were totally amazing! 

Christmas at St Anthonys 2023

Making Advent Wreaths

Music of the Starry Night - Performing an Ostinato [Monday 27th November]

Today, we have been developing the use of dynamics in a song through listening to music, focusing on the dynamics and texture. We learnt a melodic ostinato using staff notation and performed with confidence. Year 5 really impressed Mrs Gledhill with their discussions of how the ostinato demonstrated the Starry Night images and described what it helped us to imagine. We finished by performing our ostinatos and then drawing an 'Album Cover' for what we imagined when we listened to the Soundscape. Well done Year 5!

Performing our Ostinatos

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Computing - Video production (Autumn 2)

The children learnt how to create short videos by working in pairs or small groups. They enjoyed experimenting with different camera angles - considering how different camera angles could be used for different purposes. Using a storyboard they explored a variety of filming techniques. Our storyboards described each scene, and included a script, camera angles, and filming techniques. We then used these storyboards to film the first scene of the videos.

2023 06 St Anthonys Chamber Choir LMEP performance

St Anthony's: You're in safe hands

This week, Year 5 and 6 were lucky to hear some folk music! These outstanding musicians took on a journey around the world explaining the history of folk music. We were taught about lots of different instruments, we were taught how to dance with the music as accompaniment and we were even taught how to sing some famous folk songs as a call and response. The children were outstanding and showed a real passion for a variety of music!

Design & Technology Stuffed Toys - Design Phase

Year 5 have designed their stuffed toys! After conducting our research about what components a stuffed toy would need to be successful and which stitch we would need to use, we explored a range of designs. We then discussed these designs with one another to consider which design would be the most suitable. Mrs Gledhill was so impressed with how we all recognised that a blanket stitch would be a good choice for stitching in order to strengthen the edge of the material so the stuffing of the toy doesn’t come out. We labelled our designs using the key words on our Knowledge Organisers. Well done Year 5 – I can’t wait to see your designs come to life in the next phase of your learning…making!

Design & Technology Stuffed Toys - Research Phase

Year 5 have had a fantastic afternoon researching the key components needed to make a successful stuffed toy. Our design brief is to make a stuffed toy for a 7 year old child who likes animals.


We considered the following questions in our research:

- How are stuffed toys made?

- How are the different pieces joined together?

- What equipment do you think you will need to make a stuffed toy?

- What appendages can you see?


Mrs Gledhill was so impressed with the facts we researched and the information we gathered. We recognised that materials need to be cut and stitched in order to make the toy. Then, they need stuffing and shaping to create the perfect shape and huggable softness. Then we considered the quality control measures which will be put in place to make sure that the toy is safe to use. Well done Year 5!

Our Learning Environment (Autumn 1)

Geography and English - Save the Rainforest! (Autumn 1)


This half term, Year 5 have concluded their learning on the Amazon Rainforest by researching the threats it faces, such as deforestation. Even though we understand the dangers it poses, we investigated a range of reasons why people still support it, balancing these ideas with why people do not support deforestation. We presented our findings as a balanced argument, considering both arguments for and against the subject, before ultimately making a decision as to whether we should or should not support it.


To develop our communication and public speaking skills, we then had a class debate as to whether we should or should not support deforestation. Each pupil argued their points eloquently and with confidence - it was amazing to see how well everyone participated in the lesson and worked as a team.

Geography, English and Art - Amazon Explorers! (Autumn 1)


Across our first half term, Year 5 have thoroughly researched the Amazon Rainforest across a range of subjects. In English, we have been inspired by Deadly 60 and researched deadly animals that can be found in the Amazon Rainforest, presenting this information in the format of fact files. We have also been inspired by Henri Rousseau, a French artist who painted a series of masterpieces depicting tropical rainforests, creating collages inspired by his works with Mrs Coldman.


What an exciting topic - through independent and structured research, we have developed our knowledge of the Amazon Rainforest using a cross-curricular approach to learning. Feel free to ask us about the Amazon, we're sure to impress with our brilliant information!

Your Year 5 Junior Reading Leaders 2023-2024

Congratulations to our new Junior Reading Leaders for 2023-2024!

As Early Reading Leader, I invited pupils in Years 4 and 5 to apply for the role of Junior Reading Leader at St Anthony's for this academic year. Each candidate filled our an application form and then completed an interview with myself. I was so blown away with the impressive candidates who all demonstrated a strong passion and love for reading, as well as excellent communication and leadership skills. 

Each of the students had unique strengths and I know that they are all ready to serve and lead others as our Junior Reading Leaders this year. Using our St Anthony's Reading Spine, along with exploring the planning of each class, our Junior Reading Leaders will be able to recommend and suggest books for each year group. These include your 'Class Favourites', 'Exciting Authors' and 'Non-Fiction Texts' for you to enjoy. You will see our Junior Reading Leaders around school with their special reading satchels. 

Each child was awarded a special certificate in Good Work Assembly in recognition for their success. 

What an exciting team we have to continue our love of reading here at St Anthony's!

Mrs Gledhill

Junior Reading Leader Interviews with Mrs Gledhill

As part of our process to appoint new Junior Reading Leaders, each applicant was invited to an interview with myself. Each child was able to confidently discuss their favourite books, authors and genres during their interview. They shared detailed descriptions of their favourite characters, settings and plot lines from a range of traditional and contemporary authors, making it clear how much they truly enjoy reading. It was wonderful to hear the recommendations each child would give to pupils within different classes, discussing key themes and challenging concepts. Their enthusiasm for reading was contagious and I am so excited to see this group in action around school!

Well done to all!

Mrs Gledhill

Music - Our Key Stage 2 Chamber Choir


Each week, Mr Leach visits our school to teach our Key Stage 2 Chamber Choir a range of delightful songs.


Our pupils begin with vocal warm-ups before moving on to the focus songs. They also practise a range of singing techniques such as singing in rounds and using a variety of dynamics in each song. Each song recounts a tale or Bible story to further our understanding of some of the messages of Christianity.


We love taking part in these sessions and cannot wait to continue!

Faith in Action: Our Visit to Leeds Grand Mosque

Citizenship - The British Values


Each and every day, the pupils in Year 5 reflect on the British Values and how they are implemented in our school. This takes place in a variety of ways such as democratically electing school council representatives to support our understanding of Democracy. We also establish class rules and routines at the start of the year to reinforce our knowledge of The Rule of Law.


Our pupils are very keen to further develop their knowledge of this vital topic and we will continue to explore these through the year.

Celebrating Christianity - Our First Holy Communion


A huge congratulations to Kara in Year 5 for completing her First Holy Communion! As a school and a community, we are immensely proud of the hard work and effort you have put in to achieve this. 


May God bless you and your family as you continue along your journey of faith!

Northern Ballet and Music - Session 5 (Autumn 1)

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For our final session this half term, Year 5 completed their topic on The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. We explored the relationship between Bruno and Shmuel, developing our movements inspired by the pair. We continued to support our Music learning by investigating a greater range of vocabulary expected of an Upper Key Stage 2 class and explaining how that terminology influences the atmosphere of a performance.


We have loved our sessions with Northern Ballet so far and we are extremely excited to resume after half term!

RE - Year 5 and 6's Trip to Leeds Grand Mosque (Autumn 1)


Today, Year 5 and 6 visited Leeds Grand Mosque to support our understanding of other cultures and faiths. As part of our RE learning, we were introduced to the Mosque and how it is used, including some of it's customs and traditions such as taking our shoes off and washing our hands before we enter.


We were then taught about Islam and some of the similarities the faith shares with Christianity and Judaism. What an enlightening opportunity for our school, we have thoroughly enjoyed our visit!

KS2 Girl's Football 18.10.2023

Northern Ballet and Music - Sessions 3 and 4 (Autumn 1)

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Year 5 have continued their learning as part of the RISE project with Northern Ballet. In our third session, we explored the relationships between characters in Peter Pan and how different characters felt during certain scenes from the ballet. We then explored how professional ballet artists would express the feelings of characters through their movements in a performance, linking this understanding closely to our Feelings Thermometer.


In our fourth session, Year 5 began exploring a new ballet: The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. The class were engaged and mature whilst exploring the serious themes of the performances. We developed our understanding of how ballet artists express emotion through their movements by exploring the characters of Bruno and Shmuel, discussing why their movements were vastly different.


Our partnership with Northern Ballet through the RISE project has also supported our Music learning this half term, introducing and reinforcing a range of vocabulary expected to be used in Upper Key Stage 2 lessons and exploring the messages music conveys through its tone and how it is played.


We are so thrilled to have taken part in these engaging sessions - we cannot wait for more!

Geography - Roundhay Park and Tropical World (Autumn 1)


On Monday the 16th October 2023, Year 5 visited Roundhay Park and Tropical World to support our Geography learning from this half term. We took part in a rainforest workshop in Roundhay Park where we calculated the age of trees based on their height and the circumference of their trunks before identifying which levels of the Amazon Rainforest a variety of animals can be found on.


We then took part in a self-led tour around the Tropical World zoo and aquarium where we learnt many interesting facts about the animals that inhabit the rainforests of the world. Have a look below to see our exciting day!

Geography - Sam's Safari Rainforest Workshop (Autumn 1)


To support our Science and Geography learning this half term, Year 5 have engaged in a fantastic Rainforest Animals workshop provided by Sam's Safari. We learnt about the different types of rainforests (tropical and temperate) and interacted with some of the many animals that live there. We also explored how some of those animals have adapted to survive in the extreme conditions of the Amazon and how they are different to their counterparts from around the world!


What an exciting morning!

Northern Ballet and Music - Sessions 1 and 2 (Autumn 1)

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This half term, Year 5 have began their exciting partnership with Northern Ballet, taking part in their RISE project. In our first two sessions, we have explored the Feelings Thermometer, learning to express ourselves and our emotions through the medium of dance. To develop this, we also listened and responded to piano accompaniments used in our ballet activities, discussing the emotions the music conveys and how. This has involved a discussion of tempo and dynamics, as well as an exploration of the key features and vocabulary of music, such as crescendos, diminuendos and time signatures. 


We have also explored our first Northern Ballet performance - Peter Pan. This has linked closely with our PSHE lessons on mental health where we have explored the feelings associated with growing up and why we think the Lost Boys may stay in Neverland.


Above is a clip from our first session with Northern Ballet. Our pupils learnt a series of basic movements before performing them to a piano accompaniment. We also had the opportunity to explore simple time signatures in music, such as 4/4 and 8/8 timings.


We cannot wait to continue with the RISE project!

Science - Forces and Motion (Autumn 1)


This half term, Year 5 have explored the forces that affect us in our daily lives, with a particular focus on gravity, friction and air resistance. To consolidate this learning, Year 5 planned, conducted and reflected a practical measuring how air resistance affects the speed at which objects fall, based on surface area. These results were recorded in a table and discussed as a class, comparing the results with our hypotheses.

Computing - Systems and Searching (Autumn 1)


This week, Year 5 have begun our first Computing topic of the year - Systems and Searching - with Mrs Shelton. This has included exploring what is meant by a 'system' and identifying the processes that are involved in how systems work.


We also explored how larger computer systems work in real life, and began using search engines to find information before refining our results. We cannot wait to continue our Computing learning this half term!

History, Geography and Science - Mount St. Mary's Taster Afternoon (Autumn 1)


This week, Years 5 and 6 visited Mount St Mary's Catholic High School where we took part in a range of exciting high school lessons in History, Geography and Science.


In History, we investigated and analysed sources and evidence to solve a mystery. In Geography, we studied the food supply chain, exploring who is involved in producing the food we can buy from our supermarkets. We also considered how much each participant should be paid for the work they put into our foods and whether their pay was fair or not.


In Science, we created indicators using the juice from red cabbage. By carefully adding this liquid to our test tubes using pipettes, we could see whether the mystery liquids were acids, alkalis or neutral materials based on the colour they changed with the indicator.


What an exciting day, we cannot wait to visit again next year!

English - Blackout and Acrostic Poetry (Autumn 1)


In our English lessons this half term, Year 5 have been exploring the poetry and spells from The Lost Words by Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris. We have created blackout poetry using hidden spells, and found lost words of our own along our journey of writing.


Year 5 have responded to the spells found, and used these to produce our own poetry inspired by The Lost Words. What words will you seek, find and speak?

French Lessons at St Anthony's

Welcome to Year 5!


Hello all, and welcome to a new school year at St. Anthony's! We are so excited to share where you will be learning this school year and hope you are as excited to return as we are.


We have many exciting topics, events and activities planned for this year, which we cannot wait to share with you! We are looking forwards to working with each and every one of you, helping you to learn and grow. I am sure we will make this a memorable school year!

End of term

Design and Technology: Healthy Vegetable Samosas

As part of our 'Keeping Healthy' theme for the half term, Year 5 have examined, designed and followed a set of instructions to bake healthy vegetable samosas. These were packed full of robust and nutritious ingredients and substituted unhealthy ingredients or methods for more healthy ones.


We had so much fun making these and can't wait to see what other healthy foods we can make ourselves!

Chamber Choir Concert 2023

PSHE: Our visit from Catholic Care and d:side

This week, as part of our PSHE topics, we were visited by both Catholic Care and d:side who shared with us some very important ways of staying safe. With Catholic Care, we explored keeping secrets and the importance of sharing information with adults if we feel it is important. With d:side, we continued what we learnt in our drug and substance awareness sessions, exploring the potential hazards of using electronic cigarettes.


We learnt much about staying safe and sharing important information with adults - what an informative day!

MFL: Our Visit From Mount St. Mary's

This half term, we have been visited by Madame Foster, a teacher of Modern Foreign Languages from Mount St. Mary's Catholic High School. We continued our learning of languages, developing our skills and conversations in French. We also learnt about the fantastic work the pupils at Mount St. Mary's complete as part of their MFL lessons. We cannot wait for our next visit!

Britain's Got Talent

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Can you spot one of your friends in this video? Congratulations Laasya - what an amazing opportunity. Hope the judges were nice to work with!

Exploring History at St Anthony's

May Procession - Monday 22nd May 2023

English and Drama: Plays inspired by Greek mythology

As part of our cross-curricular approach to learning in Year 5, we have analysed, planned and drafted plays inspired by Greek mythology. This included working collaboratively to plan and draft our scripts, then acting out scenes and choreographing sequences.


We ended the series of learning by performing our plays for each other, then responding to them with polite and constructive feedback. Have a look at our pictures and see how enthusiastic we were about our performances!

Science: Investigating Solubility

In science this half-term, Year 5 have been examining everyday materials and their functions. We have been identifying and classifying materials based on their properties - deciding which materials would be most suited to a specific purpose.


As part of this, we have also been investigating reversible and irreversible reactions that may occur between materials. Today, we investigated the solubility of a range of solutes to determine which would dissolve in liquids and which would not. We had to identify the independent and dependent variables and the control measure necessary to make the investigation a fair test. We predicted which materials would dissolve in water and noted detailed observations of the solvent after it reacted with the solutes.


Have a look at our scientific investigation - could you predict which of these solutes will dissolve in water?

Year 5 Learning Environment - May 2023

In geography, we have been exploring six of the Earth's biomes. These are areas across the planet that have similar landscapes, climates, flora and fauna. We researched the conditions of each biome and designed a survival guide that people should use if they were to visit.


We presented our findings on trioramas, accompanied by detailed illustrations to show what the biome looks like. Have a read - you never know when you might need these!

English: St Anthony's goes to the House of Commons!

To conclude our balanced arguments topic in English, Year 5 had a debate of their own! We discussed whether the UK should continue to fund space exploration programmes or not. As part of this, two groups had to argue both in support and against this decision. We used brilliant communication in our groups to decide on our arguments, and respectful listening and responding to the arguments put forth.


Have a read of our balanced arguments, which inspired our debate session. Year 5 have impressed with their brilliant use of tier 2 vocabulary and well-structured arguments.


We had a brilliant afternoon - everyone was so articulate and put their arguments across with respect and consideration. Well done to all!

Solar System Music

This half term, we have been responding to different pieces of space-themed music, including The Planets by Gusav Holst, using a range of subject-specific vocabulary such as dynamics, forte, piano, crescendo, and diminuendo to name a few! We have also performed ostinatos from Music of the starry night using chime bars and had a go at rapping the verses of Sun Blast, changing the dynamics by including more or fewer voices.

Science and Art - Our Space Wonder Day!

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Today, Year 5 celebrated the solar system in our Space Wonder Day! We were visited by the WonderDome Planetarium which showed us the stars of our solar system, and even those beyond! We celebrated an afternoon of creativity in our art lessons with Mrs McGuire where we used a range of skills to create single-point perspective drawings.


What an out-of-this-world day!

St Anthony's - Curriculum of Excellence

In Art this half term, we have been focussing on our drawing skills. First, we analysed and responded to Peter Thorpe's (our focus artist's) rocket paintings, then we developed our understanding of drawing from a one point perspective and improving our shading skills to create different tones. After sketching ideas for our space inspired drawings, we created our final pieces using oil pastels against black backgrounds. Take a look at our creative, original masterpieces! Our final task will be to explain some of the decisions behind our drawings and evaluate them.

World Book Day 2023 - St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

Masked Reader 2023

Our History Curriculum ...

English: Tales of the Unexpected...

In English, Year 5 have been creating their own stories designed to build suspense. We began by reading a story that builds suspense, analysing the features they have used to create a tense atmosphere, such as the use of figurative language and descriptions of setting.

Have a read of some of our spine-chilling stories below.

Young Voices 2023

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Young Voices: Miss Leonard and Miss Taylor had the opportunity to take a group of children to Sheffield Arena to once again enjoy the
experience of performing live as an audience of over 4,000 children. This is the first time we have returned since Covid,so it was truly wonderful to experience this joy of singing together once again. The children were an absolute credit to themselves, school and their families.

During Spring we had a wonderful day constructing our own spaghetti truss bridges. The purpose of the bridge was to enable a child's toy car to move from point A to point B (across the bridge). Therefore, being strong and stable enough to hold the weight of the toy car was an essential element of the design criteria we agreed upon. After building them, we tested each bridge and I am delighted to report that all the bridges held the weight of the car and many exceeded 1kg. In fact, the strongest bridge buckled at 3.55kg! I was so proud at the perseverance and problem solving skills all children showed throughout the day, as well as the excellent team work. Our final task will be to evaluate our bridges and suggest possible improvements. Well done, Year 5! Mrs McGuire.

Getting Active at St Anthony's

We are very proud of our PE curriculum in Year 5. It comprises a rich tapestry of provision, both during school time, across lunchtimes as well as extra-curricular provision. Year 5 have experienced dance provision working on an extended provision project over the entire Autumn Term with Northern Ballet Leeds, as part of the RISE project. They receive two hours of PE weekly and take part in residentials and wider sporting opportunities. See our video to find out more.

Science: Exploring Forces in Year 5

During Spring 1 2023, Year 5 have been learning about the different forces they can see in their day-to-day lives! They first began by investigating buoyancy in paper boats - testing a range of boat shapes to see which could hold the most weight before sinking. They compared the effects of buoyancy and gravity. Later, Year 5 constructed parachutes using plastic cups, string and bin bags, changing the size of the bin bag parachute each time. This allowed the children to compare the relationship between the surface area of an object and the impact air resistance has on it. Year 5  have loved our forces topic will be keen investigate where they can see forces around them!

The Sound of Music at St Anthony's

Our Year 5 children have a rich diet of Music provision through our curriculum. They have a curriculum underpinned by Music Express which is the spine to our long term plan. In addition, our Year 3 children have the opportunity to take part in weekly Chamber Choir led by our Choral Director, Mr Tom Leach, from Leeds Diocese. Additionally, we have provision for piano playing in 1:1 sessions, again provided by expert piano teachers from The Diocese of Leeds Piano Project. What a rich diet of provision. Well done Year 5.

D&T: Exploring how to reinforce bridges.

During our Spring 1 Design and Technology topic, we have been exploring how to reinforce structures to make them stronger, looking initially at simple beam bridges and arch bridges. We then moved our learning on further and began investigating how to reinforce beam bridges by folding card in different ways, creating corrugated horizontal beams, using lamination (adding extra layers) and some of us even decided to experiment with additional vertical supports. We recorded are results and were amazed at the weight some of our structures could hold. Stay tuned for next week when we move on to truss bridges!


On Wednesday 18th January 2023, our Year 5 class were immersed in a Wonder Day of first hand learning linked to their ongoing curriculum for History. A visiting drama group brought the topic alive by allowing the children to re-enact Viking times and handle a range of replica sources of evidence from the era. Our children were so excited and could remember more and retained more key knowledge from our bespoke History curriculum as a result. We are so proud of you Year 5!

Design and Technology - Rainforest Stuffed Toys (January 2023)

In design and technology, we have designed, prepared and created stuffed toys inspired by rainforest animals. We learnt a range of new techniques, such as using a blanket stitch to assemble and cleverly stuffing small objects with filling, to create our amazing toys! We first began by designing our toys, then creating the components needed to assemble them. After, we added detail and evaluated our final products. Have a look at what we have made!

English and History - Meet the Maya!

In our History lessons, we have learned about the day-to-day lives of the Maya. We explored the areas they lived in, what their empires were like and how they lived everyday! We then applied this knowledge in our English lessons to write a diary entry from the perspective of a Mayan child. We hope you learn as much as we did!

English and Geography - Save the Rainforest!

In English, we have been exploring the use of formal letters to persuade. We began by exploring some key features of formal letters to persuade, then linking our new knowledge to our Geography lessons, where we discussed ways in which we can prevent deforestation. This helped to show us the ways we can save our planet - all while becoming brilliant writers too!

Robinwood 2023

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Robinwood 2023 - Mountain Group


Before Christmas, Year 5 visited the new Robinwood site in Wrexham for our class residential. We had such a fun experience and would love to share our journey with you!


The Mountain group, which was courageously led by Mr Whittle, took part in a range of extremely exciting activities. Some of our favourites from the trip were the high-ropes challenge, the climbing wall, trapeze and we were lucky enough to go kayaking while it was warm enough!

What a fantastic experience!


Keep your eyes posted for the photos of the Crag and Ridge groups - as well as a photostory showing our experience as a whole class!

Robinwood 2023 - Crag Group


Before Christmas, Year 5 visited a new Robinwood site in Wrexham. We didn't know what the new site would be like, but it was even better than we could have imagined!


Here is Crag group, bravely led by Mr Cook, who took part in a range of challenging and exciting activities. Some of our favourites were archery, the high-ropes challenge and the crate stack - but we had fun on every activity and tried our best!


Keep your eyes posted for pictures of Mountain and Crag group, as well as a brilliant Photostory that will show how much fun we had as a whole class!


Robinwood 2023 - Ridge Group


Before Christmas, our Year 5 class went on an exciting journey to Robinwood in Wrexham! This was our first time visiting this site and we were so amazed with how much fun everything was!


Here is Ridge group, fearlessly led by Mrs Caley, who took part in ziplining, caving, archery and so much more! Keep your eyes posted for the slideshows of Crag and Mountain groups' hard work and achievements as well!

Christmas 2022 at St Anthony's

Our maths work this half-term


This half-term, Year 5 have been learning all about fractions. This has been an extremely challenging topic, but everyone has tried their hardest and persevered!


Have a look at our updated working wall and some of our pupils' fantastic work!

St Anthony's: You're in safe hands

Safeguarding is our top priority at St Anthony's. Please view our video to see some of the many ways we keep our Year 5 children safe. We hope you enjoying viewing our video and reading our safeguarding policies below. Our designated safeguarding staff are: Miss Leonard (Designated Safeguarding Lead), Mr Whittle (Deputy Safeguarding Lead), Miss Taylor and Mrs Doherty. Please make an appointment to see us if you have any concerns using
God bless and keep safe

Advent: Making Advent Wreaths

Personal Development: Leeds Voice and Influence Conference at Leeds Civic Hall

On Tuesday 8th November 2022, our Year 5 school council members were very lucky to be invited to represent the voice of children within Leeds at the Leeds Summit at Leeds Civic Hall in the presence of all the Leeds Councillors. They had the opportunity to share their views, interests, ideas and speak with decision makers in the city. I was so proud of all our children. 

A Taste of Judo

On Thursday 3rd November 2022, Mr Kearney had organised a wonderful opportunity to widen experience and participation in our Year 5 PE curriculum. All classes received age-appropriate Judo Lessons over the day, all focussed around learning new skills and experience this sport. We thank the expert teacher who provided such a high quality PE experience for our children. Our children thoroughly enjoyed the day. We hope they might go on to take part in Judo in the near future. Well done everyone!

Year 5 Writing inspired by The Explorer by Katherine Rundell - Autumn 1 2022

Year 5 have been inspired by their class novel, 'The Explorer' by Katherine Rundell and have written their own recounts from the rainforest. Using Tier 2 vocabulary taken from their novel, they have all written some fantastic pieces. Take a look at some of the ones which are proudly displayed in their classroom. Well done Year 5!

Geography: Rainforests

Our year 5 class have been very busy exploring Rainforests this half term as part of their Geography work. They have located the world's rainforests, thinking carefully about the climate, flora and fauna found at each layer of the rainforest. They have used maps and plans to locate the world's main forests, following up with a bespoke fieldtrip, organised by Mr Cook and the Year 5 team. This enabled the children to visit a woodland forest environment, conduct exercises such as measuring the age of a tree from the circumference of its trunk, as well as identifying trees more commonly found in UK forests. The workshop extended into a visit to Tropical World to understand more about the features of a Rainforest. Year 5 have thoroughly enjoyed their learning and visits to support this topic. Ask them all about it!

Our Spectacular Sam's Safari Visit!

Today, our Year 5 class were visited by Sam's Safari, who brought in many exciting and fascinating animals who live in rainforests! This was a fantastic opportunity to see our geography and science learning in person with a range of insects, amphibians and reptiles visiting - what a fantastic morning of exploration, enquiry and questioning! Well done to everyone for taking part and for being especially brave - there were some even I couldn't touch! Ask us what we have learnt from our visit!

Year 5 Cross Country Event Saturday 1st October 2022

Our St Anthony's Cross Country Team made their first appearance at the first run of the season at Middleton Park on Saturday 1st October 2022. The weather was a little unpredictable, however it did not stop our Year 5 team running their hearts out! There were some very impressive running performances and we look forward to more races later in the season. Mr Kearney, Miss Staunton-Sykes and Mr Easton (Chair of Governors) were all there to watch, along with our dedicated Year 5 parents. Thank you everyone who attended. 

Year 5 Chamber Choir Perform at Leeds Cathedral 15th September 2022

Our Year 5 pupils are part of our well renowned St Anthony's Chamber Choir. This is a highly talented group of individuals who sing in unison and perform at school and across our Diocese. We were invited to perform for Bishop Marcus at the Annual Headteacher's Mass at Leeds Cathedral on Thursday 15th September 2022. The headteachers in the congregation noted our exceptional singing and we were praised by Bishop Marcus. We sung a range of secular songs to link to the mass for the day. I am so proud of our chamber choir members. Well done St Anthony's. 

Welcome to a new school year at St. Anthony's!


We are so excited to welcome your children to a new step in their learning journey in year 5 - we have an extremely exciting year planned filled with brilliant opportunities for learning. Among these will be educational trips to support class learning, weekly visits to promote new experiences and, perhaps most exciting, our Year 5 residential trip.


Year 5's learning will be supported by several members of staff who are all excited to enrich your child's education, but will be primarily supported every day by myself (Mr. Cook) and Mrs. Caley. If you ever wish to speak about your child's time in year 5, please feel free to ask! You can also see our fantastic classroom that the pupils learn in, we hope to add their outstanding work to our display boards.


Year 5 have made a fantastic start to the year and I cannot wait to see how far they will come!



Finale 2022

Our Year Five children wanted to share with your memories of an exceptional year at St Anthony's. I am so proud of you all in your very first year in Upper Key Stage Two. May God bless you all with a super holiday, and I look forward to welcoming you back as our Year Six class in September as you begin your final year in your St Anthony's journey.
Miss Leonard

Our Year 5 class have been sporting superstars today in their annual Sport's Day. What a beautiful day, shared by our parents. Watch us taking part in lots of sporting activities. Huge congratulations to Year 5 Green Team who were worthy winners of the competition. 

St Anthony's Chamber Choir Concert 2022

Our Year 5 pupils have taken part in their annual Chamber Choir performance this week. They have lessons each Tuesday, as part of the Diocese of Leeds Schools Singing Programme. These are delivered by an expert Choral Director from the Diocese, Mr Leech, focusing on positive engagement with singing and supporting the Catholic life of the school through sacred music. The sessions offer practical and incremental coverage of areas of the music curriculum - including notation - in a two-year curriculum framework developed by the Diocese, the National Schools Singing Programme and the National Youth Choir of Scotland. Pupils also have the opportunity to join one of the Diocese's acclaimed after-school choirs. You can find online resources that support this work on the Schools Singing Programme's YouTube channel ( Our local Diocese choir is Leeds Cathedral Choir - please contact for more information about joining. We hope you enjoy our singing. We invited our parents too and they were very impressed. We hope you are too. Happy listening.

Ace Club Sports Gala

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Many thanks to Ace Club who provided a wonderful day of sport for the whole school on Friday. It was amazing to see the children enjoying such a wide range of sports led brilliantly by the Ace Club Leaders.

We are the Netball Champions: Year 5 and Year 6

Well done to our Year 5 and Year 6 Netball Team! Today (21.6.22) they played in their first ever tournament and won EVERY SINGLE match - returning to school as the CHAMPIONS! We are so proud of all you have achieved and the excellent way in which you represented St. Anthony's - you are all super stars! Thank you and well done to Miss Staunton Sykes who has coached them excellently!

St Anthony's Marian Procession 2022

Computing with Junior Jam


This half term, Year 5 are receiving computing sessions from Junior Jam. So far, we have learnt about how fingerprint technology can solve crimes and what an Evofit is and how databases can help with big searches. We have learnt about the different types of fingerprint a person has, how fingerprints can be lifted from a crime scene and even printed and lifted our own fingerprints using a magnetic powder!

We have also created Evofit images of people and learned about how these Evofit images are made into pictures to help solve crimes. Take a look at some of our fantastic learning!

Year 5 - Following a recipe to make vegetable samosas 


To start our topic on 'Food Glorious Food' topic Year 5 followed a recipe to make baked vegetable samosas. They chose whether to follow a recipe based on its intended audience (adults or children) and discussed which recipe was easier to follow and why. 

The children followed all the steps carefully and made some fantastic savoury treats. Well Done Year 5!

Year 5 - Liturgical Dance - Be My Heart, My Hands, My Voice

On Monday 16th May, our Year 5 class were incredibly lucky to take part in an extended workshop with a very special visiting group called "More Than Dance". During the session, Year 5 reflected on being servants of their faith and showing kindness to others, linking to our current focus virtue. As they performed Be my heart, my hands, my voice, I was humbled to see their service in action. Year 5 are true servants of their faith and may God bless them all. I do hope you all enjoy watching Year 5 in action.

Religious Education in Year 5 - Liturgical Dance - In Flanders Fields

This week, Year 5 took part in a dance workshop from More Than Dance. In the workshop, children discussed the virtue of peace and represented this through dance, with a particular focus on the poem Flanders Field. They reflected on war, both in the past and nowadays and their movements and reflections were incredibly moving. All of the children had the opportunity to learn and perform a well polished routine to represent their faith as a class. All our Year 5 children performed with confidence and pride. Well done to all Year 5!

Religious Education through Dance: Performing reflections of our faith through our actions

The Good Shepherd Mass 2022

On Friday 13th May, representative children from our Year 5 class, including some Mini-Vinnies, attended a special mass at Leeds Cathedral. This was the annual Good Shepherd Mass celebrated by Bishop Marcus Stock. Our children took part in the Good Shepherd banner procession, attended Mass and presented a cheque to the Bishop from our Lenten fundraising. The Bishop was most appreciative of our charity and kindness. Thank you St Anthony's! Miss Taylor and Mrs Easton attended with our children. God bless!

PE: U11 Football Success in the Leeds and Holbeck Cup 2022 - We Are the Champions!!

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On Thursday 12th May, the football team won the Leeds and Holbeck Cup, following a season of successful teamwork, sportsmanship and skill! Throughout the match they showed amazing team spirit and determination - we are all very proud of every one of you! Well done!

Year 5 - Glorious Greeks

On Friday 6th May, our Year 5 class were very lucky to visit Leeds Royal Armouries for a bespoke workshop designed to support their History learning on The Greeks. The children were attentive, knowledgeable and a credit to the school. Please take a look at our video below to capture the learning from the day. Well done Year 5!

May is the month of Mary

Our Year 5 pupils have been exploring May as the month of Mary. They have studied different representations of Mary and explored their own artwork to represent Mary. God bless you all Year 5. 

Exploring Faith: Years 5 and 6 visit The Mosque

On Thursday 31st March, Year 5 visited the Jamia Masjid Abu Huraira Mosque in Beeston to further their understanding of the Islamic faith. This was part of our wonderful Faith Week. Our children were able to reflect on similarities and differences and have shared learning of the highest quality orally, through art and in their RE books. Ask us all about it! 

Year 5's Visit to the Local Mosque

RE: Artwork inspired by the parable of the Lost Son

A Pilgrimage of Faith

Year 5 - Brother, Sister - Easter Liturgical Dance

Our Year 5 class created a liturgical dance to celebrate and re-enact the events of Maunday Thursday. In a song entitled, "Brother, Sister, Let me serve you" they reflected on the journey through The Last Supper, from the washing of the feet towards the journey to the cross on Good Friday. We hope you all enjoy watching Year 5 perform their dance for us all this Easter with poise, reverence and dignity in the symbolism of every single moment. This dance culminated the Year 5 pilgrimage of Faith this Lent.

God bless all our Year 5 pupils. What a beautiful way to pray, demonstrate our faith and come together at this most special time in the liturgical calendar. Our Year 5 children are each humble servants of their own faiths and I am so proud of them all.

Miss Leonard

Easter Fundraising

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Well done to everyone who entered our Easter Competitions this year. Watch our photo story to see the amazing bonnets, decorated eggs and Easter gardens - we were amazed by all your entries.

World Book Day 2022

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On Friday 4th March, we celebrated our love of reading and books with World Book Day! Year 5 used this day to launch our new class novel, The Jamie Drake Equation by Christopher Edge, and as you can see, we followed a space theme! From aliens to astronauts, Year 5 was a sea of colour! To help launch our novel and space topic, Year 5 were lucky to take part in a Virtual Reality Space Workshop where every child in the classroom became an astronaut! The whole class simultaneously blasted off into space, piloting their research vessels around planets and moons, learning about the solar system. Who knows... perhaps we inspired the next generation of scientists and astronauts who may one day blast off into space for real!

World Book Day 2022

Our whole school celebrated our love for reading on Friday 4th March 2022. We celebrated the 25th anniversary of World Book Day.
Our theme this year was "cooking up a story!". All our children came dressed as a character from their class novel for this half term. Year 5 launched their novel, The Jamie Drake Equation. They were also treated to a special virtual reality workshop to bring the book alive. It really was out of this world.
We launched our new "Reading Hut" and all our Year 5 children were able to take home a new free book to share at home.
We continue to read, read, read and enjoy the passion for vocabulary and language. What an amazing day we had. Watch our video to find our more. Happy reading!

Rise Schools Project in partnership with Northern Ballet

Year 5 have been very fortunate to be selected by Northern Ballet to take part in a four year RISE partnership. This allows all our Year 5 pupils over four consecutive years to take part in first hand ballet with expert teachers from Northern Ballet. They also visit several ballets performed at many of our wonderful theatres around Leeds. As part of Year 3 of the project, Northern Ballet have made a video, capturing some of our pupils in action in the lessons. We also hear from Mrs Barton, our Year 5 teacher and Mr Whittle, our PE leader. Our children have also given interviews about the impact of the project on them and their passion for ballet. Please take a look ...

DT Structures: Bridges

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Our Year 5 children have been taking part in a Design and Technology project on bridges. They have been following the plan, design, make and evaluate process to undertake their research and making. I think there are some budding engineers in our Year 5 class! Well done!

Year 5 Gears and Engineering Workshop

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Year 5 were incredibly lucky to take part in a fantastic engineering workshop today which was fascinating! It all started with an inspirational Career Kids Presentation, looking at what an engineer is and what they do in the world. I know this inspired some future engineers! This was followed by an exciting workshop all about gears. We looked at how and why gears are used and built different gears together to investigate rotation direction, rotation speed and ratio. The final part of the workshop had the children working in groups to build a small part of a machine, which we put together to build them all into one large class machine!

Year 5 Class Assembly: The Vikings are coming!

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Year 5 came alive last Friday in their class assembly, encouraging the audience to come aboard their longship as a group of Viking men and their sons prepared to go a-Viking, crossing the sea to invade the Lindisfarne monastery. All the children used exceptional acting as they took part in a choreographed invasion set to exciting music. They each recalled their learning all about how the Vikings raided, the important role of the Viking women and the Vikings' legacy.

Here is a little taste of the assembly for you to enjoy!

We learnt that forces are measured in a unit called Newtons. We then learnt how to measure forces using a force meter and used this to consider how friction impacted the size of the force required to move an object on different surfaces.

Virtual Author Workshop: Georgina Stevens

Year 5 were very lucky to take part in a live author workshop with Georgina Stevens. Georgina Stevens is an environmental campaigner and the author of Climate Action. She has 20 years’ experience of working in sustainability and is passionate about sharing her knowledge about climate change and environmental issues with young people. The workshop included an introduction to her work, her writing and her book with an opportunity for questions at the end.

Robinwood Residential 

On Monday 13th December, Year 5 went on their 3 day residential to Robinwood in Alston, Cumbria. It was certainly an action-packed three days during which all the children showed lots of determination, resilience and perseverance. The activities they completed included a range of teambuilding tasks as well as individual challenges. Watch the videos below to see what a wonderful time we all had…

Robinwood - Spring

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Robinwood - Stream

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Robinwood - Waterfall

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Festive Fun at St Anthony's - 2021

Wishing all our Year 5 class a wonderful Christmas. What an amazing Christmas we have had. God bless.

Christmas Party Day

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Sharing and Evaluating: Our Final Northern Ballet Session

St Anthony's Christmas Carol Service 2021

Textiles: Stuffed Toys Project

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As part of our textiles work in DT, Year 5 completed a stuffed toys project! We started by looking at homemade stuffed toys already on the market and moved on to designing our own. We first decided on a simple shape to base our design on before listing other materials we would need. Next we were introduced to the blanket stitch; this was certainly a challenge but with hard work and determination, Year 5 were very successful! Our final step was adding any extra items, decorative stitches or appendages! Enjoy taking a look at our final products!

Year 5 Visit to York Chocolate Story (Part 2)

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In History, Year 5 have been learning about the Maya Civilisation. They took a trip to York Chocolate's Factory to learn about Chocolate to extend their learning on the topic. We hope you enjoy watching our films and photostories from the topic.

Year 5 Visit to The York Chocolate Story

Northern Ballet Session 6

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As this week was our trip to the theatre, of course this week was Merlin focused! Year 5 were incredible in today's session as we explored our magical powers, battling between the Solar Kingdom and the Kingdom of Tides! Each pair had the opportunity to share their performance at the end of the session.

In Science, we dissected flowers to help us learn about their structure. Dissecting a flower visually showed us the different parts of a flower. We learnt and revisited lots of scientific vocabulary today! Good work Year 5 scientists!

Number Fun for Year 5 and 6

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On Wednesday 20th October, Year 5 and 6 enjoyed a morning of Number Fun with Mr Godfrey. Firstly, we all had lots of fun learning a song to help us to remember some of the quadrilaterals and their properties. Afterwards, we became soldiers and learnt our squared numbers. Finally, we used the four operations in one song! The children participated so well and showed us all the power of song in maths!

Year 5 really enjoyed using Hama Beads as part of our focus maths week to explore and make symmetrical patterns. The results were pretty impressive!

Exploring Triangles

As part of our shape focus, Year 5 learnt about the different types of triangles. They were then challenged to use pegboards and elastic bands to make as many different types of triangles as possible, identifying them along the way. I think it is safe to say, it wasn't as easy as we first expected!

Marvellous Maths

Our Year 5 class undertook wonder afternoons to ensure they have a strong retention of knowledge of age related expectations for shape within Year 5. They experienced a Number Fun day, putting their knowledge of quadrilaterals and shape into action using songs and actions. Ask Year 5 all about it! Our video below shows highlights from the week across school. I hope you enjoy it!

Year 5 and 6 Organ Workshop

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Year 5 and 6 were fortunate to see and hear one of the largest and most versatile organs in Europe! Our workshop enabled us to actively learn how pipes of different lengths are used to create sound whilst using them to perform together. Through an interactive workshop with the Wooden One-Octave Organ For Young Technologists, Year 5 and 6 learnt about the organ and how it works, whilst embedding cross-curricular links with Science and Technology. The day concluded with an inspiring concert, showcasing the huge variety of music the organ can play with large-screen illustrations and video projection of the player.

Sam's Safaris Animal Workshop

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Today, Year 5 took part in a rainforest animals workshop led by Sam’s Safaris. The workshop gave us the opportunity to meet rare and exotic invertebrates, reptiles, amphibians, birds and mammals from around the world. We had the chance to handle and observe the animals whilst learning about their life cycles.

This was definitely a test of our resilience today! We applied our knowledge of Roman Numerals to a tri-jigsaw which certainly challenged us! It wasn't as straight forward as it first appeared...

Tropical World

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Year 5 extended their geographical understanding of rainforests and the species that you would find in different layers of the forest, taking part in a bespoke workshop in Roundhay Park. This was followed by a first-hand visit to Tropical World. We had a fantastic trip and the staff at Tropical World were most impressed by the children’s knowledge, behaviour and conduct throughout the day.

Lost Words Inspired Poetry

Collages inspired by Henri Rousseau

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Today we explored the life and artwork of Henri Rousseau. Rousseau was best known for his bold pictures of the jungle, teeming with flora and fauna. We used his work as a starting point to inspire our own rainforest collages. Take a look...

Northern Ballet Session 1

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Year 5 are undertaking an extended partnerhip as part of the Rise project working with Northern Ballet. Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed their first session with Northern Ballet in school today! Today's session had a focus on feelings and how our bodies can show and reflect how we are feeling. After using our bodies to show a range of emotions, we then focused on a particular character: Gaston from Beauty and the Beast. We tried to put our self in his shoes, using our bodies to capture his personality! Later in the term we will watch the Ballet Merlin live at Leeds Grand Theatre.

Mount St Mary's Taster Afternoon

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Year 5 have had a fantastic afternoon at Mount St Mary's! It was such a brilliant experience being able to spend an afternoon in a high school and meet some of the teachers. The afternoon was incredibly busy and we were very fortunate to take part in three taster lessons: Art, DT and PE!

God's Creation Artwork

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Blackout Poetry: The Lost Words

Year 5 enjoyed creating blackout poetry today using the introduction from the Lost Words by Robert Macfarlane. We started by piecing together and isolating single words and phrases which caught our attention, stringing them together to create a 'sentence'. It was then time to get creative! We used images inspired by the Lost Words to black out the words we were not using. Take a look at a couple...

Congratulations to our new altar servers, Madeleine, Kara and Angeline. May God bless them!

smileyWelcome to Year 5! smiley


 First of all, I would like to say a huge welcome back to school; I hope you all had a wonderful rest and are ready for a busy and exciting year in Year 5. I am really looking forward to getting to know you all and helping you shine brightly every single day!


  I hope you are ready because Year 5 is going to be an adventure: we have so many exciting topics, challenges and opportunities ahead of us in the coming months. A Rainforest Adventure, Space Exploration, The Magnificent Maya, Food Glorious Food are just some of the exciting topics in Year 5, and let's not forget Robinwood! I am looking forward to working together with you to ensure you have a happy and memorable year. In order to achieve your potential, I ask for two key things from you: always try your best and believe in yourself. Trust me, if you believe in yourself, anything is possible. Every day is a new challenge! 



You are going to quickly discover just how much I love reading and sharing this passion with you. Our class library is well stocked and ready for you to dive into to discover a world of adventure and possibility: reading is the passport to never ending travel and adventure! One of the best pieces of advice I can give to you is read, read and then read a little bit more! Read what you love and if you don't quite know what that is yet, I will find it for you! I actually have 3 books on the go at the minute (Time Travelling with a Hamster, Rooftoppers and When the Sky Falls) and can't wait to tell you all about others books I have read this summer  - all can be found in the classroom waiting for you!



Remember, the classroom is yours. Please share any ideas you have with me - I would love to hear them! I look forward to seeing you soon!


Mrs Barton yes


Chamber Choir Concert July 2021

Our incredible Chamber Choir performed a repertoire of their incredible singing for us to end their learning over the year. We hope you love hearing the children singing. They have the voice of angels. We are so blessed.
Well done Chamber Choir. Thank you to Lucy Haigh, our Choral Director who teaches the children so well each week too.
We hope you enjoy our beautiful end of year performance.

2020/21 Finale

Sports Day

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It was fantastic to be able to celebrate Sports Day together this year. Year 5 had a fantastic afternoon taking part in an exciting range of sports: running, hockey, football, cricket and more! A huge well done to all of Year 5 for showing fantastic sportsmanship, cheering on their team mates and giving everything a go. A big congratulations to our worthy winners too: the red team!

Sounds of Samba Music Project

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As part of our music curriculum, Year 5 have really enjoyed learning samba drums and the rhythms of Brazil's most prominent form of music and dance! One of the most exciting elements of samba is the range of percussion instruments. While every instrument has its own sound and serves its own particular purpose, the cumulative effect energises the listener so they have no choice but to dance! We have learnt to play the surdo, tamborim, ganza and agogo bells! We are currently perfecting our final performance - watch this space!

Geography Project - Food Trade and Transport

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"Before you've finished your breakfast this morning, you'll have relied on half the world" - Martin Luther King.
Year 5 were tasked with a very interesting project this week exploring the ultimate question: Where does our food come from? Each day Year 5 were set a focus area to complete, researching and presenting the following areas: trade, export and import, food miles and Fair Trade. From PowerPoints to booklets, our work was published to a very high standard. Year 5 enjoyed exploring the food in their homes and finding out about their country of origin.

Leeds Children's Mayor Manifestos

Leeds Children’s Mayor (LCM) is an annual citizenship project for primary schools that is now entering its 19th year. Run in partnership between the Democratic Services and Voice, Influence and Change Team at Leeds City Council, the project aims to actively engage children in the process of democracy and promote an understanding of their rights and responsibilities. Year 5 children are asked to write a short manifesto about how they would make Leeds a better city for other children, starting with the following line:

“If I were Children’s Mayor of Leeds I would…”

As a class, we voted for our favourite manifesto which become St Anthony's candidate for the year. A panel of children and young people helped to shortlist them down to a final 12 yesterday, selecting who to move forward to the citywide election and voting stage. We are thrilled that our school entry has made it into the final 12! Let campaigning begin... 

Year 5 Poetry: Happiness and Wellbeing

Year 5 love a writing competition and we found the perfect opportunity to showcase our writing skills! The Merrion Centre launched their 'Write a Happy Rhyme - Win a Great Time!' competition and we jumped at the opportunity! To enter, we wrote poems on the theme of 'Happiness and Wellbeing'.

Year 5 Bake Off

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As part of our DT curriculum, Year 5 were challenged to adapt a recipe for a particular purpose. We started by exploring biscuits already on the market; Year 5 certainly enjoyed tasting as part of their market research. In teams, we designed a biscuit for particular occasions, thinking what could be added, how they could be shaped, decorations and flavourings. We enjoyed a full Bake Off Day creating our biscuits according to our design specifications. Close attention to detail was certainly paid to ensure our products were of a high quality. Biscuits were judged by their creativity, taste, texture, branding, teamwork and how well they met their specification. It was a tough decision to make. All bakers should be very proud of themselves!

Pop Art

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Year 5 created their own comic strip style ‘pop art’ inspired by Roy Lichtenstein. Roy Lichtenstein is famous for comic strip type drawings, painting everyday objects, and for using onomatopoeia in his art work. Enjoy our bright and colourful interpretations of his artwork!

As part of our PSHE curriculum, Year 5 were visited by Dave from d:side. During our session, we learnt about the dangers of solvents and the different products which contain solvents. We also explored how to deal with peer pressure.

ACE Sports Gala

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On Monday 28th June, Year 5 had an action-packed afternoon at the ACE Club Sports Gala. From dancing to football to dodgeball, all the children had a wonderful time! Thank you ACE club!

Mr Whittle's Shape Challenge

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On Friday afternoon, the children learnt all about the properties of 3 dimensional shapes! To help the children learn how many faces, vertices and edges these shape have Mr Whittle set them a very special challenge: 'Using canes and blue-tac, can you construct a 3d shape?" It was a wonderful afternoon - watch the photo story to see if they were successful!!

D:Side Visit: Using Social Media Safely

Today d:side visited and Year 5 took part in a very interesting computer safety workshop with a focus on social media. We explored safe use of social media; the positive and negative effects of social media; asking trusted adults for help; and responsible and safe use of the internet.

This half term, Year 5 are using the Garage Band app to develop their computing skills through making music! The children have selected and compiled a sequence of sound in pairs to create their own composition.

Celebrating the Feast Day of St Anthony

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St Anthony is usually depicted holding lilies, representing his purity and trustworthiness. The lily also flowers in June – the month of Saint Anthony’s Feast Day! To celebrate the Feast Day of St Anthony, Year 5 painted lilies - take a look...

Roman Mosaics: Romulus and Remus

As part of our Roman Wonder Day, Year 5 explored the story of Romulus and Remus and recreated the key moments in the story in mosaic form! This took a great amount of patience and team work but we were really proud of the results!

Properties of Materials - Brighter Bulbs Investigation

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Year 5 were comparing and grouping together everyday materials on the basis of their electrical conductivity by investigating the best electrical conductors.

Our aim was to find out which electrical conductors would make a bulb shine brightest. Working in groups, Year 5 investigated the conductivity of different materials by setting up a simple circuit with a battery and a bulb, and using different metals to complete the circuit. We carefully observed the brightness of the bulb with each material. The results were unanimous...

PSHE - Bringing Nature Back into our Lives

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Mental Health Awareness Week helps us all explore what we can do to look after our own and each other’s mental health. The 2021 theme is ‘Nature’ and how it can help us all to feel well. Being able to access nature and the natural environment is incredibly important in looking after our mental health. Year 5 explored how spending time in nature or bringing nature into our lives in any way can help us! We all created wonderful posters to show how people can bring nature back into their lives....

Our Easter Crosses

Internet Safety: Be SMART!

Our Little Book of Hope

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Take a look at our 'Little Book of Hope' inspired by our Collective Worships and 'The Book of Hopes' edited by one of our favourite authors, Katherine Rundell. Our book contains pictures, prayers and words to comfort and inspire.

Explanation Texts: How does the human ear work?

Greek Vase Designs

History: Roman Wonder Day

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Our Roman Wonder Day will certainly be a day to remember! From Roman Numerals to Romulus and Remus, Year 5 were immersed in Roman culture. Today was an opportunity to experience a taster of a fascinating history topic - a Year 4 topic missed due to school closure. The day certainly enriched our History curriculum and provided Year 5 with a wide range of first-hand experiences. We had a fantastic visit from the History Squad. During our workshop, our centurion, in full Roman armour, introduced us to day to day life of Romans in Britain. We started with a detailed examination of a legionary's kit and then it was time to perform some marching and shield drills (in Latin!).
Take a look!

Building vocabulary!

Year 4 & 5 Roman Wonder Day

Our Year 5 French curriculum in action!

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Year 5 thoroughly enjoy their weekly French lessons with Madame Matias. Lessons are taught using a native French epxert teacher from Junior Jam, working alongside our own teachers. Watch the video above to see the children revising body parts through a game of ‘Simon Says...’ as well as seeing them learn all French numbers between 0 and 100 with some comical dance moves! The carefully crafted sequence of learning has allowed our pupils to progress really well with their French skills over Key Stage 2. Well done Year 5.

PE: Rugby with Hunslet Hawks

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We have been really lucky to have a term of bespoke teaching from Hunslet Hawks to develop and progress children's skill and knowledge in Rugby. Lessons build skill progressively and the results have been brilliant! Year 5 have been enjoying rugby training over the last term with Hunslet Hawks! Take a look...

Science Week

Our Whole School Science Week was amazing and a super way to start our Summer Term. Year 5 were so excited. All learning was focussed around prior topics, and topics missed due to lockdowns. The first hand experiences, visits, experiments and content were all carefully planned and crafted to ensure Science knowledge is secure. What an amazing week we had. I am so proud of you Year 5. Miss Leonard and the Year 5 team.

Science Week: Investigating Circuits

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Today we were investigating circuits! We looked at a range of simple circuits and worked in groups to predict whether or not the circuits would work, explaining our reasoning. After that we constructed the circuits to test our predictions and recorded our findings!

Science Week: Sublime Science Workshop

Science Week: Learning about our very own chicks!

Science Week: Engineering and Gears Workshop

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Year 5 were incredibly lucky to take part in a fantastic engineering workshop today which was fascinating! It all started with an inspirational Career Kids Presentation, looking at what an engineer is and what they do in the world. I know this inspired some future engineers! This was followed by an exciting workshop all about gears. We looked at how and why gears are used and built different gears together to investigate rotation direction, rotation speed and ratio. The final part of the workshop had the children working in groups to build a small part of a machine, which we put together to build them all into one large class machine!

Science Week: Wonderdome

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Today we had a special visit from the Wonderdome to enhance our learning of space! The planetarium provided us with a completely blacked out environment which was perfect for observing the stars and planets in our galaxy – the Milky Way. We truly were space explorers and were fascinated by some of the new things we learnt today! Remember your challenge Year 5...can you spot big bear and little bear in the sky tonight?!

Science Week: Mad Science

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The perfect start to our St Anthony's Science Week! Mad Science launched the week with a very exciting assembly. This was followed by a hair-raising 'Watts Up' workshop in the classroom. We learnt about static electricity, lightning, electrons and much more! The Van de Graaff generator was fascinating to explore! Thank you Mad Science!

Year 5 Easter Competition

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A huge well done to all the children who entered our Easter Competition this year, you made some wonderful bonnets, decorated eggs and Easter gardens. Watch the video to see the wonderful entries!

Easter at St Anthony's

Holy Week - St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

During Holy Week in 2021, we have been reflecting on the key events of this most important week. Each of our classes have re-enacted important events, shared liturgical dances, songs and prayers. Year 5 took the lead in representing Holy Thursday and the washing of the feet through liturgical dance. Such respectful dance, mime and prayer ... well done Year 5. This truly reflective video shows Holy Week at St Anthony's at its most holy. We hope you can share our learning, prayer and humble praise in your homes with us this year. God bless you all this Holy Week. 

Science: Measuring forces

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We learnt that forces are measured in a unit called Newtons. We then learnt how to measure forces using a force meter and used this to consider how friction impacted the size of the force required to move an object on different surfaces.

Science: Investigating the effects of friction using friction frogs!

RE: Artwork inspired by the parable of the Lost Son

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We are very proud of our home learning achievements!

A great big THANK YOU to our parents and carers!

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We would like to say a huge thank you to all of our parents and carers for all of the support with home learning over the last 8 weeks!

World Book Day - The Rainbow Fish - St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

Hello Year 5,

Happy World Book Day. The theme of our World Book Day this year is "share a story". All our staff in school have made two very special stories for you to share together with your families. We are watching them both today at school, but you might want to share this with your families too.

Keep sharing your love for reading as this is one of the most important gifts we can give our children.

God bless and enjoy,

Miss Leonard


I wish to thank Mr and Mrs Easton and Mrs Barton (Our English Leader) for their kind assistance making this reading compilation in partnership with us. 

World Book Day - Franklin's Flying Bookshop - St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

A True Inspiration: Captain Sir Tom Moore

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Over the last year we have been inspired by many people who have worked tirelessly for the good of others. We thank God for all those working in the NHS and those amazing scientists who have given us all hope by developing the vaccine that will hopefully help some form of normality to return. Their work and commitment was recognised by one very special man: Captain Sir Tom Moore who sadly passed away on the 2nd February 2021 at the wonderful age of 100. Today we focused our learning on this inspirational gentleman, learning about his life and the acts of kindness that he showed in his final year. He certainly followed in the footsteps of Jesus and we had a fantastic day learning all about him whether we were in school or at home! Some were inspired to write poetry; others were inspired to create fantastic artwork! Enjoy!

Poetry inspired by Pie Corbett

Geography: Biomes in a Box

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We have been very busy learning all about the major biomes of the world in our Geography work this half term. We became experts on a biome of our choice and looked at animal adaptions, designing our own animal adapted to a particular biome. Finally, on Friday we made 'Biomes in a Box', thinking carefully about how to best represent our chosen biome and the flora and fauna found there! Both the children in school and at home have worked incredibly hard - take a look...

Year 5 First Holy Communions

St Anthony's Catholic Primary School - Carol Service 2020

Please join us for our 2020 carol service.

Year 5 message from Santa

Chamber Choir - Do you hear what I hear?

Chamber Choir - Once in Royal David's City

Christmas Dinner

Exciting Elf Wonder Day

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A sea of green and red could be seen today in Year 5 as we transformed into a class full of mischievous elves! What an exciting day we have had! From Christmas crafts to meeting two adorable reindeer, it has certainly been a day to remember. During the afternoon, we took part in 'Mission Parachute'. Santa left a present in the sleigh and it was our job to build parachutes so the elves could drop the presents safely down to him! It just so happened that the gift Santa left was an egg! Teamwork really was the key to success!

Our Christmas Stockings

Christmas Preparations

Chocolate Workshop

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Today, as part of our history work around the Maya, Year 5 were taken on an exciting, comprehensive and very carefully crafted ‘chocolate journey’. The children had to work really hard to become a “Level 10 CHOCOLATOLOGIST” (the highest level!). Here are just a few areas covered today:
 A summary of the history & origins of chocolate from 1000 BC to date, including what the Maya did with cocoa beans
 Where cocoa trees grow and why it’s specific to rainforests and what’s happening to rainforests (deforestation)
 The cocoa harvesting process: what happens on a cocoa tree plantation in a rainforest
 Sensory testing of chocolate using our 5 senses
 The main ideas behind Fairtrade
 A practical chocolate making session

Animals of the Rainforest Workshop

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Today, Year 5 took part in a rainforest animals workshop led by Sam’s Safaris. The workshop gave us the opportunity to meet rare and exotic invertebrates, reptiles, amphibians, birds and mammals from around the world. We had the chance to handle and observe the animals whilst learning about their life cycles.

Collages inspired by Henri Rousseau

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This half term, we have been studying jungle paintings by Henri Rousseau which inspired us to create our own jungle collages. To develop our collaging skills, we used layering and photomontage as well. Take a look at our finished pieces! Our next challenge will be to take a section of our jungle collages and use this to create a fabric collage (including applique). We can't wait to make a start on the next part of our learning journey. Stay tuned!

Year 5 First Holy Communion Catechesis: Heart Speaks to Heart

Our Year 5 class have begun their Family Catechesis for First Holy Communion. They are prayerfully continuing their journey of faith. We continue to pray for them as they learn and grow together in faith, hope and love. 

Making our shelters

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Over the past 2 weeks we've been making jungle shelters in our DT lessons. We've investigated shelters, practised joins and designed our shelters in preparation and look forward to evaluating them tomorrow.

Science: Dissecting Flowers

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In Science, we dissected flowers to help us learn about their structure. Dissecting a flower visually showed us the different parts of a flower.

Art: Rainforest Animals

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Geography: Locating the Amazon Rainforest

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In Year 5, we loved learning all about the Amazon Rainforest. We worked hard to develop our mapping skills and looked closely at the countries which border Brazil. Next, we explored the physical geography of Brazil, focusing on landscape, climate, wildlife and people.

Making joins in Design Technology

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This half term in DT, we are going to be making shelters inspired by our class book, "The Explorer". To prepare us for making our plans next week, we spent today's lesson exploring how to join straws with string to make the frame of a shelter (as sticks, leaves and string are some of the only materials our explorers would have had access to in the Amazon jungle). We definitely had to use our growth mindset as it was quite challenging but we will use what we learned today (from ourselves and each other) going forward to design and make some super shelters! Take a look at how we did.

Year 5 Residential to Robinwood

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Writing across the curriculum

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Year 5 are fantastic authors who love to write for a real purpose and audience! Take a look at some of our fantastic writing from across the curriculum!

Murton Park

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Today Year 5 were Viking settlers and experienced first-hand the daily life of a Viking family at Murton Park! We arrived in a new land and tried to make a new life for ourselves and families. In our Viking village, we learnt lots of new skills and the hard work and dangers that were part of daily life. As well as domestic tasks such as firewood collecting, grinding grain to make bread and making oil lamps, we also had to learn about farming and how to guard our homes against danger. The day ended with a visit to the longhouse to compare our homes with the home of a Viking Lord, and the arrival of an unexpected visitor...

Music: We are listeners!

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In Year 5, we have been focusing on listening to and appraising music from the past. We started by developing our musical vocabulary and understating the meaning of words such as structure, texture, timbre, pitch and tempo. We then embarked on our Musical Historians project listening carefully to music from the past and responding creatively to this. Opinions really varied across Year 5 as we listened to music by various composers: L’hom Arme, Arrival of the Queen of Sheba and The Sugar Plum Fairy. We responded creatively to the music by completing listening logs and talked about how the music made us feel inside. We then compared the music to music we might listen to today. Have a look at some of our listening logs...

RE in Year 5

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Take a look inside our RE books at some of our wonderful work from this year!

World Book Day

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What a fantastic day celebrating a love of books and reading! Year 5 love to read!

Our Creative Writing Workshop at Leeds Central Library

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To celebrate World Book Day, Year 5 joined the bestselling children’s author, James Nicol, for a creative writing workshop at Leeds Central Library. We had a fantastic afternoon and are filled with many story ideas. At the end of the workshop, we had a question and answer session all about life as an author. James gave us lots of top tips for writing and we can’t wait to try them out in the classroom! Thank you!

Maths in Year 5

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Take a look into Year 5's Maths books - we love to share our learning. We have been working really hard on our understanding and application of the four written methods. We have lots of opportunities to apply our learning through reasoning and problem solving activities.

Our Viking Oil Lamps - Clay Work

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During our time at Murton Park, we learnt about Viking longhouses and how they were dark, windowless dwellings so artificial light was important. We thought about how the homes could be lit, then made simple oil lamps in the style of those used by Vikings using clay. Take a look at our designs. It wasn't as easy as we thought it would be - particularly carving the designs into the clay!

Drama in Year 5: Beowulf and Warriors Workshop

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As part of St Anthony's Book Week, Year 5 had a special workshop celebrating Beowulf. Using narration and working in role,we experienced the story from the point of view of warriors who follow Beowulf on a journey across the Baltic sea to avenge his father’s allies of a monstrous human called Grendel.

Artwork inspired by Peter Thorpe

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As part of our learning on space, Year 5 studied the artist Peter Thorpe. We looked closely at his rocket paintings and were inspired to create our own. Before starting, we enjoyed learning all about abstract art and creating our own abstract backgrounds using paint. It certainly was very messy but we had great fun experimenting with flicking paint on a black background.

Science: Measuring forces

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Today we started our new topic: forces. We learnt that forces are measured in a unit called Newtons. We then learnt how to measure forces using a force meter.

French in Year 5

Our Class Assembly: Into the Great Unknown

A Journey into Space

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Today we had a special visit from the Wonderdome to enhance our learning of space! The planetarium provided us with a completely blacked out environment which was perfect for observing the stars and planets in our galaxy – the Milky Way. We truly were space explorers and were fascinated by some of the new things we learnt today! Remember your challenge Year 5...can you spot big bear and little bear in the sky tonight?!
Year 5 visited Robinwood in Cumbria for their three-day residential in January 2020. They were accompanied by Mrs Barton, Miss Leonard, Mrs Clark and Mr Whittle. The whole class had an incredible time, collaborating, team building and pushing themselves to reach new targets! The teachers were so proud of their bravery, kindness and co-operation with each other. Well done Year 5.

Maya Archaeologist Visit

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On Friday 13th December, Dr Diane Davies came to visit Year 5. Dr Diane Davies is an archaeologist. During our workshop, we learnt so many fascinating facts on the Maya! Here are some of the things we looked at:

How archaeologists gain an understanding about the past from only the material remains
Information about the rainforest and what it is like to work there
The magnificent achievements of the Maya in architecture, art, maths, astronomy, the calendar, writing and chocolate
Handling and carrying out historical enquiry with a vast collection of artefacts
Calculating using the Maya number system

We are scientists!

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Wow! What a fabulous week we have had! From slime to dinosaurs, we have enjoyed so many exciting investigations and developed our scientific understanding. Take a look at what we experienced during our science themed week!

Bowland Farm

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Year 5 had great fun on Friday meeting and learning about all the animals from Bowland Farm!

Exploring Brazil and the Amazon Rainforest

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In Year 5, we loved learning all about the Amazon Rainforest. We worked hard to develop our mapping skills and looked closely at the countries which border Brazil. Next, we explored the physical geography of Brazil, focusing on landscape, climate, wildlife and people. We then used data to draw our own graphs showing the average monthly temperature in a tropical rainforest and average rainfall. Some of us drew line graphs to compare the average temperatures in Manaus and London! After gaining a good understanding of the climate, we explored deeper into the rainforest learning about the four layers.Our learning was topped off with a visit to Tropical World, comparing our native woodland with tropical rainforests! Whilst learning about the rainforest, we learnt all about the life and work of Sir David Attenborough. Year 5 are truly inspired to continue with his amazing work saving the world's precious rainforests!

Stewards of the Earth

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In our RE lessons, we have been learning all about God's Creation. We reflected on our responsibilities: God has made us caretakers or stewards of creation and it is our responsibility to look after it. Today we created artwork to reflect on what this means to us and the results were amazing! Year 5 really are true artists!

Sharing our 'Just So Stories'

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Year 5 have been working incredibly hard on their 'Just So Stories' inspired by Rudyard Kipling. Over the last few weeks, we have planned, drafted, edited and published our own stories. Some of these include 'How the owl got his wings', 'How the ostrich got his neck', 'How the whale became so big' and much much more! 'Just So Stories' were written to be read aloud - commonly as bed time stories. Today we gave our writing a real audience: Year 2! We read our stories to a partner and shared our fantastic work.

Building structures

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This half-term, our Design and Technology topic is 'Building Shelters'. Last week, we looked at lots of different shelters and what materials they were made of. Today we were set the challenge of building a sturdy structure using a range of materials including straws, pipe cleaners, tape and more! We wanted to find out how best to join materials together to create a structure and how to reinforce these structures to make them stronger.

Year 5 is clearly full of future engineers - well done! :)

smileyWelcome to Year 5!smiley


  First of all, I would like to say a huge welcome back to school; I hope you all had a wonderful rest and are ready for a busy and exciting year in Year 5! I am really looking forward to getting to know you all and helping you shine brightly every single day! I feel very lucky to be sharing my first year teaching at St Anthony's with you as I have already heard so many wonderful things.


   I hope you are ready because Year 5 is going to be an adventure: we have so many exciting topics, trips, visits, challenges and opportunities ahead of us in the coming months. I am looking forward to working together with you to ensure you have a happy and memorable year. In order to achieve your potential, I ask for two key things from you: always try your best and believe in yourself. Trust me, if you believe in yourself anything is possible. Every day is a new challenge!




 It is important that you come into school with a mature attitude towards your learning and continue this at home. Here are a few reminders to help you along the way:


*Read, read and read a little more! Reading really is the key to success. I challenge you to read at home every single night. Please remember that reading is not a race: take your time to fully immerse yourself in a story! Please ensure an adult signs your planner. Be a vocabulary ninja! Don't skip over unfamiliar words - take the time to look up their meaning and share new words you have learnt with me at school!               


*Learn your weekly spellings and rules. This will help you develop strategies to spell unfamiliar words and build your confidence as a speller! Spellings will be tested weekly. This will help me know which spelling patterns need a little more work in class.


*Complete your weekly homework to the best of your ability. This should be the same standard as your class work.


*Ensure your planner is in school everyday. This way we can communicate well with home and you can write important notes or dates. You are in Upper Key Stage 2 now so it is important that you begin to organise yourself.


*Have your PE kits in school. PE days will be a Tuesday and Wednesday. Swimming will be every Thursday. It would be helpful to have your PE kit in school every day. This way, if our PE day changes for any reason you are able to participate readily.


*Play Times Tables Rockstars. Just a few minutes a day will have a huge impact on your speed - trust me! Hard work and dedication will be celebrated in class!


*Arrive at school on time ready for our first lesson of the day. Every minute of learning is precious. 


Remember, the classroom is yours. Please share any ideas you have with me - I would love to hear them!



Miss Gambrill


